Easy words for an easy action.
What does the verb "to next" mean?
It simply is a way of telling going for the next women in your life. Moving on, leave the woman in question behind.
Why should I next someone?
Because you don't need the drama. You're a DJ. You've got more important things to do, besides women, and besides that woman.
You've got in your hands a bowl of food that's old, with worms in it, ew! You also have, 2 feet from you, another bowl of food, but this food, as far as you can tell, is great! Not only that, all around you, there are more and more bowls of food. Now, the question is: Why should you NOT NEXT! any given woman?
How do I NEXT! someone?
Easy, don't call her anymore. Don't ask her out anymore. Don't look for her. You stop what you were doing.
What signs do I look out for to NEXT! a woman?
The overall reason is: She's no good for you.
She maybe great, or bad, super hot, super inteligent, sexy, whatever. But you don't feel she's good for you.
Now, this post is aimed at people getting started. And you will surely feel an urge to go and try and pursue any given woman, but want to trust me and know what signs to look out for.
To begin with, if she's not into you, doesn't return your call(s), doesn't keep a conversation going, or she simply acts like a bratty *****, or plain and simple, she turned you Next! her.
* She disrespects you.
* She plays too hard to get: Women play hard to get, it's part of the thrill. But an interested woman would not play very hard to get. Example: She shows signs of interest every now and then, not continuosly.
* You don't like her _______ (fill in blank... you don't like her teeth, body odor, music tastes, tastes in any given thing). Maybe it's ok for you if she's short and chubby.. whatever floats your boat, but if you don't like any given thing from her, and you don't see yourself working it out with her, next her. By foolish it may seem.
No more questions newb?
Ok, I've got more info for you.
NEXT!ing is not like death. It's not definite and forever.
Nope. it's not. It doesn't have to be. And that's the coolest thing of it all. And the one thing that will convince you on NEXT!ing any given woman.
I give to you, the rules of NEXT! ...IF you want to see her again. If you don't, see rule no.1 and 2.
1) Date other women. That's plural, not singular women.
2) Be respectful. Especially if she turned you down. You don't have to be her best friend, but you have to be respectful. You've got class man. That's why.
3) Wait at least a month until you contact her again. And that's stretching it bigtime. I'd advice you to wait more time. You'll probably won't want to call her by then because you'll realize that she's not good enough for you.
4) Avoid contact with her. If you have the chance to talk to her, or seeing her, avoid it. Indirect contact, like DJing with other women in front of her is very, very recommended.
You see, as you know, we want what we can't have, or what is scarce. So, let our friend "time" do all the work for you, as you sit down, scratching your balls and watching tv while a woman's attraction and interest in you grows.
So, let's say a month or 3 passed by, and you say "What the hell! I'm going to call her!" Go ahead, ask her out. Please, be my guest. Worst case scenario: she goes back to your NEXT! list. Well... she doesn't really ever go out of it, so... You lose NOTHING.
A question? Sure, go ahead...
Should I NEXT! her? The other day she ...
Hell yeah.
Easy words for an easy action.
What does the verb "to next" mean?
It simply is a way of telling going for the next women in your life. Moving on, leave the woman in question behind.
Why should I next someone?
Because you don't need the drama. You're a DJ. You've got more important things to do, besides women, and besides that woman.
You've got in your hands a bowl of food that's old, with worms in it, ew! You also have, 2 feet from you, another bowl of food, but this food, as far as you can tell, is great! Not only that, all around you, there are more and more bowls of food. Now, the question is: Why should you NOT NEXT! any given woman?
How do I NEXT! someone?
Easy, don't call her anymore. Don't ask her out anymore. Don't look for her. You stop what you were doing.
What signs do I look out for to NEXT! a woman?
The overall reason is: She's no good for you.
She maybe great, or bad, super hot, super inteligent, sexy, whatever. But you don't feel she's good for you.
Now, this post is aimed at people getting started. And you will surely feel an urge to go and try and pursue any given woman, but want to trust me and know what signs to look out for.
To begin with, if she's not into you, doesn't return your call(s), doesn't keep a conversation going, or she simply acts like a bratty *****, or plain and simple, she turned you Next! her.
Other signs:Originally posted by NaturallySelected
WARNING SIGN #1: She's gets angry easily
She get's pi$$ed off easily when you challenge her. (i.e. catch her out lying, or she senses you doubt her honesty).
WARNING SIGN #2: She will drop you at a moments noticeShe pretty much tells you to fvck off if you argue with her, like she doesn't need you. And will literally cut you out of her life. (Only to have you run back like a good little puppy). Also she will cancel on you at the last minute on occassion and lie about why she can't make it (this one was iwth her BF). She will dissapear for a week, and you won't hear from her.
WARNING SIGN #3: She forgives you WAY too easily.
Example: I had known her only two weeks, we'd spent some time together. I kiss her at my house, she says she doesn't know what to do because of her BF of 2 years. I OVER REACT and go AFC when she LJBF's me call her a liar, manipulator and say how I couldn't trust someone who would cheat on her BF (which she'd already admitted once). Basically I was a complete @sshole. She told me to fvck off forever (see sign #2 ).
Now if a chick had done that to me, called me names and been a total AFC. I would NEVER see her again, alarm bells would ring in my head and I would think "This chick's crazy! RUN!". Guess what? I call her up and appologise, and after about 20 min on the phone she "forgives me". Either because I was right about her , or because she want's the male attention and ass-kissing. Either way it's fvcked up.
WARNING SIGN #4: You get the feeling she's lying to you
Her reasons for not being able to see you, or canceling on you don't make sense. Or if they do make sense. She gives herself away. This AW would give herself away and say things like "I was at this party two weeks ago", when she was supposed to be with me. What was her excuse at the time, SHE HAD A %(*&# FUNERAL TO GO TO! Her BF's friend had comitted suicide. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!? Also she will lie in ways that she can't really get caught too easily, she will tell half-truths and twist things around when you challenge her.
WARNING SIGN #5: She has a troubled past/present
I used to think she was lying when she told me her mom used to swear at her and her parents where @ssholes. But then I found out it was true. If you hear stories of abusive ex boyfriends, or parents. WATCH OUT! Trouble at home leads her to seek comfort from other men.
WARNING SIGN #6: She is WAY too comfortable around men
She dances like a real slvt and flirts with other men easily. She talks with you openly about sex (which is a good thing) but never delivers. She also understands how men's minds works and uses this to use men. For example, this AW would tell me how she kissed one of her HOT friends at a club. And even told me she would have a threesome with me and her friend. Coincidentally I haven't seen or heard from her in two weeks.
WARNING SIGN #7: She keeps you isolated from her friends
I did meet her friends, but she would manipulate me so I wouldn't see them. Like she told me what a b!tch her one friend was. And told her FRIEND what an @sshole I was. So we both don't speak to each other. She likes to keep you in control and makes sure she has all her bases covered.
* She disrespects you.
* She plays too hard to get: Women play hard to get, it's part of the thrill. But an interested woman would not play very hard to get. Example: She shows signs of interest every now and then, not continuosly.
* You don't like her _______ (fill in blank... you don't like her teeth, body odor, music tastes, tastes in any given thing). Maybe it's ok for you if she's short and chubby.. whatever floats your boat, but if you don't like any given thing from her, and you don't see yourself working it out with her, next her. By foolish it may seem.
No more questions newb?
Ok, I've got more info for you.
NEXT!ing is not like death. It's not definite and forever.
Nope. it's not. It doesn't have to be. And that's the coolest thing of it all. And the one thing that will convince you on NEXT!ing any given woman.
I give to you, the rules of NEXT! ...IF you want to see her again. If you don't, see rule no.1 and 2.
1) Date other women. That's plural, not singular women.
2) Be respectful. Especially if she turned you down. You don't have to be her best friend, but you have to be respectful. You've got class man. That's why.
3) Wait at least a month until you contact her again. And that's stretching it bigtime. I'd advice you to wait more time. You'll probably won't want to call her by then because you'll realize that she's not good enough for you.
4) Avoid contact with her. If you have the chance to talk to her, or seeing her, avoid it. Indirect contact, like DJing with other women in front of her is very, very recommended.
You see, as you know, we want what we can't have, or what is scarce. So, let our friend "time" do all the work for you, as you sit down, scratching your balls and watching tv while a woman's attraction and interest in you grows.
So, let's say a month or 3 passed by, and you say "What the hell! I'm going to call her!" Go ahead, ask her out. Please, be my guest. Worst case scenario: she goes back to your NEXT! list. Well... she doesn't really ever go out of it, so... You lose NOTHING.
A question? Sure, go ahead...
Should I NEXT! her? The other day she ...
Hell yeah.