Guide to Pimping Your Pad

Mr. Kalikoat

Don Juan
May 3, 2014
Reaction score
A lot of threads on this forum give us tips about how to improve yourself as a person, either mentally, physically or your clothing style. But what about your pad?

Some DJs will try to avoid taking chicks to their own pad. They'll rather try to get the bang elsewhere (her place for example). But when you have a pimp pad that is properly styled, why should you try to avoid it? If your own place is properly styled, you'll be able to set the right mood and go for the bang with little difficulty. And when chicks love your place, they'll be eager to come over when you ask them too. Eventually you'll be able to get bangs from your regulars without even leaving your pad. How sweet is that?

I recently got my own place and after doing a bit of research and trying different things out, I managed to make my pad look pretty pimp and masculine. And now I'm here to share my findings with you in this handy little guide. It's my first guide on SoSuave so bear with me:

1. General Style/Theme:

While getting some nice furniture and some cool paintings for on the wall is of course pretty sweet, it's even better if you have a general theme going on that unifies all the cool things in your pad. If there is come consistency in the color, shape and style of your furniture and the objects in your pad it will look like you're either a professional designer or you hired a professional designer. Way to impress chicks!

In my case, I actually am a professional designer. Lucky me. But you're also in luck today, because I'll be sharing my design knowledge with you to make your pad look frikkin' sweet!

2. Color and Contrast:

While you can never go wrong with black and white, it's way cooler and more original to have some color on your walls and furniture!

When it comes to color, you need to know which colors go well with each other and which colors don't. Luckily, there is a very easy way to figure this out. Take a good look at this color wheel:

Choose a color you really like and put your finger on the exact square of the color you chose. This is going to be your primary color. The primary color is the color you'll use the most in your pad.

Now, go to the opposite side of the wheel and pick the square that's exactly mirroring the square you chose first. This is going to be your secondary color, also known as complementary color.

For example:

Other combinations that also work are:

Reds - Oranges - Yellows
Yellow Greens - Greens - Blue Greens
Blues - Blue Violets - Violets
Mauves - Mauve Pinks - Pinks

Seriously though, don't choose mauves, mauve-pinks or pinks if you want your pad to look masculine. Personally I'd go for a blue primary color if you want your pad to have a relaxed and cool feeling, go for a red primary color if you want your pad to feel passionate and intense, or go for a yellow primary color if you want your pad to feel energetic and carefree.

Now I wouldn't recommend you to paint your entire place in these two colors. I would always use black and white primarily. But a white room with one blue wall and some red or orange furniture will look really awesome.

Lets take a look at an example of a room with the right colors:

Whether you like these colors or not, you can't deny that the complete picture looks nice. The the furniture goes really well with the large violet wall, which contrasts the wooden floor nicely. The orange/yellow details, such as the orange pillows and the orange/yellow painting really finish the room by adding an evenly distributed contrast throughout the room.

3. Eye Catcher:

The key to an interesting room is having an eye catcher in the room. This can either be a piece of furniture, an object such as a statue or a painting on the wall. Whatever it is, make sure it stands out from the rest of the stuff in your room. If you're a guitarist, your guitar could be that eye catcher. Make sure you place the guitar in an interesting spot that is easily seen when you enter the room. I'm an electric guitarist myself so I've decided to mount my electic guitars on the wall. This instantly makes my room look infinitely more interesting.

If you look at the example above, the big painting on the wall is clearly the eye catcher in that room. It will spark a woman's interest and it's a good conversation starter if you want to ease the tension a bit before going for the bang. Make sure you have an interesting story to tell about the eye catcher in your room. In my case I can tell the girl about my adventures as a lead guitarist in a (reasonably successful) heavy metal band.

4. Wall Decorations:

Lets make those empty walls a bit more interesting!

Let me start by saying this; DO NOT PUT ANY POSTERS ON YOUR WALLS. Most certainly not posters of your favorite videogame or super hero. It will look cheap and childish. It's not masculine at all. Instead go for paintings or framed pictures/illustrations.

Personally I'm a fan of Game of Thrones. However, instead of just slamming a cheap GoT poster on my wall, I bought these nice framed pictures of my favorite Game of Thrones characters:

They look a lot more stylish and mature than a cheap poster.

I also recommend you to visit this website for some nice framed artwork:

5. Lighting:

What good will your properly chosen colors and your interesting eye catcher do if they aren't lit properly?

Here is an awesome tip I have; get LED strips, bonus points if you get Philips Hue, which is quite expensive but totally amazing. Properly placed LED strips will make your room look so amazingly stylish. Just take a look at this YouTube video to see how awesome LED strips are:

Is that class-A stuff or what? Your pad will look like it's from the goddamn future! And trust me, this stuff doesn't need to be expensive. You can get 5 meters of multi-color LED strips including a remote control to control the color and brightness of your LED strips for less than $40,-.

If you have money to spend and want to go all out, go for Philips Hue:

When you invite a chick over you can ask her what your favorite color is and then with one simple swipe on your iPhone you can change the color of all the lights in your pad to the color she chose. Trust me, her jaw will drop on the floor and her attraction level for you will go up tenfold.

6. Mini Bar:

Your favorite alcohol can become a decoration item if you store it properly. And when I'm talking about storing it properly I'm talking about your very own mini bar. I'm not talking about a mini fridge (although that is pretty cool too and I can definitely recommend it), I'm talking about this:

When your chick enters your pad, offer her some wine or another alcoholic beverage. Then show her your mini bar and tell her you have one bottle left of the perfect wine. Take your bottle of "perfect" wine from the mini bar (doesn't need to be expensive, most chicks don't have a clue about wine), show it to her, then pour her a glass of wine on your mini bar. You'll be like motherf*cking James Bond in her eyes!

That's it for now guys. I'll add some more do's and don'ts later and I'll go a bit more in depth about furniture, but for now this guide should be enough to get you started.

Good Luck!
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
awesome post


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
(Off-Topic) I keep reading this as "Guide to pimping your dad".

My dad's pretty pimp as it is, thanks. I remember one time we were at the airport and an employee found his wallet. She called his phone (number was in the wallet I assume) and asked him to describe himself. He ended his description with "very good looking" (in front of mum) and then informed his wife that when the woman gave him back his wallet she asked if there was any chance they could have sex. Solid Dread Game.

Mr. Kalikoat

Don Juan
May 3, 2014
Reaction score
IBreatheSpears said:
(Off-Topic) I keep reading this as "Guide to pimping your dad".

My dad's pretty pimp as it is, thanks. I remember one time we were at the airport and an employee found his wallet. She called his phone (number was in the wallet I assume) and asked him to describe himself. He ended his description with "very good looking" (in front of mum) and then informed his wife that when the woman gave him back his wallet she asked if there was any chance they could have sex. Solid Dread Game.
That's a funny story. Your dad sounds pretty Alpha indeed.

I hope my guide thus far will be useful to you. Feel free to give feedback or add more ideas. That goes for all people who are reading this. If you have good ideas, post them!