The truth about bivtches


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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1. All women are evil mutha fvckers. If they know you have sucuumb to them they will have no mercy and fvck you up.
2. All bivthches are a slut for the right guy. Don't matter if they have a bf or married. Yes , married. Don't believe if you are married you are safe. If the right guy comes to them they will open their pvssy for them.
3. All of them are selfish cvnts. Don't fall for the ones saying they want more love or whatever from you. They don't give a fuk about you. When they say they miss or love you, that's BS. They only want validation from you. Don't give it to them or you are fvcked. They only thinkif themselves , if you are beta and treat them good they will not remember that, they will only know you are desperate and they will start to believe they are better than you. It won't take 2 secs for them to drop you like a case of herpes.
4. If you give them an inch they will take a mile. Hold your ground. Don't give them any room.
5. At some point they will leave you. Face the facts that will happen unless they are 40 fat and sagging in which they have no choice.

What you need to do?
It's true we can't live with them and we can't without them

1. Be indifferent. Don't let them them to rattle you. Even the most alpha of guys will have their beta moments for the right women. That's ok because you will fall for their games eventually. Back the fuk off.

2. No contact is your best weapon but don't let them find out you are using it. Be indifferent if they contact you Immediately after a cold spell.Don't give them the satisfaction.

3. You are the prize. Not her. Keep that mindset . Be in the land of plenty.

4. Don't EVER be afraid to walk away. If they know you are stuck to them then you will get to be the beta AFC of the fvcking millennium .

Peace brothers.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
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Someone didn't catch some obvious red flags in the past and has now decided that a few bad apples he probably picked up in a club dressed like trash represent the entire female population. Sorry bro, maybe next time stop shopping where the women with loose vags hang out.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Pink...seriously...get lost already..this site is for guys......

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
+1 Rep.

I can't believe the beta faggots responding to this thread so far. They might as well be women with the shaming tactics and "you got hurt??" claims... good God :crazy:

We have all been hurt at some point in our lives people! If not.. then you're not living a human life.

Anyway... this thread is pure wisdom and I endorse the message behind it. Sure.. its presented in a somewhat butthurt fashion.. BUT WHO CARES? The advice is spot on.

The message is simple men: Don't give women any leverage in your life. Let them believe they have power because they need to believe this for the sake of their egos. But never give them any real power if you can help it. You have nothing to gain from doing so.

Live as you please. Spin plates. Don't get emo and sentimental for women. Save that soft side of you for your KIDS. They are far more deserving of it then a corrupt modern woman. Just the truth people.

Its not that women are "evil" and out to destroy men. Most are not. The real problem is women will always put their own needs before a man's. They are selfish. So you have to be selfish too. Its not cynical, its the truth. You can live in reality or believe the Disney movies. Its up to you. :D

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
PlayHer Man said:
+1 Rep.

I can't believe the beta faggots responding to this thread so far. They might as well be women with the shaming tactics and "you got hurt??" claims... good God :crazy:

We have all been hurt at some point in our lives people! If not.. then you're not living a human life.

Anyway... this thread is pure wisdom and I endorse the message behind it. Sure.. its presented in a somewhat butthurt fashion.. BUT WHO CARES? The advice is spot on.

The message is simple men: Don't give women any leverage in your life. Let them believe they have power because they need to believe this for the sake of their egos. But never give them any real power if you can help it. You have nothing to gain from doing so.

Live as you please. Spin plates. Don't get emo and sentimental for women. Save that soft side of you for your KIDS. They are far more deserving of it then a corrupt modern woman. Just the truth people.

Its not that women are "evil" and out to destroy men. Most are not. The real problem is women will always put their own needs before a man's. They are selfish. So you have to be selfish too. Its not cynical, its the truth. You can live in reality or believe the Disney movies. Its up to you. :D
haha "beta faggot" how did you know i was gay man?

I actually agree with some/most of it but the tone is all wrong, it's coming from the wrong place emotionally. He won't feel any better about himself if he's coming from a place of such hate, seriously Im not even exaggerating but guys with attitudes like this abuse women, I've seen the studies it's sad. The anger and frustration will all come out one day when no contact still doesnt work, when girls still reject him because they can see hes an insecure angry man. Sounds like im being harsh but tough love is needed here. I'm sure its much easier to accept that this is how to the world is and hate on it but I agree we have all been hurt but some of us learn to get over it...but I guess ranting on here is better than taking it out on someone else. I got hurt the other day, well I was in a situation where I nearly lost control and got upset about this girl I was seeing but I checked myself. Just smiled and walked away. No need for anger, just moved onto the next, she also saw me leaving with someone else that night and the look on her face was priceless but I'm not in this to wage a vendetta against all the females who have burned me in the past because I know that personally I have hurt a lot more.

Simple rules to live by: Don't expect a woman to act like a man. Don't get too invested too early and realise that people will hurt you not because they're "evil" but because we are all people and designed by nature to survive and replicate. Don't "be selfish" instead just do what you want to do, there is a subtle difference. Love women for who they are and not what you expect them to be. Allow yourself to get ****ed over just once...any more than once and you're a fool.

...and there's no need for the homophobic keyboard warrior comments especially when you actually do have a point.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
*wrong place emotionally*....


mrs wright is a faggot

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Burroughs said:
*wrong place emotionally*....


mrs wright is a faggot
some top draw banter there :) still a lot of emphasis on the gay thing though, if you want my ar5e just ask buddy


Apr 9, 2013
Reaction score
All truth from op. People like to live in fantasy land and refuse to accept reality until it hits them. People dont generally want to hear what they dont want to hear which 90% of the time its the truth.


Apr 9, 2013
Reaction score
All truth from op. People like to live in fantasy land and refuse to accept reality until it hits them. People dont generally want to hear what they dont want to hear which 90% of the time its the truth.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
Reaction score
Mr Wright said:
haha "beta faggot" how did you know i was gay man?

I actually agree with some/most of it but the tone is all wrong, it's coming from the wrong place emotionally. He won't feel any better about himself if he's coming from a place of such hate, seriously Im not even exaggerating but guys with attitudes like this abuse women, I've seen the studies it's sad. The anger and frustration will all come out one day when no contact still doesnt work, when girls still reject him because they can see hes an insecure angry man. Sounds like im being harsh but tough love is needed here. I'm sure its much easier to accept that this is how to the world is and hate on it but I agree we have all been hurt but some of us learn to get over it...but I guess ranting on here is better than taking it out on someone else. I got hurt the other day, well I was in a situation where I nearly lost control and got upset about this girl I was seeing but I checked myself. Just smiled and walked away. No need for anger, just moved onto the next, she also saw me leaving with someone else that night and the look on her face was priceless but I'm not in this to wage a vendetta against all the females who have burned me in the past because I know that personally I have hurt a lot more.

Simple rules to live by: Don't expect a woman to act like a man. Don't get too invested too early and realise that people will hurt you not because they're "evil" but because we are all people and designed by nature to survive and replicate. Don't "be selfish" instead just do what you want to do, there is a subtle difference. Love women for who they are and not what you expect them to be. Allow yourself to get ****ed over just once...any more than once and you're a fool.

...and there's no need for the homophobic keyboard warrior comments especially when you actually do have a point.
right there! get introduced to the game.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Holy ****, this is probably one of the best threads there is. It's simple, yet true. I don't understand why some of you even get on this site if you're gonna be a huge faggot about some good ass advice. This goes for the first guy that responded and Tits-For-Penis Mr. Wright. Either live up to your username (by manning the eff up) or stay away from here, self loathing basement dweller.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
Wolfbones said:
Holy ****, this is probably one of the best threads there is. It's simple, yet true. I don't understand why some of you even get on this site if you're gonna be a huge faggot about some good ass advice. This goes for the first guy that responded and Tits-For-Penis Mr. Wright. Either live up to your username (by manning the eff up) or stay away from here, self loathing basement dweller.
Manning up = calling a guy a faggot over the internet :up:

Got laid today :cheer: you didnt. The end.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
This has been my experience with women. The "good" girls are simply less evil and selfish. Then again, most guys I've known have been ****, as well. :moon:


Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
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Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the pl
This guy has clearly been burned in the past, this is no example of male shaming.

Clearly Mikey here has some anger toward women, and it is counter-productive to his game. This bitterness literally oozes off of men who think like this, they just know it and they won't ever be ****ing you.

Mikey, to you I say, let it go man... remember that everyone is their own person with their own demons and ****. I do not know your whole situation but if you want to tell me about it feel free to do so here or in PM. I myself went through a period where I thought just as you did and believe me it did nothing for my game.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
mikey2012 said:
1. All women are evil mutha fvckers. If they know you have sucuumb to them they will have no mercy and fvck you up.
Your rule 1 is all women are evil. God that's stupid. Even if some of your other advice is good, if your first piece of advice is that sh!tty then you aren't that smart.

To some of the other guys defending him, if you think it's more important to be "manly" than it is to be intelligent, you're fvcks and who needs your opinion.

If you ever have a decent relationship with a woman that isn't about playing games and always coming out on top, you'll learn that not every woman is evil. Yes, they cheat. Yes, they make drama. Yes, a few are evil. But a lot are quality people (if you aren't trolling the club to find them)


Nov 4, 2011
Reaction score
LearningSlowly said:
Your rule 1 is all women are evil. God that's stupid. Even if some of your other advice is good, if your first piece of advice is that sh!tty then you aren't that smart.

To some of the other guys defending him, if you think it's more important to be "manly" than it is to be intelligent, you're fvcks and who needs your opinion.

If you ever have a decent relationship with a woman that isn't about playing games and always coming out on top, you'll learn that not every woman is evil. Yes, they cheat. Yes, they make drama. Yes, a few are evil. But a lot are quality people (if you aren't trolling the club to find them)
Too slow, bro :D


New Member
May 31, 2013
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There's some truth to the OP but every point applies to guys too

Your mentality is counter productive and will hurt you in the long run


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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Just a case you guys forgot...maybe the MODS can put this in DJ Tips or Archives