

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
Yes brothers, Happiness!!

I've got a lot, and I want to share with you... lately I've been having a lot of experiences with human beings...interactions that are teaching a lot about human nature... and, after intense reading of the "Wear Sunscreen" poem , I will share some of the things I've lived in these last days...

First, and foremost, eat a lot of cereals on a daily basis and drink a lot of fresh water... it will make good to your over all health and happiness... eating more fruits and vegetables and less industrialized food makes you happier...

In the morning, take a time to stretch, smell the fresh air and watch the sunrise... Feel it's warm getting to you and the fresh air filling you up with energy... if you can't understand the beauty of this, then please, do me a favor, stop reading.

Talking about understanding the beauty, understand the beauty of children, who play, cry, sing, laugh and scream like crazy... yes, they are crazy... and so were you... and that's a craziness you don't suffer, it's one that you enjoy every minute of it...

When we grow, they teach us to be mature, which means boring, sad, depressed and lonely... don't let the spark of that craziness ever fade away...

Talk to older people... talk to people who are making things happen in the background and you don't even think about...
This means the bus driver, the doorman, the security guy from your school... they all come from places far away from yours and they all lead lifes that you can't even imagine... and you can learn more about life with them in 30 minutes than in school for 12 years...

They see the youth, and remember of their own youth times... and they remember the things they wish they knew, and try to warn us... even knowing that we'll not understand...

Understand... understand people... understand that some love you but can't express it in the way you prefer, and also understand that some people will never love you in any conceivable way... just don't waste your time with those... or waste, but always learn your lesson...

Don't be afraid of having a heart, of liking people, loving people and being happy and sad and broken... just don't use your heart as a Hate Warehouse... it was made to hold love and happiness... whereas the other feelings get into your blood until you execrate them...

Do something new everyday...even if it is taking a different bus, or eating something you never did before... you're bound to have nice surprises...

Don't expect much from people... thinking better... don't expect anything from people... just let things flow and be happy with the surprises... If you honestly talk to people not wanting anything back from them, the whole universe conspires for you...

Have naive, silly and honest fun with people... laugh with them, make them laugh, learn how to make people laugh with the masters... that gives you a serenity and a feeling of fulfillment that is close to a blessing... it's a gift from above...

Learn to understand and love your family... you're nothing but the concretization of their love and their dreams... Isn't that a tremendous honor??
This couple spent months, or even years just thinking about you, making sure that everything was perfect for you?? Be grateful and make the happy, by being happy and nice to them...

Be careful with other people's heart... they're so worried about letting you come in touch with them, so you must not let them down... respect their hearts and make them feel happier !!

Happiness is a gift that increases when shared... instead of saving it for you, share with the others... it is like a fire that will fade quickly if you don't use it to light as many torches as you can...

Be determined, and live for your dreams... Scream, fight, run...
Feel the strength of the determination that drives us to succed in your bones... Go for that feeling and allow it to help you do your best in sports, in social life and in bussiness life...

Dance, dance and sing a lot... don't be a stupid metalhead, listen to music that make you dance and dance... dance is a gift to the mankind... the gift of letting all the differences apart, and be happy in a delicious activity...dancing releases endorphines... dancing makes you happier and healthier... listen to music that makes you want to dance !!

Understand that both passion and hate, lust and boredom, happiness and sadness aren't lasting... they'll come and go, in waves... ever growing waves...

But learn that small happiness like dogs or getting the ball for the kids are things that make you feel serene... and serenity is greater than happiness and sadness... Hunt happiness, but walk always with serenity...

Old people are serene... they know that their time is gone... their lessons were learned... so they find joy in things like sunrises, fresh air, the moon, the stars, couples walking hand-in-hand, kids running around...

Friends... make many friends... make effords to have real friends, and to be a friend... friends will teach you how to be patient... and in exchange for the hard times of learning it, they'll give you attention...they'll care for you and make your serenity come back.

Smile, a smile attracts people like a beautiful flower attracts bees...
A smile is the speak of the soul... you can't fake, and even if you fake it, it's better than nothing you know??

Look to people... give them attention, they want to be noticed, they do a lot of things thinking more about other people than theirselves... tell them that their hair looks great and their new piercing is awesome...

Listen to people... just as you... sometimes they just want to be understood... they want to share what they're going through... listen without expecting to be listened... one day, when you really really need to be listened, you'll be...

Hug, hug a lot of people... hug your sister, your brother and all of your friends... a hug makes you feel human... and make other people happy...

Kiss, kiss people in the cheek, when they're you friends, and when you love them, kiss them in the lips.. show your love without words...

Don't do things expecting the same in reward...do them, and don't expect people to do anything for you...because when you really really need... you'll receive...

Some people exist, some people survive, some live

And some are remembered forever... they mark the life of the people and the places they pass in a way that everybody smiles when they think of you... and that is priceless... that is why we all live for...

Be like a comet, that lights everything on it's path, to disappear, and go light other places... and like all the comets, someday you'll comeback, and the beauty of you fire will already be legendary.

Don't exist, don't survive, don't live...

Make it unforgettable... time's to short not to be made unforgettable...

And I leave now, desiring you a lot of love and affection, happiness and serenity in your lives...

Sincerely, from this motherf*cker who really really loves you

Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score

Love your posts.

You know, the more I talk to you, and the most of your stuff that I read, the more I think we really are on the same wavelength here. We share alot of the same views and theories, it's frightening - like we are twins separated at birth :D.

Great post.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
The effects of the magic pill called 'E' still in your system from last nights rave blues boy :D?

i totally agree with ya..good call on the entire thread!

El brujo

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2003
Reaction score
I've only read the half of the thread so far, and I'll say it now before I forget: GREAT POST! You have a lot of wisdom for a guy of 17 years old. Keep on making posts like this!

El brujo

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2003
Reaction score
Man I read the other half and I really got the shivers on my back! Again, great post!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo Ney York baby!
h-a-p-p-y ;)!

Yes brothers, Happiness!! I've got a lot, and I want to share with you... lately I've been having a lot of experiences with human beings...interactions that are teaching a lot about human nature... and, after intense reading of the "Wear Sunscreen" poem , I will share some of the things I've lived in these last days...

-----Its fruity, but I like it ;)!

In the morning, take a time to stretch, smell the fresh air and watch the sunrise... Feel it's warm getting to you and the fresh air filling you up with energy... if you can't understand the beauty of this, then please, do me a favor, stop reading.

-----Every morning, especially now that its summer, guys, take a moment to appreciate the simple fact that you are alive, you are awake, and you have all the potential in the world. Never spend an entire day inside, even in the winter... take a walk, experience the world!

Talking about understanding the beauty, understand the beauty of children, who play, cry, sing, laugh and scream like crazy... yes, they are crazy... and so were you... and that's a craziness you don't suffer, it's one that you enjoy every minute of it...

-----One of the most heartwarming experiences you'll ever have is brining a smile to a childs face... respect their innocence, relax, enjoy the time you have with others.

When we grow, they teach us to be mature, which means boring, sad, depressed and lonely... don't let the spark of that craziness ever fade away...

-----"I don't want to live forever, I just want to live while I'm alive" fela's... just be spontaneous, have fun, never EVER give up befor you try.

Talk to older people... talk to people who are making things happen in the background and you don't even think about...
This means the bus driver, the doorman, the security guy from your school... they all come from places far away from yours and they all lead lifes that you can't even imagine... and you can learn more about life with them in 30 minutes than in school for 12 years... They see the youth, and remember of their own youth times... and they remember the things they wish they knew, and try to warn us... even knowing that we'll not understand...

-----This is a big point. Spend time with everyone you can, people from all walks of life. There is an older gentleman who works in a candy shop in the mall, very extraverted, but the world seems too stuck up to spare a minute for him. One day I struck a small discussion with him, it turned into an hr long oration filled with compelling stories of his youth, lessons learned, and somewhere in that hour I realized how much I dont know, and how wonderful it is to learn new things and see from new points of view.

Don't expect much from people... thinking better... don't expect anything from people... just let things flow and be happy with the surprises... If you honestly talk to people not wanting anything back from them, the whole universe conspires for you...

-----When you aren't expecting anyting in return, you're free to live how you want to live. You'd be amazed by how bound we are by desire, and how entwinded with otheres we can become.

Learn to understand and love your family... you're nothing but the concretization of their love and their dreams... Isn't that a tremendous honor?? This couple spent months, or even years just thinking about you, making sure that everything was perfect for you?? Be grateful and make the happy, by being happy and nice to them...

-----They are your parents, for cryin out loud! Take the time to help them understand how you are feeling and why, and listen when they offer advice... most likly, they've been through what you're going through, and hindsight can be pretty handy ;)!

Be determined, and live for your dreams... Scream, fight, run...
Feel the strength of the determination that drives us to succed in your bones... Go for that feeling and allow it to help you do your best in sports, in social life and in bussiness life...

-----Always live with life in mind... always strive to reach your full potential

Look to people... give them attention, they want to be noticed, they don't a lot of things thinking more about other people than theirselves... tell them that their hair looks great and their new piercing is awesome... Listen to people... just as you... sometimes they just want to be understood... they want to share what they're going through... listen without expecting to be listened... one day, when you really really need to be listened, you'll be... Hug, hug a lot of people... hug your sister, your brother and all of your friends... a hug makes you feel human... and make other people happy... Kiss, kiss people in the cheek, when they're you friends, and when you love them, kiss them in the lips.. show your love without words... Don't do things expecting the same in reward...do them, and don't expect people to do anything for you...because when you really really need... you'll receive...

-----Experience what others have to offer, their opinions, their feelings, their experiences and point of views... never assume or expect anything. When you do recieve, it'll be pure, thank others for their gifts, no matter how small.

Some people exist, some people survive, some live... And some are remembered forever... they mark the life of the people and the places they pass in a way that everybody smiles when they think of you... and that is priceless... that is why we all live for... Be like a comet, that lights everything on it's path, to disappear, and go light other places... and like all the comets, someday you'll comeback, and the beauty of you fire will already be legendary. Don't exist, don't survive, don't live... Make it unforgettable... time's to short not to be made unforgettable...

-----Be that man of rumor and legend, the man who dared to live his life unchained.


Damn, this is one of the most uplifting posts I've ever read! BBB, gotta hand it to ya babe, your heart's in the right place... and you sure can write, that comet thing was spectacular!

DJ Girevik

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Vista, CA
Originally posted by Brazilian_Blues_Boy
don't be a stupid metalhead,
Hey hey, watch it bud, I'm a metalhead. And we do dance... it's called a good, honest mosh pit :p

But great post overall! You're probably one of my favorite posters here.

El brujo

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah I noticed the metalhead stuff to, and he's kinda right you know. I had this whole metalperiod, and the only thing we did back then was: drinking, puking, impressing the ladies (!Hope you see the irony! )feeling miserable afterwards, . Now, it's better to listen to some good reggea and smoke something nice, allthough even smoking has some bad effects on the way you handle the ladies

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
God... I love this man. Excellent, excellent piece of work.

The Matrix: Revolution™


Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2002
Reaction score
Roy, Utah
Hey BBB,
This post was sensational. I think probably one of your best. I think that you are one of the people here that brings us all together. Like we're a family. We are all brothers working for the same cause. We all want to become the best men we possibly can. I like the feeling that we are all close to each other even though we don't know each other. Once again this post was EXCELLENT post. I love you man. Keep up all the good work you do and never stop improving yourself. Never



Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
Very Impressive! Great post! :D


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Due to the chance of this being deleted due to time, Matrix has requested me to bump this for it to stay in the High School bible. Thank you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
Shameless bump... thought about writing something new, but would sound too much like this...




Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
I love it...BBB, you're somethin else, man. You got soul.

As for metalheadedness, I used to be into metal, but I seriously urge everyone to listen to everything, and not discriminate at all. Mosh pits are occasionally fun but I'll take some grindin with rap anyday. Open your minds!


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Brazilian_Blues_Boy
Sincerely, from this motherf*cker who really really loves you
We love you too BBB.

kinda a transition from your last post of "Do you believe in happiness?" lol

Good stuff here


Senior Don Juan
Nov 27, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Re: Happy

Originally posted by DJ Girevik
Hey hey, watch it bud, I'm a metalhead.
what he said. why do posts that mention dancing/music always dis us? lol. great post bbb.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
bump - favorite post of all time


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
this is down in your gut heat; which works its what from your heat up your throat to make the biggest warm smile in the world

Preach BBB


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Awsome post. I am happy at this moment!! Ohh man.. I never been more happier