Sexuality Projection


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2003
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Manhood: Introduction

Since this year i've been applying a lot of the Gunwitch stuff and i've improved many aspects for conveying my sexuality. I am having less problems with the girls seeing me as a sexual partner, when i used to get no interest from them at first sight before, i can now get them interested in me as a sexual material, without having to get into much rapport or attraction material.

I will point some basic aspects and tips for the pople who are having problems in conveying or demonstrating his masculinity. We know that our sexuality is projected through this masculinity, but with the 'wussification' of the society through the media (movies, tv shows, games, etc) in the last years is confusing many boys out there, when instead, they should be focusing on...

The roots: Your Desire

Yes, i've learned and applied the concept of matching my seduction gratification and satisfaction to the root of all our actions with the opposite sex: the sex itself. ¿Why would you approach that HB... ? think about it.. ¿is it because of some bet or because you see her as a potential gf, or do you like her smile? ... ¿or do you really see yourself having sex with her and feel the lust and desire? YOU MUST desire her, not matter what your friends or society thinks about this 'kind of girl'. If you imagine yourself having sex with her... you desire her... probably she's imagining the same things about you or other guys... the fear goes away when you get to the root: the sex. That's what we finally want, REALIZE IT and understand the basis of the human mating.

Increase your libido

Testosterone, as has always been written, causes us man to take action and quell the fear of approaching, but really: how many of us are taking those suggestions and applying them in real life? Probably many of the people in the forums read Pooks or others' posts about testosterone but they log off the internet and go to watch tv while eating a bag of popcorn... No no no no. You must apply this, you must be a man of action. Therefore, your libido will increase as a result of your testosterone pumping. You must APPLY ALL of the following points in order to get to a stable and healthy sexual state you will project later.

Ways to increase your sexual desire

A. It has always been said: stop the masturbation, cut it off. Get your sexual gratification (The roots) from the real sex experience. If you are only jacking off, you are fooling your unconcious mind to make it think "that masturbation is real sex". You have probably fooled your unconcious mind for 10+ years. Stop it right now. Get the real sex... let your mind meet the real sexual gratification... then it will be easier to get it. When you stop masturbating you are more active, you will approach more women, and you will see them as your only source of real sex gratification, not your hand. Really, it is ESSENTIAL: Force yourself not to masturbate until you fill your sexual desire with The roots: The REAL sex with Women bodies. That way you unconcious mind will be educated in a few months... after a few sexual encounters... your new mind will be educated to The Roots programming, not the social and media 'wussification' trash.

B. Start doing excercise. Lift wegihts. Lose weight if you are overweight. It will probably be the hardest point to accomplish but believe me, the rewards will be many to mention them. Some of the benefits are: lots of confidence, you feel desired, in better health, more stamina, more physical attention from HBs, and overall a high self-esteem because there will be less resistance from the HB when you are ready the sex them (when you get to The roots).

C. Eliminate the porno. That's basic for point A. The sexual desire must come from real girls, real women and your fetishes and lusts will be more reachable and intense when you feel them with real women. After you have avoided masturbation for 1-2 weeks, the kino will come easier... and you will enjoy it more. Practice with girl friends.. new girls you meet, every girl. You will start to feel the sexual enjoyment of The Roots.

D. Some foods and supplements help: fish, oysters, chocolate and mint are high afrodisiacs. Consider ginseng, it also stimulates your inmune system and overall sexual stamina. Also take some vitamins for endurance.

C. Start doing the Kegels exercises each morning, or before bed. 50 of them. They will also improve your sexual stamina. ¿Don't know what a kegel is? they are also commonly called 'PC muscle exercises', make a google search with those topics and you will find plenty of information on how to do them. It is easy and won't take you too much time, no more than 15 mins each day.

D. The power of visualization: visualize everytning you want, the kind of women you want to bang, and visualize yourself baning some girl friend of yours, or some girl from your class... while she's talking to you, o while she's talking with somebody... make sure, however, not to stare for an eternity because you will appear as a pervert. Just try to visualize and find each sexual side to girls you see. Look for their hot and provocative attitudes and physical parts. It is good if you talk about it with your friends... talk sexually about girls.. not in a jerk way.. but about what turns you on. You will be more confortable about expressing your sexuality when talking about it with close friends. Start doing it.

E. Music helps. Listen to some relaxing and sexy tunes when in company of your girls. Feel the desire, and get used to evoque it with the aid of music. It helps.

F. If you ever feel intense and inmense desire to masturbate DON'T DO IT until you get the sex from real women o real women hands haha. Wait... but you can use masturbation at your advantage: in the morning, one a week, you can stroke your penis a little, get sexually aroused and stop... you will be feeling very sexual during the res of the day. Try it. Don't question it, try it!! And remember, DO NOT EJACULATE unless it is on a girls body or inside it haha.

G. Culturize yourself sexually. Read books about it, and start discussing it. Some friends and girls will say you are a 'horny' or pervert guy. Well, guess what, you are a lot ahead of them in your road to The Roots. Don't listen to it. Enjoy it. These girls will feel inside 'they can get some of you because you are a horny guy who is not afraid of his sexuality'. Some books i recommend are "The Illustrated Kamasutra", "When a man makes love to a woman (unlimited stamina and multiple orgasms)" by David Michaels, and "How to make love all night (and Drive a Woman wild)" by Barbara Keesling.

Project your desire

It is good to show your lust for the woman. If you have done all the above setps without failing (for some really 'wussificated' people it should take about 1-3 months, yeah i know, it doesn't happen overnight, you must make an effort) the sexual being of yours will project naturally to HBs. The road to The Roots will be clearer. Some points to considerate:

A. Talking: it will be natural, your tone of voice becomes more mysterious, slower and deeper.

B. You will walk slowly, it is good. Don't be afraid if you are relaxed, it is good for sexual desire projection.

C. As you feel more conforable with your new body (assuming you have lost some weight and gained some muscle) you will walk more confident to the HBs, you will make better eye contact and you won't be afraid of your desire because you are getting HOT eye contact from many HBs with your new body... you are a prize ... a sexual prize... you know she desired you, and she knows you desire her.

D. The conovo will come naturally. Focus on The Roots and use everything you have learned here about conversation, there's plenty, plenty, plenty of conversation material.

After a few months, you will realize you are a new being, a sexual one, a de-wussificated one, you have returned to where you were born: The Roots. You are a Roots man now, who understand the sexual interaction between men and women and who is in charge of his sexuality, therefore a man who controls his masculinity and is not afraid of showing it to the women he DESIRES TO F*CK. Congratulations, you have become a natural man.

Important note

If you don't apply all the points I mentioned, don't bother about criticizing this tip. Try it, it will take you about 2-5 months or maybe more to dominate, but TRY IT. Then, you can comment on it. And remember: do not fall into the trap of your unconscious anti-root mind of masturbation: fight it will your desire for real women. And remember, when you get to The roots, sex will attract more sex. It is natural. Enjoy.

Credits to:

Gunwitch, Pook and the rest of the 'embrace your manhood' crew because that's the real base of the seduction. Thanks guys !! :D
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Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
bump. nice post ojete

in addition to those testosterone boosting tips, try to eat nuts just before bed, make sure to get at least 8 hours sleep and try not to go over 3 or 4 pints of beer in a night.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
no more masturbation, ah man, and no porno WT???how do u guys do it?

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
Reaction score

After a few months, you will realize you are a new being, a sexual one, a de-wussificated one, you have returned to where you were born: The Roots. You are a Roots man now, who understand the sexual interaction between men and women and who is in charge of his sexuality, therefore a man who controls his masculinity and is not afraid of showing it to the women he DESIRES TO F*CK. Congratulations, you have become a natural man.

AMEN. great post.

imo the vast majority of budding DJ's girl problems would be elimated if they followed the advice in this post. so many of us want to run out and learn the advanced techniques and like NLP/SS without learning the basics. advanced seduction DEFINATELY has its place, but we're forgetting to build a solid foundation before we put the walls up.

when your INNER GAME is on track, and youre in touch with your masculinity and sexual desire, things are so much easier. you dont NEED scripts or lines to approach a girl; cause it all flows naturally from within. further, you see girl's **** tests coming a mile away; and even better, you really dont care! 'cause youre heads on straight and you know what its really all about.

ATTRACTION and DESIRE is a NATURAL process. as the original poster noted, it really is a "de-wussification" process. you have to de-program all of the bull**** youve been spoon fed since birth. youve got to clear the pathways for which your passion flows. clean all that negative, unproductive bull**** out of the pipes so that your natural desires can flow. so you can FUNCTION AS YOU WERE GENETICALLY PROGRAMMED TO.

Credits to:

Gunwitch, Pook and the rest of the 'embrace your manhood' crew because that's the real base of the seduction. Thanks guys !!

in addition to the above, id like to specifically point out xblitz44x . search for his posts; hes made some good points on this subject. (such as the one in my sig)



Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by gav
bump. nice post ojete

in addition to those testosterone boosting tips, try to eat nuts just before bed, make sure to get at least 8 hours sleep and try not to go over 3 or 4 pints of beer in a night.
Any suggestions on the kind of nuts? I thought I'd heard that some increase sperm count. I just want some clarification on this.


Good post btw


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2004
Reaction score
What a coincidence I stumbled upon this...

This week I stopped masturbating. Since I was 15 I did it maybe once a day. Yeah...not good. Gunwitch actually inspired me to stop. I have frequently thought about women sexually, stopped masturbating and read ( Please read it if you haven't. Here are what's changed about me:

· Have managed to hold eye contact with everyone. Regardless how attractive I find a woman, I can say hi and fluff talk. This eagerness to interact hasn’t just been with women. I always demand for more whether it’s with my friends or family. The eye contact had a sense of purpose, you gaze because you want her to know you want to **** her, you look in her eyes as you speak with the intent to tell her what’s on your mind. It’s no longer a struggle to get her to "think" your a man.

· At school I have approached 3-4 girls from school per day. PER DAY. My heart beat was fast but it’s not out of nervousness if ya know what I mean. The best way to describe it is that you feel like your on the hunt. I still have to keep practicing and extend conversations longer so I can get digits but I don’t want dates, I want sex…badly. I still live at home so I can’t bring em back to my place. Suggestions?

· Before this, whenever I would finally get the balls (no pun intended) to approach a woman it would be very quick. I would ask something then after I got a response I didn’t like I would want to leave. This week I approached some girls and at first they were defensive. The old masturbating me would have ran away and have logged on to searching for ****y funny comebacks. The horny me didn’t want to leave and kept at it. All of those girls came around because they realized I wanted to get to know them. They went from intimidated to smiling. Awesome for me.

· I couldn’t find any evidence on this but women can pick up the increased testosterone. Women who I’ve seen around school/work have acted differently. Lots of eye contact, and their actions changed. They did things for me when I didn’t ask, seeking approval in conversation, always asking for my opinion. I didn’t give a damn because the only thing on my mind was banging other girls.

- Now remember: quitting masturbation isn’t going to turn you into Colin Farrell. You gotta work to look good but it’s not gonna get you girls. Some girls are just as shallow as men. You need good appearence and the mojo. To avoid choking the chicken will lead to a dewussification. Here’s one last story:

- This week I had a midterm and cannot study in my house. I went to Barnes and Nobles and went and sat down at where I could find a clear spot. Whenever I study there this older gentleman who always brings his papers from work and studies. This guy dresses in designer clothing, is in excellent shape and has a handsome face. This guy always sits there and looks at all the gorgeous women walk in and initially sparks their interest but quickly their attention sways to something else.
·He then always orders a drink
·Hovers over them while pretending to read but really stares at them.
·When they look he quickly looks away and takes a sip and returns to his seat.

I’ve even seen this poor bastard strike up conversations with them and they excuse themselves. Some will give their # and run but I get a feeling his answering machine has plenty of any-time minutes. It’s like clockwork. Well that day these attractive girls were sitting next to me but were very loud and bragging about how many boyfriends they had and every guy is in love with them. They were valley girls whom I would not want have sex with unless it was offered right there. I studied anyway and they asked me if they were bothering me?" I said "no…..well yeah. 5 boyfriends? Jesus." We laughed and talked for a while but I really didn’t want anything to do with these girls so I said I need to study for this midterm and they wished me luck. I go back to studying and that poor bastard is watching me like I’ve just done the greatest thing in the world. I didn’t, I just had the guts to speak my mind. They spoke much quieter so I got in some good study time but I overhead those same girls making fun of that guy saying he uses his arms too much when he walks and his ears were too small for his head. His walk or his ears weren’t the problem, we know that.

I know I've still got a lot to learn but this is much better than acting aloof and regretting the opportunities you failed to take advantage of.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
^ nice post.

F. If you ever feel intense and inmense desire to masturbate DON'T DO IT until you get the sex from real women o real women hands haha. Wait... but you can use masturbation at your advantage: in the morning, one a week, you can stroke your penis a little, get sexually aroused and stop... you will be feeling very sexual during the res of the day. Try it. Don't question it, try it!! And remember, DO NOT EJACULATE unless it is on a girls body or inside it haha.
This is so true! about the stroking but not jerking it... I did this for like 4 or 5 days without realising what I was doing and I found myself being much much hornier (in a mature manner ofcourse). I was much more relaxed when talking to more HB acquaintances than ever, with the slower speech, relaxed walk/look, and overall more sociable...small talk flowed with ease and I stopped being as anxious as I was before.
But then again, I did start coming to this site like 2 or 3 weeks ago, and have learned a lot, so that might be the result of the changes lately :cool:


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Awesome post. I fell back on jerking off even though I get sex. So I basically get off every day, half from my hand. Thta's too much. Imma cut down.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2002
Reaction score
if i dont crack one off i always get an erection when im doing day to day things - any advice?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
bump. stupid internet porn,

even that started to get boring after a while, dunno how my girl is going to react next time if im no good
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
so if whenever now a days when I walk slowly and with more meaning I feel like a lot of girls in class notice me...I walk real relaxed and its almost kind of weird this what u mean by projection?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
No masturbation really helps. I also avoid all porn. Girls are looking at me and taking more notice than ever before.

If you frequent the gym *often* as well, it helps teach invaluable discipline to control your desires.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
Reaction score
Inyurvij Eina
One thing about the ginseng, though-- I think I've read somewhere that ginseng can inrease estrogen? Is that true, and is that just in women, or in men too?


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2005
Reaction score
Good advice.

Originally posted by Scrumtulescence
Stop masturbating if you want prostate cancer. Or if you have a constant stream of pvssy.

Good thread, though.
Your point is also very important advice. Someone asked about good nuts: Almond is the king (google yourself), and sunflowerseeds are good for you and your prostate...


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
I understand the concept behind no masturbation, but most 15 y.o girls don't put out unless you're in a relationship with them (or they're big sluts).


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
imo the vast majority of budding DJ's girl problems would be elimated if they followed the advice in this post. so many of us want to run out and learn the advanced techniques and like NLP/SS without learning the basics. advanced seduction DEFINATELY has its place, but we're forgetting to build a solid foundation before we put the walls up.

when your INNER GAME is on track, and youre in touch with your masculinity and sexual desire, things are so much easier. you dont NEED scripts or lines to approach a girl; cause it all flows naturally from within. further, you see girl's **** tests coming a mile away; and even better, you really dont care! 'cause youre heads on straight and you know what its really all about.

ATTRACTION and DESIRE is a NATURAL process. as the original poster noted, it really is a "de-wussification" process. you have to de-program all of the bull**** youve been spoon fed since birth. youve got to clear the pathways for which your passion flows. clean all that negative, unproductive bull**** out of the pipes so that your natural desires can flow. so you can FUNCTION AS YOU WERE GENETICALLY PROGRAMMED TO.


i have been working on fixing my inner game issues
before i even knew of the term!
i was always convinced also that eventhough i was
having alot of success in the past-i wasn't truly happy,
no matter how many girls i was with.
so i had to go into a long lenghty procedure of
fixing my inner game.It took me forever, and i am
still working on it- but i am way more further along
now then i have ever been in terms of being mental/emotionally
stable. Somewhere down the line,if you ever wake up
hung over and wasted and can't rememeber what
happened the night before and it happens very frequently...
or that you are just NOT happy no matter how many girls
you meet.maybe it's not the girls and maybe that theres
something else on going underneath the surface.

you can have all the advanced dating techniques ,pick up lines,
all the ways to "pretend" to be alpha ...but when it comes
down to it, who are you when you are ALONE at night
when you go to bed? WHO are you really? if you are
full of techniques and concepts without the confidence of
tight inner game and self-knowledge to pull it off -then
in time the big gap ,the hole that you were filling in the void
with will run dry one day ..and all you will have to face are
ALL the issues that should've been taken cared of a long time

whatever issues anyone has going on inside them,it's always
in your best interest to target those FIRST before learning
everything about pick up/seduction.Because those issues,
the longer you wait to deal with them-the deeper routed
inside your psyche they will become and the harder it
will be to root them out ,resurface them and deal with them.
the longer you repress them the deeper it becomes apart of
who you are...

Tyler Durden writes:
At the same time, I found downsides. First off, I didn't realize that I previously had a social anxiety disorder. What was happening, was that going out and playing the game was actually SUPPRESSING my social anxiety. I find now that when I walk around, that I have difficulty maintaining eye contact with people and speaking with a clear voice. I can still do it of course, but I have to think about it consciously rather than just doing it.

Also, my game has deteriorated. I do not spark attraction in set anymore. I can talk to girls the exact same as before, but they just get attracted. It's interesting to watch, and reminds me of what it was like to be a student. I'm surprised that my game deteriorated within such a short period of time. It's interesting to see how quickly it happens, but I think that most people probably wouldn't have this issue because I was coming from a lower place than most people when I came into the community.

I just did a guest speech for DYD last weekend, and it was interesting for me because my social anxiety was so high that I had to leave the stage in fifteen minutes. I got up there, and I looked out at the crowd and I just drew blanks. I wasn't even scared, but rather just numb. Luckily I had notes with me, and I just said the material and it went well-enough. I've done enough public speaking at this point that I'm not going to have a "bad" appearance, but rather just not an outstanding one.

One thing that I found interesting about it was that early on I realized that I was too nervous to crack jokes. It was actually early my recognition of it that saved the speech. I find that if I'm nervous, that I can't make jokes "hit", so to speak. What i mean is that they won't get a good reaction, because it is obvious that I'm trying too hard to get a reaction.

most likely inner game issues , never addressed and taken cared
and are now resurfacing.