Broke a Personal Barrier, Facebook chatted up girl


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
So there's this girl, she went to the same school as me when we were kids. I really didn't notice her. We were all young then.
A year and a half ago, a friend of mine her age (2 years my junior btw) brought her around to a party. I thought she was cute but as she was there with my friend i thought he was 'in there', and I didnt persue her, and then had no contact with her until recently..

Anyway - this same friend had a birthday 2 weekends ago, and I was there, and so was she. Now this time I really noticed how hot she was, but was a little too drunk to make any moves. PLUS the fact that she was with my friend previously, in my head made her not approachable. I don't really want to bang a girl my friend has. Just something weird about it.

Anyway. She added me on facebook after the weekend of the party. We weren't communicating at all. Earlier I saw she was online - and decided to try and chat her up. I asked her how she was...and that is was good seeing her. She said she was at the bar not for the party, but was actually there for another friends thing, it was coincidental she was there. So I asked her, what happened between her and my friend (subtly) and she said they just 'hooked up'. I said is 'hooked up' a new keyword for sex? She said no they never had sex! So I said - if that's the case - then I'm showing interest in her, and that she's cute. She never resisted. I said we should grab a drink sometime, and swap numbers - she agreed but said things are a little complicated - as that weekend she's just broken up with her ex. She proceeded to give her me number regardless - so it's ON!

Going to wait 2 days (Swingers 1996) before I initiate again. I was super nervous of going straight direct with her like that. As Im not used to rejection (hence why my day game is so ****) - and took a plunge and went for it.

Happy I did. Just goes to show - having some balls and being direct, is awesome!


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score

So met her tonight at a bar in Kingscross London. Basic kino from the onset, arm grabbing and touching...

Kissing within 30 minutes (just after the first drink)
Bounced her to another bar - locked into the bar (back to the bar) and had her lean into me and kiss me the whole time for everyone to see.

Left after two ****tails... will wait for her to initiate contact with me again (to see if she wants some more of my good stuff)

Spinning plates rocks. Was getting texts from other chicks while on the date, she could feel I was in demand. Will see how it pans out and report back.

FYI - she's as tight and as hot as fvck!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
The Golden State, USA
Atta boy!!! It's all about incremental steps, soon enough your day game will improve too. Never fear, always take the chance. Do your thang big dawg!!!!!!