FR: 300 approaches and running- SELF-MASTERY & The_Shezzler


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score

I need to get back on my game. I've been slack arses around for the last 4 months.

This 300 approach journal will be my attempt to acomplish 3 things:

1) regain some confidence (BALLS)
2) change the current of posts (ALL THIS SELF HELP SH&T IS LAME)
3) get over all my fear of extremely COLD approaches (no obvious icebreakers) and rejection

My goal is 5 approaches/ day- starting right now. If you see me slacking give me a kick in the arse...

I'm using a very direct approach: "What is your name," "My name is SM," FLUFF CONVO- attempt at a number close.

I want rejection, no safe ho's will be opened, only HB7.8's and HIGHER.

My next post will be around 10pm tonight.



so we will share this thread
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Triple X

Senior Don Juan
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
Re: 300 approaches and running (I will not fail)

I'm using a very direct approach: "What is your name," "My name is SM," FLUFF CONVO- attempt at a number close.

I want rejection, no safe ho's will be opened, only HB7.8's and HIGHER.
OK man... feel free to call me a KBJ or whatever as personally I don't go out sarging... it's not my style (but I still have respect for those that do it).

But just gotta make a point. You want rejection?!? Well that's exactly what your gonna get with a line like that.

"Hi my name is blah, whats yours?" is not gonna cut it with the upper HBs. They are used to losers coming up to them all the time (I'm not calling you one BTW) and using corny lines.. but ones that are better than that.

I would suggest just commenting on something situational or relevant at the time.. like.. I dont know 'Man you can never get a bus round here!' (but better than that obviously) and make it look 'unplanned' like a spur of the moment thing. 'Hi my name is...' is plain cheesy if you ask me.

Like I said I dont 'sarge' myself. But if I did, that would be my technique anyways.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: 300 approaches and running (I will not fail)

Originally posted by Triple X

But just gotta make a point. You want rejection?!? Well that's exactly what your gonna get with a line like that.
"Hi my name is blah, whats yours?" is not gonna cut it with the upper HBs. They are used to losers coming up to them all the time (I'm not calling you one BTW) and using corny lines.. but ones that are better than that.
I would suggest just commenting on something situational or relevant at the time.. like.. I dont know 'Man you can never get a bus round here!' (but better than that obviously) and make it look 'unplanned' like a spur of the moment thing. 'Hi my name is...' is plain cheesy if you ask me.
I hate qualifying myself, but I will.

"I want rejection.": Think of it as facing a fear. When we were kids we were afraid of falling off our bike, but once we did fall, and got a few scratches/ scrapes our FEAR of falling disappeared.

Situational approaching, is my specialty. I've built my entire game around being conversational and obsrvation. My problem is when I don't observe anythin that can be made into a convo. Sometimes a situation doesn't give us enough to work with. NOTE:::: I mentioned on my original post that I would fluff if the situation presented me fluff material. I want to be a guy that will attempt to pick up any girl anywhere, at anytime.



Don Juan
Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
Umm, direct game like this can work, even on HBs. There are hundreds of thousands of guys out there dating, married to, and sexing 8, 9, and 10 girls, and the vast majority of them probably used the universal opener "Hello" when they met their girl. Most likely have never heard of Sosuave, ASF, or the community.

There are also some very good PUAs in the community who open like this, such as Gunwitch, Juggler, Badboy, and others.

"Hi, My name is X" is not a cheesy line.

Triple X

Senior Don Juan
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
OK guys, fair point. If it works for you then go ahead and do it, definitely. It wouldn't be my way of approaching someone personally, but each to their own.

Good luck with it all.


Dec 15, 2004
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Field Report:

Location: crappy mall

situation: very cold market, mostly retire people and thugs.

summary: it took me a while to find my groove. I compare it to being a streak shooter in the NBA: I have to miss a few shots before I get on fire. Nevertheless, I only got mildly warm. I made two approaches and received one number and one rejection.

approach number one:

location: circuit city

I started a conversation with a HB-9.0, 5'10 perkey breast, perky booty, model type.

I see her in the electronics section looking at PDA's. I pulled out my tungsten E and told her to get this one. She comments on how she has to much junk in her pocket, and I say "I know what you mean," showing her my pocket full of junk. I take her to the cell phone section and tell her we should get a cell w/ a built in pda. We fluff about how much we talk on the phone and other BS. Somehow the conversation changes to careers and such.... I tell her about the school I'm starting that teached adults how to become successful:she's agreeing with all my ideas on education and such. We were chatting for 15mins when I tell her that hey, I really need to get out of here. I suggest that we exchange numbers, she freely gives it to me, and says, "I hope to here from you soon."

decent approach, but I failed to stick to my direct approach...

Approach two:

Herbal shop clerk:

Attractive HB-8.3 same body shape as the first target, great devilish smile.. rejected me.

I fluff about herbal cures and sleep aides, she suggests a variety of sh&t. Her telephone rings and she tells the call in a seductive voice, "sorry I'll have to call you later." I asked if that was her man?, she says, "no", I reply, you were using your girlfriend voice. HB, says that, "I'm just really kind and nice to everyone."
I told her, you look like you could be sneaky, you have such a devilish smile, she smiles, and says no Im a good girl. I go straight for her number: Hey, why don't you give me your number we can hangout....... she, says that she can't.......... I reply, "No you don't want to........Have a great day."

----- I need to stick to the original plan.

I have 3 more approaches to do tonight.

sorry for the format.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score
great job man, solid # close on a HB9 in day time, NICE

try to get 100 approaches in 30 days... thats what I'm doing and maybe we can keep eachother in check/motivated. I've done 18 sets in the past 1.5 weeks but only like 2 hb8+'s... rest were marginal girls that wanted to at the LEAST give me their number but I ejected before it got that far. I just want the field experience.

How did it feel when you got rejected? Whenever I do daytime and dont get the number I feel better than before I didn't approach. It's ****ing awesome. I feel so much better that I got the balls to make the approach and took a chance than if I just sat on the sidelines and wondered what if


Dec 15, 2004
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How did it feel when you got rejected? Whenever I do daytime and dont get the number I feel better than before I didn't approach. It's ****ing awesome. I feel so much better that I got the balls to make the approach and took a chance than if I just sat on the sidelines and wondered what if
I consider rejection as a battle wound, a necessary obstacle. I also, feel better when I approach.

I've ran into a string of uglies, where are the hotties????

3 mo'


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score

I like the way you just don't give a f^&%.
This is the same attitude I have, and I only started seeing great things happen with women in my life after I stopped caring what they think so much.

One thing really helped me: Gunwitch's "make the hoe say no" line. Sure' it's crude. Sure, no one would repeat it outside the realm of "other sargers", but it does get the point across. It's the dirty way to say, "do not focus on the success of any one sarge attempt, but rather see it as a part of the learning process"

If you're too timid, you'll miss out. You won't get women isolated or you won't get poon even if you do. Often the women will actually be upset that you didn't try something, it's almost an insult to them. This may seem crazy, but if you've got a good feeling about things I would ask her to close her eyes and count to ten. On 9 reach in and touch her hair. If she doesn't INSTANTELY jerk away then I'd kiss her. Tongue would probably be over the top, though.

I'd like to over you one suggestion, though. I'd stop going for phone numbers. It's way too unreliable. Try to isolate or kiss close on the spot. I'm 10 times more effective now than when I went for digits. I'll take digits only if she offers them as a comprimise, otherwise I "make the hoe say no".


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
everywomanshero, I'm also a fan of GW's motto. I'm not sure if kissing closing on spot is a good idea for the women we meet at everyday places like the gas station, but at the bar/club, I completely agree with your logic. I use that motto as an affirmation before I approach, and before I try to FK a chick.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
I had a really great day:cheer:

I made my quota: 5 approaches.:up:

I'm 2/5 with number closes

I received a very nice compliment. The girl in the bursars office asked me, "are you in a church choir, because you have this great AURA, you make me feel good everyday, I was in such a bad mood until you walked in, I bet you have this effect on everyone"-- WOW

As an affirmation I do go around telling mysef; you're the light, I'm the light, I;m the light.-- Someone has noticed.

I started this 300 approaches and running thread because of a girl I saw in the library yesterday. I've seen her around campus and at my last school. I never had the BALLS to meet her. I left the library yesterday angry with myself; wondering why I lacked the courage to approach her. As I've mentioned countless times, my game is based on observation and situational conversation cues. This kind of game isn't good when it comes to approaching a cold target: cold being a target who gives you very few clues. So , I write this field report with the goal of learning how to do that kind of approach.

and blah blah blah


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Appoach #3/ #4 @ school

I made it pass a major hump in my game!!! I've always been nervous about approaching a woman who isn't alone. I walked the halls of my campus with the determination of a freed man; a DJ.
I spotted a 2 set in an empty classroom, I was going to walk on in fear, but I remembered my MANTRA, "NO FEAR." I literally grab my balls and enter the room.

Two girls look up at me, both are seated. HB1 is a 7.8 and HB2 is a 4 (bad skin and bad features)

I sit on the desk in front of them.

me: What are you two studying?
hb2-4: Anatomy

I ask HB1-7.8
ME: is that an easy class

both HOS talk about the class and how hard it is. I fluff with really it can't be that hard and Sh&t like that.. I ask if it is easier than biology...blah blah

ME: (getting to the point): I need both of your numbers (as I hold my cellphone out)

me: I need two GF's

They laugh

me: I'm serious

hb1-7.8: you cant date both of us

hb3-4: **** Blocks, I cant remember how, but she does with her negativity and bad vibes.

I chat some more and bail

me: well you two continue to study, good luck on your test

--- summary--- I don't like group approaches, a CB'ing girl can keep you away from her other wise willing friend.
I'm certaint that if HB1-7.8 were alone I could have number closed her.

All-in ALL a very good experienced



Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
APPROACH # 5 (my favorite one)

I have mixed emotions about this one for several reasons. Some of you will not like what I accepted from this chick....

Determined to make my last approach of the day I notice a HB8.3 sitting on a bench I calmly cut through the garden to get to her (I wanted to approach from an angle)

HB8.3 turns out to be the chick from the library that I was afraid to approach. How ironic!!! What a shocker!!!

me: HI! who are you waiting for?

her: my friend.

me: really I want to be your friend, let's start with you giving me your number.

her: (smiling) I can't, but give me your number :confused:

me: are you really going to call

her: I promise you

me: (writing my name/ number on her notebook)-- Didn't you got to so and so college.

Her energy changed after I asked this question...

her: YEAH
:D did you go there too???

wow she's more responsive now.

me: yeah

her: when did you transfer, what is your major.....

me: I answer her questions

we talk about law school

her: your going to be a lawyer, I will need you in the future.

me: If your going to need me, then stop BS'ing and give me your number (said with a smile/ a smirk, and with levity.

her: NO, I'm going to call you I promise.

me: ok, you better...I'll see ya I have to go.

--- I walked away from this exxhange feeling good. Many would say "dummy you gave her your number," but who cares. I approached a girl that I haven't had the balls to approach for 3 years. Who would have known that approching HB's was this easy???


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Good stuff, but for the last girl, at least in my opinion, you went way too fast for the #-close.

You should have built that comfort & trust first, which is what happened when you revealed that you guys went to the same college. Then you have commonalities and doesn't think you're a weird, random guy. Then you could have built attraction by teasing her for needing a lawyer, etc.

But it's all good field experience. She can be reopened in the future.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Your sort of right about the last chick, but I wanted to make my intentions known, I see to many guys playing coy. I need to spend a little more time on building rapport. I'll see her around again.

side note: I had a pretty interesting convo with a very hot HB9 waitress last week. I asked her about how different guys approached her. She says.....

Black guys: are way more aggressive than white guys. Anyone from the south is familiar with the "hey whats up shawtty come here, let me talk to you, I can do this and that fo you let me take you out." She hates that style.

White guys: are more coy, he lets go out, give me your number and if you wanna call you can... her words and inflection

what she prefers: conversation then the number close.

I think that the game comes down to one thing attraction. You can do the cube, EV, magic tricks, phase shifts all you want, but if attraction isn't there you are done for.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score

First off I want to congradulate you because this is EXACTLY what this board needs! I guy who's coming up in the game and grabbing his balls and GETTING OUT THERE AND APPROACHING!! Don't worry too much about getting numbers right now, just get over your fear of approaching. Once you get over this fear, you'll naturally become more "smooth" and "confident" because it will seem like old hat to you. I like to compare it to driving a car. First time you took your driver's test you were probably nervous as shiat and didn't want to fail. Now waking up in the morning and turning the key is a routine, a habit, something you don't even spend .001 seconds thinking about. Well this is EXACTLY how it gets once you get comfortable with hot girls. You'll spot a HB8 across campus, walk up to her and boom start conversing right there, once you get good you'll learn how to # close in 3 minutes while building rapport!!

Few rules for the future:

-never give your number out: when the girl asks for it say something C/F. I remember gaming a HB7.5 at a party a while ago and I new she was interested but when I tried to # close she asked me for my number. I looked at her, laughed and said, "does the word c-h-u-m-p appear somwhere on my body that I'm not aware of? She looked at me laughed and gave me her number like that.

-all about your surrounding: Lots of guys that do a bootcamp walk up to girls with the canned opener "Excuse me are you single" or "excuse me I'd like your opinion on something." Sure you might get a few closes like this, but to increase your success its much better to go on your surroundings. Her clothing, her purse, something you notice near her. Keep with that style, because

a: you appear less creepy and more like a friendly guy
b: she'll be more open to talking to you
c: # close probability goes waaaaaaaaaaaay up

-don't be in a rush: I've notice newbies always rush the cold approach. They'll open with something lame, then jump right to it!! That's a mistake and is rarely successful. You've got time to post intricate details about your life on this board, then you have time to sit down and chat up a HB and number close. I've approached and # closed in 30 seconds when I knew the girl was interested and I've approached and chatted for 10 minutes when I didn't know and still # closed. Learn to judge a situation by its dynamics.

-HAVE FUN: Nothing to be scared of its only a girl, if she rejects you don't take it personal and move on. There shouldn't be any reason why every single guy that is on this board shouldn't be able to get plenty of dates once he's become comfortable within his own skin.

I see pu$$y in your future..............:D



Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by SELF-MASTERY
Your sort of right about the last chick, but I wanted to make my intentions known, I see to many guys playing coy. I need to spend a little more time on building rapport. I'll see her around again.

side note: I had a pretty interesting convo with a very hot HB9 waitress last week. I asked her about how different guys approached her. She says.....

Black guys: are way more aggressive than white guys. Anyone from the south is familiar with the "hey whats up shawtty come here, let me talk to you, I can do this and that fo you let me take you out." She hates that style.

White guys: are more coy, he lets go out, give me your number and if you wanna call you can... her words and inflection

what she prefers: conversation then the number close.

I think that the game comes down to one thing attraction. You can do the cube, EV, magic tricks, phase shifts all you want, but if attraction isn't there you are done for.
Not only did this girl have a bias about different cultures but she also implied she prefers white guys.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Silver_Grizzly
Not only did this girl have a bias about different cultures but she also implied she prefers white guys.
I'm not so sure about that. She couldn't stop talking about all the black actors she likes.. This conversation was in the lcsmous library, she's part of my friends study group. Her main theme was black guys too aggressive ans white guys are too passive. Meet me half way. I've noticed the same thing...

Thanks for all the replies guys...
I might not make my quota this weekend (night job), but I will definitely make up for my inactivity on the weekend. I hope I find time to sarge today.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Alright today was a bust, I was studying for my last midterm all day and didn't get a chance to sarge. I'll make up for today and sunday on friday.....

I made one micro approach with a girl I saw in the hallway reading a brochure for the accounting program at my school... We fluff talked, and she game me IOI's, but I didn't go after her. I was tempted to walk back out of my classroom and pull, her but I didn't....

Friday will be a great day!!! I'm determined to make 10 approaches at all costs. Wish me luck