The Fairy Tale Theory


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
ConcernedLauries Bed w/ olivia...NY/SoFlo
This is another post I wrote, for my private list serve...thought id share it

The Fairy tale fantasy....

I will begin with a story....

I was in NYC taking a real estate class...I had a 2 hour break and the mind of j0504s went "Time to go pick up chicks!"

I went into Macys, went straight to the cologne section. Put two different colognes on each one of my arms (cologne trick). Went to the women jeans section....and saw a Beautiful Blonde hair

Girl...I approach hers and said..

me- can i get your opinion

Isabelle-Sure!!! (she had a accent)

Me- where are you from i like your accent?

Isabelle- Germany I’m on vacation!

Me- So are you a tourist or a terrorist?

Isabelle- ha-ha I’m tourist, your funny!

Me-well Smell this (put hands to my nose then to hers) which one smells better.

Basically the conversation continued but i want to show you the opener.

I ended up taking this girl to green house two nights in a row and had her to myself all week. I hooked up the other two girls she was with two of my friends....

What is the point of the story...

When girls are shopping, every guy checks them out...BUT ALMOST NONE APPROACH (comparitivly to the amount of ppl who check them out)....its a fantasy in their head, that a cute guy will pick them when shopping.... (I’ve have spoken to many women about this)....Be that guy who approaches....You automatically have a large step up no matter your game level or what you look like if you do this...

Creating this fairy tale fantasies is what they want...girls are a lot mushier then guys, we think this ****s gay but they think its dreamy!!! Obviously don’t jeopardize your integrity and your manliness to create a situation, just use your head...They want to be swooped up...Always approach...

Keep Spinning Boyzzz,


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
ConcernedLauries Bed w/ olivia...NY/SoFlo
TheWolfMan said:
Nice, might have to try this one out.
The best part about it...your having fun...I love doing cold approach during the day its the best imo.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Mystery method opinion opener and multithreading. Perfect delivery. Do you smile as you approach them as well?