POF Profile Insanity's Secrets

Daily Insanity

Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
DJ Hell
I use online dating as a supplement, obviously we shouldn't take it seriously since girls on these sites are lower than low. However I would like to yield to you my profile that gives me at least 6+ messages a day. I'll share it with you and you be the judge use it, copy it to your own liking.


My secrets.

1. Meet me spam: download autoclicker from any site, set the pointer to autoclick "YES" on every MeetMe picture, leave for 5 hours. you'll have 25 messages at least.

2. Message girls that viewed your profile first.

3. Have a "must" in your profile. Like I did. "must have sense of humor"

4. If you have no one to take a picture of you, download auto photo taker from the app store. Put your phone somewhere to take a picture of you so you don't hold it. Rinse and repeat.

5. Create a fake hot girl profile and see what guys send you. Remember and DON'T send that shlt to the girls you talk to.

6. Number close as fast as you can.

7. In your phone contacts create a folder for POF chicks categorized by most interested to flakes.

8. If not in your league, befriend, she has hot friends.

More coming soon. Also post your profile here and I'll give you some hints.


Just want to make another point here. Don't invest too much time into online dating.

Update 01-23-13

9. Add a lot of chicks to your "favorites". It sends them a email. You'll even get responses, I did.

10. Use Naughty Ninjas openers, gold right there.

Golden openers I use that gave me massive results:

General opener:
Hi! I want to just keep it really short here as I am very skeptical at this moment looking at your profile. One of my buddies over my shoulder claimed that your profile was made up by a guy. Now I did ask him why he thought this and his response was that your profile was too good and very short - dude like. Of course I laughed at him hysterically and we put $30 on weather or not you're real. I believe you, but between us - am I losing $30?

Viewed you; opener:
Alright so youre just going to look and not ask? I call bull ;).

Ok you have to go back now and click the "send a message" on my profile otherwise I might explode into a million pieces, would you be happy with that? ;)

11. Keep the conversation short, number close within 3 messages.

12. Search for women who are "currently online" don't messages ones who aren't as your message will be buried with the other 400 from lames.

13. Utilize "girls who answer or reply" feature on POF. Easy pray.

14. Change your picture every week to a different one on your profile. It keeps them coming back seeing a fresh "new" face.

More coming soon.

Proof; Updated 01-24-13

Here's the proof of today, and I didn't even send my general opener to even 20 girls. It's opener that will give you results guaranteed.

Use it.
Last edited:

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Daily Insanity said:
I use online dating as a supplement, obviously we shouldn't take it seriously since girls on these sites are lower than low. However I would like to yield to you my profile that gives me at least 6+ messages a day. I'll share it with you and you be the judge use it, copy it to your own liking.


My secrets.

1. Meet me spam: download autoclicker from any site, set the pointer to autoclick "YES" on every MeetMe picture, leave for 5 hours. you'll have 25 messages at least.

I heard about that autoclicker for the meet me app for POF. I'd recommend anyone using POF do that. You just pick the hottest chicks who reply to you off it to reply back to (or just practice BSing with not so hot ones to see how to escalate or just conversation skills practice)

2. Message girls that viewed your profile first.

If dudes don't look good in their pics they'll be waiting a while for anyone remotely good looking to message them. Proactive spamming is best. Chicks who just view get the "Don't be a spy say hi" spam.

3. Have a "must" in your profile. Like I did. "must have sense of humor"

That's good advice.

4. If you have no one to take a picture of you, download auto photo taker from the app store. Put your phone somewhere to take a picture of you so you don't hold it. Rinse and repeat.

That's even better advice.

5. Create a fake hot girl profile and see what guys send you. Remember and DON'T send that shlt to the girls you talk to.

Why bother? Create a unique, brief humorous opener and tweak it till you get best results from your original profile. If the system picks up two profiles with the same IP address. You're outta there. Both of them. And your IP blocked.

6. Number close as fast as you can.

No doubt. No time for email ping pong and building "rapport and comfort" online when you could be spamming more chicks. Otherwise that leads to chicks jerking your chain. And they'll only need more "comfort" if they don't find you attractive enough in your pics and will drop you once a better dude or dudes come along.

7. In your phone contacts create a folder for POF chicks categorized by most interested to flakes.

Interested should be banged. Flakes should just be deleted. Plenty more chicks to spam and keep the ones you've banged or turned into an FB/FWB.

8. If not in your league, befriend, she has hot friends.

Possibly. But that could sidetrack dudes from spamming and meeting up with more chicks who want to fvck them. If you aren't in her league she'll either not respond or if not in your league and ugly she'll c0ckblock the sh1t out of you from her friends. IMO not worth it. In real life ok. Online. No.

More coming soon. Also post your profile here and I'll give you some hints.

The profile is very good.

Your pictures (you're a good looking dude. no homo) are the main thing that will get them to respond.

Your height 6ft. Anything 6ft and taller plus good looking is easy.

Try changing your pics to a not so good looking dude and or lower your height to 5'9. Watch how the message responses and first messages come to a complete stop.

Which is why I say you have to look your absolute best in your pictures and add 2 inches to your height for anyone under 6ft.

The best age range for dudes is like 23-32 especially if they look good and are tall. (Thats prime POF for dudes)

Older than that the replies severly decline and or age range of chicks for older dudes look like complete not wasting my time with disgusting looking slobs.

You will rarely find any chick after a certain age (mid thirties) on POF looking good. And I'd been looking and spamming the US when I was on it.

Now my pics I had were recent. Within days of signing up. Haven't had an account on POF in a year now. IF I put 27. (I look REAL close to that age) I'd had replies out the wazoo. Numbers non stop. It actually got overwhelming at a point and so easy it became boring.

If I put my real age at the time..42..It was a wrap. Chicks either had age restrictions or it didn't matter what you sent as chicks eyes saw the age....and would AUTOMATICALLY think my pictures were from years ago and not reply. And I wouldn't waste time even spamming the war pigs on there even close to my age.

Try looking at the after 35 crowd on there. It's HORRID.

***Tip for your profile Dailyinsanity: BOLD your profile about me and first date text. Put the [B ] [/B ] (with the bracket next to the B's) at the beginning and end of your text. You'll see the whole profile text bolded and it stands out on your profile even more than other dudes.


New Member
Jan 22, 2013
Reaction score
Take it you's are from america? English women on POF are so different from reading threads on here.

They don't even message or reply to the ****y profiles, just give abuse haha

I'm new on here but been using POF for months an had plenty of results from a simple profile with just a funny job title an headline

Hats off to you naughty ninja been reading your threads, hilarious stuff, specially the messages you send making out you know the women have girlfriends really ha

Daily Insanity

Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
DJ Hell
I thought it automatically put you in the same age group? By the way the autoclicker is downloaded for PC


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
I really like your autoclicker, auto pic taker, and categorizing numbers in one folder tips. All of these would've been really helpful and saved me a lot of time when I was on pof. You had some other really good tips here too, and a couple I wouldn't personally do (like befriending chicks) but I liked this. I think I've pretty well figured out what works on pof for getting pvssy, but you've given me a few tools that will be helpful for me if I get back on pof

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
incognito42 said:
I really like your autoclicker, auto pic taker, and categorizing numbers in one folder tips. All of these would've been really helpful and saved me a lot of time when I was on pof. You had some other really good tips here too, and a couple I wouldn't personally do (like befriending chicks) but I liked this. I think I've pretty well figured out what works on pof for getting pvssy, but you've given me a few tools that will be helpful for me if I get back on pof
Agreed. All DailyInsanities tips along with the Mybestface tips (forgot who started that one for the best quality pics) needs to be added to the DJ bible online dating tips section and or there needs to be a section on SS for online dating tips/ talk/ etc. So at least all related threads just in regards to online dating is there.

There's too many good tips from different posters. GoodllokingLosers Plenty of Fish video as well.

If all were in one section and dudes here just followed everything they would have no problems cleaning up on POF in their areas....and areas they go on vacation for some extra possible holiday/visiting family poon to hit up when in those chicks locations. (I've seen a few profiles of chicks mentioning they are going to be visiting certain areas...and you know damn well it's for some hard c0ck besides just a vacation. Dudes can do it too! I'd just spam chicks in locations I was going to be visiting a week or so before. Get numbers. Hit them up and meet them at the beach or someplace near them. Easy work for extra side vacation fun.)


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
xandrew84 said:
Take it you's are from america? English women on POF are so different from reading threads on here.

They don't even message or reply to the ****y profiles, just give abuse haha

I'm new on here but been using POF for months an had plenty of results from a simple profile with just a funny job title an headline

Hats off to you naughty ninja been reading your threads, hilarious stuff, specially the messages you send making out you know the women have girlfriends really ha
Dude, I'm UK, and I spam for fun now and again with the almightynaughtyninja methods and c.p. messages - I could slay it if I had time. My first week on there I took 10 + numbers.
Point is its the same everywhere.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Mine has not been getting the response I wanted so I modified my profile to mimic this - I will advise on how well it does.

Mr. Bond

Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2008
Reaction score
I have a POF question, since all you POF users will be looking at this thread.

How do you search for women you haven't messaged? I'm tired of going back to look and see if I've already messaged them or not.


Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Daily Insanity said:
Tips Updated.
Another would be doing what Goodlookingloser's done.

You've gotta have stones of steel to do it though...

Take a picture with your shirt unbuttoned and tight jeans and or in your underwear with an erection giving the middle finger with a smirk on your face. Two posters on here did the underwear pics (both work out and are in good shape) Chicks WILL look at the pic and you know their eyes are looking straight at the c0ck area (especially if you are cut up)

Or take a medium sized banana and adjust it in your jeans to make your d1ck look huge with a shirtless pic.

GLL calls it the hard screen. Any chick who replies to you with a picture like that is definitely looking to fvck. (You can always take it down at times or hide your profile and spam certain chicks wearing revealing clothing etc. with it)

Again you have to not give a sh1t and have some real set of balls to do that tip. lol.

It will automatically screen chicks looking to fvck and you won't have to take them anywhere but your place or theirs.

Here's Goodlookingloser's video of POF tips.


Daily Insanity

Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
DJ Hell
Mr. Bond said:
I have a POF question, since all you POF users will be looking at this thread.

How do you search for women you haven't messaged? I'm tired of going back to look and see if I've already messaged them or not.

Search for women, it will tell you next to their picture if you emailed them at what date and time.

Naughty Ninja that's so a DTF bltch magnet :D


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
I am by no means a grammar nazi, but "successful" is one word that you definitely do NOT want to misspell when referring to yourself as such ;)


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Reporting in:

What has changed: I borrowed your profile description as my last one was mundane, and boring. Changed it around to sound more like me, and obviously changed the details to be congruent with my life. I updated with a fairly good picture.

1- More women are looking at my profile. A lot more. I used to get maybe 1-2 per day, and now its up to 6-10 easily. Maybe this was a combination of my picture and description?

2- I get more responses, but still one liners. Need some advice here. How to open? How to close quickly? Methods to respond to one liners? I have a few smokestacks that I wouldn't mind getting in the wheelhouse, but don't want to mess it up

3- This is new: I am getting haters. Women saying I reek of overconfidence. They dislike that I used the word three times, of course I respond in kind telling them no one forced them to look at my profile. Having been in this situation before, its actually a prime situation. Women who go out of their way to tell you this are almost 100% into you. Just wanted to point this one out :)

Anyway, thanks for the tips. I'll keep posting with more updates regarding success. best of luck to you too!

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
synergy1 said:
Reporting in:

What has changed: I borrowed your profile description as my last one was mundane, and boring. Changed it around to sound more like me, and obviously changed the details to be congruent with my life. I updated with a fairly good picture.

1- More women are looking at my profile. A lot more. I used to get maybe 1-2 per day, and now its up to 6-10 easily. Maybe this was a combination of my picture and description?

Most likely both. Try to add another pic that's even better and keep the four best pics tops.

2- I get more responses, but still one liners. Need some advice here. How to open? How to close quickly? Methods to respond to one liners? I have a few smokestacks that I wouldn't mind getting in the wheelhouse, but don't want to mess it up.

Don't worry about messing anything up. No matter what they reply even if it's "Ok" "Thanks" "LOL" reply back: Hey you! How's the site been treating you so far? (your real first name) =)

**Most can't resist responding with a complaint. Then you reply back to what they say along with in "agreement":

"I know what you mean. I'm tired of getting hit up constantly by the 50 Shades of Grey risque type girls on here. I'm not on here much anymore to be honest. Feel free to give me your number and I'll give you a call sometime. (Your real first name) =)

Don't keep going into long drawn out conversations. Go for their number within the maximum of 5 to 6 back and forth messages. Otherwise you're wasting time when you could be getting more chicks numbers in three replies.

3- This is new: I am getting haters. Women saying I reek of overconfidence. They dislike that I used the word three times, of course I respond in kind telling them no one forced them to look at my profile. Having been in this situation before, its actually a prime situation. Women who go out of their way to tell you this are almost 100% into you. Just wanted to point this one out :)

When they call you out on it tell them: "Well, If you don't like a confident handsome guy who takes care of himself and knows how to have fun with a beautiful woman maybe you should find a boring nice guy. ;)"

Watch how slowly that reply starts them thinking and replying about having "fun" with you..lol

Anyway, thanks for the tips. I'll keep posting with more updates regarding success. best of luck to you too!
Replies in bold.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The Wild Wigga From the West
dude, do you mind if i steal some of this stuff it's pretty gold.

i have been using NN copy and paste messages. though i would NEVER get a response like you did.

must of my girls send 3 words and i have to start on the up hill battle.

Daily Insanity

Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
DJ Hell
Of course you can, that's why I posted it here for all of you to use. Post your success stories here and I'll update more tips.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
NN, I will employ what you have said and post the success/ interactions. This will be helpful for guys who want more hits. So far, both of your threads have helped my profile, but still have improvements to do.

[In the works] : 21 year old chick who lives in the city. Send a message asking what her favorite venues were. After a one word response, I make it evident that her choices please me, and that when me and friends are out in town that she should call to meet up. Get the number on the 4th or 5th email. Start texting, dropping some sexual (subtile) references, she starts sending pictures. The plan is to meet up today and than ______.

What worked: my profile picture. My age. Slightly arrogant banter. If I lived in the city, I most assuredly would have gone to her place.

Post your success stories here and I'll update more tips.

Cherry pick from my experience what works, and what doesn't. Might as well save the next guys a lot of time and energy by working out the kinks on this thread. Right now a big sticking point are emails that seem to be going well, but than they suddenly just stop. More to come..