asking her out several times


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
So I met this chick like a two months ago in a club.

Next week she texted me, I asked her out but she said she was busy. Ok.
The next week I texted her and asked her out again but she was pretty lame in her replies and left me hanging.

One month later I shot her a text just to see if she replied. She did and seemed excited to hear about me so I asked her out again. She told me yes, then she said that she had to do something and that she would call me later, she did not.

A couple of days later she texted me to apologise and to suggest a date, and I agreed. Then when I was about to set a day she told me that she was a bit busy (again) and that she would prefer to meet next week, I said ok but in my mind I sent her to the curb and did not contact her.

Last week (three weeks after the paragraph above) I was a bit bored and I shot her a text. She replied etc, I said lets go to grab a coffe when are you free this week, and she said that Thursday worked for her, so I set a place and a time. This was last Monday.

We're suposed to meet tomorrow in the evening. I have zero hopes with this girl, and I think she may even flake, but I'll give it a try.

I know this goes agains DJ rules etc, cause I asked her out like four times in a month and a half, but really, now I do not care at all. If she shows up and is nice etc, good, and if she doesnt she can go fu-ck herself forever lol, but I dont really care.
Anyway, I've read in some PUA forums etc that some guys had to ask out a girl several times before she said yes etc, this is a firt for me because when a girl tells me she's busy twice, I never contact her again, but I decided to try this other approach with this chick.

Any bets?


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
You keep saying "you don't care" but constantly keep asking her obviously you do care and would like for her to actually show up.

This comes from a lack of options. You should just work to build up a "portfolio" of sorts. Multiple women as options so you NEVER have to ask for a date 4 times in one fvcking month!

It stops being "trying to set up a date" at that point and turns into "begging for a date"


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
I take it this girl is really hot or something...?
She may genuinely be busy, who knows, but it's clear that meeting with you is not a priority.
I would delete and get on with your life.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
What would I do? I actually would not show up! :D oh where are my manners, I wouldnt even tell her I wont show up, she'll get there and if she hit me up, i'll be like ''nah I'm good''.

Anyhows. This is a lose lose situation for you UNTIL you turn it around, she has the upper hand and its like she's doing you a favor. I can almost guarantee she wont give it up anytime soon.

What you can do to build up her interest level? FORGET ABOUT HER in every letter of the word. Let her hit you up, let her ask you out, let her come for you. You've showed with your actions that you wont mind getting with her, let her prove she's worth your time.

This is what I did. I sweated a HB9 for a year only smooshed, she never let me hit, flaked all the time and wouldnt even tell me till I'm outside her door to pick her up.

I realized, I'm all that! I'm the sheet, I'm the bomb! I'm the one w the deek and I fcuk really good! I'm the one doing her a favor! I DO NOT sweat girls! and I wont chase one either! and my attitude starting reflecting that.

She flaked and wanted to reschedule, told her nah Im good, I got other things that's actually worth my time. If she wanted to see me, she'll have to ask me out, plan the date and take me out. She was surprised, excited and agreed to it.Her interest level went off the roof! I fcuked her one week after that (the second time we met) after 1 year of her acting up cos I was no longer begging.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
I havent begged because I dont give a fu-ck. The first two times I asked her out I cared, but after a month passed...I just dont.
I mean, if she comes and we have a good time, good! but if not, whatever! I have my salsa class scheduled for that same evening so in any case I have something interesting to do.

Besides, I want to do a little experiment and see if it goes good or bad. I'm seing another girl at the moment so it's ok.

I'll keep you posted.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
I have a three-strikes rule for rejected date ideas and flakes. (It doesn't count as a strike if she makes a counter-offer and doesn't flake.) I suggest you do the same.

A girl I liked just struck out in one go by first saying she "couldn't promise" that she could make it, then asking me "Why should I come to <my location>?". I answered "Because that's where I live" and she said "I can't anyway because I'm going away". I'm pretty disappointed because she was really interesting but obviously not interested any more (our last date was almost a month ago and she was interested, but we've only had two text conversations in that time and I couldn't date her because I was between houses). I just answered "Good" and deleted her number.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
Girl flaked three hours before the date.

Great, she can go to hell forever. LOL.

Experiment finished. Conclusion: keep my two strikes rule policy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
pyros said:
Girl flaked three hours before the date.

Great, she can go to hell forever. LOL.

Experiment finished. Conclusion: keep my two strikes rule policy.
TMK says ask once. Then the ball is in their court. If they are interested, they'll ask.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
I have a one strike policy. Take a guess why.

When a woman flakes on you, you have failed.