One year later - The report (aka Why I'm Back!)

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
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Hey guys!

Long time no see heh!bWell, and there is a reason why is this.

I've got better. That is it. Plain and simple! And so there was not much of a need to come back here that often.

Although the one year anniversary of No Contact is yet to come, I'm here celebrating the Break up anniversary. In July 8th, my life changed in so many levels that I can not even describe. For better, and for worse as well.

For all you folks who don't know me, I am You.

Yes, you, the average guy. Average heigh. Average wheight. Average skills. Average everything. And just like 99% of the guys in here, once heartbroken (and a bit still maybe). By that ONE girl. The perfect. The flawless. Who was planning to marry me and die by my side. The One.

But guess what? Just like in your situation, she was not the one. She was just another one. A regular girl. A regular human being. Not special. But this is something that you are yet to discover.

Anyway. Yeah, I've got dumped by my dream girl. She left me without warning (At least any warning I've could have recognized back then. Today, they are Ohh So Clear to me). But, without warning anyways. Left to mend the pieces of my broken heart all alone.

And just like you I didn't know what to do. So I did what anyone in my position would have done. I've tried to get her back. With any means that were possible and available to me. And, I'm guessing you know what is the end of the story. But if you don't I'll simplify it to you.

I have NOT got her back.

And this is ok in fact. I have a small ammount of stupid things to regret, like writing her an essay and only geting 2 lines of response. 1 month later. But, what is a man without his regrets huh?

On this journey that I'm about to unravel I can only assure two things.

1 - You will NOT forget about her that easily.
In fact you will not forget about her. Period. She was an important part of your life (for a while) and you lost it. Just like you miss your deceased grandma (Unless she is not dead yet. But I guarantee you'll miss her as well).
But, as your grandma, the first months, or years, are though. But as time passes, she becomes nothing but good memories, that you remember eventually, and with a smile on your face.

2 - You will CHANGE.
For better. Or for worse. But you will change. And there is no better fuel for change than pain. This empty feeling in your soul. This hole in your heart.
This sh*t will get you doing lots and lots of stuff. Hitting the gym. Finding a hobby. Hitting new chicks. Banging! new chicks. Meditation. Eating healthier. Quiting your job. Banging more chicks (Yeah!). Reading new books.
Bottomline, refreshing your whole lifestile. This takes a while though. First you have to reach rock bottom, then you can start climbing out of the well.
You are allowed to enjoy the pain for a while, 'cause as I've said you lost a piece of you. But don't remain in that low for too much. Don't snoop her fcebook, you don't want to get worse.
Let's just keep cocaine and suicide out of that cool list. :up:

Anyway, it is amazing how I can recall important facts of my life according to my age. It is a very bizarre coincidence to tell you the truth. Good sh*t, or bad sh*t have a tendency to happen right after my birthday, and so I recall my years (age), and how was it because of this facts.

My grandma died when I turned 13, two weeks later after my bday. And so 13 was a very game changing. I rebelled. Started drinking and smoking, and became a sh*tty son. A problematic kid.

I got game aware after my birthday in 2009, so my 21s were awesome. Full of new discoveries. I was interned in a instituion after my bday in 2011. Bad year.

And to cut to the chase, my "perfect" relationship ended two weeks after my bday last year (In the exact same day my grandma died. Which is pretty weird in fact). And so my 25s were really really though.

And this that you are about to read, is this is my 25's story.

She dumped me. How the f*ck could she dump me. The girl that cried and pilked when I was away. The girl that had plans to marry me. The girl I've shared all my secrets. My one true love. My other half. How did she do it?
And with such ease. What the f*ck just happened!

Well, I still don't have a proper answer for that. She might be a crazy borderline bi polar sucubes b*tch. She might have found someone better. She is just a worthless sl*t. I don't know.

But answering this question get's me nowhere. It is indiferent why has she left. The fact is that she left, and took away my happiness with her.

Bad move, because I've shoud not have placed my happiness in another person. And that is lesson numero uno! ;)

Anyway, from personal experience it is worthless to try to get her back. But I do endorse it. People may call me crazy. But I've only got where I am now, because I went to the lowest first. And also because one can only learn from personal experience. I might give the best advices ever, but you have to get f*cked on your own.

Anyway. Besides begging her back, I've tried the most intricate and sneaky fool proof way to get her back. I had a notebook, with dates pre scheduled and witty jokes for me to send texts to her. I've bought 3 or 4 online get your ex back products. I've 3 months planned ahead. I've faked job interviews to tell her I was near her house.

I don't need to tell again that NONE. Not one of this intricate plans worked out the way I wanted.

This is a good advice though. Don't waste your hard earned money on this online get your ex back solutions. From pickup gurus. To happy couples. Anyone. This is just another bad industry that get profit from people when they are on their worst.

But due a change of luck, I've managed to get her out for a coffee date. It was 9/11, 2 months after the breakup. By then, I was already hitting the gym, quited my dead end job, and I had already scored 3 chicks. I was even kind of dating one of them.

It was good, we laughed, I avoided those dreadfull topics, even when she put them on the table, and to sum it all up, I've have never saw her again.

So, I don't need to tell you, that this was a sh*ty idea after all.

And to worsen things, I went back to guess what. Gound zero. And now with a truckload of sh*t to regret.

Came october. I was trying to have another of those dates with her, and she was being brutally cold. So damn cold, that swimming naked in the artic circle would've been a warmer experience.

But, I've setted another date! Guess what!? That right man! She flaked!

At that time, I had so many things to tell her, that I've written a GIGANTIC letter (e-mail) to her! It was so huge and so wishy-washy that I've managed to make some 3 or 4 romantic songs with that letter (I'm a singer by the way).

It was lame. If there was one good thing about that letter (besides giving me quality music material) is that at least I closed the door. I haven't begged her back, neither I've wrote 'I love you' 'I miss you', and most important. I told her I would never ever going to reach for her again, and I would be pleased if she did not. It may sound gay, but it was good on the long haul.

And BAAM! Back to ground zero again. Now with a 3 pages letter to regret!

Good thing is I've found this site by that time so I've got much support, and knowlegde in here.

I've became very jaded in the process, and a bit mysoginist, as I've got to know womens true nature.

But it faded. I'm still a bit jaded, but as someone put out there, you cannot hate a dog if you leave him to watch a steak and he eats it. It is his dog nature, and you have to cope with that.

In our culture today, most women choose the sl*t lifestyle, and so, the only thing you can do about it, is to go with the flow!

And so I did it. Let's go f*ck ten other women. I already had 3. So it became my mission. I was jobless, so my focus was a 110% towards me. Get pumped. Get ripped. Get a cool job. And flip the poon! :up:

I've got to tell you, as I've said earlier, pain is an excelent fuel. And I had plenty of pain in my chest. So I've got really good. I was pulling chicks like never before, and like no one I've ever met. It hurted so much, that I wanted them all to pay the iron price!

I lost count with how many chicks I've made out. But I can safely say it went way over than 200! By the end of the year, I was at number 4 in the GFTOW!

And so came xmas, and santa had something for me in his bag of toys! Santa Claus gave me a threesome, on xmas day! I've got to tell that I've know belive in the spirit of xmas!

And so, I've skipped one number, and went straight up to number 6! 2 bunnies with one cage! But I was mercyless. I've wanted it all. The next day, I was the king. I've made out with another 2 girls in a night club. All the chicks in the place were hitting me in a way I've never saw, and I've reaped the opportunity. And all the guys were killing theirselfs to understand how I was doing it!

I've even got a high five from the main bouncer! Even him was amazed!

Came 2014, and I slowed the pace. Got girl number 7, which was one of this 2 girls, and number 8! And settled with her!

Number 8 was a really good science experience for me. Thanks to her, I've understood so many things about my past relationship. In this case, I was the alpha, and she did all the mistakes I've made, and so I was able to see and feel, those feelings of despise that my ex felt towards me when our relationship ended.

Sadly, I've f*cked number 8's mind with that. But I couldn't help it. I felt nothing for this girl. No need to say I've dumped her, and just like me, she didn't understand squat.

...And, sent a huge letter as well. Hahaha! The irony! and so I was able to understand the other side of the coin!

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
This post has become really huge, so just to get us to the present time.

I've got a job. It was sh*t. Got another one, where I am writing this right now. And it is awesome.

I've fliped the 9th chick on July 8th exactly. And I've got to tell you it felt good! And the 10th got smashed last tuesday, July 22nd.

It took a year to get GFTOW. The end of this experiment is...

You f*ck ten chicks!

That is it! Sadly, I've got to tell you that I still miss her. P*ssy is p*ssy indeed. But there is more to a great relationship than p*ssy. Even though, her's was really fine!

Anyway, I've gotta tell you it is a fun thing to do, and I'm writing this with a smile on my face. So you do get better. I did.

But getting better, does not mean forget. Simple as that!

And to end this story, I've returned here to sosuave after a long period of absence because a good friend of mine stumbled upon my ex the other day.

He told me. I got sad. Told him to not tell me a word about it. I did not wanted to know. But, the curiosity consumed me, and because of the curiosity, and a galant feeling that I have to face my fears, I asked him to tell me what the f happened.

He told me that she met him in a supermarket and called him. They talked about a common friend, a girl he used to f*ck. Them seh told him that girl was now dating. He told her, he is also dating and asked her what about you. And she told him that she was now single, and living with a girl friend...

...And then she asked about me! :eek:

And he told the truth. That I was really good, with an awesome job, that I've just closed 2 deals the past week... and single as well.

Then, she said her goodbyes, and left.

He told me that half a minute later she came back, and told him:
"Hey James, send Netto a kiss for me, would ya!?"

And this is why I'm back. I rather tell my story in here for you. Random people that support me, than keep crushing my mind thinking sh*t like:

"What a b*tch, who does she thinks she is to send me this "unpretencious" kiss."
"This is an evil plot of her to drag me around now that she is single again. Ex sex have nostalgic value."
"Should I call her. Text her" (Of course not! And I know it! Rest assured that this will not happen)

Anyway, thinking about that. And so, since I van't heard from her for a long while. And I'm pretty sure I will not going to hear from hear again so soon (not that I'm expecting) I've got to tell that knowing of her brought me back to a dark place I've once knew last year.

And I got to tell. This pain, is exactly what I was in need. I was kind of settled down. But now I'm in rush mode again! I've rose stronger from all that sh*t once. And this b*tch sure as hell will not bring me down! :rockon:

Since this community has helped me in one of the darkest times of my life, it not the darker (And I've got institucionalized!) it is always good to come back to get back in track!

No! I'm not desperate. Nor depressed. But I've found out that posting sh*t like this in here, and even more, helping all the lost dudes out there, is the best therapy for me!

So, I'm back. The b*tch showed up exactly one year after the sh*tstorm. Exactly after I've f*cked the 10th chick! Not the way I once expected, but in a way!

And, as always, just a little while after my birthday! :up:

So, now I'm 26. "Ground Zero" again, and with 10 chicks left to f*ck!

Let the second round begin! :rockon: :trouble: :rockon: :trouble:

Cheers everyone! :up:

PS: All the statistics are made up numbers, and I can't back any of them up!

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Awesome story OP!! And good to see your attitude to the ex. She dumped you like a morning turd and now her hamster is flogging itself to death on the wheel after hearing about your new awesome life and having been treated like shyt by a string of bad boys she thought were better than you.
Onward and upward my friend. Keep kicking life's arse!

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks mate. This past year has been really tuff on me, so it was cool to finish it off with 10 chicks and a sign of life from the dead!

It stung at first, but it came right about time, and now I'm pretty much with a smile on my face all day long.

And to tell you the truth. I could not care less about her and her hamster. If it is running like crazy or not, f*ck it!

It is not my problem anymore!

But I do have to agree with your sig, hamsters do run best in silence!

PS: Thanks for reading the whole sh*t! It is big even for myself! :up:


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Those piriguetes are sure hard to resist. As gatas brasileiras.. Muito gostosas.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
Super gostosas, belezas demais...

. Playherman wouldn't like you using his red crayon in your posts ��

but seriously, 10 lays I this time frame deserves props...please tell me they weren't all ugly lol jk


I'm very happy for you, Lotus. You're seeing yourself as someone with potential. That empty feeling you were feeling could be complete by filling up various holes. From my experience, it does not. I wish you the very best, and I also wish you do not pursue my ventures to 'rid of my ex.' Find someone that likes you for who you are and cherish it. Maybe there are "revenge fvcks" that you can go through. Just keep that to a minimal. Give another female a chance, just a little chance. They could turn out to be the best investment you can ever make.

I can very well relate to what you are going to, since I have been through that myself. It is a transition. If I could go back in time and tell myself something, it would be:

"You are still living, you still have a positive on life. Doesn't that feel good? Why not spread that joy on the strangers you meet?"

I totally understand , man. I do - and I did. It's very easy to take the pill as truth, but depending on who you you were and want to be, just smile.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2014
Reaction score
Awesome Story OP, I can totally relate. I had my dream girl. Rich, sexy as hell and with a body like a porn star. We dated for over 3 years and talked of marriage etc heavily. We split ways due to her ex coming back into the fold.

You won't forget her but dude I swear I'd make that ***** beg you back before you ever thought about texting her again.

IF you did get back with her one day..leave her ass at the altar.