*HELP* experiment gone wrong


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
Hello there fellas. I have been studying the techniques of the art of seducing of this site for about a week. I went today to test what a learned out and didn't managed to get a single phone number. :/

These events took place on the mall and college campus. I was primary trying my charms with workers at the stores.

Now i know that i i shall keep trying and i wont give up but i need some tips in overall to smooth out my charm.

Im 20 years average guy with a really good sense of fashion. Im not ugly looking and I'm always wearing awesome colognes (i get complemented a lot). Im managed to get really good introductions with girls and have no problem coming up with funny and ****y stuff. I actually felt pretty proud i managed to go so far on my first try when i saw the girls laughing to my witty jokes and such.

The problem was that many of them either directed me to someone else(not my target) or were trying to evade me (surprising even after neg hitting and discualifying myself).

Also when I asked them for their numbers in a witty way i saw a moment where i could have swore they though about it but in the end i got the "sorry i dont give out my phone". After i say to them that i have to leave should i ask for their number or just the "how would you like to go out with me"? phrase on a funny way.

I did about 10 attempts today. I think maybe i wasn't looking at women in the right place. Also some of them seemed very shy specially with the "confident" aura i had.

I'll be going out again soon and if you can give me some tips or advice in how i can try a bit harder to manage to get those phones numbers.

Ty you guys :)


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
PHAT Rabbit said:
Leo...I've been cold approaching for many years now and I can tell you if on a subconscious level you badly want their phone number...to go on a date with them...to fvck them ruthlessly - you're doing it wrong. You are putting the carriage before the horse so to speak.

The best attitude to have when you go out strictly to approach is enjoying the present experience. Approach a girl because in that moment you want to enjoy her energy (sounds gay right? - but seriously) - not because she has a 10 digit number in her head that you wish to pry out of her. Literally, just enjoy the experience and excitement and the fulfillment she gives you at the moment. Let me tell you why..

If you do enough cold approaches you will soon realize that numbers don't mean shlt. Most of them are going to be flakes if you don't have proper phone game - which most guys don't. You're much better off getting good at the approach game...there's way more benefit and bang for your buck there.

Now I will respond to how I "go" for the number so to speak. First of all, the only time I get a number is if logistically speaking the girl and I have to part ways...if there's no real reason to leave I run the set into the ground (or until I move in to makeout with the girl...about 10-15 minutes in). What's the point of getting a number anyway? It's just a means to get her to meet up with you again at a different time...that's it. Another thing to keep in mind is that the best time to go for a number is during a high of energy (you just made a joke and she's laughing very hard).

The simplest way is to not ask for the number...and just assume it. Before you tell her to give you her number..pull your phone out and hand it to her.

"Hey I gotta get going...give me your number...so I can take you on a romantic date to the library"

If you want to be really smooth about it though...here's my favorite line. Again...pull out your phone and then say "Do you want me to call you sometime?" and start punching stuff into your phone.

The final key to remember - be sly about it. If she's around friends or coworkers or other people..don't whip out your phone and hold it up visibly for all to see. Keep it by your side...hide it out of the view of others. Of course, this becomes a null fact if no one is actually around you. Main thing is this...getting a number is not something to brag about (again it's just a vehicle for setting up another date).

In truth though...any strategy for getting a number is really just a false sense of confidence. Like I said...your time is better spent on improving your social interactions - if you can become good at those strategies how you get numbers becomes a moot point. A girl isn't going to refuse you her number if she has become drippingly wet attracted to you because you meekly asked her "Can I get your number?"
Yes you are totally right!! I really need to forget about the result but instead "enjoy" the moment and try to have fun.

But when you approach a girl.. should i start it off ****y and playful? Also when teasing them... "why are you so serious? Your dont have to get nervous"

Also what are some good comebacks if you feel she wants to evade your or just simply rejecting you. These are some examples i use.. and are effective since they make her laugh but they still try to find a way out.

"you have a boyfriend? Really? I have a girlfriend too!!! (using the "me too"). But between you and me... (lean closer like whispering) dont tell my wife, she might get upset" :D

"your have to go? Oh well ok. But dont stalk me around later on" :D

Also how are some other genuine and witty ways to tease girls for "acting too serious"

I usually use.... "why are you so serious? Do i make you nervous? :D Mrs Im so serous i cant break a laugh even if im enjoying it. :D"

"do you get paid for being so serious?"

Thanks for the tips my man :D


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
@ rabbit

Man also where can i find your vids on action. I saw the link on your post but said vids were removed? I would love to see you on action. I can learn a few tricks