The Man - part II


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
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So, I've promised, now here it is...
My former post was meant to inspire everyone, in a very easy-to-understand language. I hope you all are all The Men of your places...
Now I'd like to get more technical, and more into the core of what The Man is...

Technically, being The Man, is nothing but an ego-boost, an injection of pure confidence into one's butt. So that his balls grow bigger and he starts to do the things he always wanted.

I'm not going to get into confidence here, because it's been widely discussed... let me just say that confidence is the trait of trusting yourself, your guts and your abilities. Is acting before thinking, knowing that things will turn out good.

I'm personally a person who respects a lot people who make mistakes. I respect the ones who get up, go there and do the things they want/need to.
Sometimes, when we're too well versed in something, we have a tendency to become "sports commentators", to spend time watching and judging other people's game and forgetting our own.

Being The Man, does not give you time for that.
Being The Man, is being more ALPHA, that's the secret behind it all.

An alpha, does not sit around talking about other's lifes. He makes the news.
We, my friends, we don't have anymore time to waste waiting around, being passive.
You're determined to die, in any moment, from a huge variety of causes!
A comet may fall over your head!! It sounds stupid but it can !

So, we don't have the time to be passive, to wait for things to happen.
If we want results, we must get up, and do whatever sh!t it takes to get them.

Back when I was becoming a popular kid, I saw how girls are f*cking passive, and f*cking mediocre.
HS girls in their majority (95%) are dumb, passive and stupid little girls with big breasts. When they sense the smell of a Man, they go crazy.

And the other 5%, think that they're too smart, so they want older guys, which are more alpha than the ones of her age.

So, in theory, we're very alpha... but, are you REALLY alpha?
I'll make some questions, and then later you can tell me if you're really alpha...

- When talking to girls, do you make them come over to talk to you? Even if it means the she has to leave her group of friends or whoever she's talking to?
- When you want to talk to her in private, do you make it clear? Or do you wait for a better oportunity? Do you tell her to dismiss whoever she's talking to to have a convo with you?
- Do you have the cojones to say out loud: Come over here, I want to talk to you in private, in front of a lot of people?
- What about the cojones to walk in the middle of her group and take her out, even if there's only women there and other guys are looking at you? Do you fear looking needy to her friends?
- Do you get women to do things for you, to do favors for you? Or you are the one doing the things for her?
- Are you her emotional tampon?
- When she's acting b!tchy, do you let her get away with it?
- When you don't like one of her friends, do you tell her?
- Not related to women... When you want to ask a question or to get something done, do you do it yourself, or ask for someone else to ask for the teacher/classmate/friend to do it?
- Do you stand up and take responsibility for the things you do?
- Do you worry about what other think/thought/may think of you?
- Do you have the sensibility to know when "being passive" will get you closer to your desires, thus being the best thing to do?

Now, you have enough material to think about it for like, 1 week.
Think about these things and evaluate your attitude!!

We, The Men, are the Alphas of society. We're the Tyler Durdens, we're the James Bonds, the Don Juans of every street.
We're here to take what is ours: the p*ssy.
Mother Nature, the sweetest of all women, has given us a chance to live, and to live our dreams, achieve our goals and score many p*ssies. She wants us to be the best we can, and if possible better than that, or else she'll find a very peculiar way to get us killed.

We're alive to take everything that's ours. We're the rulers of this world, the species on the top of the food chain.
All the world is ours, and yet some of us is so shy that gets nervous and shaky when asking for some ketchup at McDonald's.

That is forbidden from this day on. I want everyone to go to class tomorrow, and do something they think it's cool regardless of other's opinion. I want everyone, to walk near a HB, a 9 or a 9,5 , and scream: "Come over here, I want to talk to you in private", in front of all her friends.
Yeah, and if someone starts laughing or if she does not come, just turn your back and walk away... You're the alpha male, you have the cojones to go there and try to kill your prey... if it gets away, then time to go to the next one... no fear, no regret.

The other betas are laughing, but you're the one who got closer to the meal... you're the one who had balls to go out and hunt... while they wait for the rests...

You're not the one who knows all the news, you're the one who makes the news and you're the one who doesn't give a d@mn about them!

Many times in my HS life, I failed for not being more alpha... for putting popularity first... and that is a sad mistake to be made...
I see the men who get the best girls out there, they're the ones who are going for the approach while the other "cool guys" are drooling over her a$$.

Let us not be cool. F*ck being cool!
They only one who can tell if you're cool or not is yourself !!

Let us evolve... like Tyler Durden would say... but let us evolve into better human beings, not depressed, self destructive persons. I don't to start a Fight Club.

I want to see everyone riding in Ferraris with 3 HBs in our future DJ meeting in Monaco :D

The Men, are the ones who dictate the rules of society, and they're the ones who care less about society itself.

Live for yourself, and have the sensibility to know when and why and how you're supposed to "fit" into society so that you can achieve your goals.

Take what you want... if it is a girl, take her. If she refuses, then leave her alone and go to the next. She'll think about you, and probably going to regret.

Don't take sh!t from anyone, and don't be afraid of doing what you want.
And always make sure that you're prepared... for anything that comes along... know how the game works, so you can bend the rules to your profit... and f*ck everything else.

Be nice to people, but remeber that being nice does not include being a doormat.

And finally, this is a conclusion you have to come by yourself... don't force yourself into The Men... become The Men...

Remember, Mother Nature loves you. She wants you to survive, and for that you've got to work hard. But if you do work hard, she'll reward you with the sweetest pleasures and gifts ever.

Are you willing to go for this treasure? Are you willing to be Indiana Jones?

Think about it.
Critique me... I know this is going to be too hard for a lot of people...

But... it's like The Matrix... once you've seen it... it all falls into place...

Good night, and good alpha days for you all!



Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2001
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA

Some really really good posts lately. I might have to put up a tip of my own if I get time in the near future.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo Ney York baby!

Awsome post. Be alpha, be the man who COMMANDS respect.

But, BBB, I must disagree with 'Fuk cool.' Istead, I say, MAKE YOUR OWN COOL. When your a TRUE alpha, when you are cool to you, your cool to everyone else. Also, I must say that you need to care for society, more importantly your fellow men. Every man I meet, I give them a taste of the DJ principles, just enough to help them with their lives, help them love themselves. When you make people feel good about themselves, they will begin to depend on you...

The true alpha is the opiet of the betas.

When you carry youself in a positive manner that diffuses into others around you, they will both love and need you because of it.

Keep on dancin'


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
I like it Boy, the hard part of that is actually applying it to real-life. Red, keep in mind the RESPECT is too dependant on other people and its not a necessity.

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
Good job, Bro. We share alot of the same ideas about forgetting about society's restrictions. Do you have aol? If so, we should talk.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
ash nc US
ehh! :)

Pretty Good actually, except the ego part and all, i would disagre with parts of that.

But pretty nice overall.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Great post

I loved it, I really was interested on becoming the alpha male i read something on asf that might interest you

This is nightlight9's (poster on asf) interpretation of an alpha male.

The Alpha male - I use this phrase alot...Here is a quick run down on what it means to me. If you watch animal shows on PBS or Discover Channel, many species have a dominant male who has sex with all the females in the group, while the other males get none while waiting for him to die or until they are tough enough to kick his ass and become the alpha male themselves. Many may never get to be an alpha male(never get laid)

Hope someone found this interesting.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2002
Reaction score
Roy, Utah
Excellent post. All of that is so true. Keep up the good work.
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Quite empowering!

Yeah F*ck the world, It's all about you. You are the only one who can truly better your life however you see fit, not how someone else sees fit.

If you don't like GET THE FUK OUT!

Great post Brazil.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Due to the chance of this being deleted due to time, Matrix has requested me to bump this for it to stay in the High School bible. Thank you.


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
you are changing my life. i stand right here in front of my pc screen, it's 1 AM in the morning, and i am positive to the fact, that what i just read is affecting my life in more ways that any other thing has done before. Actually, i'm kind of crying. Thank you man. THANK YOU, and also thank God for being ALIVE. It doesnt get better than this.. Thank you...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2002
Reaction score
South Orange, NJ
Hey, thanks for bumping this, otherwise I don't think I ever would have read it. It's along the lines of Pook's legendary "Be a Man" post. Great, great stuff.