Chick Walks Out On Rex's School Project Pimpin'

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Back at the beginning of the semester, my sociology teacher announced to the class that we would have to do a presentation in addition to a term paper. My original topic was going to be, Why Drug Addicts Should be Euthanized For Benefit of Humanity. However, as I was reading the chapters in our assigned textbook, I came to realize that subject matter would fit more easily into into another topic, especially when it came to things as subcultures, social mores, roles and ethics within a group. So I decided to change my topic to "Why Do Prostitutes Choose Pimps?" Also since I had a few books on pimpin' laying around the house, I literally had the research material at my finger tips.

Yesterday, I began my presentation with the following disclaimer, "What I'm about to tell you will offend your sensibilities and shake to core what you know about life, but it will also display some misconceptions.

As, I'm going through the Power Point, I explain basic traits and needs that all women have, the need for an alpha male in their life, the three categories that a hoe will put a man in, why "squares," and "tricks," are undesirable and unattractive to a hoe while a pimp is. I talked about why pimps are sometimes violent, a pimp's duties, I gave the definitions to choosin', and knockin'.

At the end of my Power Point, my professor asked some questions, then here comes babygirl with her ubersensitive a$$. She says, "Well I think the girl is more important pimp and he's scared to losing her," this, that, and the next thing.

She also goes on to say, "In every class, he's always talking about women." Which isn't true. As a matter of I've only said in class two things that chicks might find disagreeable. Which is "that if I could afford it, I wouldn't marry a chick that agree to be housewife," and maybe something on the hypocritical nature of feminism. Other than that, whenever I spoke in class it was in regards to my project (our professor would want progress on it and how would integrated the textbook into the paper and the presentation,) or I asked a question pertaining to other people's projects. It's amazing how and when chick's selective hearing kicks in and how they blow things completely out of portion.

My professor, (who I thought I was going to have a problem with because she took issue with me referring to prostitutes as "prostitutes," and pimps as "pimps," tried to calm her a$$ down, but homegirl was still packing up her sh*t to leave class. As she was leaving she says, "I know this is a research project, but..." Again, my professor (who's being really cool,) says "Are you still friends?" Babygirl says, "We're acquaintances," and with that she bounces.

My classmates were talking amongst themselves and they all agreed (even the females,) that babygirl was doing too much. In the end my Powerpoint was very well received. The ladies enjoyed it, and the dudes thought I was the f*cking, probably for being so bold to do some sh*t like that and I've probably gave them some game they could use in their personal interactions with females.

The biggest irony that I take from this experience is that I was going to agree with this sensitive a$$ chick. The hoe is more important than the pimp and the pimp realizes this. That"s why he constantly has to keep giving her game and reward his hoes efforts when they're paying him (the pimp,) like they're suppose to. Another thing that surprised me is that this little tantrum came from a white girl. I would expect from a black girl, not so much from a white girl. Then again, when I explaining to her that if you're from the suburbs you lack the proper frame of reference to relate to this whole pimpin' sh*t. She kindly informed me that she grew up in an "all black," neighborhood, maybe that's where she developed the black chick "sacred cow," complex.

A little side not, this is cute thick a$$ white girl, that I've been meaning to sarge since the first day of class. Thanks to her f*cking sensitivity I have a reason to engage her a$$ on Monday morning.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Nice job, but I disagree with your assertion that "Drug Addicts Should be Euthanized For Benefit of Humanity"

Drug addiction isn't a choice. About 10% of the population has a genetic pre-disposition to drug addiction.

No one ever chooses to be a homeless heroin addict, living penniless from fix to fix and going thru hell in between.

Perhaps that should be your next research project. I think you would learn a lot and would change many of your ideas regarding addiction.

I used to date a 9.5 that worked as an Intake Coordinator at a Methadone clinic and she told me numerous stories of people from all socioeconomic backgrounds that became addicted to opiates.

Something like having a Wisdom tooth pulled and being prescribed Vicodin for pain can take someone from straight arrow to full-blown addict in a short time period.

I can't speak for other drugs like Meth, but about 10% of people will experience a sense of euphoria and well-being and become energetic unlike they've ever known from opiates, while 90% of people will just get drowsy.

Those 10% will seek that feeling again, but it will take a higher dosage of the opiate to experience the same feeling.

Once a week become twice a week and when the withdrawal symptoms start, it becomes a daily thing just to function normally.

It's like having incredible sex with a super hot woman, or falling in love - you often lose control of logic and reasoning in exchange for that overwhelmingly wonderful feeling and you seek it out over and over.

If you fell in love with a great girl, would you be able to just walk away from the relationship and not experience any sadness and wanting to be with her?

Of course not. It's the same with many types of drug addiction only there actions can be destructive to themselves and those around them, but that can happen in relationships as well, especially when children are involved.

Hell, when my Brother met another woman after being married for 20 years and having two kids, he actually stole from his oldest son in order to get money to see his new girl.

Something a drug addict would do, right?

Yeah, most drug-addicts are scum, but sadly, many don't choose that lifestyle.

Addiction isn't a choice and AA/NA only works about 5% of the time.

Most opiate addicts on Methadone stop using drugs and return to living a productive life.

Unfortunately, there is no such drug for Meth addicts, Alcoholics and other addictive, destructive drugs.

I'm by no means a bleeding heart liberal, but I have a pretty good understanding of addiction knowing someone that worked with addicts and having friends that ended up dead or in prison due to addiction. A few fortunate ones got clean and remain so today.

But euthanization?

Would you be for it if one of your close friends or family members became addicted?

Or yourself? And don't say "It would never happen to me" because their are Millions of addicts that thought the same.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Just Remembered This Post

People do choose become drug addicts because as Johnny Alias dumb a$$ clearly illustrated in a this thread Stupid, mutha*fckas choose to f*ck around with hard drugs and drink entirely too much. After all this "partying," then they wake up, and suddenly decide that they "have a problem." Did they have to a "problem," before that started using hard drugs? I don't f*cking think so.

In the interest of full disclosure, if any should have this disposition to be a drug addict, it should be me. My father is a heroin addict, (and has been longer than I've been alive,) and my mother died from liver and kidney failure, (she was a drunk and all of those years of drinking finally could up to her.) Yet instill the most I've ever done was weed, I tried it out of bong three times, but nothing happened. Hell, I even ate it once. I can't be a drunk, simply because I don't like being intoxicated. My head starts flipping like old fashioned T.V.'s complete with black line, then I start throwing up, and I may joke about it, but I've never once in my life had a desire to try cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, crank, oxycodone, volumes, crack or anything else. Nothing good could possibly come of it, so why f*ck around.

Besides growing up in Central Richmond, CA during the crack epidemic of the 80's and 90's, I got to witness personally first hand, what the sh*t did to people. B*tches sucking d*ck for ten pieces, hoes selling their food stamps, dudes being used as a source of entertainment, (they would jump off the roof for a rock,) being able to use dope fiend rentals, and of course whoppin' their ass just for being, where I'm from the fiend isn't worthy of dignity or respect, so why would I knowingly become the very thing that I hate the most.

Drug addicts are useless to society, they serve no purpose. All they do is cause grief, strife, and pain, and also society claims that they're "sick," so why not do to them what we do to a cat or a dog when these animals are sick, we put them out of their misery. Hell, we euthanize animals when we can't find homes for them, but we give the scumbag soulless dope fiend multiple chances at rehabilitation which as proven time and time again to be the ultimate exercise in futility.

You asked what would if his happened my friend or relative. I'll tell what would have done. I'd cut them off. I love my father, but unfortunately, I looked past the fact he was a fiend, (he was a functioning drug addict,) A few years ago, I had reached a rough patch and to avoid eviction, I voluntarily left where I was staying. My father turned his back on me in order to get tax refund check that I had coming, my father not only stole my money, but caused me to lose my bed, my microwave, computer, CD's, kitchen utensils and some personal items that were of immense sentimental value to me. Though I love my father, in the end my father has proven to be what he has been all of his life, a scumbag dope, though it would pain me to do so, in the end I have to be a man of my word, if he wouldn't agree to become a regular functioning member of society, then he would have to go, and I would personally pull the trigger as a matter of principle. The same goes for my little brother, who has absolutely no excuse, he grew up in a neighborhood filled with fiends in addition to my mother and my other little sister's dad who was crackhead. Why he decided to become a crankster is beyond me.

During Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's I desired nothing more than to be able to speak to my mother. Sometimes during the semester, I wish that was able to tell my mother how I'm doing because I know she would be quite proud of me, and wish that she was at my graduation when I got my associate's degree and I wished she would be there when I got my bachelor's degree.

However, my mother had problems, problems that she was never able to be with, I remember once that we went to therapy session and during the entire session, we didn't say anything, maybe if I would have said something, yeah she would have gotten angry, but maybe it would have sparked a discussion. Maybe we should did one of those interventions. In the end my mother was an adult and she made her own decisions. Never once have I ever doubted my mother's love for us. Despite her being a drunk, we were always clothed, feed, had the utilities on, the house clean etc. My mother loved my brothers, my sister, and I, but she couldn't find it with herself to live for us.

I miss my mother every day, but she was a drunk and she died a drunk's death. My spent a number of years in pain not wanting to face whatever demons she needed to face in order to live a happy and productive life, and when I think about it, the cold harsh reality is that for my mother, death was better.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Land of slow.
Maximus Rex said:
Back at the beginning of the semester, my sociology teacher announced to the class that we would have to do a presentation in addition to a term paper. My original topic was going to be, Why Drug Addicts Should be Euthanized For Benefit of Humanity. However, as I was reading the chapters in our assigned textbook, I came to realize that subject matter would fit more easily into into another topic, especially when it came to things as subcultures, social mores, roles and ethics within a group. So I decided to change my topic to "Why Do Prostitutes Choose Pimps?" Also since I had a few books on pimpin' laying around the house, I literally had the research material at my finger tips.

Yesterday, I began my presentation with the following disclaimer, "What I'm about to tell you will offend your sensibilities and shake to core what you know about life, but it will also display some misconceptions.

As, I'm going through the Power Point, I explain basic traits and needs that all women have, the need for an alpha male in their life, the three categories that a hoe will put a man in, why "squares," and "tricks," are undesirable and unattractive to a hoe while a pimp is. I talked about why pimps are sometimes violent, a pimp's duties, I gave the definitions to choosin', and knockin'.

At the end of my Power Point, my professor asked some questions, then here comes babygirl with her ubersensitive a$$. She says, "Well I think the girl is more important pimp and he's scared to losing her," this, that, and the next thing.

She also goes on to say, "In every class, he's always talking about women." Which isn't true. As a matter of I've only said in class two things that chicks might find disagreeable. Which is "that if I could afford it, I wouldn't marry a chick that agree to be housewife," and maybe something on the hypocritical nature of feminism. Other than that, whenever I spoke in class it was in regards to my project (our professor would want progress on it and how would integrated the textbook into the paper and the presentation,) or I asked a question pertaining to other people's projects. It's amazing how and when chick's selective hearing kicks in and how they blow things completely out of portion.

My professor, (who I thought I was going to have a problem with because she took issue with me referring to prostitutes as "prostitutes," and pimps as "pimps," tried to calm her a$$ down, but homegirl was still packing up her sh*t to leave class. As she was leaving she says, "I know this is a research project, but..." Again, my professor (who's being really cool,) says "Are you still friends?" Babygirl says, "We're acquaintances," and with that she bounces.

My classmates were talking amongst themselves and they all agreed (even the females,) that babygirl was doing too much. In the end my Powerpoint was very well received. The ladies enjoyed it, and the dudes thought I was the f*cking, probably for being so bold to do some sh*t like that and I've probably gave them some game they could use in their personal interactions with females.

The biggest irony that I take from this experience is that I was going to agree with this sensitive a$$ chick. The hoe is more important than the pimp and the pimp realizes this. That"s why he constantly has to keep giving her game and reward his hoes efforts when they're paying him (the pimp,) like they're suppose to. Another thing that surprised me is that this little tantrum came from a white girl. I would expect from a black girl, not so much from a white girl. Then again, when I explaining to her that if you're from the suburbs you lack the proper frame of reference to relate to this whole pimpin' sh*t. She kindly informed me that she grew up in an "all black," neighborhood, maybe that's where she developed the black chick "sacred cow," complex.

A little side not, this is cute thick a$$ white girl, that I've been meaning to sarge since the first day of class. Thanks to her f*cking sensitivity I have a reason to engage her a$$ on Monday morning.
In your paper you should include the subculture of a Society dominated soley by women. Women so vicious they make you average man tremble. Therefore everything left of ancient Man should know one out and bring them back to civilization. Or am I to be corrected.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis

YAboi said:
maximus did u like the movie pulp fiction or ironman 3? You wouldn't have seen those films if all drug addicts were killed. Samuel l Jackson and robert Downey Jr are both recovered drug addicts...
What's your point?


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
YAboi said:
maximus did u like the movie pulp fiction or ironman 3? You wouldn't have seen those films if all drug addicts were killed. Samuel l Jackson and robert Downey Jr are both recovered drug addicts...

Those were ultra high level, functioning drug addicts; not the same as a junkie giving handjobs or bash you over the head for crack.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
Maximus Rex said:
What's your point?
my point is ...if all drug addicts were killed without attempting to reform them we would lose a lot of talented people. These guys I mentioned were not ultra high level functioning. they were just rich enough to not have to steal their parents curtains or give blowjahbs to get money to fund their drug habits. If your dad is fixed he may go on to be the next president for all we know...

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
If Frogs Had Wings, They Won't Bump Their Ass Every Time They Hopped

YAboi said:
If your dad is fixed he may go on to be the next president for all we know...
Problem is, he likes getting high.

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
