Master Don Juan
Having lurked for a while I think I've got a lot in common with the guys when they start posting here. Like most of the DJ crew here I'm not a dweeb , I'm in good shape , got a great job (hell I like it) and have a lotta great people as my friends.
And I can't meet women to save my F***ng life.
The reason is definitely my AFC attitudes.
I know heaps of guys who are fat, scruffy and unemployed and are beating the women off with a stick! Man that is but frsutrating , like what am I doing wrong?
So , having read the posts from guys here who have a range of experience levels it seems that the Boot Camp program is a good start.I figure Hell if I do the B/C at least I'm doing something about the situation y'know.
So my plan is , I'm gonna go thru the entire boot camp program and record it on the Board. Hopefully (A) you guys with more experience will be willing to share yr experiences and tips, and (B) when I'm done it'll make an interesting sortofa progression from AFC to DJ for people thinking of doing it.
So yeah , lets call this Day One. It's Friday , it's gonna be awesome , will report back soon.
Having lurked for a while I think I've got a lot in common with the guys when they start posting here. Like most of the DJ crew here I'm not a dweeb , I'm in good shape , got a great job (hell I like it) and have a lotta great people as my friends.
And I can't meet women to save my F***ng life.
The reason is definitely my AFC attitudes.
I know heaps of guys who are fat, scruffy and unemployed and are beating the women off with a stick! Man that is but frsutrating , like what am I doing wrong?
So , having read the posts from guys here who have a range of experience levels it seems that the Boot Camp program is a good start.I figure Hell if I do the B/C at least I'm doing something about the situation y'know.
So my plan is , I'm gonna go thru the entire boot camp program and record it on the Board. Hopefully (A) you guys with more experience will be willing to share yr experiences and tips, and (B) when I'm done it'll make an interesting sortofa progression from AFC to DJ for people thinking of doing it.
So yeah , lets call this Day One. It's Friday , it's gonna be awesome , will report back soon.