I describe a DJ movie as any movie with one or more characters that display the honed characteristics of the perfect DJ. Basically meaning if you were to watch the movie you would actually be learning some good material
Fight Club - Brad Pitts character in this movie is completley C&F, and his care free attitude demonstrates key DJ examples. (also most movies with Brad PItt will work haha)
Thank you for smoking - This movie just started its wide release yesterday, i beg you all see it. The main character is a Tobacco spokesman, this characters ability to keep cool in tough situations, his C&F attitude is a perfect demonstration, not to mention that you can learn alot about smiling's effectivness.
Im only listing two because i want you guys to post as well!
Fight Club - Brad Pitts character in this movie is completley C&F, and his care free attitude demonstrates key DJ examples. (also most movies with Brad PItt will work haha)
Thank you for smoking - This movie just started its wide release yesterday, i beg you all see it. The main character is a Tobacco spokesman, this characters ability to keep cool in tough situations, his C&F attitude is a perfect demonstration, not to mention that you can learn alot about smiling's effectivness.
Im only listing two because i want you guys to post as well!