Sunday with nothing to do, thought this might help out a bit some newbs. Nothing like taking action though, as you will find out
I changed gym. In a FR I posted about the gym chick, you could have noted how I had bigtime social proof.
The gym is small. But, you know, January is gym time, women pack up the gyms. This particular gym has more women than men.
People who work there (in the gym and many other places) are there to put on a happy face. And, as silly as it seems, people are even shy to talk to them, so anyways, that's the first thing I do, introduce myself to the receptionist, gym instructor, cleaning guy, and ask their names.
So, I start doing my thing. I'm warming up, taking advantage of the fact that I musn't give all my strength that day, so I try out lots of machines etc. So, ofcourse, I go over to where women are at, and ask to take turns using them, or whatever.
Normal approach
"Hi.. are you using that? Ok thanks"
SamePendo approach
"Hi! Good Morning. .. What's your name? ____? Nice to meet you ___... Will you be using this ____?"
Taking pauses, talking slowly. Sometimes I introduce myself after they introduce themselves, sometimes they immediately ask me my name, but they always at some point ask what my name is. When they give freaky names I ask them to spell it for me, and ask about the name. Small introductorial chat, cut it short, and one with buissiness, you can continue it the same day, or next time you see each other.
Other fluff talk I've been using is:
"Are you new? ... How long have you been here?"
Anyways, I walk besides this chick who gives me eye contact, I don't know if brief or not, because I instantly said hi.
That, the least ballsy of them all. Other approaches, a bit ballsier (approaching women doesn't really require balls you know?) is:
"Hi! What's your name?"
No excuse at all, just simply because you want to talk to her.
One of the greatness of this social settings is that you'll probably see the chick at least one more time in the following month, so there's no rush.
Quick notes/tips:
-There's always a social guy, gets along with everyone in the gym. Approach him too, just like you did the women. He'll proof you bigtime.
-When a chick enters, even if she's 10 meters away, if she can hear, I'll say "Good Morning ___". Make your voice be heard, you're the king of the jungle.
-90% of the big guys are shy pussies, so approach them too. You can even lightly AMOG them.
-"Do you have ____ roots? Really? Where from?" And nothing else, openers like those open up for a longer conversation next time you meet.
-Avoid chicks with ipods. And if you do approach them. Talk some made up ****, with your words well phrased, as if you were trying to tell her something. When she lowers the volume of her microphones, either you continue saying the nonsense ("mary had a little lamb") or just move your mouth with nothing coming out. In case she seems the approachable kind.
-Don't be tottaly smiles and happy. Be tough, you're at the gym aren't you?
-Don't say hi to everyone, or else it'll become a habit and no one will say hi unless you say hi to them.
-"So, what do you do in a tipical day?" Says a lot about her, and probably her marital status. Most of the married ones are bored out of their minds.
-Ask them out, instant dates are very likely. "Hey I know this great place right around the corner, let's go and follow this". If she says she's busy, ask her when she's free, if you're free, just act as if you're busy and have a lot on your schedule, and say, "ok, works for me, see you here ___ then".
-Number closing also works.. no suprise there.
-It also helps to live close, ask about her house, or say something about yours, and take the chat there, it doesn't have to be a "great place I know around the corner". It can simply be some drinks at your or her house. Which can obviously lead to some kissing at least.
-Remember you're there to work out. And so are they, so, quick introductorial chat, you cut the conversation, and then follow it up the same day or next time. But remember to cut short the opener, before she does. Win win situation.
Some people say approaching at the gym is lame, and they go to work out and get out.
Edit- I said it DID took balls to approach women. I edited it to my original thought, of it NOT requiring balls. You just go say hi and that's it, it's not as if they'll beat the crap out of you or something.
I changed gym. In a FR I posted about the gym chick, you could have noted how I had bigtime social proof.
The gym is small. But, you know, January is gym time, women pack up the gyms. This particular gym has more women than men.
People who work there (in the gym and many other places) are there to put on a happy face. And, as silly as it seems, people are even shy to talk to them, so anyways, that's the first thing I do, introduce myself to the receptionist, gym instructor, cleaning guy, and ask their names.
So, I start doing my thing. I'm warming up, taking advantage of the fact that I musn't give all my strength that day, so I try out lots of machines etc. So, ofcourse, I go over to where women are at, and ask to take turns using them, or whatever.
Normal approach
"Hi.. are you using that? Ok thanks"
SamePendo approach
"Hi! Good Morning. .. What's your name? ____? Nice to meet you ___... Will you be using this ____?"
Taking pauses, talking slowly. Sometimes I introduce myself after they introduce themselves, sometimes they immediately ask me my name, but they always at some point ask what my name is. When they give freaky names I ask them to spell it for me, and ask about the name. Small introductorial chat, cut it short, and one with buissiness, you can continue it the same day, or next time you see each other.
Other fluff talk I've been using is:
"Are you new? ... How long have you been here?"
Anyways, I walk besides this chick who gives me eye contact, I don't know if brief or not, because I instantly said hi.
That, the least ballsy of them all. Other approaches, a bit ballsier (approaching women doesn't really require balls you know?) is:
"Hi! What's your name?"
No excuse at all, just simply because you want to talk to her.
One of the greatness of this social settings is that you'll probably see the chick at least one more time in the following month, so there's no rush.
Quick notes/tips:
-There's always a social guy, gets along with everyone in the gym. Approach him too, just like you did the women. He'll proof you bigtime.
-When a chick enters, even if she's 10 meters away, if she can hear, I'll say "Good Morning ___". Make your voice be heard, you're the king of the jungle.
-90% of the big guys are shy pussies, so approach them too. You can even lightly AMOG them.
-"Do you have ____ roots? Really? Where from?" And nothing else, openers like those open up for a longer conversation next time you meet.
-Avoid chicks with ipods. And if you do approach them. Talk some made up ****, with your words well phrased, as if you were trying to tell her something. When she lowers the volume of her microphones, either you continue saying the nonsense ("mary had a little lamb") or just move your mouth with nothing coming out. In case she seems the approachable kind.
-Don't be tottaly smiles and happy. Be tough, you're at the gym aren't you?
-Don't say hi to everyone, or else it'll become a habit and no one will say hi unless you say hi to them.
-"So, what do you do in a tipical day?" Says a lot about her, and probably her marital status. Most of the married ones are bored out of their minds.
-Ask them out, instant dates are very likely. "Hey I know this great place right around the corner, let's go and follow this". If she says she's busy, ask her when she's free, if you're free, just act as if you're busy and have a lot on your schedule, and say, "ok, works for me, see you here ___ then".
-Number closing also works.. no suprise there.
-It also helps to live close, ask about her house, or say something about yours, and take the chat there, it doesn't have to be a "great place I know around the corner". It can simply be some drinks at your or her house. Which can obviously lead to some kissing at least.
-Remember you're there to work out. And so are they, so, quick introductorial chat, you cut the conversation, and then follow it up the same day or next time. But remember to cut short the opener, before she does. Win win situation.
Some people say approaching at the gym is lame, and they go to work out and get out.
Edit- I said it DID took balls to approach women. I edited it to my original thought, of it NOT requiring balls. You just go say hi and that's it, it's not as if they'll beat the crap out of you or something.
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