When your girlfriend starts losing interest in you, dump her first


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
When you're girlfriend starts losing interest in you, that's the time you should start thinking about dumping her. Why? Because she already has started thinking about dumping you, and if you don't, she will dump you sooner or later. She doesn't have the same feelings for you anymore, she often will never get them back, and very rarely does the relationship ever get back on track again. After all the time spent trying to work it out, you are the one that gets dumped anyway. So it is always best to be the dumper instead of the dumpee, because you will hold the power in the relationship, the key to it's future, and you will beat her at her own game.

Now, I might get some disagreement from some guys on this, but those are the guys who want to hold on to a relationship at any cost, they want to hold on for dear life to a relationship that is like a car is going off the cliff, instead of jumping out and staying alive with their manhood, they stay aboard for the free fall, but they end up getting dumped anyway, because the girl sees him as a problem, and has already made up her mind to dump him in the first place. So what's the point of doing that, when you can get out of it being a man, and beating her at her own game.

How many of you guys went through this before? How many of your friends have? How many of you were afraid to dump her when she lost interest and hung on for the dumping? Don't you wished you got out before she humiliated you? You are probably still kicking yourself for thinking that she was telling you the truth and still wanted to be with you. After you got dumped, you felt like s**t, and had time to think about it. You probably wish you followed this advice. Didn't you? Well, you still can in the future, if you need to, so don't be afraid to use it. Some women are different, but their minds are still all the same, so that is why you should follow this advice, to save yourself the misery of being a fool by getting dumped when you didn't have to be.

Your girlfriend isn't acting the same as she used to, she doesn't talk to you as much, she makes excuses not to see you rather than see you. She refuses to have sex with you, or hardly ever at all. She doesn't initiate contact with you, you're always calling her. When you do call her, it is a quick phone call, you hear her monotone voice, you do most of the talking, then she is fishing for an excuse to get off the phone with you. When you ask her why didn't she call or why she can't hang out, you get all the excuses pouring out of her on why she couldn't. "I was busy, I had too much work, I was with a friend, had stuff to do with my parents, my favorite show was on, I had too much homework, I was sick." It goes on and on with an endless amount of excuses about everything under the sun. Then you realize that she never made excuses before, in fact, she skipped all those things to be with you when things were good, now she avoids you like the plague. So, this is a good reason why you should dump her, because she is avoiding you, she doesn't want to see you. It isn't going to get any better, it's only going to get worse, so that is why you should get out first.

You are a problem, her problem, and she wants to get rid of you as quickly as possible. Look at it this way, what if there was a 500 pound chick that was trying to show you attention and trying to attract you. You would be repulsed wouldn't you? You would try and do everything you could to get rid of that 500 pound chick because you don't want any part of her. Well, that's the same way as your girlfriend is now thinking about you. You are a 500 pound weight on her back that she is trying to get rid of. She will do that sooner or later, most likely with the old fight and break up routine. I wrote a thread about that below. So, that is why you should dump her before she does.


Once the initial attraction is gone, it is extremely difficult to get that back ever again. Women are running on emotions, and her emotions are negative towards you. All the things you used to do that made her happy, now makes her annoyed and angry. She doesn't like them anymore. The more you try to do them, the more she hates them, and wants to get rid of you. Guys make this critical mistake all the time. They think to get her lost love, affection, and attraction back, that they need to show more love or do more for her. That does the opposite, it repels her, and infact, she will get rid of you quicker by doing this. She wants that 500 pound weight off her back, which is you and your smothering love that you're trying to "work on things with her." She sees you in a negative light and nothing you can do will be good enough or bring what you had back. So, how can you get the attraction back up when her favorite things repel her away from you? You really can't, so that is why you should get out, and dump her, before she does to you.

You could of been doing something wrong for her to lose her interest, or maybe it is just her. Each relationship is different, but the fact is, that the interest is gone, and will never be the same again. She sees you as boring and not interesting. When you are seen as negative, it is so hard to see you as a positive again, because the negative is reinforced in her brain. Suddenly other guys become more appealing and interesting to her. She sees them as a better catch, better than you in almost every aspect. You are now trying to compete with another guy that you can never beat. She has high interest in him, she has low interest in you. You might not even know about the guy, but that doesn't matter because she has this competition already built up in her illogical emotional mind. She is taking count in all of his positives and all your negatives and comparing each and every one of them. She has a checklist in her mind adding all of them up, and it doesn't look good for you. Back when you guys met, you probably were the better catch, but now that she sees you in a negative fashion, you automatically lose. Another reason on why you should dump her before she does, because you can never win.

She will start talking to this new guy, because he is interesting, he excites her like you used to. You're not interesting and now boring to her, so she ignores you. Then she will start sneaking around with him behind your back, and then will probably will have sex with him. She needs it from someone, and she is not letting you get any from her, so she needs some, so she does it with him. Why is she doing this? Because she knows it's a matter of time before she dumps you, she wants to see what this other guy has. She might do this with others, but she will get the new guy secure first, then she will dump you. If you dumped her first, you wouldn't of been dumped by her, and you would beat her at her own game.

So, some guys make the mistake of confronting her about why she is acting different. You should never do this, because you give her the green light to dump you by doing that. She will tell you about how things aren't working, and how they are not the same. Tell you that it's all your fault, the things you did wrong, and how she's not feeling it anymore. She suggests a break or wants to have space, or she says to you, "we should break up." Then you start begging and pleading.with her. that you will change and promise what she wants from you, to please give you another chance to work on things. You are begging, not being a man, that is what she should be doing, not you. You let her dictate everything. She feels sorry for you, and she sees you as a weak man, and disrespects you for that. She can't pull the trigger by dumping you right then, so she agrees to work on it, but it delays it just a little longer, while she finds a way to dump you for good. Things are getting worse everyday, but you still want to hang on at any cost.

By doing that, you give her all the power in the relationship. It is now on her terms, not yours, and what you do from then on, is what she deems appropriate for the survival of this relationship. You could run ten miles for her, and that wouldn't be enough to suit her needs. Nothing will, because she really doesn't want to work on it, she wants you gone, and you wind up doing all the work, while she just coasts and strings you along, waiting to dump you. All this does, is stall the inevitable dumping, so she can get her new guy secure, while she gets ready to dump you. Even if you do everything she wants, she still wants you gone, and will break up with you regardless. She will find a way to do it, most likely with the old fight and break up routine. She forever will hold the power and the key to the relationship, and you will never get it back no matter how hard you try. Because she doesn't want it back, she doesn't want you back ever. That is why you should dump her to have the power.

When you dump her you are the man, the king, you have the say so, you hold the power in the relationship, and the key to its future. Also, by breaking up with her, if you decide for some reason you want her back, or maybe as a future f*** buddy, your chances of getting her back increase tremendously because you hold the power and are in control, not her. She will be begging and pleading most likely because she got dumped. When she dumps you, your chances are slim for anything in the future at all. So that is why you need to take the bull by the horns, and do the dumping, not hanging on to a dried up relationship. Because you will feel like crap, when you could of went out like a real man, because you were afraid to beat her at her own game, by dumping her first, before she got rid of you, because you thought you could still hang on to work things out, when she never wanted to, and already made up her mind that it was over to begin with.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Solid point,everything makes sense.

Also let's not forget about the social statusyou get by being the dumper or the dumpee,she as a woman is going to be a victim anyway (she left cause she was unsatisfied,she was left so shes a victim), but as a man being dumped means being considered a lesser man especially from other women.

So among the common acquaintances it would make a critical difference,being the dumper actually could boost your status making you the challenge that many girls want,their ego would die to get the guy who rejected the other girl.

Lastly,let the girl taste some anger,wasnt her enjoying the drama after all?


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
That stuff is so legit, I even puked a little into my month when reading.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Yes, and remember - even if you dump them first, and even when they do come back someday (which they most certainly will if you dump them) - they will quickly dump you the moment you give them the chance. So it's really over forever once their interest level goes down. They dream of a guy who interests them forever, and you are obviously not that guy. You are not "the one", and neither are they.


Don Juan
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
Another A+ thread. I'm very impressed Elmer with all your postings. Also it can really hurt a guy mentally being dumped like that after he put everything into it. Some guys get really depressed. A guy's attitude will be different, he will also feel better giving her the heave-ho instead.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
On a higher level
To be honest I actually agree with a lot of the things said here. Dumping a girl would actually be a smart thing to do. I just think that a man should dump a girl for the right reasons is all. If you KNOW the relationship has run dry, the girl has lost interest to the point where she's grown cold and distant, or the relationship feels like a liability then by all means kick her ass to the curve.

But don't dump a girl to protect a fragile ego. If you have a fragile ego or you're afraid of disappointment then you shouldn't be in a relationship to begin with.

All I'm saying is when the moment of truth arrives, dump her because it is the most logical and beneficial thing for you. Don't succumb to emotions (insecurity for example)

Great thread


Don Juan
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
Strelok said:
Solid point,everything makes sense.

Also let's not forget about the social statusyou get by being the dumper or the dumpee,she as a woman is going to be a victim anyway (she left cause she was unsatisfied,she was left so shes a victim), but as a man being dumped means being considered a lesser man especially from other women.

So among the common acquaintances it would make a critical difference,being the dumper actually could boost your status making you the challenge that many girls want,their ego would die to get the guy who rejected the other girl.

Lastly,let the girl taste some anger,wasnt her enjoying the drama after all?
Don't forget about the lies she can spread too playing a victim


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
You can also do the same thing to the girls who you're not exclusive with that pull the same stuff it will give you higher value in your social circle. Just drop them or ignore them. They will come running back. Just don't play their games with them that lowers your value.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2011
Reaction score
Awesome Thread......More guys should think like this

That one dude I replied to here is in the same boat

He still thinks he has a chance with his gf while she is hanging out and talking with her old f buddy

He is scared to dump her

He will learn soon enough

When she dumps him


Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
Yikes!! My gf is fighting with me all the time. She shows interest sometimes but its me that always makes the effort. Think I should consider this cuz dnt see things getting any better with us.


Don Juan
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
maine_man said:
Yikes!! My gf is fighting with me all the time. She shows interest sometimes but its me that always makes the effort. Think I should consider this cuz dnt see things getting any better with us.

That would be a good thing to do before it gets any worse.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa, Johannesburg
Yeah this is solid advice, I can't remember who it was who told me that the more beautiful a girl is, the more Bullsh1t a guy will tolerate from her. I'm in highschool and I was dating this beautiful girl but we always fought about the same thing, I let her go on Tuesday and trust me, I feel the power because she was starting to check other guys out but now she is behaving.
I think she thinks that if she behaves I will take her back...NEVER! Oh and another thing, always have more than one gf, that way you don't even think twice about dumping a girl.