need help please!!!


New Member
Jun 10, 2015
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so there is this girl in my class,which i added to my facebook today,
but it says "in a relation ship" and it doesnt say with who.but i have a good idea who it is,if theere is any one i mean,and hes out of the country
seems like shes into me,
here are the things that happend just today
today we were siting in a circle on chairs ,shes 2 seats to my right
she was sitting on the edge of her seat facing me,but chair was still facing the half of the chair was useless
to the point where the girl next to me seems like out of the circle,
i was facing her too,she was leaning,crossed legs,1 foot touching one of my foot,the other was on top of my other foot,
she teases me ALOT,and this has been happening for the past month
i was eye fuking her,she looked at me then she looked at the other guys then she looks back in like 3 sec and the again and again,and each time with a bigger smile,after like 10 min of this,while me saying nothing at all,she laughs and says "what?" with a huge smile on her face,we went home then i added her on facebook,she accept in 1min,i watch some of her videos,teased her about it on msges,at the end of the short conversation,she says "im excited to see you tommorow"
i really feel shes intrested,and im gonna ask her out tomorrow
but could that facebook thing be fake or maybe shes looking for a sex partner while his boyfriend is out of the country?never been in this situation

EDIT:im about to sign a house contarct ,she asks me where is the house,i tell her ,she uses google map and says oh "we are so close" ,and yes it would be a 10min walk

EDIT2: if you need more info just ask