

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
Bringing these words that were being ketp captive from deep within the vaults of my heart, I shall salute you gentlemen.

Arise !

Arise above all the mediocrity my friends, arise above and beyond the cheap dreams and the worthless goals that they're selling you through the glass screen.

Arise, for nature is merciless and relentless on it´s pursue of her future king, and it will swallow and wallow the weak in pity. Only those who are brave enough to rise against it, and take it by the neck like a warrior tames a wild, raging horse, will be rewarded by its treasures.

Arise, the brave of heart, arise those who have a heart of steel, and know that, more than a king, more than a womanizer, more than a tv star, more than a rich person, more than a sunshine boy, first one should be a man. One should look back and realize the sacrifices made by the brave men that came before him, and notice that if we sleep in a f*cking warm and cosy bed tonight, is because our ancestors gave their blood and their sweat.
If we have tecnology, and thus, access to knowledge, is because the virtuosos that came before us sacrified their free time to develop it, to make mistakes and go beyond what anyone thought that could be possible.

Imagine if Albert Einstein had decided that going after ***** was more important than comprehending the universe? Where would all of us be now? Would we have a Don Juan Discussion Forum?

Arise, arise above the mediocre. We already have billions of people only worried about getting lady and getting more money, we don't need any more of that.

Arise, the saints. Arise the virtousos. Arise the real men.
For, as soon as you stand up above the norm, the common, the meek, the lame, all attack you and try to push you down, and make you drown on their pool of sorrow and waste.

But do not let yourself be dragged in. Don't ever be content, don't ever settle down.
Light and kindle the flame, deep inside your heart, and let it light your path towards the skies.

Arise, and soar high. We're more than men, and our feats are more than mere achievements, they're miracles. We're on the age where dreams are becoming reality faster than the blink of an eye. So stand up and fight, and make your dreams come true.

Arise above the lies, and the empty life. Know that you're living for yourself, and fighting for yourself, investing your time, your effort and your energy in yourself, is the only true path to happinees. Love yourself above anything else, and the world will follow.

Arise, beyond the greed, rage and hate. A noble soul may not have appraisal, may not gain the compliments, and may even be hated for trying to help. But a noble soul lies to sleep everynight as light as a tiny bird, free to fly anywhere on its dreams.

Arise, and scream. Fight for you dreams. There's no turning bacl, there's no more time left. It's the moment of truth, it's now or never, life's staring you into the eyes just like a tiger. Are you going to tame it or are you going to let it scare you away to your comfort zone?

Arise, against the injustice, against the bashing of the weak and the helpless. For one day, you were weak too, and someone arose for you too.

Arise, my friends, and fly high, fly towards the skies. We're the warriors, we are the saints, we are the new virtuosos.

Inside our heads and inside our hearts lies the strength and the passion to make any miracle become reality, and to make any dream see daylight. It's up to us to leave the stupidity behind and make this world a brighter place.

Arise, and put a smile on the face of everyone you see around you, because, there's hope. It is possible. We can make tomorrow better. We ARE GOING to make tomorrow better.

Arise, for, even if we die halfway through it, or, don't live to see our efforts being completely consumed... our souls will forever live as eagles, free to roam to anywhere under the sun.

Arise, and spread your wings, for the generations that will come right after us, will delight and rest on the shadows of our wings, and they'll will cherish the memories of their ancestors and the world will hold our generation in highest regard.

Arise my friends, and live. Live, even if you're about to die, and you're already dead, arise, and live a second life.

It's possible. It's within our clutch. Just takes a little passion, and a lot of effort. Like the Coyote who never gives up on his goal,
when you hear the call to arms.





Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
How is it so easy for us to go day in and day out and not do anything? Are we that worn out from our daily endavours...?

I have a question for everyone also...what the f*ck moves you? ;)

Great post BBB....glad to see you back and keep em comin.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2005
Reaction score
Awsome post. :up:


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Never failed to inspire BBB, you will go far in life man.

I'm not even going to add to that, i'm just going to leave your post in all of it's beauty.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
BBB is back! Damn good post...