FR: The Reunion Part 1 (with pics)


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Intro: I decided to post this in the MM section but realized this section lags with FR's as well. I really don't post FR's here anymore because when I type them they don't read like FR's their moreso stories and I don't care to do "techniques" anymore since if I do go out and "Game" I try to implement concepts that will help me as a man as a whole i.e. Being Positive, masculine intent, outcome dependency so forth. With the lack of FR's I decided to post this here enjoy oh anything bold or underlined is a pic


"Yeah bro how you been man? I've been meaning to call you but you know I got caught up since last time we hung out, you still dating Janet?"

"Eeh, sorta, kinda" replied Golden Child

"What the f**k is sorta kinda? you still dating her or not?"

"Naw man, she was trying to play too many games, I mean you know I like games, but not those games she was trying to play. She was very insecure when I talked to other chicks" Golden Child replied with a chuckle

Golden Child flirting with other chicks in front of his 38 year old girlfriend wasn't a surprised. I had a flashback of the last time we hung out and how she got upset when he was talking to two hotties. It always baffled me why he decided to date her. It's not that she was ugly (she looked kind of like a older version of Scarlett Johansson except darker hair and thicker thighs") its just that the age difference with her being 15 year older.

"Anyway man we gotta hang out tonight what you got going on?" he asked

"I was thinking about going out with J-set but if you down man it's gonna be like a reunion"

"Yeah man The reunion that's whats up, you know Usher is living downtown now. so we can pre-drink at his place, actually I'm about 15 minutes from J-sets house I'll call him and try to meet up with him. You need a ride?'

"Naw I got a car now bro, I'll meet you there, give J-set a call and let me know whats up"

"Aight cool"

I rarely get excited going out anymore, but the prospect of Usher, J-set, and Golden Child out on the field. I started getting stoked, It was gonna be epic like back in late '09 when we use to go out and tare **** up. I drove home and quickly hopped in the rain-box. I started listening to some tunes an hour or so later, I made my way to J-Sets house

I pull up the parking lot and there is Golden child waiting, making ****tails

This foolio had booze in the trunk in bags and shoe boxes lol*CLICK*​

"Dude how long you been waiting?" I asked

"Not long" he says as he mixing himself a long island

"You want one?" he asked

"Aww naw I'm good"

I see J-set and his girl pulling up, they had gone out to a restaurant after almost dating a year I finally get to meet her (although supposedly I was there the night he met her in field but I don't remember cause I was to hammered making out with some broad). Introductions are quickly made, his chick is short as hell. J-set is 6'2 and his girl is 4'10 it was quite an interesting sight. Golden Child is talking his **** like he usually does but I'm
skeptical about his game knowing he has been in a LTR for a awhile, sometimes guys get lazy or lack confidence that they had before the LTR..

"So dude you remember how do this **** right?' I asked

"Pffft, I ain't never forgot, I was gaming hot chicks in front of Janet why you think we broke up?" he responds back with a smirk

His smug arrogance was still there, I then knew he was ready, we do some shots of patron, crack some jokes then head downtown to Ushers place

J-Set Cutting the limes​

We get to the House party and the pad is swanky on some "Mad Men" shyt. Usher is playing DJ with the computer and Big screen, people are dressed up fancy. Booze is abundant and there a couple Pretty Young things(PYT) there.

I see Usher and make fun of him trying to get buff. He's got a "mini-hawk"and is rocking one of those Ed Hardy shirts that all the buff guys are rocking, he's gotten bigger since winter. I sit down and see they got some patron and goose, I pour me some. There aren't a lot of chicks there the ratio must be 8 dudes to 1 chick. One chick I talk to real quick was there with her man, and actually was flying out to ATL in a couple hours but decided to party beforehand (nice). I then see another chick introduce myself to her

"Hey I'm Solo"

"Hi I'm Miss black"

Miss black had stunning hazel eyes with long brown hair, she was a stunner, I played it cool. Some fluff talk ensues, nothing fancy, I tell her I'm from New York(bullshyt), she happens to be from NY as well. She asked me where I was from I told her (Staten island) she tells me how she moved to the Midwest when she was younger but she still had that NY accent. The whole time I'm talking to her I'm just laid back I don't try to game her per-se, just having a friendly convo and touch her leg every now and then(shes got some nice legs lol). One of the things I'm working on again is to kill outcome dependency so when i talk to chicks now I talk to them like I've already F***ed them when in reality I haven't, but it helps me de-pedestalize them mentally. I then bust out my cam, and told her I was photography major and it was one of my major hobbies. We goof around take some flicks and shes into it. I Get her FB, not really trying to go for the number just chilling.

"So are you a student?'

"Yeah I live downtown"

"Aww nice you know usually I go to Lake around her on Sundays"

"Oh my gosh I love the lake" she says and perks up

"Do you go running or you just in a bikini lying on the beach" I tease

"I lie on the beach" she said laughingly

J-set then quips in

"Aww Solo runs, and were gonna get you running"

She then whips out her phone and says "We should definitely go to the lake sometime give me your number" I coolly give her my number and then she calls me so I have hers. I walk away, then give J-set "the awwww shyt you see that ninja look" J-set tells me to calm down and play it cool. As soon as I leave her the hyenas swarm all around her. I ain't tripping. It's getting late and we gotta go to the clubs. Usher tries to give us the run-around but finally obliges. Golden Child is drunk already (not good) and doesn't wanna leave cause he met a "hot Asian girl". After some convincing he finally comes

"You guys are messing me up man she was into me" he whines​

We get downtown, I make some phone calls letting some other guys know where we headed too. We start walking to one of the hottest clubs in the state. Usher knows the bouncer,

"Yo you got the VIP hook up?" I asked

Usher gives me a nod but I'm not convinced we walk in, and there is some Mexican guy at the door and he basically tells us "You gotta pay" it seems Usher's old connects ain't there no more. Golden Child gets pissed and starts causing a ruckus.

"Where the f**K is Steve at this is bullshyt"(Steve is one of the managers of the clubs)​

The hostess who is a red head comes around

"Golden child we can't get you in for free, look well just charge you $5 dollars and I'll hook you guys up with a round"

"What? wheres Steve that's bullshyt, you know me better then that"

"Golden Child I'm not gonna take your shyt, either you take it or well gladly escort you out the venue..."

Miss Black inspired by Concordon...

Part 2 I can't post here its a bit to ugh graphic so I'll leave that for the blog:whistle:


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Bump (for my FR guys)

Edit the first 2 pages their only 3 Journals and in the first 5 it's only 4

What happened to this site? I remember a time where you would see 4 to 5 journals on the first page alone

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