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CP: Interview with Style (Cliff's List)


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Hey all,

For those of you who missed it, this was an interview
posted on Cliff's List with Style, who's a good friend
of Mystery's and one of the trainers at the MM
workshops. Style is one of the most innovative PUAs
out there, and has developed much of the technology
that is now common use, including false time
constraints and opinion openers. He was the guy who
personally kicked my ass and jumped my game into high
gear, that this interview is pure $$$$. You can all
learn a lot from this guy, so read and re-read this
sucker when you get a chance.

Sarge on,




Clifford: Before I get into this, I want to tell you
that I greatly appreciate your time and effort in
writing this email and in the mind set that you have
expressed here. Too many guys get good and then just
spend their time getting laid and don't bother with
the community. I can understand it - but I can also
tell you that I for one appreciate your sticking
around to help.

Style: Thanks man. I've been having a lot of
adventures lately, but still always know I can get
better too. So I'm there to share as well as learn. I
know no one--even the gurus--who couldn't benefit with
continuing to learn. It's like golf. Even Tiger Woods
can't get a hole in one every time.

Clifford: The first question is what exactly are you
doing to keep these women on the string - it appears
that you have quite a stable but I get the impression
that you are not seeing them very often yet when you
do you are doing them. Most of the other guys I see
with several women seem to have to see them at least
once every week or two to keep the connection fresh -
I can understand about the ones out of town, but the
local ones I am curious about.

Style: Yeah, you're right. I do have women I see
weekly, monthly, or sometimes even once every six
months. And it's always on. None of these I would
consider an LTR. Never thought of it as strange
though. Would be interesting to figure out why that is
so. I think it may be because I am not jealous: I know
they have other lovers or even bfs, they assume I have
other lovers and probably gfs, but we can get together
and have great sex without complications. I also let
them know I'm very busy and don't have a lot of free
time, but I will make time for them when I can.

Clifford: Here's what particularly interests me. I am
focused usually on what changed, or what happened to
make someone go from unsuccessful (or less successful)
to great success. What made the difference, how do you
think differently now from the way you did before, how
would you suggest someone best accomplish the change
for themselves? Personally, I have some success but I
haven't been able to get it to the level that I want.
The key thing is to try and benefit from others'
experiences and make changes/corrections in the
shortest time possible.

Style: Yes, this has been one of my biggest concerns
here. Some guys improve, others are just treading
water and getting nowhere. They become good in their
heads and not the real world. I've noticed that there
are three types of people:

I. Approach machines, like Papa. These guys tend to
improve their game the quickest, because they have no
fear. However, guys who are approach machines are also
guys who tend to know the LEAST about social dynamics.
They are just walking PU machines following a
flowchart. So they end up with a tight 20 minutes, but
over the long term have problems getting a girlfriend
because they run out of material.

2. Guys who are smart about social dynamics and
socially well adjusted, however, tend to be shyer
about making approaches. They need to push themselves
more. But, if they can get over the fear of
approaching, then they tend to do well because they
are good and interesting conversationalists, and
basically once they add the new insights, patterns of
behavior, and material, they tend to have the option
of beautiful girlfriends.

3. Guys who are very set in their ways. These range
from total nerds to very cool guys. But the problem is
they can take in all this knowledge, but they can't
change the way they act. Their learned patterns of
behaviour and inner beliefs about themselves are so
strong that they can't do anything that's not "them"
and doesn't fit into their frame. Thus, they end up
with a great understanding of the game, but their rate
of success does not change.

Each type of person here needs a different method of
getting past his sticking points and improving, and
some take more work than others. All, however, have a
place where they hit a wall and it takes great effort
to get past it.

In my opinion, here is how you improve. First of all,
you approach. This is obvious. But approaching is
nothing if you can not take a step back afterwards and
calibrate, and figure out where you went right and
wrong, and then fix it. The way I learned was that I
small-chunked material into my game. My goal was just
to open at first, so I wrote down a handful of
openers. Then I used them until I could open easily.
Because I am a cautious person and do not like
"failure," I made sure my openers had a HIGH success
rate. (I believe that the openers I came up with--the
jealous girlfriend, dental floss, the spells story,
and so on--are some of the easiest and most
successful.) I naturally put forced time-constraints
into my PUs ("I can only stay for a minute, because my
friends are waiting for me, but really quickly...")
and these turned out to be gold, and Mystery and TD
now teach them. Again, I wanted to minimize failure.
Next , I figured out how to continue the conversation
and hook the girl. These are the IVDs I posted
about--easy routines to generate interest and convey
value. Once I had that done, I learned how to generate
rapport and then make an emotional connection and then
make a physical connection. Next, I added in all the
ACCELERATORS--challenges, push-pull, ****y/funny, and
so on. At some of these points, I was stuck for
months. And every so often, I still regress and have
to re-learn a certain stage of the game all over
again. For each of these stages, I wrote down a few
routines and put them on a cheat sheet which I always
keep in my back pocket. It's like a security blanket.


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Clifford: I had been noodling around a lot about the
concept of romance. Read women's personal ads, romance
novels, etc. it's everywhere where it concerns women.
My style had primarily been a pretty direct method
where I usually one way or the other let the woman
know that I am not there to get the time, find out her
opinion about something, do a magic trick, tell her a
joke, etc. but that she has a male in front of her who
is talking to her who is interested in her as a
female. When done right and coming from the right
frame of mind, this works more than it doesn't, I
find, but I still haven't found my own "holy grail" of
sarging - to get my success ratio very high.

Style: Yes, I agree. This is why I NEVER use the
direct approach (unless I know it's on before even
approaching). If you walk right up to a girl and tell
her you're interested, you are already disqualifying
yourself with most girls. Why should you be interested
in her? What do you know about her other than the way
she looks? It is just a pick up line. And no matter
how good it is, you're just a guy who wants sex from
her. As Mystery says, "An amateur hits on a girl right
away; a pro waits ten minutes." So if you can open
with something neutral and entertaining, you can talk
to her for ten minutes and display your personality to
her. You can have a real connection. And then, once
you do, you are ALLOWED to be more direct, even hit on
her. It's alright, because now perhaps she has
impressed you with her wit, her personality, her
knowledge, whatever. She now DESERVES to be hit on.
Plus, a neutral opener allows you to talk to ANY woman
in ANY situation--she's with her parents, seven guys,
her elementary schoolteacher (j/k).

My thought is for you to test out opinion openers.
Forget about Spells and Dental Floss. Try the one on
your list about the cheating ex-boyfriend. Or try this
one of mine. It also serves as a good transition into
more romantic talk. I really think you'll find a
conversation starting much quicker. And then you can
get into romantic talk. I believe that the problem
with your style is that romantic talk SHOULD BE phase
III. Phase I is opening, Phase II is demonstrating
enough value (for some it's enough to just be
interesting or funny) for her to start enjoying your
company and not wanting you to leave. THEN you can
shift into romantic talk. Here's the opener:

Style: Hey guys, let me get your opinion on
something. I'm trying to give my friend over there
advice, but we're just a bunch of guys and not
qualified to comment on these matters.

HBs: What?

Style: Okay, see Wing over there. Well, he has been
dating a girl for three months. And she just moved in
with him. Now, this is a two part question. So,
imagine you've been dating someone for three months.
And he is still friends with his old girlfriend from
college. How do you feel about that?

HBs: blah blah blah are they just friends blah blah

Style: Yes, they're JUST friends. There's nothing
else going on. They talk like once a week at most.

HBs: I think it's fine/I don't think they should be

Style: Okay, now let's say that he has a drawer in
his apartment. And in that drawer he keeps all of his
old photographs and letters. Now, some of those
letters happen to be from ex'es and some of the
photographs happen to be with ex'es.

HBs: blah blah blah concerned comment blah blah

Style: It's not like he ever looks at them. They are
just there, like old souvenirs and memories of his

HBs: I think it's fine/I think he should put them
away in a closet/He should destroy them/whatever

Style: Okay, the reason I'm asking is because WING's
girlfriend says doesn't want him to talk to his ex
from college at all. She wants him to cut it off
completely. And she wants him to destroy all of his
old photos and letters from ex'es. She says it's just
holding onto the past, and he should let go of it now.
Personally, I thought it was extreme and a bit
insecure. But what do I know. I'm a guy. And, as we
all know, guys think differently from girls...

From here, you can transition into Maddash's Romance
Novel routine if you want or the opener about how men
and women think differently..
It's a great opener because:
A. Women love talking about relationships.
B. You can neg them when they get all excited to talk
about it and say things like, "Oh my God, it's like
the View here" (great line to use anyway).
C. It can last a good 15 minutes as they all chime
in. (If guys are there, I usually say, "What the hell,
let's get your opinion too.")
D. You screen out the jealous psychos who think your
friend should not talk to his ex and destroy his old
photos. You'd be surprised how much the answers tell
you about the girls in the set.

Clifford: This, I think, is probably where I fit in.
I need to make some changes to increase my success
rate, and I think you hit the nail on the head with
what you describe here.

Style: Yes. I agree. To increase your success rate,
you need to make big internal changes. The easiest way
to do it is the old dictum, Fake it till you make it.

Clifford: Here's a sticking point of mine: I have
tried indirect openers many, many times. While
sometimes they work for me, I have somehow set a
negative anchor in myself because I have many times
gotten a "weirded out" reaction from women. A sort of
unspoken vibe that says "why are you talking to me?"

Style: Yes, this means you are doing them wrong. You
are coming in and delivering them incongruently
somehow. I see this happen with people, but it's NOT
the opener. It's your acting, your body language, and
your lack of a time constraint. You also have to
believe that it's true and that it will work. It can't
just be reciting a memorized line. You have to really
believe it, and really be interested in the answer,
and PRETEND as if you are going to leave as soon as
you get the answer. Having tried everything, I
strongly believe in Opinion Openers and Neutral
Entertaining Openers. So the best way to do this is to
MAKE UP YOUR OWN. Do it by thinking of a situation you
or a friend recently had. The famous (and quite silly)
dental floss opener of mine simply came from an
argument I was having with a MLTR the night before. I
just tried it out in the field to make a point to a
workshop student that you can say "anything" and it
will open if you say it right.


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Clifford: I have seen Mystery & TD and others do
great things with the indirect approach - and, from
what I read above, you outline a great strategy which
is to start off that way and head into something more
direct before this vibe comes into the picture. But I
have a real hesitation about it and it's an emotional
thing at this point. You don't have to convince me
that being direct is not necessarily the best
direction (although there are times when it is -
calibrating that is another thing). The problem comes
when I start off indirect (which I have done several
times lately to try and break this pattern) I seem to
stick to fluffing and avoiding phase shifting and
getting to the pick up direction.

Style: This is why I believe in starting off
indirect: If you start off SHOWING your interest in
her, it is an instant warning sign for her. It is
supplication. But more than that, what has SHE done to
deserve your interest? It's like a girl who is into
you ONLY because of your job or because she's in
competition with your ex-gf. You distrust her off the
bat. If you come up to a girl and show interest right
away, then you are clearly only into her because of
her looks. BUT if you come in indirectly, and even
push her away a little, and then, after she proves
herself to you, you ACCEPT her and begin to hit on
her, then a direct advance will be much better
received. Why? Because she has worked for it, she has
earned it, and to her it feels like she has won you
over as a challenge. So you need to find a structure
by which you can TRANSITION from indirect to direct.
One solution is to say, after she says something smart
or funny, "You know, when I first saw you, I thought
you were just another
party-girl/average-girl/college-girl/whatever. But I'm
impressed. You're actually really
bright/funny/amazing/whatever. I could get to like
you. But, hey, don't get any ideas. I'm not that easy"
(and then you can add a little humor and say,
"...despite what everyone else here says...they're
just jealous because they can't have me.") [CREDIT:
The above line is a combination of material from Ross,
Mystery, David D and myself.]

Clifford: There is another compromise position, and
that is a sort of letting her know that she could be
of interest if she can demonstrate that there is more
to her than just her looks. I think there's too much
thinking going on from me at this point in time,

Style: I know, I know. But practically EVERYONE I've
ever met with field experience says this style of
openers is the LEAST effective. They still sound like
pick up lines. Ross can maybe elaborate here, but I
believe they came from his products. When I'm with him
now, he uses put-on openers (which are still INDIRECT)
and they work very well for him. So I wonder now how
he feels now about the "shining example of genetic
perfection" type openers. Even though you later make
it a joke and a test as the opener continues, I feel
that they still remain in the "hitting-on-her frame."
I might open the discussion a little here: has anyone
gotten a LAY from using this type of opener on a cold
street approach with a girl who was not yet into you
or giving you an approach invitation?

Clifford: Yes, the indirect openers are working to an
extent. I have been using them but, to be honest, I
haven't had any real results doing this. Maybe an
email address or two, but certainly no closings
because of the indirect approach. Most of the time I
get them into a conversation but it seems like they
are waiting for my material to run out so that they
can leave. I have transitioned to some patterning and,
if I remember, to some qualifying and that has helped.
But I still need work on this. And I have noticed that
some nights nothing seems to work and other nights I
am getting great receptions from the women.

Style: See what I said above. Check your BODY
material. I'd have to see you do this. But at least
it's working: it's opening the set. That's its only
goal. Now you need to work on the finer details and
subtleties of what you're doing, and then follow with
something that actually HOOKS the girl. An opener is
only meant to OPEN a set and break the ice. That's it.
Also, as you're delivering the opener, you're
conveying positive personality traits.

Clifford: I use your jealous girlfriend opener a lot
- and, if there's more than one girl in the set,
follow it with the best friends routine. That is
really good one - the women love that. I just need
more practice, that's the bottom line. A good wing to
point out errors will help. Where do you usually go
after the best friends routine when you have more than
one girl? I saw TD get all of them excited and
practically chasing him, but I haven't got it down to
that level yet. I assume at some point you follow
classic MM theory, neg the target and then later on

Style: Yeah, the best friends test is ****ing gold.
To use an expression of TD's, it's "chick crack." So,
as you're doing these first two routines, you're
throwing in little negs and jokes and lines. At the
same time, you're fishing for information. "How do you
all know each other?" It's now time to let them talk A
LITTLE and find a few COMMONALITIES before your next
routine. Every time a girl says a sentence, I imagine
it like a fishing line in the air. Each piece of
information is like a little lure. And I can tug on it
if I want to continue that thread. So, after the test,
I'll fluff and joke around a little and find
commonalities, and then I'll calibrate. If I need to
demonstrate more value, I'll transition into a
psychic-type routine. If I need to do a combo of
making a connection and demonstrating value, I'll do
"Style's EV" (do you know this routine?) or RJ's
signal attraction pattern. At some point, before or
after this, I'll isolate my target -- unless it's a
two set and I don't have a wing to spend time with the
other girl. If I get this far (which is technically
only three routines) and they're not interested in me
by this point, then either I'm seriously doing
something wrong, my state is off (coming across as too
needy), or they have a serious bf or something else


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Clifford: Is there anything you think you do that
other guys don't do that builds the intense rapport
that I have seen you build with the women you meet?

Style: Yes, I'm very good at this for some reason. My
guess is that it's because I'm genuinely interested in
other people. I feel like I can learn from everyone. I
let them talk. And when I talk, I say interesting
things. I smile. I am non-threatening. And, most
is to NOT make them uncomfortable.

Clifford: What rules do you follow in terms of
getting physical with the women - eg. do you have
certain buying signals that you look for, do you make
distinctions between ones you could make out with and
ones that you could take home (how would you say you
decide which category they fall into)?

Style: This is what I learned most from the game.
Anyone who's read my archive knows that I was stuck
for like months on kiss closing a girl. I'd sit there
with a girl who was totally into me and be too scared
to make the move because I was afraid of failure. Now,
with experience, I see the matrix. I know AS SOON as a
girl is into me. And then I choose when I am ready to
make the move, and if I need a line or not. Though
there are tons of IOIs that Mystery has taught me to
look for, these days I ONLY look for one thing. In
fact, I am only just realizing this as I type this. If
the girl is making extended direct eye contact with me
I know I'm in. In other words, she looks into my eyes
as I look into hers, and she doesn't turn away, for
three seconds or more, I know I can kiss her at any
time I want. Other IOIs are taking her hand and seeing
if she squeezes back or (even better) she starts
rubbing your hand.

Clifford: I notice a lot of guys go for the woman who
shows the most interest - which to me, appears to be
leaving the woman with the choice. What would you say
you do that gives you the choice and not her?

Style: You know, the first natural PUA I ever met
early in life said that the GIRL chooses the GUY.
Ultimately, I believe this is true. But, at the same
time, I believe in having enough game to give the girl
you want THE MOST the best possible opportunity to
choose you, rather than going down the easy path. A
sarge to me is a success if I took it to the most
logical end point and tried my best. Of course,
sometimes I do take the easy out. And that's when
another one of Mystery's catch phrases rings in my
head: "The enemy of the best is the good." So,
ultimately, my thought is, CHOOSE A GIRL. I made a
mistake last week where I choose a girl and made out,
but then her friend started seriously coming on to me,
so I switched and started going at it with her friend
(making out, biting, scratching in the club hard
core). Ultimately, I lost my original girl, who
would've been a great MLTR, by not sticking to my
choice. And, worse than that, I probably hurt her.

I hope what I have written here is helpful. It was
for me to write it down. So, to close, this community
has changed my life. I'm a much better person for it:
inner and outer. Trust the opinion of others. And work
on all aspects of yourself: what you say, how you
feel, what you wear, what you're doing with your life.
EVERYTHING COUNTS. In terms of sarging, the thing that
I've learned the MOST from this community is simply to
be aware always of the big picture. ALWAYS know what
stage the sarge is at and what you need to do to get
it to the next stage. If you can do that, you're gold.

To close, with the permission of Maddash, here's his
original post on his Romance Novel routine. I don't
use the opener part, but I do use the main routine
part later in the conversation.

Intro 1: (opener)

"Listen. I need a woman's opinion on something. You
look like a woman, right? (smile) That's what I
thought. Do you think women COMMUNICATE differently
than men? (HB: of course!) Me, too. "

Intro 2: (sexcellerate)

"I find it so amazing, I think about things, you know
... Why is it that women find men attractive? I mean,
women are beautiful and sexy and sensual ... oh my God
... but men, men are ugly, hairy, brutish ... (one HB
stops me at this point and tells me she likes women
better than men herself. Yes, I #closed her). I
finally figured out why it is... being sexy and
sensual and beautiful is a woman's art ... you know
what a man's art is? Language ... the ability to
communicate and to use words to speak to a woman the
way she wants to be spoken to ... for instance (I lean
in here) ... what if you knew me and I whispered in
your ear ... (deep calm sexy voice) how beautiful you
are ... how amazingly sexy you are ... how you drive
me absolutely mad with desire and how much I need you
... that is something only an intelligent man can do
for you ... you know how I learned this?
Usually at this point, they look at me in utter
disbelief ... I've actually had a woman kiss me
(lightly) after hearing this ...

Main routine:

I'm in advertising, and for about six months now I've
been intrigued with how men and women communicate.
What happened is that a friend of mine in the
publishing industry told me this fact that blew me

(pause. I know the interest level is REALLY high
here, because I always have their undivided attention
at this point . In fact, one girl shooshed one of her
friends who tried to interrupt me at this point).

He told me that out of all of the books sold in the
US, 49% of them dealt with every category except for
one. For instance - religion, art, physics, the Bible
... everything ... except for one. The other 51% is
this other category ... do you know what it is? (I've
heard three answers: #1 "Self-help" #2 "Sex" #3 "I
don't know" - can we refine this?)

Romance Novels. (HB: "ahhhhh, yes!"). Well, I'm the
kind of guy who if you tell me something interesting
like that, I think and think and think about it. You
know? So I got to thinking ... why is that? Well, I
went to the local Borders and I found the romance
section ... this HUGE (hold hands out) section that
I've never noticed before! These three women were
there looking at books, so I asked one of them to
recommend one for me (HBs always get this astonished
look on their face) and I buy it. I get about 5 pages
into it, and I'm thinking "what the hell is this?". I
call my buddy, and he says "keep reading". So I finish

Well, I grew up with 6 female cousins and 2 older
sisters ... no brothers ... I thought I understood
women ... but that book blew me away. I was seeing
this girl at the time and it was sort of dull... you
know... Anyway, I was writing her an email and I got
the idea that maybe I should rephrase things a little
bit, you know, the way that a woman wants to hear. So
I rewrote my email, saying the same exact thing that
it said before, but worded differently. I spoke to
HER... the next day, at 5:45 am I got her reply ... "I
couldn't sleep all night, I've been thinking about you
constantly, I have never had anybody understand me so
well before, I am feeling so passionate right now."
Forgot this part that I add in usually:

"Ok, you want an example ... ok, think of some
ordinary experience ... ummmm ... ok, here's one, a
man thinks "If I volunteer for this project, I can't
go on vacation". Pretty straightforward, right? Well,
a woman thinks "if I volunteer for this project, I
can't go on vacation <pause> ... I really wanted to go
on vacation, I need this time for me, I am always
sacrificing myself for my boss, I wonder if he even
appreciates me... maybe it's time that I do what I
want for a change..."


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
BUMP... this was a great post. I learned a lot. Almost Bible Worthy if the formating was better.

Can't believe this was overlooked



Don Juan
Feb 10, 2003
Reaction score
Came across this post after reading "The Game".

Originally posted by Style
Approach machines, like Papa. These guys tend to improve their game the quickest, because they have no fear. However, guys who are approach machines are also guys who tend to know the LEAST about social dynamics. They are just walking PU machines following a flowchart. So they end up with a tight 20 minutes, but
over the long term have problems getting a girlfriend because they run out of material.
Absolutely agreed. Openers and routines are only good for so long ... over the longer run, a chick will sniff you out and know whether you're the real deal or not. Reminds me of Groundhog Day ... Bill Murray gets the chick when he becomes the real deal.



Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
This has a really valid argument as to why going indirect may actually be better.

I agree with it, and it basically states: Why tell a girl that she is great looking and be direct with her when you might find out she is a ***** or not worth your time.

I think direct can only work if it is more subtle. And if it is really subtle, well than it counts as indirect!

Funny, huh.

Maddash's pattern sounds interesting as well.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Dude, upload the video.

Yes, being indirect will work for an opener but later going direct will work too. Using the caveman theory, but you need to be AGRESSIVE not NEEDY, will definetly work too. I don't know if the caveman theory will work for an opener, i haven't tried. If i'm not mistake the Gunwich method is basically the caveman theory.

Last edited:


New Member
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
Pap said:
Style is one of the most innovative PUAs
out there, and has developed much of the technology
that is now common use...
Lol, "technology"... Picking up women is about as technical as banging two rocks together to make fire. :kick: