Women are beginning to make me sick.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2010
Reaction score
Physically and mentally sick.

The majority are worthless, skanks, and liars. No, I wasn't rejected today by a girl.

When I see a chick now, I see a worthless *****. What do females offer besides their vagina?

I don't want to feel this way, but I can never love women. I detest the female gender. I like sex and the way a ***** feels on my ****, but I don't "like" or respect women.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
its alright mydude. i know how you feel and know where your coming from. women are not the end all be all to life. just live your life and do what you want to do.
but this type of attitude and outlook is not gonna help you get the women you want to have sex with. i used to be real bitter and sorta hated women, and during that time i didnt get any pvssy.
women can feel your bitterness and red flags go up.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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thecurtainfalls said:
Seek help.
Why? Because what he feels is totally warranted considering the low quality of women today?

You do not need to seek help. Instead start treating women like they deserve to be treated. Why do you think jerks and a**holes get all the hot women? because they treat them like they deserve to be treated while most of us put them on a pedestal and treat them nice all the time. If they deserve to be treated nice then treat them nice. If they deserve to be treated like hors treat them like hors. Simple as that.

Do an experiment. Start treating women like sh*t for 2 months. Act as ****y/arrogant as you possible can around them. I did this and found myself attracting women and on more dates than ever before in my life.

The younger and hotter the girl the worst you have to treat them to attract them.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 20, 2006
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Northern Cali
lol at the misogynist faction of this board... you guys must have really gotten burned in the past, or only meet incredibly worthless people


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
thecurtainfalls said:
lol at the misogynist faction of this board... you guys must have really gotten burned in the past, or only meet incredibly worthless people
there aren't many quality women out there, most of the quality ones are already in LTRs and such. I've honestly gotten tired of the women I meet, it's gotten to the point that I don't even care anymore. I'm just living my life for me, doing what I want.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
amen. i don't even try look for relationships anymore. there's so many s|uts i can't find any. so i just fuk any girl that comes into my life and treat them like ****. fuk them. if they turn out to be really nice and wanna take a step further than just fukin that awesome! atm im seeing some girl every couple times a week, we just fuk, hang out a little thats it. i dont want her as a gf though. tryin to get this other chick atm.


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
I feel your pain. I'm going to try and make this one simple.

You see, women are like chicken; yes chicken. If all you ever eat is chicken you get mighty tired of it. In our case, chicken is all that's on the menu. So the only way to deal is either don't eat chicken, or make it taste different. She's the chicken but you're the cook. We know hundreds of ways to cook chicken. Worthless chicken, skank chicken, liar chicken, overweight ex with herpes chicken.....the list goes on and on.

Women are like math. It's only hard when you look at the numbers. It's the processes that you need to learn so the numbers don't matter. Accept how they work and learn the system in which they operate.

What do females offer besides a vagina? A CHALLENGE! A challenge for you not to stoop to their petty level. A challenge for you to live your life like a MAN and not worry about the way they are. A challenge to sift through the loads of useless women to only to be intrigued by ones that are worth a damn. You destroy everything else along the path.

By living your life as a MAN on your own terms, the crummy pieces of chicken and the women that don't compute won't come around anymore. Take some responsibility for your self. Don't worry about loving them, it's their job to love you. Be the predator not the prey.

Now I'm hungry and I need to balance my checkbook. Good luck with the laydeez.

YT827 said:
Physically and mentally sick.

The majority are worthless, skanks, and liars. No, I wasn't rejected today by a girl.

When I see a chick now, I see a worthless *****. What do females offer besides their vagina?

I don't want to feel this way, but I can never love women. I detest the female gender. I like sex and the way a ***** feels on my ****, but I don't "like" or respect women.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2010
Reaction score
thecurtainfalls said:
Seek help.
You're retarded.

Females are not special at all. Once a man stops being delusional and recognizes that girls are worthless, he will fair much better. You will become a natural a$$hole.

You see, most females (in this country) are the same as a male jerk. They'll **** their FWB or ex-bf and go out on a date with *you* an hour later. She'll feign interest, lead you on, and break your heart.

I know for a fact (and most guys are the same) that I don't lead a fat or ugly b*tch on. But chicks have no heart. They may even kino you and give you lots of eye contact when they have no interest in your c*ck.

Once you are enlightened and stop thinking "this girl is different", the better you'll become with women. You will be rougher and not put up with a female's flakiness. You will not be wondering why she hasn't called you back. You will know she's riding another dude's c*ck when you're sending silly texts to her. Despite what she tells you... "I was tired. I was studying. I was over my friend's house." blah blah blah. If you can't prove her story, she was seeing another guy. It's the only reason for SUDDEN disinterest.

Stop giving a **** about women, and your inner game will change.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
thecurtainfalls said:
lol at the misogynist faction of this board... you guys must have really gotten burned in the past, or only meet incredibly worthless people
I usually hear lines like this from women.
A man is misogynist after a woman leave him,typical of women who think a man is like that because he is trying to defend his ego or because he is insecure,the insecure one works great in most of the cases when it come to accuse a man.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2010
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
my god what a bunch of bloody whingers!!!

you've probably got hurt/burned coz of your own faults dont paint every one wiht the same brush...be positive and move one and grow/improve...

theres good women AND bad... for Sericous RL's most women we are incompatable with (as in personality, vvalues, background), you have to meet many to find some that clicks with you....

BUT many women can be shagged tho.... so it fun to go thru them to find a good one

edit 1 - some of you guys take it WAY too personally, a bit too sensitive arnt we! learn to be thicker skinned and not to take it all personally.

EDIT 2 - LOL @ the bitter reply to me below, awwwww


Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
Don't go to the dark side, man. Becoming bitter and angry at women will HURT your game. I know when you've been burnt it's easy to become bitter but you have to RESIST becoming a woman hater.

Women are women. They react to how YOU ACT. The behaviors they show are the behaviors YOU BRING OUT IN THEM.
These threads explain that:
The REAL reason why "nice guys" finish last
Women are simple

Men who say "all women are worthless b!tches" are the same as women who say "all men are jerks and a$$holes". They haven't realized that they need to look in the fvcking mirror and see where the real problem is.

If you have had problems with 1 or 2 women then they are the problem. If you have a problem with MOST women then YOU are the problem.

I know women can be annoying and they piss me off too sometimes. But complaining about it ain't gonna change anything. It's like all the guys who complain about feminism messing up society. IT'S HAPPENED. We can't go back to the 1950s so deal with it. It's no good whining about things outside our control.

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
★★★TEAM FAP★★★
kingsam said:
my god what a bunch of bloody whingers!!!

you've probably got hurt/burned coz of your own faults dont paint every one wiht the same brush...be positive and move one and grow/improve...

theres good women AND bad... for Sericous RL's most women we are incompatable with (as in personality, vvalues, background), you have to meet many to find some that clicks with you....

BUT many women can be shagged tho.... so it fun to go thru them to find a good one
Why does he need to have been BURNT for him to realise that Women are worthlesss peices of egg yolk? Having this mindset does NOT make you a bitter woman hater. They just dont interest him other than sexual intercourse. Pimps, playas and I thought most guys here, ALL think like that.

Theres good women, where? and why aren't you in a LTR with one now then? This is a fairytale bubble that needs a long sharp needle to burst it, with people who say that also IN it.

Not sure about you, but I've realised an epidemic of extreme NPD with women of my caliber/ age. It's even happening in the media/ music industry. Rock band members, Rappers and Tv hosts getting shot down or blown out by women at epic proportions and having Twitter wars. It's all around.

So for me, any girl that unfortunately has the trouble of getting caught in my web now, is going to be f.ucked and never to be called again, even if she is one of the GOOD guys. :rolleyes: , why the double standards? when we where good guys, we didn't get second chances. I'm not being called for LTRS or followup talk after I lay girls anymore, why? because girls are USING men too now. Doing what men have been doing for thousands of years, the standards have just gone up.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
The Mad Ghost said:
Why does he need to have been BURNT for him to realise that Women are worthlesss peices of egg yolk? Having this mindset does NOT make you a bitter woman hater. They just dont interest him other than sexual intercourse. Pimps, playas and I thought most guys here, ALL think like that.

Theres good women, where? and why aren't you in a LTR with one now then? This is a fairytale bubble that needs a long sharp needle to burst it, with people who say that also IN it.

Not sure about you, but I've realised an epidemic of extreme NPD with women of my caliber/ age. It's even happening in the media/ music industry. Rock band members, Rappers and Tv hosts getting shot down or blown out by women at epic proportions and having Twitter wars. It's all around.

So for me, any girl that unfortunately has the trouble of getting caught in my web now, is going to be f.ucked and never to be called again, even if she is one of the GOOD guys. :rolleyes: , why the double standards? when we where good guys, we didn't get second chances. I'm not being called for LTRS or followup talk after I lay girls anymore, why? because girls are USING men too now. Doing what men have been doing for thousands of years, the standards have just gone up.
damn the way you're talking it's like there's no chance in hell to find a nice girl to settle down with. which is what i'm very much after. but yeah, i'm 25 and still no nice girl. prolly need to get out more though :p

tell you what though, looking for a nice girl is like being in a huge night club trying to find your friend. there's alot of obstacles (s|uts) in the way. and i mean ALOT.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2010
Reaction score
Danger said:
What is with the mangina's here?

Let me clue you in a bit on the nature of women.

I am sleeping with four of them right now. Two of them are married. One is dating another dude and is making him wait to "make it special". The other is a "normal girl" who happens to have played a lot of men in her late teens/early twenties.

The VAST majority of women you meet out there LOVE c0ck hopping. Learn to make them jump on your c0ck and do not pursue any kind of LTR with them and they will LOVE you for it. They will fight for you to pay attention to them and then ultimately they will call you an @sshole and walk away.

Does this make me a misogynist? No, this makes me aware of how to make gina's tingle and I take advantage of it. If women wanted change, they wouldn't respond to it any longer.

Now go forth and Fvck. And remove that mangina from those white knights among you.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2007
Reaction score
Been there, thought that. You just have to remember that you can't change the way women are but through your actions you can change the way they act towards you. Btw, I'm pretty sure if you go on womens' forums they're saying the same thing about us.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I like women. I'm not saying I would trust one with my life, but I like their feminine energy. It's the perfect complement to the male.

True, a lot of them are worthless, but there are a lot of worthless men too. If all you are meeting are worthless women, you need to get out more, change your dating criteria, or maybe even change yourself. Why are you attracting all these skanks? It's like the woman who just dates jerks. Why does she keep going for the same type, it's her responsibility to some extent.

If you guys hate women so much, why do you keep approaching them? You act like somebody has a gun to your head making you fvck them. Just stay home and jerk it if you don't like women.