Plate #1, who I am thinking of demoting, is awesome. She's hot, cool, low maintenance. She'd probably be the example I would use for how true DJ stuff works, because my frame has never been stronger and she responded in kind by being subservient - I pick a date and time, she's there. She's always DTF. No Drama Obama.
My nagging issue is that she acts like the perfect woman, yet I never hear from her between dates. I usually text her to setup a date about a week after our previous one. That works out to seeing her every 1.5 weeks. This has been going on for three months.
I'm not actually interested in an LTR right now, but I do enjoy the reminders of interest I get from girls when they contact me between dates - I'd equate it to how some people get a better night's sleep with white noise in the background.
I'm seeing a couple other girls at the moment, who are great in different ways, but are not as fun as Plate 1... but they text me a lot, they can't seem to go a full week without hearing from me.
So, what's going on with Plate 1? My hypothesis: she just wants a casual relationship. She stays the night and hangs out the next day and does girlfriend-y things like that - but I think the fact that she just waits for me to contact her for a date and goes radio silence otherwise indicates someone who doesn't take me too seriously...
And it's the not being taken seriously that's a bit off-putting. I guess it's a bit backwards... I don't want an LTR, but I want HER to want an LTR... when she doesn't, it seems to indicate low interest. And what do we do with low-interest girls? We next them.
Do I next her? Go ghost for a while? Or just keep doing this every-other-week fcking until she finds someone she desires an LTR with and cuts bait with me?
My nagging issue is that she acts like the perfect woman, yet I never hear from her between dates. I usually text her to setup a date about a week after our previous one. That works out to seeing her every 1.5 weeks. This has been going on for three months.
I'm not actually interested in an LTR right now, but I do enjoy the reminders of interest I get from girls when they contact me between dates - I'd equate it to how some people get a better night's sleep with white noise in the background.
I'm seeing a couple other girls at the moment, who are great in different ways, but are not as fun as Plate 1... but they text me a lot, they can't seem to go a full week without hearing from me.
So, what's going on with Plate 1? My hypothesis: she just wants a casual relationship. She stays the night and hangs out the next day and does girlfriend-y things like that - but I think the fact that she just waits for me to contact her for a date and goes radio silence otherwise indicates someone who doesn't take me too seriously...
And it's the not being taken seriously that's a bit off-putting. I guess it's a bit backwards... I don't want an LTR, but I want HER to want an LTR... when she doesn't, it seems to indicate low interest. And what do we do with low-interest girls? We next them.
Do I next her? Go ghost for a while? Or just keep doing this every-other-week fcking until she finds someone she desires an LTR with and cuts bait with me?