Becoming Influencial and God-like, like the great people of our time


Senior Don Juan
Dec 19, 2001
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Have you ever seen or known one of those guys that seem so…influential.

Let me expand. Let me better get my point across using people we already know.

Take Muhammad Ali, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King as examples.

Has anyone here ever watched any documentaries on Ali? From the second he came into the national spotlight he was so loved and respected and honored. Eventually that honor, respect and love was turned into envy. Envy to the point where people felt honored to be seen with him, to touch him, to even remotely have anything to do with such a man.

I remember watching a documentary on Ali and it showed him in a recent Sports Illustrated sportsman of the century award or something and Billy Crystal was the host that was about call his name out as the winner of the award. And he gave an introduction to Ali and his life. He’d say something like:

“The winner of this award is a man that needs no introduction, a man who has contributed to the world of sport, blah blah blah” and as he said all of this little slow-motion clips of Ali’s most memorable fights such as the Ali v Frazier, Ali v Foreman, etc. were all playing on a big screen in the background as Billy Crystal was saying all this and that alone sent chills up and down my spine as a stared and wondered endlessly in amazement at how a nobody like he used to be could rise up to be such an influential person.

And as Billy called out for Muhammad Ali to come up to the stage and receive his award the camera switched to show Ali, surrounded by his family and loved ones and before he got up, shakily due to Parkinson’s, you’d see the whole crowd of, what, 50000+ people rose up on their feet and started clapping as if he was GOD, this quadrupled the amount of chills that were already going up and down my spine. A shaky but confident smile slowly appeared on Ali’s face as he rose up, eventually got up on the stage and before receiving the award from Billy he got into his boxing stance and started throwing playful punches at Billy Crystal and he played along with it and started acting scared, which got the crowd laughing.

I remember in the same documentary it showed footage of when they presented him with a gold medal replacing the gold medal that he had won several years back but had thrown in the river and as he stood there shakily at the centre of a basketball ring in the Olympics (can’t remember which one) in front of everyone and it showed how all the American basketball players all crowded around him and started to pat him and touch him as if he was gold, as if they will gain part of his invincibility just by touching him. I’m talking about some of America’s and the world’s best basketball players who some of us consider gods trying to be at least close to Ali and seeing it as a privilege.

And as I saw this I couldn’t help but think HOW CAN YOU AND I BECOME SO INFLUENCIAL, SO GODLIKE, SO…words cannot describe it.

And I remember Martin Luther Kings speech, how he’s screaming out those famous words: “I have a dream…” and when you hear him scream those words out with such determination you get the same chills up and down your spine and you just want to bow down to such a person.

Nelson Mandela is also another example.

But lets step it down a little, not all of us can be a Muhammad Ali, or a Martin Luther King, or a Nelson Mandela not because we don’t have the potential (well some of us don’t) but mostly because we aren’t in the same situation that they were. So lets take more practical people into view.

Vin Diesel is one, Tyrese in 2fast 2furiouse is another, most basketball players are another example and I’m sure there are even people like this in your school or college or workplace.

Ok lets take Tyrese in 2fast 2furiouse. Ok the movie is about to come out here in Australia so I haven’t seen it…YET but I’ve seen the commercials, and just from those, what, 15 seconds, I got an impression of this guy, at the end of the commercial I thought something like, “this guy is the definition of cool”. Why did I think so?

It was the way he was, he seemed to have this masculinity about him, this style, an attitude I guess. Maybe some of you can describe it better. Just the way I saw him punch out that guy in the movie, the way I saw him take off his shirt quickly and without hesitation wrap it around his fist run up and smash the window of the car in, the way he said “I was made for this”, when he said “you did the stare-and-drive didn’t you? I taught him that”.

I don’t know and I can’t quite find words to explain it but I’m sure you all know what I mean. What I want to know is HOW DO YOU AND I BECOME LIKE THAT, SO INFLUENCIAL, SO GODLIKE.

Lets take some basketball players for example, the African American ones (no offence to you African Americans, it’s just that you are the type of people I have normally found these kinds of characteristics in, as far as I’ve paid attention that is), I was watching the news today and, I don’t know if you’ve heard of him, I saw this 18 year-old kid in the NBA and the reported said that he was on contract for a couple million dollars.

But that’s not the point. As I watched the clips of this guy you see him outrun his opponents, duck under their arms and slam dunk the mothafuka and you see him running backwards on the court screaming something out and punching his chest as if to say “I’m da man”. He’s not the only one though, there are tones of other basketball players or NFL players that I see like this. You just look at them and when they get the ball you rise to your feet and you donate 150% of your attention to every movement of their body and what they’ll do next. Even if they don’t do as good as you expect them to you still think to yourself, “see how good he is”.

Ok I’ll take one last person as an example, he’s a guy in my school. When he came to the school a few years ago nobody knew him. He just had a couple of friends from his primary school in my high school so he was quickly introduced to others. He’s a Samoan boy (if you don’t know what country that is then research it) and Samoan boys are practically born playing Rugby. So he’s been playing since he was a little kid, ofcourse not every in the school knew this. So he joins the football team, he’s good and suddenly everyone knows him and pays the highest respect to him, no one dares piss him off probably because he straight away showed the type of person he was, i.e. capable of kicking ass.

For example this once we were all sitting in class just talking to each other and our teacher wanted to play a game with us, but we didn’t. So this guy’s talking with his friends and the teacher’s trying to explain the way the game’s supposed to be played, it was a catching game, so she threw something at him while he was talking with his friend and it nipped his ear. As the teacher threw the thing, I think it was keys, she said “so when I throw this what are you gonna do”, the keys touched his ear, he got up, stood right infront of the teacher’s face and said “I’m gonna get up and punch you in the face”
Everyone was quick to calm him down, take him out and tell him to chill, etc.

Now he has a reputation like a king, everyone knows him, we’re in year 11 and even the older students have the highest respects for him. NOBODY, looks at him the wrong way, he’s NOT a “thug-wannabe” or anything, he DOESN’T pick on anyone just because he’s superior or anything, he’s definitely NOT a bully or anything but if you do disrespect him in ANY way, he will not care what your age is he’ll ask you if you really want to fight him. And he’ll take you on and put up a hella good challenge. I remember when we were in year 10 and some year 11 guy or something wanted to fight him, he excepted straight away and invited him to start right there.

I play rugby with him and I see the way he is, not only does he have a lot skill (because of the experience) but when he’s on the field he’s there to kill, it’s his coliseum. His not big, his build like me, he’s not weak but he’s not the Hulk either but when you see him play he will, with no hesitation, tackle the biggest guy you throw at him. He’ll sometimes get smashed in some of the tackles and he’ll ask me “what number was that guy?” I tell him and then you see the same guy being carried off to hospital.

Girls want him, even though he doesn’t want them. He’s makes more friends than he needs, he doesn’t even want friends but people want to become his friend, to be around him.

It’s this type of personality that I want to achieve as well.

Any ideas how?


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2002
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Oh man, with the length of this thing i thought it was gonna be a tip :(

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
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:rolleyes: Everyone wants to be a rockstar, Muhammad Ali, whatever.

Fact of the matter: You won't be.

I can tell you, you can acheive whatever you want like your mom will - but unless you focus your life on it you'll never reach that point.

Again: The attitude?

The attitude of Muhammad Ali without being Ali will get your a$$ kicked. To command such respect, one must be arrogent and aggressive...

You'll just seem like an exceedingly ****y man.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 19, 2001
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the first person who can actually understand what is being said here will be considered a geniouse by me.

coz neither of these first two have understood what i asked.

let me make it more brief and to the point.

what characteristics and personallity traits do you need to adopt and develop to become like the people mentioned in the first post?

some people on this forum are like homer simpson, they get dumber as time goes by.


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2002
Reaction score
Look at the traits of these people. Try to develop those traits. Most people are too lazy to put in the effort. Why don't we have thousands of people like Ali and Martin Luth King Jr. today? Let me answer that question with a question - What is the most common human characteristic, Fear or Laziness? :confused:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2002
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Detroit MI
to be admired like a "god" you must have a talent better than anyone else.

Muhammad Ali: was a great boxer.

Martin Luther King: "had a dream" he was one of the best visinorys.

forest gump: :p he could run like the wind. he did some really redneck things and sounded funny but he could run! so he became "important"

Samoan boy: is king of rugby he stands up for himself therfor people admire him and he is liked

what can you do better then anyone else? develope this talent and make it even stronger be the best.


New Member
May 23, 2003
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Drug lord i fell ya, but let me tell you one thing.. you wont become anything like that. Why? The attitude you want has to come naturally if you sit around all day dreaming to have that attitude trying to change every single thing about you.. well guess what? it wont happen. That kid you were talking about dosen''t give a damn and hell he dosent sit around studying his attitude it just came.

Don't think you understood what i said, but thats the simplest way i could put it. Btw where in Australia are you?



Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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It is all about the mindset. Ali knew he will beat the crap out of next guy in the ring.

Tyresse? PLEASE! the guy reminded me of a stupid pickpocket with the ****tiest attitude ever

"we are hungry!" oh boy, get the **** out before i kick your ass!

grrr , i cant believe chicks like that dumbass.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
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Drug_L0rd: You want respect? Become a crime lord, but like everything else... it takes determination and willpower to get power.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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Trust, Hardwork, self-confidience, intelligence, courage.

These are the underlying factors in all of your examples.

Trust: You must be certin that the people closest to you won't tell you out, you have to know everything about them.

Hardwork: This is one of the other factors, you must work to get what you want. Nobody ever did anything by sitting on thier butts.

Self-Confidience: You must know that you can do it. Once you know that you can, you will.

Intelligence: You must know everything about your task, you must know everything that is romotly similar to your task. You must have a large vocabulary. You must know what you are talking about.

Courage: Even though you are scared, even though you might not end like you want to, you must push foward!