Along time ago a female friend of mine told me that when a girl withholds se*, its just a dating strategy. My female friend told me that its not that girls view sex as sacred or special but that they are acting that way for an ulterior motive. She said that its simple economics. She also said that you don't find this behavior in ugly and average chicks because they cant afford to hold out the sex for too long. They don't view sex as less sacred. They just cant get away with not giving it up. From what i observed on a recent date, i think my female friend is correct.
A girl i went on a date with told me that she only f*#ks guys that she thinks are bad people. She does this because she doesn't care how they view her and that she does not see a long term future in the relationship. Either she would leave him soon or he is moving away very soon, or he is just such a bad person that she is not going to seriously date him.
She said that guys that she likes she takes it very slow. She actually told me that she does not even give up the po*n to these type of guys for a very very long time. She stated that if she see's a long term future with you then you are not gonna get any. She specifically stated that if she feels herself actually starting to really like you then she will not have s*x with you. She wont even get physical with you!!!
I personally feel that this girl is expressing female hypergamy. The guys she does not see a long term future in are the guys that she is aroused by. They are also the guys who are moving away very soon, so she will not get judged for being slutty. "Who cares becuz he is leaving". I assume these guys get her really hot.
They guys who she see a long term future with are the beta types with a nice personality. Marriage type. She would not compromise their respect of her by giving it up too easily. She want these beta types to look at her as a catch im guessing. Or she may not be sexually attracted to these beta types but still likes the idea of them being her boyfriend some day. Idk....but im sure its some form of female hypergamy. Help me figure this out.
Btw she is not giving it up to me at all right now but she calls me all the time. So i must be the beta type of dude to her ...FUC**!!
A girl i went on a date with told me that she only f*#ks guys that she thinks are bad people. She does this because she doesn't care how they view her and that she does not see a long term future in the relationship. Either she would leave him soon or he is moving away very soon, or he is just such a bad person that she is not going to seriously date him.
She said that guys that she likes she takes it very slow. She actually told me that she does not even give up the po*n to these type of guys for a very very long time. She stated that if she see's a long term future with you then you are not gonna get any. She specifically stated that if she feels herself actually starting to really like you then she will not have s*x with you. She wont even get physical with you!!!
I personally feel that this girl is expressing female hypergamy. The guys she does not see a long term future in are the guys that she is aroused by. They are also the guys who are moving away very soon, so she will not get judged for being slutty. "Who cares becuz he is leaving". I assume these guys get her really hot.
They guys who she see a long term future with are the beta types with a nice personality. Marriage type. She would not compromise their respect of her by giving it up too easily. She want these beta types to look at her as a catch im guessing. Or she may not be sexually attracted to these beta types but still likes the idea of them being her boyfriend some day. Idk....but im sure its some form of female hypergamy. Help me figure this out.
Btw she is not giving it up to me at all right now but she calls me all the time. So i must be the beta type of dude to her ...FUC**!!