I honestly think that there needs to be one place for all of the information on Borderline Personality Disorder. I will do my best to put as much information in this thread about borderline personality from me and other posters.
Hello my fellow Don Juans. If you are not familiar with me, my name is cyjay201. I found this site about a year ago and it has drastically changed my life. I have been involved with many women, however I have only been in a long term relationship with one girl, who turned out to have Borderline Personality Disorder.
This site has a few posts on Girls with Borderline Personality Disorder. However most guys don’t realize it until they’re sucked in. My goal is to broaden and expand everyones knowledge on this tragic disease.
First here is some background information on Borderline Personality Disorder: (Compliments of Wyldfire)
Posted by Wyldfire 07-31-2005 04:14 PM
I will start off by several posts that I have found through a search, some made by Wyldfire and pimp-sicle who are experts with girls on Borderling Personality Disorders.
This is a post written in response to Kourt when asking what he ought to do with his g/f who he believes has borderline personality disorder. Below Wyldfire, Pimp-Sicle, and optimist prime list typical borderline personality behavior, and what to look out for.
I'm an expert on BPD. I was married for 10 years to someone who has it. Here's what you can expect:
Feeling like you are always walking on egg shells.
Frequent threats and some attempts at suicide.
Self-mutiliation...I bet she cuts herself, too, doesn't she?
One minute she'll love you and the next she'll hate you.
She will emotionally, verbally and possibly physically abuse you.
Lord forbid you have any children with her because she will treat them the same way.
Her moods will change more than you can keep track of.
She will alienate all of your family and friends to the point where they won't want to be around you because of her.
She won't be able to keep friends, so she will look to you as her only source of support...and you'll also be her main victim of abuse.
She is likely to develop alcohol and drug problems.
She will suck the very life right out of you.
People with BPD can't have healthy, normal relationships with people. They can improve with medication and something called dialectal therapy (sp?) IF they actually stay in treatment. Therapist find that people with BPD are the most difficult patients to deal with because of how toxic they tend to be.
If any of what I mentioned sounds familiar to you and you've already been experiencing any of it...it won't get better with time. My advice would be to end your relationship with her. A lot of people have psychological problems, and most can still have good relationships. BPD is a whole other monster entirely. Ending the relationship will be tricky, though. If that's what you do, you'll want her to end it otherwise she'll be bitter and angry with you until some other guy comes along and becomes her new victim. And no, she can't help it, but that doesn't mean that you should expose yourself to what this disease does to those close to the people who have it.
Posted by Wyldfire 07-29-2005 05:04 AM
-they cheat
-they lie A LOT
-they play of your guilt to make them feel better about themselves
Really read my PM I just sent you carefully and take the time to educate yourself on the disorder. BPD is a disorder of INTIMACY!! That means no matter what she says (I love you) and what she does (gives you great sex, buys you gifts) it is never EVER geninue. The cannot completely commit because they always feel on edge. You know that feeling you feel when your nervous before a big event (anxiety of sort), your nerves get you going and you feel on edge? Well that's how your gf feels 24/7. It is SUCH a complex disorder, don't try to reason or understand it, it doesn't and won't make sense.
Posted by Pimp-sicle 07-29-2005 05:19 AM
physically abused me
tried to commit suicide 4 times, one time in front of me by slitting her wrist wide open
stolen my car
made up strange and odd stories about being abused, being attacked out in a parking lot 50 feet from our apt. (she cut herself on her face to make it look like an attack) just to get me to pay more attention to her
Had a huge fear of being abandoned
claimed she was raped while we were together in a wal mart parking just to get my sympathy-she even went to the police
stole money from her dads business
Had rampages of hate and vile like I have never seen-you could have sworn she was possessed, followed up by extrme niceness
severe alcohol and painkiller addiction
had me thrown in jail at the end of our relationship when i finally left her because she claimed I beat her up-I never touched her. She cut herself then called the cops claiming I did it. I faced a weekend in jail, 6 months probation, and about $2,000 in costs.
So many other stories you wouldnt believe it, they occured pretty much daily. The list that wyldfire gave was right on, my ex had everyone one of those symptoms.
Optimist prime 07-29-2005 08:35 AM
Hello my fellow Don Juans. If you are not familiar with me, my name is cyjay201. I found this site about a year ago and it has drastically changed my life. I have been involved with many women, however I have only been in a long term relationship with one girl, who turned out to have Borderline Personality Disorder.
This site has a few posts on Girls with Borderline Personality Disorder. However most guys don’t realize it until they’re sucked in. My goal is to broaden and expand everyones knowledge on this tragic disease.
First here is some background information on Borderline Personality Disorder: (Compliments of Wyldfire)
Posted by Wyldfire 07-31-2005 04:14 PM
I will start off by several posts that I have found through a search, some made by Wyldfire and pimp-sicle who are experts with girls on Borderling Personality Disorders.
This is a post written in response to Kourt when asking what he ought to do with his g/f who he believes has borderline personality disorder. Below Wyldfire, Pimp-Sicle, and optimist prime list typical borderline personality behavior, and what to look out for.
I'm an expert on BPD. I was married for 10 years to someone who has it. Here's what you can expect:
Feeling like you are always walking on egg shells.
Frequent threats and some attempts at suicide.
Self-mutiliation...I bet she cuts herself, too, doesn't she?
One minute she'll love you and the next she'll hate you.
She will emotionally, verbally and possibly physically abuse you.
Lord forbid you have any children with her because she will treat them the same way.
Her moods will change more than you can keep track of.
She will alienate all of your family and friends to the point where they won't want to be around you because of her.
She won't be able to keep friends, so she will look to you as her only source of support...and you'll also be her main victim of abuse.
She is likely to develop alcohol and drug problems.
She will suck the very life right out of you.
People with BPD can't have healthy, normal relationships with people. They can improve with medication and something called dialectal therapy (sp?) IF they actually stay in treatment. Therapist find that people with BPD are the most difficult patients to deal with because of how toxic they tend to be.
If any of what I mentioned sounds familiar to you and you've already been experiencing any of it...it won't get better with time. My advice would be to end your relationship with her. A lot of people have psychological problems, and most can still have good relationships. BPD is a whole other monster entirely. Ending the relationship will be tricky, though. If that's what you do, you'll want her to end it otherwise she'll be bitter and angry with you until some other guy comes along and becomes her new victim. And no, she can't help it, but that doesn't mean that you should expose yourself to what this disease does to those close to the people who have it.
Posted by Wyldfire 07-29-2005 05:04 AM
-they cheat
-they lie A LOT
-they play of your guilt to make them feel better about themselves
Really read my PM I just sent you carefully and take the time to educate yourself on the disorder. BPD is a disorder of INTIMACY!! That means no matter what she says (I love you) and what she does (gives you great sex, buys you gifts) it is never EVER geninue. The cannot completely commit because they always feel on edge. You know that feeling you feel when your nervous before a big event (anxiety of sort), your nerves get you going and you feel on edge? Well that's how your gf feels 24/7. It is SUCH a complex disorder, don't try to reason or understand it, it doesn't and won't make sense.
Posted by Pimp-sicle 07-29-2005 05:19 AM
physically abused me
tried to commit suicide 4 times, one time in front of me by slitting her wrist wide open
stolen my car
made up strange and odd stories about being abused, being attacked out in a parking lot 50 feet from our apt. (she cut herself on her face to make it look like an attack) just to get me to pay more attention to her
Had a huge fear of being abandoned
claimed she was raped while we were together in a wal mart parking just to get my sympathy-she even went to the police
stole money from her dads business
Had rampages of hate and vile like I have never seen-you could have sworn she was possessed, followed up by extrme niceness
severe alcohol and painkiller addiction
had me thrown in jail at the end of our relationship when i finally left her because she claimed I beat her up-I never touched her. She cut herself then called the cops claiming I did it. I faced a weekend in jail, 6 months probation, and about $2,000 in costs.
So many other stories you wouldnt believe it, they occured pretty much daily. The list that wyldfire gave was right on, my ex had everyone one of those symptoms.
Optimist prime 07-29-2005 08:35 AM