Katie Holmes divorces Tom Cruise

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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She still wants EVERYthing despite the prenup and Tom was "blind-sided." It should not be right for the female to get a fvcking dime if she divorces for non-adulterous reasons. Fvcking insane. How do we EVER consider getting married as guys? When women are NOW left to their own devices with sheep-sh!t minds that can dart left or right at moments notice. Divorce is No longer looked down upon. In the olden days, fear of stigma from divorce kept imperfect marriages together. This is bullsh!t. Sorry for Tom. If I were him, with all his money, I'd become a Mormon (if marriage was important to me), and build a secluded ranch with Multiple wives - one Great Big FAmily. He can afford it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
At least it's Tom Cruise and not someone likeable. For being the child-bride of a closet homo religious nut, I think she deserves all the money she can get.

He has more money and better lawyers anyway. If it's a legit prenup, then she should have nice alimony. If he conned her into signing a prenup that denies her anything, then the court is going to throw out the agreement. Regardless of the prenup, she should (by law, not morals) still get half of everything he amassed wealth-wise while they were married. Her career went to sh!t, but if it hadn't and his had bombed, he would get half of what she had accumulated. That's just the law as it relates to marriage. If you don't like it, but still want to get married, all you can do is marry a woman with a good career.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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hollywood faggot's high priced beard leaves him....business as usual

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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IF he is a homo, then I agree, but if he's not, then this is par for the course nowadays. Woman "blind-sided" him man. That's calculative. And they do it day in and day out, For the money. Who taught all our women to thieve us like that? Who? We know it is not in their nature to be 'loyal.' How could any man, now with women free to trample marriage vows and stomp on them under foot so Easily (for non-adulterous reasons), ever Think to get married, unless it's not through the government and just a church wedding (not legally, but spiritually married). I'm horrified of marriage.


Nov 4, 2010
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Just dont get married, simples

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
Apparently, the celebrity news folks are saying that disagreements over Scientology as it pertains to how to raise their child was behind Katie Holmes' Ninja-styled, divorce attack.

Of course, the follow up question that comes to mind is this:

Didn't she already know about Mr. Mission Impossible's religious beliefs before they got married?

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines
Message to Tom Cruise:

Dude, if you ever find your way to this site or my site-----REMEMBER:

"If" you're gonna marry...only marry girls that jump up and down on Oprah's couch talking about YOU------not the other way around.



Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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She hit her use-by-date for Cruisey. She's 33 years old.

Nicole Kidman - 33 when divorced.

Mimi Rodgers - 33 when divorced.

#33 is very special to Cruisey.

Probably a Scientology Holy Number.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
You really cannot feel sorry for crazy insane Mr. Cruise after how he divorced Nicole Kidman. Katie was a naive child when she married Mr. Top Gun, which is her own fault. But I applaud her escape from that batsh!t lunatic.

It would have been awesome if she would have divorced him three days after their tenth anniversary, but considering the child, it's better she did not wait five more years.

It's one thing to commiserate with your fellow man. But this is Tom Cruise. He is a lunatic.

Ninja Dude

Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2003
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Another plane of existence


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Solomon said:
why do people think he is gay?
In his early days Tom Cruise was a rent boy for wealthy NYC men....David Geffen was one of his clients.

some things never change only thing is these days tom is the one doing the buying


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Poonani Maker said:

She still wants EVERYthing despite the prenup and Tom was "blind-sided." It should not be right for the female to get a fvcking dime if she divorces for non-adulterous reasons. Fvcking insane. How do we EVER consider getting married as guys? When women are NOW left to their own devices with sheep-sh!t minds that can dart left or right at moments notice. Divorce is No longer looked down upon. In the olden days, fear of stigma from divorce kept imperfect marriages together. This is bullsh!t. Sorry for Tom. If I were him, with all his money, I'd become a Mormon (if marriage was important to me), and build a secluded ranch with Multiple wives - one Great Big FAmily. He can afford it.
If you're moderately patient, you'll eventually have a celebrity divorce that you can use to demonize marriage for men. This one wasn't it. The majority of guys here just aren't going to be sypathetic to a homo scientologist, nut-job like Tom C. Patience young padawan!


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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Whatever you think about Tom Cruise, that's a very cunning and ruthless move on Katie Holmes' part. It seems she blind-sided him with the divorce filing and then she bounced with the kid. She's now going to have the upper hand when the court determines who gets custody. Think about how badly a guy would be lambasted by the media if he pulled something like that....

It's also interesting that she waited until after the 5 year mark to file for divorce. Apparently, she gets a higher payout at the 5 year point. Seeing as Tom Cruise made over $75 mil last year alone compared to her $5 mil, it's safe to say that she's going to make quite a huge profit out of this. That's not even taking into account the 12 years of child support for the kid.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Lexington said:
It's also interesting that she waited until after the 5 year mark to file for divorce. Apparently, she gets a higher payout at the 5 year point. Seeing as Tom Cruise made over $75 mil last year alone compared to her $5 mil, it's safe to say that she's going to make quite a huge profit out of this. That's not even taking into account the 12 years of child support for the kid.
So true, AND Tom's latest movie garnered bad reviews. Couldn't be that that too made her feel justified in dumping him - oh, my husby is no longer well-liked or makes good movies, Ima drop him for sure now...

For no substantial reason At All, b!tch-think will take hold, and bam divorce And take all your money. Also, I'm sure she's been advised all along about When to do it, Tom being half-way around the world working while she schemes. Our country's laws have become one sick joke.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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azanon said:
If you're moderately patient, you'll eventually have a celebrity divorce that you can use to demonize marriage for men. This one wasn't it. The majority of guys here just aren't going to be sypathetic to a homo scientologist, nut-job like Tom C. Patience young padawan!
This coming from someone who thinks silver is going to $14, ok...keep dreaming

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Check out the comments lol Sounds like sosuavers, They Know! (the truth)

edit: lol "The next time you think about getting married, go find a Bi@#ch you hate, buy her a house, and save yourself years of grief!" -Jeff Foxworthy

"You don’t know a women till you’ve met her in court." -Norman Mailer

"It's amazing how "convincing" they can be when they're making false accusations. I never did figure out whether she convinced herself of them first, or was just flat out lying. She really didn't need to try that hard, because of the feminist judge, who told me that I "wasn't credible," and offered, as evidence of my non-credibility, two substantive misquotes of what she "heard" me say and one claim that she knew better than I what had been going through my mind during the incident in question. I was left with the question, "What is is about feminist ideology that can make otherwise high-functioning women delusional?" After some graduate-level courses in feminist theory and some readings in feminist epistemology, it began to make sense." -Some dude

"when you get divorced, she takes the gold mine and the guy get's the shaft" -willie nelson

"This is a good red pill article for men. Men need to wake up. Women only love what you can do for them with your financial resources. Just keeping swallowing the blue pills and refuse to see the proof. Also notice how the world's richest women remain single." -Another dude

"As the judge said... is the fuggin your getting worth the fuggin you got.. Just asking" -Commentor

"In the poker game of life, women are the rake!"

Another comment with a hoe going "full retard" in a reply:

"Now Men ask yourselves why wealthy women like Oprah,etc will never be on a list like this. Research the richest women in the world and most of them are single or have prenuptial agreements themselves. Open your eyes fellas the women have." - a dude

replied to with "Men are just too much trouble. Women can survive without men, but men cannot survive without women, even the gay guys. And guys are not gay because they can't handle women, they want to be like a woman." -a woman from Boulder,CO named Layla

"Maybe I just don't GET it. Why in the HE!! does any one party DESERVE money for being married to another person? If both people are capable of working and supporting themselves, why should one be PAID for just.....being there? Katie Holmes will not starve on the streets. She's doing just fine. She has a ton of money and will make much more. WHY DOES SHE NEED TO BE PAID? Women say they want equality......want everything on an equal footing.....except in divorce court." -another awakened feller

"I have often wondered that in a gay marriage does the girl/guy get half of the guy/guy's stuff or do they just part ways. Is there child support or alimony?" -another masterful stab at logic after YEARS of us guys being ripped off by the courts here in the US of A

This country is so fvcked up rofl "New bumper sticker 'Gay Millionaires Against Gay Marriage.'"

Another one "18 million, a 35 million $ house And Child Support ? Thats Wrong ! If you Can't make it on 18 million Dollars you need a lifestyle change ! A lot of people make it on a LOT less !"

"Freaking dudes need to Wake Up! That *%$#@! gets you into court, she's GONNA walk away with yo SACK!"

"my wife had an affair and i lost her, my kids,my home and half my paycheck. so much for being a loyal good husband" -one responder
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
Poonani Maker said:
"This is a good red pill article for men. Men need to wake up. Women only love what you can do for them with your financial resources. Just keeping swallowing the blue pills and refuse to see the proof. Also notice how the world's richest women remain single."
men need to memorize this or tattoo it on their arm.

most men in so called 'happy' marriage have never been layed off or have private money...if the money should vanish, so will the wife....but those same 'happily' married men will act like its a coincidence.

Women always want an upgrade in lifestyle

every girl past age 23 is looking for a way to live in westchester with a 3 series beamer and a kitchen full of viking appliances she'll never use.

So why do bishes go for the cute guy from UCLA (no diss) instead of the nerd from MIT?


...women are PROFOUNDLY STUPID WHEN IT COMES TO LONG TERM MALE VIABILITY...WOMEN SIMPLY CANNOT FATHOM THAT UGLY GUYS CAN MAKE BANK....women don't know and they don't care about future money the nerd will earn.

but if you are the nerd with the porsche 911 turbo bishes will find you...naturally the inexperienced nerd will think this has something to do with his 'personality' lol....but he'll learn that the hard way when the psycho judge delivers her verdict in divorce court.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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Unbelievable. According to that article, Katie Holmes is probably going to get Tom Cruise's $35 million mansion in Beverly Hills. This is despite the fact that she filed in New York because the courts are more likely to take her side (i.e. they're more fem-centric).

This was an extremely cunning and well-planned move on her part (with the help of her lawyers and PR people I'm sure). She filed when Tom Cruise was half way around the world. She bolted with the kid and took her to New York, where she can probably extract more out of him. She also had some well-timed magazine covers to come out just before filing for divorce. Now she's also making regular public appearances to portray herself as the sweet, lovely Mom who's concerned for her child.

Of course, the media is lapping it up. So when it's all said and done, she might get a $35 mil Beverly Hills mansion, an luxury apartment in Chelsea, 3-5 million for every year she was married to Tom Cruise plus child support. And she'll probably get to keep the kid too.

She got all that for just opening her legs. And people bash prostitutes!?

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Lexington said:
Unbelievable. According to that article, Katie Holmes is probably going to get Tom Cruise's $35 million mansion in Beverly Hills. This is despite the fact that she filed in New York because the courts are more likely to take her side (i.e. they're more fem-centric).

This was an extremely cunning and well-planned move on her part (with the help of her lawyers and PR people I'm sure). She filed when Tom Cruise was half way around the world. She bolted with the kid and took her to New York, where she can probably extract more out of him. She also had some well-timed magazine covers to come out just before filing for divorce. Now she's also making regular public appearances to portray herself as the sweet, lovely Mom who's concerned for her child.

Of course, the media is lapping it up. So when it's all said and done, she might get a $35 mil Beverly Hills mansion, an luxury apartment in Chelsea, 3-5 million for every year she was married to Tom Cruise plus child support. And she'll probably get to keep the kid too.

She got all that for just opening her legs. And people bash prostitutes!?
Cannot agree more, prostitutes show much more ethic than cvnts like this one, as much as escort users show much more common sense than most men who get married under the current condition.

For fvck sake even a mouse doesnt press a button if he see an other mouse being trapped for doing it, are modern men less clever than a fking rat?!

Guys have long terms if you appreciate it but under this condition dont take a senseless risk.