Man, you suckas are LAME!
Okay fine, I will start it off.
I was on my lunch break at work, taking the elevator down to the cafeteria and there is this FINE asian HB9. She had to be fine because I don't really go for Asian chicks as a rule. Anyways, I noticed she had one of those Hello Kitty characters embroidered on her purse, so I was like "Hey, look, its Batsmaru! (The character's name) She smiled at me bigtime and said she was surprised I knew the character because most Americans only know Hello Kitty. I told her how my little sisters are into that sh*t and I just bought my youngest sister a stuffed Batsmaru doll cuz it's her favorite. We fluff talked and I found out she was half Japanese and half Puerto Rican (sssooooo hot!) I told her I was Italian and that there is something about Latin blood that makes people sexy as hell. We reached the ground floor and both headed to the cafeteria. We ate together and fluffed some more. We finished up and were about to go back upstairs when, on a whim I said, "Sayy, are you feeling crazy today?" "Whaddya mean?"she asked" "I mean do you feel like doing something you've never done before?" "depends" said HB9. "Well, I haven't done this in ages, but seeing that it is such a gorgeous day I feel like doing something kind of naughty" She was brimming with anticipation and asked "Like what? Tell me!" "I am going to (pause) play hookie today. I've had it, I am done for the day and am going for a sunlit stroll in the park! Care to join me?" She thinks about it for a sec then says "I really shouldn't....but what the hell, fukkit!"
Hehe, I encountered zero resistance for the rest of the afternoon and my d!ck was in her by suppertime!
I have done some impressive things since then, but by far that was my one shining moment I wont forget!