Saying a person's name in conversation


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2010
Reaction score
I took a Dale Carnegie public speaking course back in the summer.
I learned a TON of things, but I just want to focus on this part in this post.

I have always disliked my name for some reason.
However, every time people say my name in a conversation, or say it when they talk to me, I automatically feel great (like I get a great ego boost).

I used to prejudice people and then after talking to them, my perception of them turns completely 180 degrees around.

I have noticed that the most popular kids in my school usually do this "sales technique", and it must seem to work.
I have guys who make fun of me a lot (just joking around), yet I still feel good around them.

And then, there are those kids who never say my name. I feel like I hardly exist to them, and that they don't give a sh*t about me.
I remember in the 9th grade, when people didn't know who I was (because we were all beginning at a new high school), a few people literally said to me "I have no clue what your name is."

The past 2 weeks of school (senior year), I have been trying to say people's names to them while talking to them.
This worked really well, and even more people have been talking a lot more to me.
In the hallways, when I pass someone I kind of know well, I would be like... "BOBBY!!! whats up!"
Every chance I can, I try to talk to someone relating to the class we are in, like, "Hey Matt, did you do the homework last night?"

I went to an event at my school where freshmen were being introduced to all the clubs and stuff.
I was in charge of one table, and when kids would sign up, I would read their name off the sheet.
Then I'd be like, "Mike, you are a cool freshman because you signed up for the chess club! Everyone should be like Mike!"
That freshman would look like it was the happiest day of his life.

Speaking emotionally, being interesting, and being positive is another thing I learned at the course I took (I didn't really learn them, after every lesson we had to all make speeches, and with practice I got very good at it).

Anyways, idk if this relates with women if you are wondering that (I go to an all-guys school and I am very busy outside of school).
My main point is, from my experience with this, is that people will like you more.
It seems gimmicky- but it seems like the people who I do this most with like me the most.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
I understand what you mean, often my name comes up in conversations at work regarding projects and today I was praised by the VP of Technology for my work because my manager told him what I was working on and specifically used my name several times. Makes you feel like you're an asset, and in turn when you use someone elses name in a positive context, they feel like a champion too. Kind of 'paying it forward'


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
I was just consciously thinking about this today, actually. And I realized that I never use people's names when talking to them or to others with them around! Haha, kind of weird, but I'm gonna start doing it from now on. Little things make lots of difference.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Good stuff. I recently read one of his books, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" It was a good read, recommended.


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
I already knew this, but I forgot. :rolleyes:

Thanks for reminding me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Same here. In School there was one girl who would always say my name when passing me and I immediately felt great ;)


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2010
Reaction score
Like I said before, I have been trying to do this trick as often as I can this year.

Have you ever felt the awkwardness when someone is passing by you in the hallway,
and you have talked to him before, but you just stare right in front of you and ignore him (and he ignores you)?
Lately, I have been saying their name ("whats up johnnnn?").
At first I can tell they are like ???
Then, after you do it the next couple times, they respond a LOT more positively to you.
At first I said their name, and then later on they actually approach me to ask me "wats up cococrispys?"

Think of the most charismatic people you know, the people who make you feel the best.
I am almost certain that they probably say your name in conversations a lot.

I kind of wish I took the Dale Carnegie course before I even entered high school.
A lot more people would have liked me with a good first impression.
Also, the course taught me to be enthusiastic when I talk,
which separates boring people from EXCITING people that people magnet towards (I can speak with good positive energy with just about anything).

High school is good practice before college. So try this trick out!


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
I'm imagining right now some guy saying "whats up cococrispys" when passing me in the hallway :p