Hello there fellas. I have been studying the techniques of the art of seducing of this site for about a week. I went today to test what a learned out and didn't managed to get a single phone number. :/
These events took place on the mall and college campus. I was primary trying my charms with workers at the stores.
Now i know that i i shall keep trying and i wont give up but i need some tips in overall to smooth out my charm.
Im 20 years average guy with a really good sense of fashion. Im not ugly looking and I'm always wearing awesome colognes (i get complemented a lot). Im managed to get really good introductions with girls and have no problem coming up with funny and ****y stuff. I actually felt pretty proud i managed to go so far on my first try when i saw the girls laughing to my witty jokes and such.
The problem was that many of them either directed me to someone else(not my target) or were trying to evade me (surprising even after neg hitting and discualifying myself).
Also when I asked them for their numbers in a witty way i saw a moment where i could have swore they though about it but in the end i got the "sorry i dont give out my phone". After i say to them that i have to leave should i ask for their number or just the "how would you like to go out with me"? phrase on a funny way.
I did about 10 attempts today. I think maybe i wasn't looking at women in the right place. Also some of them seemed very shy specially with the "confident" aura i had.
I'll be going out again soon and if you can give me some tips or advice in how i can try a bit harder to manage to get those phones numbers.
Ty you guys
These events took place on the mall and college campus. I was primary trying my charms with workers at the stores.
Now i know that i i shall keep trying and i wont give up but i need some tips in overall to smooth out my charm.
Im 20 years average guy with a really good sense of fashion. Im not ugly looking and I'm always wearing awesome colognes (i get complemented a lot). Im managed to get really good introductions with girls and have no problem coming up with funny and ****y stuff. I actually felt pretty proud i managed to go so far on my first try when i saw the girls laughing to my witty jokes and such.
The problem was that many of them either directed me to someone else(not my target) or were trying to evade me (surprising even after neg hitting and discualifying myself).
Also when I asked them for their numbers in a witty way i saw a moment where i could have swore they though about it but in the end i got the "sorry i dont give out my phone". After i say to them that i have to leave should i ask for their number or just the "how would you like to go out with me"? phrase on a funny way.
I did about 10 attempts today. I think maybe i wasn't looking at women in the right place. Also some of them seemed very shy specially with the "confident" aura i had.
I'll be going out again soon and if you can give me some tips or advice in how i can try a bit harder to manage to get those phones numbers.
Ty you guys