Does she want to get fudged?


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
Hello , I am new to this forum and seeking some advice. I will try to make this as short as possible.

Some background info : Fairly goodlooking guy, introvert, 23 years old, limited experience with women, kinda gave up on women for a while but looking to get back on track.

Case :

My sister is ''messing around' with this guy, lets call him Carl. Carl has a sister in law, let's call her Julia ( HB 7,cute body ).

Sister told me that Julia saw my facebook profile and thought I was cute / hot. I was abroad at that time, I go to school abroad, so I didn't really give it much attention.

Now I'm at home for an internship of 5 months. One saturday night I was at home, and Julia drove my sister back home. Sister comes in , and tells me that Julia wants to meet me in person, so I go outside and introduce myself. Not really much talking, and then I say goodbye and she drives off.

Few days later : Sister tells me : " Julia told me she liked you ". Again, I do not care a whole lot, but after a few days I get her MSN from my sister and add her, not expecting anything.

I see her online one day, and start talking to her. Casual light hearted conversation. Then she asks me for a pic, I send one to her. Julia tells me something along the lines of :" Your a really goodlooking guy seriously, if I didn't have a boyfriend we could've hooked up."

Hmm, didn't really care about her after that. Few days pass, and I start wondering about what she said ( Your a really goodlooking guy, if I didn't have a boyfriend we could've hooked up." )

This has a hidden message, and I translate it as follows : You can f*ck me if you want, but remember, I have a boyfriend.

Am I right ? I have a strong desire to f*ck her, can't lie about that. How should I go on about this ?


Senior Don Juan
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
if you had a g/f, would you have mentioned it to her before she told you she had a b/f?


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
She wants you to tap her ass. Giving you the line "IF I didn't have a boyfriend..." usually means, I'm up for it, but since I don't want to deal with the guilt of cheating on his ass, I want you to escalate it so I can pretend it's your fault.

This is how women work in many ways. She gave you a free pass, I'd take it if you're not bothered by having her cheat or potentially ruin their relationship. But remember, keep her for sex only. A girl like this is not girlfriend material, as she would cheat on your ass the moment she would run into a better offer.


Senior Don Juan
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
^--- and yet another possiblity. act as if she does want to f your brains out I suppose.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
She wants to get fudged bad.

Be aggresive and persistant and ignore any resistances from her and proceed to fudge.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
She's sending out all the signs.

You're just getting into the game and you've practically been thrown a freebie that could boost your confidence ten-fold.

Next time you see her, pursue her. Don't pursue her in a serious way.. pursue her in a jokingly sexual way.

If you fail, worst comes to worst you stop talking to her.
However if you succeed, you're going to feel extremely good about yourself.