Remember the Indian woman?


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
For context.

So I drink a lot, and sometimes I do a lot of pills.:nono:

Well I'm not sure but some how I managed to convince her to meet me. I'm pretty straight up with her about stuff.

So I assumed she was going to flake. But she said she would meet me at xxxx at 11 am. She actually showed.

I was already drunk by 11am. I saw her from a distance sitting on a bench. I walked up and just had a sh!t eating grin on my face.

I said "come on, let me show you something"

I took her down by the lake, where there are big pieces of granite that you can just kind of climb down, and sit there hidden from view.

So we are both sitting their. Now this 30 year old Indian woman has only been here a year (she looks like shes 18). She's also a software engineer.

We sat their talked, I got her to try some alcohol for her first time :moon: she puked :D .

I made sure to sit close to her, she was nervous, I could smell it. But we just sat their, I drank, we talked bla bla. It was pleasant. I ended up kissing her multiple times. This girl doesnt put out easily. She doesn't wear make up, she doesnt need to.

So after that we went to the store, she got a soda, and bought me a pack of smokes :up: .

At first she said that she refuse to go to my apartment, but after all this I said "I'm hungry, lets go eat"

My apartment is a sh!t hole. Its dirty, and even if I cleaned a lot it would be a **** hole.

Any way we made food, watched good fellas. I tried to escalate more, but I think I was a bit to aggressive about it so, she still didnt run. I'm not sure what happend, but I ended up telling her to get the fvck out. and she did, then she comes back and knocks on my door, still idk.

She told me that I was the first guy she has ever kissed, hard to believe, but keep in mind this woman is indian.

She calls me at 6 am this morning crying, saying how she has never felt so alive in her life before she met me, and I was the first guy she ever kissed. But that she cant see me again, because she said is going to fall in love with me bla bla bla.

At one point she said "your probably just a player" " I hate you" blablabla.

We live in a strange world.

If she is a virgin, I would love to fvck this girl.

But. It's going to be to much work, to much commitment. I fvcked my hand that night, so at least I got some action.

But i told her she is allowed to think about me when she touches her self at night. Lmao.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
Lol...I'd definitely try to fvck her. You have a potential sugar momma on your hands. She'll definitely be full of drama though. You seem to have a long track record of innocent chicks latching on to you. Whatever happened to that Chinese chick that you met online?


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
JoeMarron said:
Lol...I'd definitely try to fvck her. You have a potential sugar momma on your hands. She'll definitely be full of drama though. You seem to have a long track record of innocent chicks latching on to you. Whatever happened to that Chinese chick that you met online?
Idk. Havent heard from her for a couple days. Maybe she lost interest, myabe shes trying to play games. Who knows.

Dont remember but I think she called me a few days ago. Maybe more like 5 not sure.

But man, the last time we talked on the phone she got real sexual. You wouldnt believe the shivt that girl says. She talks about how she wants me to fvck her all day. She even said "I want you to kill me and fvck me"

I think she has been watching fight club. I told her about that movie.

I'm sure she will pop up again, its only a matter of time really. If not what ever.

But if she will seriously buy me a plane ticket to china, and help me find a teaching job, but also financially support me until I can find a job.

I think she has a low partner count. I think shes craaaaaazzzzy though. :yes:

So she said when she gets her salary, or saves up enough she will do it. We will see.

We will see.

Now Im just going to shut out the indian girl, she might come back.

Or they both might walk away. Hey, theirs plenty of women out their. Just like these two.

idk why so many guys want a western slvt.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
But man, the last time we talked on the phone she got real sexual. You wouldnt believe the shivt that girl says. She talks about how she wants me to fvck her all day. She even said "I want you to kill me and fvck me"

Yeahhh I don't think we'll hear from you again if you fly to China. Make her come to you. There's too many fvcked up souls online to risk that.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
JoeMarron said:

Yeahhh I don't think we'll hear from you again if you fly to China. Make her come to you. There's too many fvcked up souls online to risk that.
Well she does live with her parents still. Chinese girls are kind of looked down on a lot when they are younger, especially by their grandparents (not all the time, but often times) because men are better at making money, smarter, ect... I think she has self esteem issues, her grandma was always mean to her, treated her with disdain ect. She doesnt like her grandmother, still.

Im quite positive she was not sexually abused.

But she doesn't do drugs, drink, or smoke (I would never date a girl who does that)

So yes it could be a red flag. Or she is just trying to say shocking things to get a reaction. Who knows.

China is the only country in the world where more women commit suicide than men, and even then the difference is very small.

So its possible she has some issues. But this girl will still sleep and cuddle with her mother at the age of 23. She has a good relationship with her mother.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
JaegerPilot217 said:
Indian and Pakistani women are bangin'
Oh fvck yeah. Eastern women, ill tell you what. Women are retards :yes: This indian woman is a software engineer, yet she agreed to meet with an alcoholic, drug addict.

What if I was a rapist or somthing? I could be a serial killer (obviously I'm neither of those things) Im stupid, but im not retarded. Or maybe I'm retarded, but not stupid. Fvck what ever.

I could have, I had this little girl sitting on my bed, shes 5'1'', probably 110lbs.

I'm 6'1'' I weigh 175 lbs, all muscle. If i wanted to be bad, I could have done anything I wanted to do to her. She could have tried to fight back, but even then my bones are thicker, I could have easily done what ever I want with her.

However. I think men who rape women are weak a$$ pu$4ies. They are b!tches.

But what is this retarded woman thinking. :kick: :nono:

I could be very, very, very dangerous if I want. But I don't do that, because its not my intention to cause others pain, also I value my freedom, and I want a woman to have sex with me because she wants to, because shes attracted to me.

I like that sh!t.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
noobolgy said:
Oh fvck yeah. Eastern women, ill tell you what. Women are retards :yes: This indian woman is a software engineer, yet she agreed to meet with an alcoholic, drug addict.

What if I was a rapist or somthing? I could be a serial killer (obviously I'm neither of those things) Im stupid, but im not retarded. Or maybe I'm retarded, but not stupid. Fvck what ever.

I could have, I had this little girl sitting on my bed, shes 5'1'', probably 110lbs.

I'm 6'1'' I weigh 175 lbs, all muscle. If i wanted to be bad, I could have done anything I wanted to do to her. She could have tried to fight back, but even then my bones are thicker, I could have easily done what ever I want with her.

However. I think men who rape women are weak a$$ pu$4ies. They are b!tches.

But what is this retarded woman thinking. :kick: :nono:

I could be very, very, very dangerous if I want. But I don't do that, because its not my intention to cause others pain, also I value my freedom, and I want a woman to have sex with me because she wants to, because shes attracted to me.

I like that sh!t.
Also can't forget Sri Lankan and Bangladesh women either, because those countries along with Pakistan are also Indian culture as well, all have similar blood, ancestors, look-a-alike, so really this 30 year old Indian woman looks like she is in her early 20's?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
The Golden State, USA
Noob you're all over the place! I hope you have a moment of clarity and forget about this girl. You WILL NOT improve her life in any way, shape or form. In fact you will only serve to mess her up going forward, you might make her crazy!

If you want to pump and dump find girls that are at least slightly hip to the game and the way things work in the western world. After all, stealing candy from a baby isn't something that should be bragged about.

Just my two cents.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
apprenticedj said:
Noob you're all over the place! I hope you have a moment of clarity and forget about this girl. You WILL NOT improve her life in any way, shape or form. In fact you will only serve to mess her up going forward, you might make her crazy!

If you want to pump and dump find girls that are at least slightly hip to the game and the way things work in the western world. After all, stealing candy from a baby isn't something that should be bragged about.

Just my two cents.
Yeah I need to quit drinking. I'm in the process of figure out a plan of action and its going to work out.

Man this is not like stealing candy from a baby. I mean sure had i been more patient, gave it a few more meets I'm sure I could but it would require me to give a lot of attention, and all that.

I simply like these type of women because once your in the sh!t tests become very minimal.

This type of woman is very feminine, proper, and thoughtful, and when you get in, they are very supportful so that you can pursue your goals, they like it when you improve yourself.

Sure I ended up making her cry, she'll will be ok.

At least I have her an exciting time. We had our time together, then it was over.

I'm just getting over a drinking binge, and some times (as you can clearly tell) I get a little crazy when I drink large amounts of alcohol, on a daily basis for about 3 days to 2 weeks at a time.

She has never even been on a date with an American guy before, and except for me kicking her out of my apartment and her coming back crying, it was enjoyable for the both of us, and she kissed a boy for her first time (well good for her, i stank like liquor and ciggerates.)

Any way I have developed a drinking problem :yes: . Somthing happend last night. I puked all night. I never puke from drinking, and I can drink a lot. Then I was paralyzed in my bed until about 3 pm.

Man she's not that easy. Yes she is a woman, sure she is emotionally driven, but she is intelligent as well. Honestly she's a bit of a challenge, but I don't want to ruin her. If I was at a point in my life where I had my sh!t together, I would consider something serious.

She said she likes me a lot but just wants something serious. Hey that's fine. I just let it go bro.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
The Golden State, USA
That's rough man. I hope you get a good plan together to help you dry out a bit, I have alcoholic tendencies, family history I guess. When I drink I go extremely hard, slurping mixed drinks in one drink, chasing shots with shots, chugging beers etc. It's tough because alcohol helps us loosen up and it makes our social interactions much easier but once I've been drinking for a few hours I tend to get sloppy. Not sloppy as in acting like a fool but I just lose my wit and my sharpness, not good. I wish you the best brother.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
noobolgy said:
We sat their talked, I got her to try some alcohol for her first time :moon: she puked :D . I made sure to sit close to her, she was nervous, I could smell it.
You probably smelled the puke...