Uncomfortable with your Age?


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
Are you uncomfortable with your age? Is it a insecurity of yours? Do you feel you don't live up to what the HB wants? Maybe you are too young for her, maybe too old. Are you sure you are too old/young for the image she has of what an ideal man is?

Guess what? Maybe you are. Maybe you are too old for what her ideal image of a man was. That's if she does know what she wants. Probably she doesn't know what she wants. And if she does know what she wants in a man, she doesn't know what she's talking about. But that's another thread...

The answer to this, my answer, comes from two different age insecurities:

You worry you might be too young for her expectations


You worry you might be too young for her expectations

Let's takle the first age insecurity.

You are too young

Ok, you, DJ, are 19. Ok?

Fine, then, you think HB probably wants someone older. And, she asks your age. Sooner or later, the age topic comes up. You could:

*Say "How old do you think I am?... close, not that close though...
*Avoid the topic, change subjects..
*Tell her your age.

Or, you could do it SamePendo style.

How young is the youngest you can look? Maybe, the youngest you can look is 17, or 16. Ok, take that age, your "youngest age" and exagerate it a bit. Let's say 15. That's the age you'll say you are.

Before I continue, I really want to emphasize something. You should be ok with the other basic characteristics of a DJ. Read the bible again , slowly, for you to do this right.

So, how will you handle you having 15 years?


HB So... how old are you?
You (Instantly answering. With a facial expression that shows that you aren't joking about it) 15.. how about you?

Do NOT laugh. Maybe you were talking about something funny, and you were laughing. Logicaly, you should keep the attitude/facial expression that you had... Have the facial expression that adequately shows you aren't kidding about your age.
You could swear you are *15* years old. That's the attitude. But:
By now, she should know your style. She should wonder about wheter you are making it up, or if you are really serious. If she knows you as never joking, always giving straight, flat out answers (which you shouldn't do).. the charm of this will be lost.

Ok, she insists... (she WILL, sooner or later)... what is the basic thing you do?

HB So, how old are you really?
DJ Didn't I just tell you? God woman, put more attention, that's one point less in my books.
HB Really... how old are you? You can't be *15*!!
DJ 15! why do you keep insisting? (remember, acting as if you were dead serious)
HB Yada yada.. cmon! How old are you?
DJ 15.. *pause* ... *james bond laugh*...*change the subject*

Here is where the magic is. You make her wonder. When you give out the james bond laugh.. you give her a reason to believe you are making it up, but, since you have been dead serious about it.. she isn't that sure!

Other things to say...

"Those switzerland surgeons rule!"
"Those miracle creams ARE miraculous!"
Tell her you've runned 3 miles since you were 6, and that, combined with a healthy diet, has done miracles.
"When you live in the amazonas, you learn acient ways to keep healthy skin"
..Make up some outrageous disease, that affects your skin etc.

You are too old

You are dealing with a young HB. Naturaly, she might be hesitant, because of your age. Most of them are. So, you naturaly are insecure with the situation. You could handle it in a million ways. But, you're doing it SamePendo style. This is pretty much the same formula as the one posted above:

How old is the oldest you can look? Worst case scenario. How old is the oldest someone could think you are? Realisticaly speaking, I mean, if a 5 year old says you look like 80, she obviously doesn't know what she's talking about. Ok, let's suppose you are 40. But, worst case scenario, you look 55. You will exagerate this age, your "oldest age", and, exagerate it a bit. Tell them you are 60, 62. This should be very hard to believe, but, in worst case scenarios... real.

When exagerating your age.. you should add more than what you substract when you ..subtract. Why? Because a 10 year old does NOT look like a 20 year old. But, a 40 year old, might look like a 50 year old. The 10 year age difference changes.

When she asks, tell her that life in the slave importing and exporting buissiness required much time and was pretty damn stressful.
Tell her that those miracle creams are ****ed up, you are thinking about suing them.
Make up some outrageous disease.

It should be very hard to believe, but maybe, real.

When doing this whole age thing, wheter adding it, or substracting it, remember:

*You are trying to mix her up... NOT to make her believe you ARE this age you are telling her.
*Throw in now and then a sign to show that maybe, maybe, you are joking.
*Keep this up as long as you want to. If time passes, and she finds out your age.. maybe from your family, act relieved... and say? "And you believe this?... Great... the surgeries DID work!"

The fact that you are playing with your age tells a lot about you. It says that you are comfortable with your age. That you are aware that maybe you are too young/old for her.. but you simply don't care.. 'cause you're the man. And you will make her feel like she has never felt, ever.

Finaly, some things you should allready know:

-You shouldn't care about what she thinks of you.
-You shouldn't care about what she wants in a man. Don't even dare to ASK what she wants in a man!!
-I'm assuming you are pretty damn familiar to the DJ way of thinking.
-The insecurity with age, should be pretty damn low. It should be just a minor problem. It shouldn't be a real issue. If you DO consider it to be a huge deal... you need help. Because you aren't believing that you are worthy.
*edit* Age should NOT be an issue for you. It probably is a issue for her. That's why this is wonderful, because you're playing with her insecurity about you.

Taken from Exposing your V-Card
See also: You a Virgin? (SPing)
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Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Being uncomfortable with your age is just stupid. If you're young, you will age. If you are too old, you shouldn't be messing with the younger girls anyways. You had your time.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Had my time and I am going to have it again.

Age really means nothing. It is just an other obstacle to overcome. I have seen guys in their 60's effectively pick women in their late 20's, so I know it is possible. I am also sure it is a hell of a lot harder, but if you really want it , you will find a way.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
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this is the lamest thing i ever heared, ok well not the lamest but its pretty lame. I only read the part about to young, and i got to say that lieing is not the answer because the truth has to come out and then you will lose points for lieng, girls infact everyone, prefers honest people.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
The goal of this is to show her that age is not an issue, precisely.

But I didn't write what I wrote on another post, so I'll quote:

"I want to point out something. It doesn't matter if the issue is an issue for you or not, it's a probable issue for her. Like, for instance, car.

You might, or might not have a car.

You SP, and say you don't have a car, but do have a red bycicle.

You might have a big ass convertible car. Which, means it's not an issue for you. Or maybe, you don't have a car, it shouldn't be a real issue for you.

It doensn't forcefuly have to be a weakness of yours, but, it IS a probable issue for HER. Exagerate the worst case scenario a bit."

Age might not be a issue, concern, or whatever, for you, because you're a DJ. But, but it probably is a issue for her, so all you do is play with her.

Age should NOT be a concern for YOU.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by Fatality
Being uncomfortable with your age is just stupid. If you're young, you will age. If you are too old, you shouldn't be messing with the younger girls anyways. You had your time.
Whatever - I'm 44 and still pull girls nearly half my age.

Why subject yourself to such limiting beliefs?


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
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Originally posted by Derek Flint
Whatever - I'm 44 and still pull girls nearly half my age.

Why subject yourself to such limiting beliefs?
let me guess, you have alot of money

What do you talk about with these girls that are young enough to be your daughter?

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by Fatality
let me guess, you have alot of money

What do you talk about with these girls that are young enough to be your daughter?
Nope, I don't have a lot of money.

I am fortunate in that I look somewhat younger than my actual age.

Most people think I'm in my mid-30's

Part of that comes from taking care of yourself with diet, exercise, getting enough sleep, not abusing drugs/alcohol etc..

I also don't have limiting beliefs, such as that I'm too old to date these girls, or that I need money to do so, or have to look like a male model.

The right attitude will take you much further than looks or money.

There are plenty of guys out there with both who can't get girls.
I know a few of them.

Not saying that I'm some big-time player, but I do alright.

What I've learned here and from others such as David D'Angelo has helped a lot.

And I talk to young women the same way I would talk to most women - flirt with them, make them laugh, create rapport etc...


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
If a HB is attracted to you, age won't matter. I read a post on masf once about a dude who met a guy of 58 years old, pulling HB's in their 20's.

I think you can use it for some playing, but telling you're 15 doesn't do sh*t for you. It's rather childish if you ask me.

Now what you could do is use the age thing as bait. Let her work for it.

her: BTW what's your age?
me: I'm old and wise enough.....to NOT answer that question.
her: O, c'mon tell me.
me: Mmm...what do you think?
her: (tells some age)
me: (smiling)
her: I'm right?
me: Maybe
her: Tell me
me: What do I get in return?

You can actually use this baiting with almost any information about yourself.

The other possibility is to go Hannibal Lecter on her and tell: Quid pro quo...you tell me something, I tell you something (in a sinister style). Now smell her and tell: Aaah just like Clarice.... (look her in the eyes as horny as you can and start breathing really deep). ;)


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
It's purpose is to be childlike, not childish.

It works.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
I had one girl tell me that I'm too old for her after she found out that I was 42 at the time.

I reframed it as her not being mature enough to date me. (She was around 25)

Ended up getting her number, but not much more.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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there's no point in beating around the bush. not telling a girl someone your true age shows how immature and insecure you really are.

yes girls might do this often, because they really are insecurea bout their age and dont want a # to remind them that they're not young anymore.

if a chick allows your age to interfere with her relationship towards you then so be it, if she cant accept it then that's her problem, not yours. age is a # nothing more.

if you act older than your real age, then good for you all the better, you'll shatter her expectations of your age. i know ive done so to many ppl in the past, as most ppl already assume im in my mid 20's


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Originally posted by SheepSter
If a HB is attracted to you, age won't matter.

If a HB is attracted to you, nothing will matter. It won't matter if we're a bunch of NiceGuys.

This works because she creates a mental image of you, of who you are. She makes excuses for being with you. Then, when she is attracted to you, it won't matter if she knows your age. You're just letting the age thing (or whatever other issue it is) not come between you two.


Oct 28, 2005
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i always had older girls. i think age doesnt matter, its just mentality.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
Same Pendo & Derek Flint are right

Attraction overrides all objectivity. A gal who's attracted enough to you will make black white and left right to get at you.

The best thing you can do is tell her she's too young and inexperienced for you straightaway... that will not only kick in the "want what you can't have" thing, but will get those fantasy wheels turning, if you know what I mean... gals crave the opportunity to fall into skillful hands.


Oct 28, 2005
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if you are unconfortable with your age you are unconfortabl with yourself. so how do you want girl to be comfortable wiuth you?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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I noticed that whenever older women are interested in me one of the first two questions that they ask me is
how old are you?
whenever they do that I immediately take it as an Indication of interest and then reply...

what else you wanna know about me, my social security number too?
this is a ****y funny reply and dont answer her question so I can keep her guessing.
whenever older women ask the age of guys it is the biggest indication of interest that she will show. it means that she wants to know if she can sleep with you and not be seem as a child abuser.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Compared to women, men have it easy. We like looks, which disappear with age. They like wealth, power, and status, all of which increase with age.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Heh,..it never ceases to amaze me how readily 21 and 22 year old guys are to let men 20+ years their senior know 'how things really are'. Heheh,..:p

I guess I shouldn't laugh though, I got just as frustrated in my 20s to see a majority of girls of my own age get with older guys because they had either means or maturity that I couldn't compete with at the time.