TEXT CONVO - BPD attempts to manipulate

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
Just happened this morning. I was minding my own business when this happened.

Witness the many changing faces behind the text. The main reason why you should always judge a PERSON by their actions not their words. Enjoy:

Thurs 10:30

Her: I'm falling apart babe.
Her: Got rushed to the emergency department last night.
Her: I threw up loads of blood had 4 consultants none of them knew what to do
Her: I am still here.
Her: It ain't looking good for me.
Me: Wow. That's terrible. Which hospital are u in?
Her: Lol
Her: I got transferred to (hospital) from (another hospital)
Me: Ok. I'll come to see u. (hospital) is just up the road I think
Her: I got loads of my family here I mean loads
Me: Don't worry. I'll pretend to be a friend. Which ward u on?
Her: No sylvester I don't want you to come and see me like this
Her: Fvcksake I'll see u later
Me: Don't worry babe. I don't care what u look like. I must know that u are ok. Which ward baby?
Her: I'm getting my results after 1 they will proberly keep me in so just come later tonight
Me: Ok tonight I'll come. Which ward is it?
Me: Also send me a picture of ur family if u can. Would be nice to see what they look like. Hopefully one day I will be family too. :)
Her: (She sends an old picture of her and her dad)
Her: That's my dad
Her: I love my dad
Her: I love everyone
Me: Lol. No I mean the familly u have in the hospital. I like big family pictures.
Her: Oh
Her: Lol why?
Her: I will do
Her: Hold on
Her: Hey
Her: Not having a bar of it
Her: Anyway sylvester I'll let u know my results
Her: Ad if I will be kept in
Her: If I am u better come and see me
Me: Ok. Which ward u on?
Me: You must be tired. Do't worry I'll call the hospital and ask..
Her: ok lol
Me: Lol
Me: Hospital doesn't have you as a patient so couldn't tell me the ward. Can u tell me which ward u r on so I know where to visit u?
Her: What the fvck
Her: Just read all these messages
Her: U don't believe me do u
Her: Just come to me later
Me: Lol
Me: Ur right I don't believe you. And unless u give me photographic evidence or the ward name then that unbelief isn't going to change.
Her: Lol
Her: U make me sick u tho
Her: U are crazy
Her: U know what, I have given u no indication to that
Her: Do u just want to dump me babe.
Her: Will that be better for u
Her: I understand if u do there will be no problem. U do what u think is best and have a great day.
Me: Ok. Thanks.
Her: No worries
Her: I really thought u was the one for me but this proves a lot to me it really does. I could be dying and u don't care. which is fine, u have trust issues ad that's a problem. I need u by my side at this time but u are against me. I am very disappointed. I have to say I had some great times with u and I'll never forget u. But take care and no hard feelings. I'll be honest there's nothing worse than what i'm feeling right now, thanks for adding to that.
Her: Ur fake mate.
Her: I will never forgive u
Her: This is the worst thing anyone has done to me
Her: Ur love is not real. Like u said the other night, u only love urself I can see that now
Her: I've got respect for my self to tell u goodbye
Her: Can I ask y my picture is still on ur whatsapp
Her: If we're done.
I change my profile pic to something unrelated. The earth from space.
Her: Aww how nice.
Her: The world.
Her: I don't think you realise how much i hate the world right now.
Her: I hate it so much.
Her: U take care sylvester.
Her: I love u
Her: And u have hurt me so much
Her: I can't deal with it
Her: Ur love was never real
Her: Just a game I was
Her: I told my dad just now because I told him I'm dumped as well and he told me a few things that made me feel worse then i do
Her: THere's no way I can see u again
Her: Block me then pscyho
Her: I hate u so much
Her: So fvcking much
Her: Block me then
Her: Because you dumped me, block me then. what u waiting for
Her: ?
Her: I hate u sylvester
Her: And I love u at the same time and I miss u
Her: Ur my everything u kno that
Her: And u do this to me
Her: How can u do this to me didn't I ever mean sh1t to u
Her: I have injection marks letters medication
Her: And a wrist band with my name on it
Her: Ur fvcked in the head
Her: Do u know that? Ur not fvcking normal
Her: Sick
A few hours later I decide to call her place of work under an assumed name. Her colleague goes to put me through but then comes back to tell me she's 'not in the office'. I also email her colleague (who I know) and he confirms that she's been in work all day. The next barrage of texts follow:
Her: Are u off ur fvcking head
Her: Don't ever ring my work and get rude to my friends
Her: What the fvck is wrong with u
Her: D1ck head
Her: I fvcking hate u u kno that ye
Her: Who the fvck do u think u are
Her: Trevor Howells (my assumed name was Trevor HOward)
Her: Fvck off
Her: U upset my mate that's it
Her: And shifts cancelled (She works for an agency that supplies to our company)
Her: U tell ur colleagues cancel my shifts all they want dont care as this is my last day I'm leaving the country mate so ha ha to u
Her: Goin back to the office to hand my phone in and worked my last day today
Her: I actually hate u trust me on that one and u are never seeing my fvcking face again crack on
Her: Do you kno what I'm coming to ur house in a taxi I am on my way
Her: Actually no I ain't coming
Her: Nah
Her: Fvk it
Her: I ain't coming no were near ur house no way not after the last time I am not begging for u ur love is fake and I am not a mug anymore


I shall update should I get any more. I'm pretty sure I will.
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sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
Maximummax said:
what have you decided?
to continue relationship or something else
To end it. Just needed the concrete proof of her insanity to do it. BPD experiencers will know what I mean. It's difficult to manipulate solid evidence.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
I thought I had come across crazy women but this girl is out of her mind. I mean REALLY out of her mind. More than a dozen text messages at once? I wouldn't fuel the fire by responding. Imagine this woman pregnant with your child? Holly mother of God. :down:

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
Masculinity said:
I thought I had come across crazy women but this girl is out of her mind. I mean REALLY out of her mind. More than a dozen text messages at once? I wouldn't fuel the fire by responding. Imagine this woman pregnant with your child? Holly mother of God. :down:
To be fair this a 'conversation' that started at 10:00 this morning and at last count was 17:00..


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
Central Time Zone
Holy smokes. I read the first half and was like "dude, take the hint, she doesn't want you to visit her". Then I saw her hospital story was bogus and mind = blown.

I don't know your history with this girl, but I would literally never respond to a single communication attempted by her again. That is flat out nuts.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score

You dated this girl?

I'm more ashamed of you than her.

That b1tch is psycho though.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
Wow. She's crazy as cat sh*t. Dude I cut off a BPD chick, went completely ghost for months. Strict No Contact. Not a word from me. She still texts. When they know they can have you, they don't want you. When you say fvck it and disappear without a trace, then they want you back. If I were you, I'd ignore this chick for 3 months. See if she comes back and behaves. I'd bet you a months paycheck that if you do, she'll text you nonstop and when you finally do reply (after several months) she'll treat you like gold. Then you bang a few times and fall off the face of the earth. Not to worry, she'll have a new guy lined up in a about an hour and a half.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2014
Reaction score
It was her who preemptively dumped you by putting the ball in your court, and then acting like a dangerous lunatic in order to make sure you'll never look back.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
Suspens said:
It was her who preemptively dumped you by putting the ball in your court, and then acting like a dangerous lunatic in order to make sure you'll never look back.
Yes. That makes sense.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
Well I think judging a person by his words is more than enough in this case. I mean look at her words lol.

This one seems totally out of control she wouldnt be even relatively normal.

The physical ailments are a cry for attention, and if she feels shes losing you it gets heavier.

When I started hinting that Im gonna leave her (sex wasnt good, convo wasnt good, she was disrespecting me with this complete innosence so that you can let some things slip, lol but disrespect gets bigger, esp if you find yourself far away from your friends, in our case we moved to a city where she knew more people, so until the end all I did was heavily drink with our roommates and work like a dog).

So, at one point, she had these chest pains and had trouble breathing. I took her to the hospital, saw the cardiologist's face like "Oh, shes faking it" and "Oh, not again" like the doc sees these kind of situations daily.

So that was another reason why I left her. With all her clinging and begging for attention she pushed me away, and I souldnt have been with her in the first place.

When we met I made a decision, to keep it only as a summer adventure, and ye after summer I layed low, but was weak and she kept callin and calling until I picked it up and from then on its history. This is why you should always stick by your decisions.

Now the real pain is, I remember all the times when I got up before her in the morning, and then when she'd wake up with the sleepy eyes barely seeing, the first thing she saw was me and she put her hands forward like she wants me to go back to bed with her, like "come and hug me". Ot that time she punched me in her sleep then kinda went half-conscious with that genuine "Im sorry" look on her face and put her hand on my cheek and mumbled some gibberish. See can a person fake this? No, of course, this is love, but what kind of love? And it scales with the amount of disrespect you throw at her which will kill your mind in the long run.

It all comes since very early childhood, since birth, neglectfull parents who dont give the kid enough attention, and traumatic experiences. See mine saw her father being kidnapped, beaten up to almost death, then brought back, so this is betrayal - he is her guardian and he failed in her eyes. Then her mother left at on point later couse money was too short. She was given expensive presents when she was little rather than having her parents talk to her (both criminals btw). She was raised with her male cousin so I can only imagine what ****ed up **** couldve happened, but they call each other "brother and sister" like wtf? Both her parents are manipulative in different ways and she still hasnt learnt to say no to them. Just ****ed up family man.

Point is its all very sad, but is it my fault? What do I have to do with anything apart from having a consta sad and bitter girl by my side, which I cant change no matter how I try?

And this one seems more like the angry type, while mine was more sad than angry, so dont play with fire.

Just don't try playing games with her lol you will lose.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
BrainDamage92 said:
Well I think judging a person by his words is more than enough in this case. I mean look at her words lol.

This one seems totally out of control she wouldnt be even relatively normal.

The physical ailments are a cry for attention, and if she feels shes losing you it gets heavier.

When I started hinting that Im gonna leave her (sex wasnt good, convo wasnt good, she was disrespecting me with this complete innosence so that you can let some things slip, lol but disrespect gets bigger, esp if you find yourself far away from your friends, in our case we moved to a city where she knew more people, so until the end all I did was heavily drink with our roommates and work like a dog).

So, at one point, she had these chest pains and had trouble breathing. I took her to the hospital, saw the cardiologist's face like "Oh, shes faking it" and "Oh, not again" like the doc sees these kind of situations daily.

So that was another reason why I left her. With all her clinging and begging for attention she pushed me away, and I souldnt have been with her in the first place.

When we met I made a decision, to keep it only as a summer adventure, and ye after summer I layed low, but was weak and she kept callin and calling until I picked it up and from then on its history. This is why you should always stick by your decisions.

Now the real pain is, I remember all the times when I got up before her in the morning, and then when she'd wake up with the sleepy eyes barely seeing, the first thing she saw was me and she put her hands forward like she wants me to go back to bed with her, like "come and hug me". Ot that time she punched me in her sleep then kinda went half-conscious with that genuine "Im sorry" look on her face and put her hand on my cheek and mumbled some gibberish. See can a person fake this? No, of course, this is love, but what kind of love? And it scales with the amount of disrespect you throw at her which will kill your mind in the long run.

It all comes since very early childhood, since birth, neglectfull parents who dont give the kid enough attention, and traumatic experiences. See mine saw her father being kidnapped, beaten up to almost death, then brought back, so this is betrayal - he is her guardian and he failed in her eyes. Then her mother left at on point later couse money was too short. She was given expensive presents when she was little rather than having her parents talk to her (both criminals btw). She was raised with her male cousin so I can only imagine what ****ed up **** couldve happened, but they call each other "brother and sister" like wtf? Both her parents are manipulative in different ways and she still hasnt learnt to say no to them. Just ****ed up family man.

Point is its all very sad, but is it my fault? What do I have to do with anything apart from having a consta sad and bitter girl by my side, which I cant change no matter how I try?

And this one seems more like the angry type, while mine was more sad than angry, so dont play with fire.

Just don't try playing games with her lol you will lose.
Yes, she had 'chest pains' all the time. Usually before we were supposed to meet. Her mother left her at an early age for another man and She was raised by her grandmother. Apparently she was kidnapped briefly and held to ransom. Family also criminals. The red flags were waving furiously from the get go so no surprises really. Just had to get evidence of her lies where even she couldn't dispute it. As is typical with lunatics of this sort she was great fun and a great lay. I'll miss that for sure.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
Just dont hold any grudges and dont seek revenge no matter what she did to you. See her as the ill person she is, and know that holding her accountable for any action\word is impossible, if she shows unerstanding and agrees with something, its only to suit some egoistical agenda as manipulation, she probaly likes to critique left and right, even when its talking behind peoples back, but when it comes to her, she cant take the slightest critique, her self evaluation is so low she cant stand it and no matter how diplomatic you are the knife will be twisted against you no matter what you say. Her being drop dead gorgeous doesnt help.

Her looks also fade abit when she is not in a serious relationship, so as time progresses she will look prettier and prettier, which ****s with your mind. I havent thought about this, but when I read it, it made perfect sense. I remember while all the guys at work were asking her out and she was turning them down, and I was like just minding my own bussiness, I didnt see her as beutifull at all, she seemed so weak and tormented. But that attitude worked against me, although I wasnt doing it on pourpose, she was so used to everyone licking her ass my attitude tripped her brain, so one night all got drunk at the common quarters we were living at, and we kinda ended up sleeping together. Lol this is a huge red flag, because if you had no intention of doing something but it "just happened" than somebody else had the intention of that happening. But I was a fool, I felt something is not right, but most people around me were like - "Oh, dont worry, look how much she cares for you, look how beutifull she is, dont **** with her shes a good person..." etc. Only the old players knew whats up and warned me, and I agreed with them, and I did the right thing, but then I ****ed up.

This girl sure as hell knows when to call you - she knows exactly when youre drunk and about to get laid, lol, she calls at exactly these times. That and the constant hinting at the thing that: "My life sucks, im so sad, my ex is an ******* etc... And if you just love me and stay by my side everything will be ok, right?" Nope. This kinda **** is how she gets you hooked, playing on the Capt Save A Ho complex. The other thing she does is making sure you know she has other options. I never acted out of jelaousy and didnt pay attention to this **** so it got kept in check esp while I had a solid social circle.

Know that this is a personality type and not a classic illness, and its very hard to reshape a personality once its established. Moreover, these girls are so rigid its a really long shot staying with her hoping she will change. If she functions well enough at work, she will never admit she has deep issues, although as you know, keeping a normal exterior drains her energy and in the end of they day shes depleted. Now who would want a woman like that? Also the condition is a spectrum, so depending on how heavy it is, she ma conceal it for a very long time.

I know these girls's best shot is learning how to immitate normal people more correctly, but, as heartless as it may sound, you deserve better, misery loves company so you gotta watch out. The only man for her is either another nutcase, or Jesus Christ. The rest of us better deal with more stable girls.

But yes this childlike quality, like her life depends on you being around, this kind of thing is addictive, and normal girls lack it.

Its all very sad in the end, I have no hate for her, but its all really sad...

I recently added her again on FB, out of common etiquette, I mean I have her mother and father there, its not nice, but when she called me to say shes seing someone new 2 months ago, I had to block her, couse I was gonna be used as leverage I knew that, I saw the deja vu with her ex before me. "Im seeing someone new but I still want to talk to you." Ooooops alert alert.

I told her I needed to not see or hear from her for a time, and that I didnt want to be used this way in the short chat a couple of days ago. She replied with a smiley. Then I was like "Meh you be fine, you just tell some guy your ex used to hit you and hes at you feet, thats smart wish I could do it." To which she replied with another smiley. I genrally showed her I know what her game is, and am moving on with my life for real, so she feels comfortable dropping the mask so it becomes funny and abit frightening, so at least I know I did the whole breakup thing much better than her ex, and her new boy is physically repulsive, uses hair gel, and has a pic with his tongue out as profile, so I'm kinda relaxed knowing shell never have someone as good as me :D

Another thing is this girl has all the tools to push you over the edge of aggresion. And if you live in the USA I dont envy you. Couse around here cops aint dumb, if she goes to the police station like "Hes hitting me" when all you did was push her a little, or hold her down so she doesnt hit you, they wont buy into her crap so easily in my country.

Ive told her many times while we were together: "You dont need me, you need some "bad boy" with a fast nice car to drive you around to clubs, and spend money on you, while you both cheat on each other like crazy, this is the kinda love you need." See, I still stand by these words one of the truest things I said.

In the end you should thank her for the knowledge. These girls make fools grow into men so, thanks. But no thanks, *****. So spin plates, do sports, develop and forget about her.

http://gettinbetter.com/ - here the whole filosophy of the whole thing is explained

http://shrink4men.com/ - here its abit more cynical, and with real life sotries

Both sites written by women. What is written is more than 100 % true.
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sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
BrainDamage92 said:
Just dont hold any grudges and dont seek revenge no matter what she did to you. See her as the ill person she is, and know that holding her accountable for any action\word is impossible, if she shows unerstanding and agrees with something, its only to suit some egoistical agenda as manipulation, she probaly likes to critique left and right, even when its talking behind peoples back, but when it comes to her, she cant take the slightest critique, her self evaluation is so low she cant stand it and no matter how diplomatic you are the knife will be twisted against you no matter what you say. Her being drop dead gorgeous doesnt help.

Her looks also fade abit when she is not in a serious relationship, so as time progresses she will look prettier and prettier, which ****s with your mind. I havent thought about this, but when I read it, it made perfect sense. I remember while all the guys at work were asking her out and she was turning them down, and I was like just minding my own bussiness, I didnt see her as beutifull at all, she seemed so weak and tormented. But that attitude worked against me, although I wasnt doing it on pourpose, she was so used to everyone licking her ass my attitude tripped her brain, so one night all got drunk at the common quarters we were living at, and we kinda ended up sleeping together. Lol this is a huge red flag, because if you had no intention of doing something but it "just happened" than somebody else had the intention of that happening. But I was a fool, I felt something is not right, but most people around me were like - "Oh, dont worry, look how much she cares for you, look how beutifull she is, dont **** with her shes a good person..." etc. Only the old players knew whats up and warned me, and I agreed with them, and I did the right thing, but then I ****ed up.

This girl sure as hell knows when to call you - she knows exactly when youre drunk and about to get laid, lol, she calls at exactly these times. That and the constant hinting at the thing that: "My life sucks, im so sad, my ex is an ******* etc... And if you just love me and stay by my side everything will be ok, right?" Nope. This kinda **** is how she gets you hooked, playing on the Capt Save A Ho complex. The other thing she does is making sure you know she has other options. I never acted out of jelaousy and didnt pay attention to this **** so it got kept in check esp while I had a solid social circle.

Know that this is a personality type and not a classic illness, and its very hard to reshape a personality once its established. Moreover, these girls are so rigid its a really long shot staying with her hoping she will change. If she functions well enough at work, she will never admit she has deep issues, although as you know, keeping a normal exterior drains her energy and in the end of they day shes depleted. Now who would want a woman like that? Also the condition is a spectrum, so depending on how heavy it is, she ma conceal it for a very long time.

I know these girls's best shot is learning how to immitate normal people more correctly, but, as heartless as it may sound, you deserve better, misery loves company so you gotta watch out. The only man for her is either another nutcase, or Jesus Christ. The rest of us better deal with more stable girls.

But yes this childlike quality, like her life depends on you being around, this kind of thing is addictive, and normal girls lack it.

Its all very sad in the end, I have no hate for her, but its all really sad...

I recently added her again on FB, out of common etiquette, I mean I have her mother and father there, its not nice, but when she called me to say shes seing someone new 2 months ago, I had to block her, couse I was gonna be used as leverage I knew that, I saw the deja vu with her ex before me. "Im seeing someone new but I still want to talk to you." Ooooops alert alert.

I told her I needed to not see or hear from her for a time, and that I didnt want to be used this way in the short chat a couple of days ago. She replied with a smiley. Then I was like "Meh you be fine, you just tell some guy your ex used to hit you and hes at you feet, thats smart wish I could do it." To which she replied with another smiley. I genrally showed her I know what her game is, and am moving on with my life for real, so she feels comfortable dropping the mask so it becomes funny and abit frightening, so at least I know I did the whole breakup thing much better than her ex, and her new boy is physically repulsive, uses hair gel, and has a pic with his tongue out as profile, so I'm kinda relaxed knowing shell never have someone as good as me :D

Another thing is this girl has all the tools to push you over the edge of aggresion. And if you live in the USA I dont envy you. Couse around here cops aint dumb, if she goes to the police station like "Hes hitting me" when all you did was push her a little, or hold her down so she doesnt hit you, they wont buy into her crap so easily in my country.

Ive told her many times while we were together: "You dont need me, you need some "bad boy" with a fast nice car to drive you around to clubs, and spend money on you, while you both cheat on each other like crazy, this is the kinda love you need." See, I still stand by these words one of the truest things I said.

In the end you should thank her for the knowledge. These girls make fools grow into men so, thanks. But no thanks, *****. So spin plates, do sports, develop and forget about her.

http://gettinbetter.com/ - here the whole filosophy of the whole thing is explained

http://shrink4men.com/ - here its abit more cynical, and with real life sotries

Both sites written by women. What is written is more than 100 % true.
Yes it is sad. Even though i knew this moment was coming and that it was only a matter of time. I actually feel sorry for her which makes me want to look after her and make sure she's going to be alright in life. Now how fvcked up is that?