This is a trend I've noticed with various women, and not just women I've been involved with. I have known women be head over heels for a guy and will refuse to date him and basically sabotage any chance of being with him. When the guy moves on, they get upset and even if the guy gives her chance after chance, she still refuses to take that step.
It would seem obvious to say she doesn't like him enough, but in the cases I'm referring to these girls are infatuated.
I am in a situation like this myself. I gave a girl 2 chances and she LJBFd me twice, despite having feelings for me. Now she's really upset that I've moved on and met someone else. She tells my friends she still likes me and when they ask her why she turned me down when she had chance it basically comes down to her being scared and not having the confidence in herself.
I've known other similar girls do this with other guys. Usually low confidence girls. It took one of my friends 2 years to get this girl to finally take the step, even though she was in love with him for ages.
Maybe someone can explain why women do this in spite of themselves and how to get round their defences.
It would seem obvious to say she doesn't like him enough, but in the cases I'm referring to these girls are infatuated.
I am in a situation like this myself. I gave a girl 2 chances and she LJBFd me twice, despite having feelings for me. Now she's really upset that I've moved on and met someone else. She tells my friends she still likes me and when they ask her why she turned me down when she had chance it basically comes down to her being scared and not having the confidence in herself.
I've known other similar girls do this with other guys. Usually low confidence girls. It took one of my friends 2 years to get this girl to finally take the step, even though she was in love with him for ages.
Maybe someone can explain why women do this in spite of themselves and how to get round their defences.