Time to get my **** in gear. Who else is in? I want at least 10 people to join me.
Download the pdf here:
"Eight weeks:
1) Developing and conveying confidence
2) Becoming comfortable with talking to just about anyone... In just about any situation
3) Approaching girls
4) Acquiring phone numbers / closing for dates
5) What to do on initial dates (1-3 dates)
6) Increasing a girl's interest level
7) Becoming an Alpha Male... The guy everyone wants to hang around
8) Getting the girl into bed (maybe... haven't decided on this yet)
It is twofold...
1) You must actually follow through! I will tell you upfront that this will take you well out of
your comfort zone, and will probably require an investment of 5-20 hours per week for you
to accomplish the goals set for each week.
2) You must post a minimum of once a week detailing the results (good or bad) that you
experienced while completing the weekly project. Your post should be detailed enough that
we can all make suggestions to help you in the future (if results were not favourable), or if
positive, it should be detailed enough so that the rest of the students understand exactly
what you did so that they too can achieve similar results in similar situations.
Now, will this be guaranteed to work? Absolutely not! In fact, nothing will.
With that being said, I personally can't think of a better method for someone to actually be able to
implement the DJ principals on this site, and to achieve the DJ goals they desire.
Plus, since all those participating will be working on similar aspects of their DJ training, we will be able
to support each other, and look at the whole thing as a fun learning experience. In fact, I'm willing to
bet we'll be as excited to tell each other how badly we bombed as telling each other how successful we
were (well, almost as excited anyway).
During each of these eight weeks, a new lesson will be posted once each Saturday or Sunday, to it's
own separate thread (the first one will be posted this weekend).
Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence
We all know that confidence is king when it comes to getting girls, and just about everything else in
life... but how the heck do we become confident, and equally importantly, how do we convey
Well, besides some wonderful reading, exercises during this lesson include two, one-hour outings with
the purpose of learning to establish and maintain eye contact (probably the number one way to display
confidence) plus saying a brief hello to 50 strangers (girls, guys, old, young... don't matter).
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 5 - 10 Hours
Week #2 - Initiating Conversations with Strangers
In lesson 1, we learned how to convey confidence and approach strangers with a simple hi... Now we
will practice small conversations (2-10 minutes) with ten strangers.
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 3 - 7 Hours
Week #3 - Approaching and Initiating Conversations with Girls
OK, during lessons 1 and 2, we got practice approaching and initiating conversations with strangers.
By now your attitude and confidence have most likely improved, and you are now ready to approach
girls you would like to date. The goal here is not to get their number, but rather to maintain a friendly
2 - 10 minute conversation with ten girls whom are strangers to you.
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 3 - 10 Hours
Week #4 - Handling Objections and Dealing with Rejections
Just like in certain martial art disciplines, where practitioners dig their hands through heated sand in
order to build calluses and to kill off pain receptors on their hands, so too must we learn to build
calluses against rejection and to stop rejections from causing us emotional pain.
As such, the purpose of this lesson is to go out, approach girls, and close for the phone numbers. But
instead of the goal being to acquire the numbers, the goal is to actually collect a total of ten rejections.
After this lesson, you will have become immune to rejections, plus you will learn the difference
between rejections and objections (and how to overcome objections).
This will be a long lesson, simply because, believe it or not, it is not easy to get rejected ten times, at
least not without acquiring plenty of phone numbers in the process.
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 10 - 20 Hours
Week #5 - Setting Up Initial Date / What To Do On First Date
So now we have a pool of phone numbers that we acquired in lesson 4, now we experiment with
different approaches to closing them on the phone and setting up dates. Plus, we will discuss what to
do and not do on the first date so that to maintain a DJ persona, and to increase the girls' interest
levels in us.
Based on the number of phone numbers you have acquired in lesson 4, you'll probably end up going
on a couple of dates at this point.
Also, if you have less than ten phone numbers that are in the woodwork (e.g., girls that you haven't
Nexted for blowing you off, or you are not interested in), then you will work on acquiring phone
numbers. From this point on, until you have finished this Boot Camp, you will work on maintaining a
minimum of ten active phone numbers (not necessarily dating ten girls, which would be too stressful in
my opinion, but rather have their numbers but have not ruled them out yet).
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 5 - 15 Hours
Week #6 - Setting Up Subsequent Dates / Increasing Interest Level
At this point in the Boot Camp, you will have acquired phone numbers and went out on first dates.
Now, you will learn to set up a subsequent dates, and learn what to do and not do on the second
dates, plus ways to increase her interest level in you.
And if you have not done a kiss close in the first date, you will be doing it on this date. You'll also work
on building up the kinesthetics from previous encounters, etc.
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 5 - 15 Hours
Week #7 - Building up Intimacy
I said intimacy, not romance. Romance is for relationships, intimacy is for building attraction.
At this point, you have already kiss closed the girls you are dating, and maybe even dropped one or
two that you were not interested in. The fortunate remaining ones get to be rewarded with more
kissing, and a move up on the intimate level.
Also, activities include trying out more date options, so as to help you determine where you enjoy
going on dates. And if you happen to have dropped (or been dropped by) too many girls, you may
need to go into the field and acquire more phone number, which by now is a much easier goal to
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 5 - 20 Hours
Week #8 - Becoming the Alpha Male
Alright... You've come a long way baby! You got out of your cocoon, developed and conveyed
confidence, learned to approach and talk to strangers... you've initiated conversations with girls, got
their numbers, and went out on dates! Wow!!!
Now it's time for the real test of a DJ. In this final lesson, your goal will be to go into a social situation,
such as a party, wedding, meeting, club, etc., and become the dominant male.
You no longer have a fear of rejection, you are at ease approaching people, so the final aspect now is
to put it all together and dominate the place!
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 10 - 20 Hours
Download the pdf here:
"Eight weeks:
1) Developing and conveying confidence
2) Becoming comfortable with talking to just about anyone... In just about any situation
3) Approaching girls
4) Acquiring phone numbers / closing for dates
5) What to do on initial dates (1-3 dates)
6) Increasing a girl's interest level
7) Becoming an Alpha Male... The guy everyone wants to hang around
8) Getting the girl into bed (maybe... haven't decided on this yet)
It is twofold...
1) You must actually follow through! I will tell you upfront that this will take you well out of
your comfort zone, and will probably require an investment of 5-20 hours per week for you
to accomplish the goals set for each week.
2) You must post a minimum of once a week detailing the results (good or bad) that you
experienced while completing the weekly project. Your post should be detailed enough that
we can all make suggestions to help you in the future (if results were not favourable), or if
positive, it should be detailed enough so that the rest of the students understand exactly
what you did so that they too can achieve similar results in similar situations.
Now, will this be guaranteed to work? Absolutely not! In fact, nothing will.
With that being said, I personally can't think of a better method for someone to actually be able to
implement the DJ principals on this site, and to achieve the DJ goals they desire.
Plus, since all those participating will be working on similar aspects of their DJ training, we will be able
to support each other, and look at the whole thing as a fun learning experience. In fact, I'm willing to
bet we'll be as excited to tell each other how badly we bombed as telling each other how successful we
were (well, almost as excited anyway).
During each of these eight weeks, a new lesson will be posted once each Saturday or Sunday, to it's
own separate thread (the first one will be posted this weekend).
Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence
We all know that confidence is king when it comes to getting girls, and just about everything else in
life... but how the heck do we become confident, and equally importantly, how do we convey
Well, besides some wonderful reading, exercises during this lesson include two, one-hour outings with
the purpose of learning to establish and maintain eye contact (probably the number one way to display
confidence) plus saying a brief hello to 50 strangers (girls, guys, old, young... don't matter).
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 5 - 10 Hours
Week #2 - Initiating Conversations with Strangers
In lesson 1, we learned how to convey confidence and approach strangers with a simple hi... Now we
will practice small conversations (2-10 minutes) with ten strangers.
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 3 - 7 Hours
Week #3 - Approaching and Initiating Conversations with Girls
OK, during lessons 1 and 2, we got practice approaching and initiating conversations with strangers.
By now your attitude and confidence have most likely improved, and you are now ready to approach
girls you would like to date. The goal here is not to get their number, but rather to maintain a friendly
2 - 10 minute conversation with ten girls whom are strangers to you.
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 3 - 10 Hours
Week #4 - Handling Objections and Dealing with Rejections
Just like in certain martial art disciplines, where practitioners dig their hands through heated sand in
order to build calluses and to kill off pain receptors on their hands, so too must we learn to build
calluses against rejection and to stop rejections from causing us emotional pain.
As such, the purpose of this lesson is to go out, approach girls, and close for the phone numbers. But
instead of the goal being to acquire the numbers, the goal is to actually collect a total of ten rejections.
After this lesson, you will have become immune to rejections, plus you will learn the difference
between rejections and objections (and how to overcome objections).
This will be a long lesson, simply because, believe it or not, it is not easy to get rejected ten times, at
least not without acquiring plenty of phone numbers in the process.
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 10 - 20 Hours
Week #5 - Setting Up Initial Date / What To Do On First Date
So now we have a pool of phone numbers that we acquired in lesson 4, now we experiment with
different approaches to closing them on the phone and setting up dates. Plus, we will discuss what to
do and not do on the first date so that to maintain a DJ persona, and to increase the girls' interest
levels in us.
Based on the number of phone numbers you have acquired in lesson 4, you'll probably end up going
on a couple of dates at this point.
Also, if you have less than ten phone numbers that are in the woodwork (e.g., girls that you haven't
Nexted for blowing you off, or you are not interested in), then you will work on acquiring phone
numbers. From this point on, until you have finished this Boot Camp, you will work on maintaining a
minimum of ten active phone numbers (not necessarily dating ten girls, which would be too stressful in
my opinion, but rather have their numbers but have not ruled them out yet).
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 5 - 15 Hours
Week #6 - Setting Up Subsequent Dates / Increasing Interest Level
At this point in the Boot Camp, you will have acquired phone numbers and went out on first dates.
Now, you will learn to set up a subsequent dates, and learn what to do and not do on the second
dates, plus ways to increase her interest level in you.
And if you have not done a kiss close in the first date, you will be doing it on this date. You'll also work
on building up the kinesthetics from previous encounters, etc.
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 5 - 15 Hours
Week #7 - Building up Intimacy
I said intimacy, not romance. Romance is for relationships, intimacy is for building attraction.
At this point, you have already kiss closed the girls you are dating, and maybe even dropped one or
two that you were not interested in. The fortunate remaining ones get to be rewarded with more
kissing, and a move up on the intimate level.
Also, activities include trying out more date options, so as to help you determine where you enjoy
going on dates. And if you happen to have dropped (or been dropped by) too many girls, you may
need to go into the field and acquire more phone number, which by now is a much easier goal to
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 5 - 20 Hours
Week #8 - Becoming the Alpha Male
Alright... You've come a long way baby! You got out of your cocoon, developed and conveyed
confidence, learned to approach and talk to strangers... you've initiated conversations with girls, got
their numbers, and went out on dates! Wow!!!
Now it's time for the real test of a DJ. In this final lesson, your goal will be to go into a social situation,
such as a party, wedding, meeting, club, etc., and become the dominant male.
You no longer have a fear of rejection, you are at ease approaching people, so the final aspect now is
to put it all together and dominate the place!
• Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 10 - 20 Hours