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Dont you feel like sometimes this is all BS and just tiring?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sometimes i feel like this whole "dating" game is a bunch of BS. You should be able to just be happy with yourself and your partner and not wonder if anyone is getting too much attention or too little or if your in control or if she is control etc..
It should not have to be like it is.
This pertains to STR and LTRs more then anything. dating is dating.
What do you guys think?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
Reaction score
i dont think you understand what I am saying. I never said anything about entertaining anyone.

Captain AFC

Don Juan
Jan 17, 2006
Reaction score
Wow, small world (at least in the mental sense). I was just thinking the exact same thing right now. And forgive me if I go off on a bit of a tangent, but I have more to add on the subject of "BS" right now, including some of my own personal musings at the moment.

Having been out of my previous LTR, I've been obsessed with several things. Dating was never a big one. I feel pretty comfortable with the idea, and while I'm not DJ, I'm not entirely inept. But the other areas that have been bothering me deal with women, and even this place occasionally. I'm not sure which "Side" I'm supposed to be on. I'll just number what's getting at me with this whole game.

1.) Men being initiators, expected to be care-takers, and of course, expected to put up with everything. Men being stereotyped as guys that go out for football and don't carry their load of work around the home.

2.) The "Plight of Women." Seriously, I've become both obsessed and horrified with this. Before I found this site, I was busy just reading up on women's perspectives on marriage, life in general, and the rest. On the internet, to say the least, it's both frightening and discouraging. Not because they want "equal rights." Not because they want "freedom." It's because every day I read something there, I come back feeling like I am the devil incarnate.

3.) Then I come to this site, and I'm told the exact opposite of what the "women" sites are explaining. Telling me that men are actually NOT pigs, that I'm NOT supposed to treat women like goddesses (the other sites would certainly disagree), that men DON'T actually initiate most of the problems in relationships, and the list goes on. In short, there's seems to be two sides to this war, and both sides seem to be at each others throats.

4.) My LTR didn't just end. It ended with me grasping straws and still fervently in love with the person that left. On the other side of the coin, that person hates me and wants nothing to do with me. I've made her feel disgusting because of her weight, along with a myriad of other emotional problems. And yet, as I've explained before, I've practically been lover and psychologist since the beginning. But if I read about the "Problems Women Face" on the internet and in books, the conclusion is always the same: I failed.

So yes, this all seems like BS and it's extremely tiring. I'm getting sick of fat women telling me to love them. I'm sick of men that are both attractive, smart, and capable of bagging women acting like douchebags and perpetuating the ever growing "Men are Dogs that must be Subjugated" movement that I'm constantly exposed to. I'm tired of the problems women faced being shirked aside because "They gots more power!" I didn't create this world, and I don't live it believing that women are my slaves. But you'd swear I do the way the history books are being written today.

I hate being told that it's not women I'm not attracted to, but merely a dysfunctional wiring in my body image radar. That I have an unhealthy view of female bodies. In reailty, my LTR was what someone might coin as an HB5... and on some months an HB4! And not once did the thought of leaving or replacing this person ever cross my mind. Sure, my eyes wandered like any man's. But apparently, I've got body image disorder. Oh, how the woman has been victimized. But on the flipside of that, I feel like half the time I'm not expected to get a "better" girl. I've never wanted a "better" girl. But oh well, so the game must continue.

I hate being told that I want stick thin chicks, and that no amount of plumpness is allowed. I haven't met that many men that are like that. Truth be told, some are. But the men I know like healthy women. That's it. But you'd swear that men are merely physical barbarians.

I'm tired of equality, and I'm tired of the whole damn thing. I'm tired of trying to be a Don Juan that manipulates the system, because one day I'm feeling on top of the world because of it, and then the next day I've got a load of women, and even some men in academic circles, telling me that I'm merely a chauvinistic opportunist who has screwed up with women.

When's the book going to come out that talks about how self-absorbed the female movement has become? Men are some of the most self-absorbed, bastard like creatures on the planet. But there's one small problem -- we have plenty of documentation on it. You don't even need to know how to read to know the truth about men. But the truth about women is so well protected and thinly veiled, it's almost revolting.

I think I went a bit too far. :)


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score

I just find dating boring - I love to F**k but want something more - something deeper.

I think mystery say's it takes about 8 hours to get women comfortable enough to be intimate - but who here can honestly take 8 hours of gossip, TV, sex and the city and her non existent life?

let alone keep it up for STR's and even LTR's

Thats a lot of time that could be spent windsurfing, traveling the world etc.

rather than analysing the last big brother eviction!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2003
Reaction score
Washington Metro Area

The dating scene is a bunch of BS.

But see is as you deserve better for yourself. An old Radio song is titled, " I don't think men should sleep alone.". I agree, wholeheartedly.

It's all about compromise if you want to get locked down. You compromise what she wants. And what you're looking for. It's just a slicker way of waying " settling ".

The single life isn't easy. If it were everyone would be single holding out without the feel of desperation.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2003
Reaction score
Washington Metro Area
Well, all I know is you have to do what works for you.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Captain AFC

I think I went a bit too far. :)
Ok while i agree with you i think you are being an AFC about it.
Its not your responsiblity to make her feel better about herself. Even tho she was fat or whatever, it should NOT be your problem. She should feel good about herself BEFORE ever wanting you. Like the saying goes, "how can you love someone if you dont love yourself?"
What did you fail at anyway? its not a contest or race or sport. Its living life and being happy. Thats why i think sometimes these games are BS. Often enough they get in the way of just living life and being happy. I often feel like you are being an AFC just for playin the game with them at all. Women should be mature enough to stop playing the games and come to terms with the things they really want and to go for them.
All those chick sites are wrong and this one is right. For the most part. Always take it with a grain of salt but its mostly true. The things women say they want are just thoughts. The things they really want are instinct. They instinctually hunger for that hunter/gather to fertilze they're eggs and save civilization.
You like what you like, dont worry about what others think. BUT, do watch out because most hefty women have deep issues about their looks and are extremely insecure.
You are right, women are self absorbed. they only care about them.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2005
Reaction score
Re: YO

Originally posted by Rollo
The dating scene is a bunch of BS.

But see is as you deserve better for yourself. An old Radio song is titled, " I don't think men should sleep alone.". I agree, wholeheartedly.

It's all about compromise if you want to get locked down. You compromise what she wants. And what you're looking for. It's just a slicker way of waying " settling ".

The single life isn't easy. If it were everyone would be single holding out without the feel of desperation.
pfft, single is extremely easy. relationships are hard.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Awesome thread. I was just ranting and raving to my wing about how silly this is.

Indeed, it is a silly, silly set of games and dances. I have given it much thought. It is this way for two reasons. And mind you, these are my own theories.

Women themselves are the main reason for over-complicated dating/relationships. The "women's lib" movement has "empowered" females. Yeah, great. Now women believe that they can do everything just as well or better than men. Ok fine. But here's where it's getting screwy. Women believe in equality in everything from the workplace, to the car dealership, the Armed Forces, and even wearing the pants in a relationship. Women believe that they don't have a specific role in relationships - even though it is in a woman's wiring to be a mother figure. Men hunt and protect, women gather and nurture. In modern society, women have extended "to gather" to include having careers of their own. That seems fair enough.

Well, as you may have read in previous posts and in various places on the net, women are emotional whereas men tend to be logical. Women set up all these games and hoops to jump through in order to make an "emotional" choice of which male will be their mate. Of course, men don't understand women's choices or their criteria for which they base their "decisions". Why?

Women don't make their decisions by thinking or by their thoughts alone. Instead their decisions are based on a formula of factors.

I get in trouble for this theory all the time, but it needs to be repeated in this thread.

"Women's logic", if there is such a thing, is based on a collective. Sort of like the "Borg" in Star Trek. They have a central intelligence, or, hive mind. This "central intelligence" is the collection of thoughts/opinions/feelings of their peers, pop culture, marketing campaigns, and Cosmopolitan. So, after consulting the "hive mind" with a problem, a woman averages the "popular solutions" and compares that "average solution" to her feelings-based solution. It's like a decision making democracy. Her own solutions only count as one vote and all the other inputs count as one vote per input. If the "average solution" does not match her solution, then she is out-voted, and uses the "average solution". Now, factor in the time of the month which she makes a decision. One can easily see how women are confusing and incapable of individual decision making (this is in regards to dating and relationships - but you can see it in other facets of their lives as well).

The second reason why the dating game is so convoluted is because Corporate America has made it so. Big business (and women in marketing) has brainwashed women to pay attention to materialistic things. You know, a guy couldn't possibly put food on the table, a roof over your head, and shoes on your kids' feet unless he wears a platinum, diamond encrusted tie clip. Marketing has everyone convinced that we need to buy books, expensive clothes, cologne, a special razor, super-duper deodorant, a pimped out car, listerine pocket packs, jewelry, a health club membership, and teeth whitening goo just to even get a phone number. Before you call, you have to buy some how-to guides, decoder rings, a cape, and a super-cool cell phone. Once you finally manage a date, you better take her to a expensive restaurant... after all, that's where dates go on "Friends". All told, a successful date should cost you roughly $50,000. That's not counting any of the bachelor pad expenses. If you miss any part of the inventory, forget it, she'll have noticed. Ooops! Did you forget Valentine's Day greeting cards, chocolates, and roses? Did you get the huge diamond for your anniversay? When she recounts every single detail to every friend she has, skims her issues of Cosmo, flips over her 8-ball, and googles "relationship+Honda Civic+toilet seat up", she will come to a decision.


Think I'm way off about "collective logic"? Consider how and why isolation works during a pick-up. Since their b1tch sheilds aren't there to do the thinking for them, the only logic they have is their feelings - physical and mental. And here's something for you to seriously think about as well: How is one man having 2 or more wives possible?

The saddest part of all these games is the outcome. It's an endless cycle of dump the nice guy, get a jerk, everyone tells her he's a jerk, dump the jerk to get a nice guy, dump the nice guy, lather, rinse, repeat. I feel sorry for women just for this reason. And women, although they are doing it to themselves, try to convince men that they are the blame.

So silly. And, that's why we're here. Women are looking for Don Juans regardless of if they know it or not. Since "women's logic" is based on an average, we share thoughts/tips/tricks in order find average techniques to circumnavigate the average nightmare games and to avoid average terminated relationships.

P.S. I should say, I have noticed that women's logic seems to become more individualized with age. Young women don't think for themselves at all. It's not until around 30 that women really start to develop a sense of "self". And, of course, there are plenty of exceptions to my broad generalizations.
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captn caveman

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2003
Reaction score

Vulpine said:
Awesome thread. I was just ranting and raving to my wing about how silly this is.

Women believe in equality in everything from the workplace,
Women believe that they don't have a specific role in relationships - even though it is in a woman's wiring to be a mother figure. Men hunt and protect, women gather and nurture.
Amen to these words.

An example from my own life I can give is that,

Women in their head see themselves as "independent".


Then these women, usually perceived as "strong women" want a boyfriend, partner or husband, who will take extreme high responsibilities, nurture them, support them, entertain them etc, because; because of ther "indepence", they have such a hard life being independent - making decisions, facing struggles, working etc frigging etc... (all this seen not as life but as extra work to be done because of this independence) - that when you come around, there is no will left in them to do anything else.

Now, the man who sees this woman ranting about her independence etc, will logically think, ok, at last someone who is not a baby to be taken care of!


Thing is, women these days dont accept their instincts. they are independent they think, but their needs belie them.

and here come the crisis' in relationships.

suddenly man is facing ****loads of accusations, having no idea what he has done or has not done wrong, you know, she is independent, and you are giving attention / care etc, you would give to a woman.

But that aint enough for a baby.


Instinctively: Men hunts kills provides and f**ks.
Woman nurtures, and does the other stuff.

Independence: A collective lie.

This, I believe is also one of the reasons why of all the marriages I see, the happiest ones are where the woman is not that independence obsessed, and the man acts according to the womans instincs. No clashes, except the nature provided ones.

p.s.: I like independent women etc, this is written for the women shouting around that they are "independent".

All a f**king lie.

Treat them all like kids, and dont listen to what they say, is what I say.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
That's why I gave up "dating" right about the time I could tell the difference between an AFC and a DJ.

If a chick comes into my life and I want to get to know her better, I make it happen. Otherwise I go about my business.

I hear of people (usually chicks) who go out on a couple of dates per week with different people. I just don't see why you couldn't screen the candidates a little bit better to save some time.

I have no time nor desire to play that kind of game.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
STR8UP said:
That's why I gave up "dating" right about the time I could tell the difference between an AFC and a DJ.

If a chick comes into my life and I want to get to know her better, I make it happen. Otherwise I go about my business.
What's up man... I haven't been here in a while. Go to see that you're still up and about!

To answer Bobfuests question, I think that after you acquire enough knowledge and have enough experience, the dating game & relationships becomes natural and you don't have to think about your actions. If you just relax and let things flow you should be good.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
BobFuest said:
Sometimes i feel like this whole "dating" game is a bunch of BS. You should be able to just be happy with yourself and your partner and not wonder if anyone is getting too much attention or too little or if your in control or if she is control etc..
It should not have to be like it is.
This pertains to STR and LTRs more then anything. dating is dating.
What do you guys think?
You are 100 % right and most of the time it is not worth it.
All the more reason to live your own life for yourself.

captn caveman

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2003
Reaction score

You may not be in the totally wrong area that you think you are. As an example I had this morning shows, women can blame the man for absolutely everything, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!!!

We have to wake up every morning early, because of her school, my worktimes are flexible. and she is a perfectionist, mentioned me once "you got to have responsibility. if you forget something that you should remember, I wont remind you of it.", because in her perfection, I am not allowed to be imperfect: not allowed to forget.


This morning, she forgot to set the alarm.

she forgot to set the alarm for an early wake up that her life required.

and I did not put the alarm that nite, because, you know, her mentalitiy is "I dont forget"...

Guess what, when we overslept because of her forgetting the alarm, I got flamed:

"This morning shows me why I dont like this thing of yours. you cant take responsibility"


See, if your girl was chubby, or had head problems, whatever you do would not have helped, you would be fighting a loosing battle.

And of course, you would be the one blamed.

It is natural.

Basically in the womans head there is always an explanation for her wrongs - mainly you - but no explanation enters her head for your perceived wrongs.

Take it easy, move on,

And also, it may help you to see that you fell into the trap of your "Repairing instincts"... Oh how we men like to fix things.

Problem is, if you cant fix it, it screws your life, and if you can, she moves on to someone she thinks is better. You are screwed.

*morning coffe activates the fingers*

edmond said:
You are 100 % right and most of the time it is not worth it.
All the more reason to live your own life for yourself.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
wheelin&dealin said:
What's up man... I haven't been here in a while. Go to see that you're still up and about!
Yea, I get busy for awhile and the posting has to suffer. I enjoy the discussions but DAAAAAAAAMMMMNNNN it take a lot of time.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
London, UK
STR8UP said:
That's why I gave up "dating" right about the time I could tell the difference between an AFC and a DJ.

If a chick comes into my life and I want to get to know her better, I make it happen. Otherwise I go about my business.

I hear of people (usually chicks) who go out on a couple of dates per week with different people. I just don't see why you couldn't screen the candidates a little bit better to save some time.

I have no time nor desire to play that kind of game.

I'm kinda in the same place. I'm focusing on my own self improvement, furthering my career and just having a good time - meeting new people and going out with friends. I'm getting laid occassionally, it's enough for me, but I just can't be arsed with dating. I think it is tiring, and there are more important things to focus on at this point in life. I could probably see myself getting more in to it when I am older and looking for a suitable woman for an LTR but for now I'm just enjoying having a laugh and living my life as a single person!

