How to get Pook to shut up


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
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The Forum cries out, "OMG, this is the BEST thread title ever!"

Someone related to espionage told me this: we are most vulnerable at two points in our lives. First, it is when we are without a lifemate. Second, is when we have lost our financial footing. He told me that spies and all find these two weaknesses in Human Nature the easiest and most common to exploit.

The experience of being a Nice Guy or AFC should have waken you up to the reality of the how easy it is to be exploited of the first weakness. It is not just those girls who walked over you that was in the exploiting. It is also the marketing. "Wear this and all the ladies will love you!" The movies. "OMG, that young actress is sooo hot! Who cares the movie sucks or she can't act." Music. "Lalalala, I sing of my heart's loneliness, lalalala." Clubs, bars, designer clothes, sports cars, all the people behind it are pressuring your weak point there.

How to solve this weak point?

1) Be comfortable and confident to go get ANY girl at ANY time no matter your financial/material situation.

2) Know what you TRULY want in life, have a PURPOSE or a PASSION, which is a stronger tether to keep you from being pulled by exploiters.

3) Be able to say NO to any girl and don't take CR@P from anyone.

4) Create an identity that doesn't depend on women or female approval (father, husband, boyfriend, player, all are insignificant since they depend on women to exist).

5) Keep investing time in yourself. Don't $hit your entire youth chasing girls.

The second weakness is much softer than the other one. The issue of money is very important, it will be a dominant issue in your life, probably even more so than women. How do people exploit those who have little to no financial footing? Let us count the ways:

By big corporations promising you a career to 'climb the corporate ladder' for the rest of your life with '401k' retirements and all. What they do not say is that there is no job security today. And those GM/Ford/Airline/ETC. workers who were promised pension retirements? Their pension funds keep getting slashed, so they have to go back to work. Do you really think the 401 ks and mutual funds will be as secure?

By banks offering you a house. "Your house is an asset," they say. Yes, it is true. But your house is an asset to the bank. Even if you pay off your house, your payments will probably increase due to property taxes and other costs. You really believe you 'own' your house? Try not paying your property taxes and you will find out who TRULY owns your house.

By Wall Street saying, "Invest for the long term! Diversify, diversify, diversify!" Does Warren Buffet diversify? What about Bill Gates? Keep control of your money, don't just hand it over to fund managers.

By politicians saying, "We will fix your pension problem" to "Let us lower taxes" to "let us raise taxes on the 'rich'". Politicians are very wealthy and they did not earn their wealth through income. There is no Wealth Tax. But there is an income tax because they don't want YOU to be wealthy. If everyone was financially secure, what role would the politician have? Most political issues are financial is not because of coincidence. From college loans, to oversea jobs, to lay-offs, to social security, to health care, on and on and on, they are all targeting your financial weak spot.

The cure from being financially exploited is:

1) Become financially literate (KNOW how to read a financial statement. Everyone needs to know how to do this. You will be dealing with money your entire life. You will realize there are two constants in life: one is for you to make money. And second is for everyone to want your money. Everyone.)

2) Keep open the OPTION of investing or making a business (You do not HAVE to. But we become stronger when we have more options, not less. If you feel yourself incapable of breaking out and starting a business or investment, you will be enslaved to employers for the rest of your life. Just keep the options open.)

3) Do what YOU want, do NOT follow the Way. (What is the 'Way'? The Way is College -> Good Job -> Marriage -> Big House -> Vacations -> Kids -> Save for kids college -> Retire. You do not HAVE to get married and do any of that. There is no formula for life. Never trust anyone who tells you that should consider yourself 'lucky' even if you feel unhappy in your job, wife/girl, or house.

Do all the above in italics and I will die a happy Pook. There is a reason why they call the financial world a 'Dog eat dog' world. Who is eating WHOM? Also, consider those Nature shows of one sex devouring another. Humans are capable of it as well. There is a reason why young men turn into a big fat bald old man by the time they are thirty or forty. Healthiness of soul is healthiness of life.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2003
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3rd rock from the sun
Wow... I think I'm seeing the metamorphosis of Pook...

The emphasis is no longer ********, the emphases is now finance...

Good post.

Yeah I think we all get pulled in and manipulated by persons who use sexual weakspots to control our financial destiny... they try to make things seem "sexy" no matter how ridiculously unfinacialy healthy they are...


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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Keep investing time in yourself. Don't $hit your entire youth chasing girls.
I would like to see what your consider "investing in yourself" while you are 18-25. College (education) is an obvious one. Health is another one. What else would you add to the list?

By Wall Street saying, "Invest for the long term! Diversify, diversify, diversify!"
I keep on hearing this from everywhere nowdays, however the real millionares i've had a chance to talk to always said "NEVER".

Guys, the truth is, you make money by going THE OPPOSITE way of everyone else. Nobody gets rich by doing what everyone else is doing, this is a fact.

I dont know about you, but for me living in a suburb with 2 minivans is FAR from the life i wish to leave. I bet you say "Duh.. who wants that?". Well, why dont you ask your neighbours? All of them are doing exactly that. As you get older, you surrender and give up little by little your dreams towards security. This thinking is the main reason people do not achieve their dreams.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
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Not to diss Pook, but he neglects to mention the difference between seeing and making money as an essential part of surviving in our world ... and seeing and making money as an end in itself.

The first is the mentality of the 9-5 cubicle drone; he works to make money because he has to if he doesn't want to become a bum. If he didn't have to; he wouldn't.

The second is the mentality of Trump and his wannabes. Making money is its own reward, apparently. Even if these guys started out small, they're now so fantastically wealthy that they could just retire, but since moneymaking means more to them than just a necessity, they do it anyway.

In order to be motivated and tough enough to make big money, it's got to mean more to you than something you need to buy stuff with.
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Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
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The Matrix

Well, why dont you ask your neighbours? All of them are doing exactly that. As you get older, you surrender and give up little by little your dreams towards security. This thinking is the main reason people do not achieve their dreams.

i can not answer for the sheep that chose to follow everyone else

but to be fair on the sheep they are lead astray

the entire economic system is set up to protect and increase the wealth of those who are already rich

and destroy and oppress those who already poor

our lives are a WAR. a COLD WAR.

thats why Pook talking to CIA ops applys to our lives


people walk around ignorant but our governments who are controlled by the rich have declared a war upon the rest of us

it is an economic war designed to keep us opressed and busy just trying to keep food on the table

which keeps us as slaves, wage slaves for the upper class

they give us false hope 401k superanuation , self funded retirement after working as a slave for 40 years

all the other lurks and perks


meanwhile the top CEO after not doing his job properly gets a golden handshake for $5,000,000 for being INCOMPETANT

what keeps a man alive in prison ? HOPE

they give us small things to keep us alive and slaving away

some people lose these small bits of hope and commit suicide

is there another option ?


understand the nature of this war. don't be caught up in the credit card spending spree, flashy car ( that you pay off ) crap

DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE ( we are bobarded with propaganda )

STAY DEBT FREE ( as much as possible )

have a dream and a passion and DO IT

fvck what everyone else is doing DO WHAT YOU WANT

fvck what everyone else thinks THEY ARE PROGRAMMED ZOMBIES

Lost In Translation



Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2005
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Hahaha, funny title.

How to get sifer to shut up.

When I was studying Zen (and some of my life's influence comes partially from Zen), I have learned so much I am pretty much at peace with myself. Even if I knew someone pointing the gun at my head would pull the trigger and kill me.

I came to an epiphany when I heard, "when you see Buddha, kill him." This is very much like Pook's title, "when you want to shut Pook up, kill him." Not that we should grab our gun and shoot Pook but, it's that when we have learned a point in our life, not only do nothing else ultimately not matter, but we become such a person that others especially the old and wise will see as, "this man has truly lived his life".

There was a story in Zen, it goes...

Upon meeting a Zen master at a social event, a psychiatrist decided to ask him a question that had been on his mind. "Exactly how do you help people?" he inquired.

"I get them where they can't ask any more questions," the Master answered.
*sifer is meditating while listening to Beethoven*

When you have no question, you are truly at peace. At peace with yourself, the world, and eventually the universe.

I'd like to expand a bit on Pookism.

Originally posted by Pook
2) Know what you TRULY want in life, have a PURPOSE or a PASSION, which is a stronger tether to keep you from being pulled by exploiters.

Ah ha, in my other thread relating to wealth and richness, anyone can be rich and wealthy if only they had passion or a purpose.

This is where most fail. This is where I have failed at one point. When I came here at 2000 and registered at 2001, I posted and posted and posted. I asked a lot of questions and received a lot of bad answers and good answers.

Then I went on a hiatus.

At one point I became, I have yet to find the truth but I can feel it somewhere somehow. I have found the first step, and which I'm still working on, that is, working on my purpose.

When you work on your purpose, be it wanting to be a great actor, grade A actor, be it succeeding and acting for Steven Spielberg, when you set your mind to the undeniable truth, you eventually become that truth that you have set your mind to.

By big corporations promising you a career to 'climb the corporate ladder' for the rest of your life with '401k' retirements and all. What they do not say is that there is no job security today. And those GM/Ford/Airline/ETC. workers who were promised pension retirements? Their pension funds keep getting slashed, so they have to go back to work. Do you really think the 401 ks and mutual funds will be as secure?

All I have to say is, no, nothing is ever secure as one would think back in the 30s, 50s, and 70s. And 90s it was getting worse, as we go into the 05 and 06, social security is getting worse, and GM has recently laid off many workers (1/3!!!).

By banks offering you a house. "Your house is an asset," they say. Yes, it is true. But your house is an asset to the bank.

Ah ha! Beautiful! As a friend of a Chase bank manager, he once took me upstairs, at the stairs was the windows, he once told me, pointing outside..

"sife.. see those house?"

"Yes I do", I replied.

"These people... they think it's their asset... they firmly believe it." He looked at me, obviously in pity of the people he spoke about.

Continuing.. "These people own nothing and control nothing. All of these house are ours. ALL of it."

By Wall Street saying, "Invest for the long term! Diversify, diversify, diversify!" Does Warren Buffet diversify? What about Bill Gates? Keep control of your money, don't just hand it over to fund managers.

I told this to my late blood brother once.. "why is it that the person who invests all your money called a broker?"


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2005
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In the end, concentrate on yourself, that's it.

Passion for what you love to do, love yourself, and do no wrong to others.

Hail the spirit and smile. :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2003
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3rd rock from the sun
Originally posted by sifer I came to an epiphany when I heard, "when you see Buddha, kill him." This is very much like Pook's title, "when you want to shut Pook up, kill him." Not that we should grab our gun and shoot Pook but, it's that when we have learned a point in our life, not only do nothing else ultimately not matter, but we become such a person that others especially the old and wise will see as, "this man has truly lived his life".
Kill Pook to shut him up just like what they did to Jesus Christ and Tupac? Nah... I don't think Pook has reached full enlightenment yet. In a couple years Pook would probably revisit this thread and consider it too materialistic...

Zen is a beautiful thing...


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Damn! This is right point.


There is a reason why young men turn into a big fat bald old man by the time they are thirty or forty. Healthiness of soul is healthiness of life.

So true!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
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Charlotte, North Carolina
I'm happy to hear that many other people out there seem to share my views about careers too. I think a typical 9 - 5 job that you wouldn't go to if you had to is simply pointless. Do what you want to do in life and don't make money your #1 priority. I have started to understand just how important it is to live a life that makes you more complete and fulfilled as a person instead of giving up all hope on it.

By the way, anyone else having the hardest time finding a job this summer? =P


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
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I don't think it's quite that simple, Caldus.

Granted, for most guys, work is a tiring, emasculating, and soul-destroying chore.

However, how do you explain those Donald Trump wannabes that get just as excited about making money as other guys get about things like hobbies, sports, or sex?


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
What amazes me is how many people I try to talk to about investing, real estate, business, whatever, who have absolutely NO interest in it. With these drones around, I truly believe that getting rich is based upon willpower. That's it... well, almost (you also have to keep yourself out of situations in which you compromise your options)


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Is there a relationship between interest and willpower?

I know that you can have willpower without interest when you have to do something, but what about when you don't?


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
3rd rock from the sun
Interest in becoming rich and taking the necesary steps to becoming rich has to do with ones comfort zone.

To be rich one has to have an itch to stop living a lifestyle that is dronish... if you have an itch you'll be quick to scratch it right? So you see in order to be rich one has to have an itch/uncomfortableness steming from not being rich.

However the richness I'm talking about does not limit itself to a materialistic perspective. One could be rich in many things. One could be rich with money, memories and character.

Once again...

Zen is a beautiful thing.