Another case of LJBF


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Hi fellow Don Juans-in-training,

I've got a question for you guys. There's this HB8 I know at college who I really like. That is not to say I suffer from one-itis in any sense; I've always been a bit of a ladies' man and regularly flirt/ get with my fair share of girls. Anyway, she's in the year below me (she's 19, I'm 20), and because we share a lot of interests, we see each other regularly. She has a bf of about 14 months back at home, but it is clear that their relationship has fallen into a bit of a rut. They have split up and got back together several times, they hardly ever see each other in term time, and she is constantly out at parties/ social events which are renowned at my college for being good places for singles to hook up.

About a month and a half ago, I began to pick up vibes that she was interested in me. For a period of about two weeks, I played the classic seduction game as well as I have ever played it. I would try various ****y/ funny routines on her for a few days at a time, neg her constantly, then pull away and avoid her for a day or so, then repeat. It worked a treat and was a lot of fun as well; she became increasingly flirty, touchy-feely and receptive to kino. Basically, she was responding in what this site and others call the “high level of interest” category: she actually asked me to come and see her more often on two occasions (needless to say I played hard to get…), described me as ‘unpredictable’ etc.

Things came to a head at a meal with a group of mutual friends about two weeks ago. I deliberately sat a few seats away from her to see what she would do to get my attention; not surprisingly she spent the whole meal sending flirty messages to me via her girlfriends who were seated between us. After the dinner, we all went out to a bar together. By this point, we were both fairly drunk and she came to sit and flirt in my personal space. When it came to the point when people wanted to go clubbing, I made excuses, told my tipsy/confused HB8 she would have to try harder if she wanted me to go out, and headed back to my room, knowing full well that she would follow. After about 30 minutes, she came to my room, we made small talk for about 10 minutes, and then made out for about 45! We did not have sex: I wanted her to feel she had to get rid of her bf before sleeping with me, and she told me explicitly that she didn’t want to have sex (although in hindsight I’m sure we could have if I had wanted to).

It was whilst making out that I now think I made a crucial mistake: she told me she had had a crush on me for 3 weeks and I (foolishly) admitted that the feeling was mutual. The next day, she seemed very distant, and I was surprised to receive a text that evening along the lines of “LJBF, I have a bf who I love, and with whom things are only bad because we go to college on opposite sides of the country, I need to give him a second chance.” Later the same evening, she came over to verbalise what she had said by text. My response was the standard “I’ve got enough friends.” I wanted to make it clear to her that she was not indispensable to me, and make her realise what she was missing out on.

Two or three days passed of me addressing her in purely perfunctory terms (she sent me various emails asking questions about our mutual hobby which she could have easily answered herself with a bit of thought) and teasing other girls in front of her. I then received a fairly emotional email from her telling me that her feelings for me hadn’t changed, asking me to acknowledge the fact she likes me, saying she misses me more than her bf, and pleading for things to be better between us when we next see each other. In response, I told her that she had made her decision and that I hoped she gets what she wants. Her reply was essentially a repeat of her first email; this I ignored. I refuse to let her string me along whilst she works out that her old bf is a loser- she can’t expect to have her cake and eat it. Two weeks after college broke up for Easter, her FB relationship status is that she is still with her old bf. I have only heard from her in the form of another couple of emails asking pointless questions.

I am in a slight quandary here. I know plenty of girls who I have been gaming for a few months who would gladly go out with me, but I still like this HB8, despite my best efforts to forget about her and see other girls. My plan as things stand is to give her and her joke of a bf until the end of the holidays (2 more weeks) to work out where they stand, then (whether they break up or not) continue my policy of acting in a polite/ perfunctory way towards her whilst doing my best to game other girls in front of her. If she comes round/ acts jealous, great, if not, then it’s her loss.

Any thoughts?




Don Juan
Feb 9, 2010
Reaction score
it looks like you played this perfectly apart from when you said u liked her but i don't think thats the reason why she went distant.

She is probably one of these girls who thinks they can change there current b/f and a second chance will make it all better.

Id do what you suggested you need to stick to you ground and let her no its either you or her current b/f and in the mean time just keep it polite and casual like you said.

A friend of mine was in the exact same situation and he just went round in circles as she wanted him to show her affection when her b/f was not around but would always run back to the b/f.

Stick to your plan if nothing has changed by end of easter, next her and move on.

Lord Sidious

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score

Yes, you did a mistake saying that you shared the same feeling. When a girl says "I like/love you", you should do three things:

- answer "I know!" (remember Han Solo in "The Empire Strikes Back");

- show her that you are interested ACTING, not saying the same;

- increase attraction.

Now, regarding your case, seems to me that she somehow has an AW behaviour. She made out with you, but she has the classic woman behaviour, ie, flirt, flirt, flirt craving for attention and then the usual BS stuff. Plus, in terms of loyalty, making out is also cheating, so my opinion is that she doesn´t give a sh!t about her boyfriend. Well, at least the doesn´t respect him. I do not agree one should get involved with commited women (I mean do everything one can do to bang them), but when a gal comes to my place and simply hits and starts doing everything to have sex (and believe me, you could have had with her), I simply forget about that principle and bang her the harder I can.

Want my advice? Bang the other girls you have in mind. This will be the best thing for you, in spite of you thinking the contrary. Never focus on one girl, unless she really deserves it. If you bang others, you´ll clear your mind and think less about her. Stop contacting her. If she wants you, she´ll have to change her behaviour and dump her bf. However, if you don´t care about him, do things well to get laid with her.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Why do u need for her to break up with her b/f first? You could easily bang her

for a few weeks with no strings attached before she'd come to her senses. And

if she cheated on him with you, what makes you think if you did become her

b/f, she wouldnt cheat on you with someone else? Get her drunk, and take care of your biz.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 20, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Cali
Not that I necessarily agree with her actions, but it seems like she's trying to branch swing to you, so I'm sure you could essentially start banging her and force the breakup indirectly if you really like her. The ball's in your court, because of the way you played this you still control the frame.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Wodinart said:
After about 30 minutes, she came to my room, we made small talk for about 10 minutes, and then made out for about 45! We did not have sex: I wanted her to feel she had to get rid of her bf before sleeping with me, and she told me explicitly that she didn’t want to have sex (although in hindsight I’m sure we could have if I had wanted to).
WHY? Why do you want her to feel this?
What do YOU care if she's over her boyfriend or not?

Are you thinking about this girl as relationship material or fvck material?
Make up your mind because you lost a perfectly good chance to get your thang on. If it's relationship material you are looking for... this does not bode well for you.

If it was just a lay you were looking for... what in the BLUE HELL were you doing trying to make her feel like that???

It was whilst making out that I now think I made a crucial mistake: she told me she had had a crush on me for 3 weeks and I (foolishly) admitted that the feeling was mutual.
Correct in your assessment. All that time of neg, C&F, and any other tactic... just washed away in that one second.

The next day, she seemed very distant, and I was surprised to receive a text that evening along the lines of “LJBF, I have a bf who I love, and with whom things are only bad because we go to college on opposite sides of the country, I need to give him a second chance.” Later the same evening, she came over to verbalise what she had said by text. My response was the standard “I’ve got enough friends.” I wanted to make it clear to her that she was not indispensable to me, and make her realise what she was missing out on.
Know why she LJBF-ed you? Because you didn't get into her pants that night at YOUR room. She's verbalizing it by saying "LJBF" but what she is really saying is... "Why didn't you put it inside me? I was so wet too!"

Two or three days passed of me addressing her in purely perfunctory terms (she sent me various emails asking questions about our mutual hobby which she could have easily answered herself with a bit of thought) and teasing other girls in front of her. I then received a fairly emotional email from her telling me that her feelings for me hadn’t changed, asking me to acknowledge the fact she likes me, saying she misses me more than her bf, and pleading for things to be better between us when we next see each other. In response, I told her that she had made her decision and that I hoped she gets what she wants. Her reply was essentially a repeat of her first email; this I ignored. I refuse to let her string me along whilst she works out that her old bf is a loser- she can’t expect to have her cake and eat it. Two weeks after college broke up for Easter, her FB relationship status is that she is still with her old bf. I have only heard from her in the form of another couple of emails asking pointless questions.
And that's where the oneitis hits.
You are checking her FB relationship status.

You definitely are looking at this girl with LTR-eyes instead of Fvck-eyes.

Dangerous waters you are swimming in. That undertow is a mother fvcker.

I am in a slight quandary here. I know plenty of girls who I have been gaming for a few months who would gladly go out with me, but I still like this HB8, despite my best efforts to forget about her and see other girls.
Oneitis. Stop it. Go game the other girls.

My plan as things stand is to give her and her joke of a bf until the end of the holidays (2 more weeks) to work out where they stand, then (whether they break up or not) continue my policy of acting in a polite/ perfunctory way towards her whilst doing my best to game other girls in front of her. If she comes round/ acts jealous, great, if not, then it’s her loss.
Good luck, she's not breaking up with him. She won't because he's the SAFE option for her, her fallback option.

And btw, why are you emailing her back and forth so much?

Let her stew in her own crap. Let her just sit there and WAIT for an answer... except... give her none.

STOP THAT. She knows where you live and probably your phone number.
If SHE wants to contact you, she knows how to find you OTHER than text.

In other words: Stay away from her.
Don't email her/Don't text her.

Spin plates... this one is DANGER.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Great advice guys, love the brutal honesty you get on this forum :)

So as I see it, for future reference, I did several things wrong:

1: I told her how I felt rather than showing it physically.

2: (very much related) I didn't bang her when I had the chance. From what you guys are saying, this pretty much would have "brought her round" and finished off her old bf.

3: I now find myself struggling to forget her- although the comment about my "checking her relationship status" the whole time is a bit unrepresentative of the truth. Do you guys feel I should ignore her completely then? What about when we are doing our shared extra-curricular interest together- should I just try and avoid her?

In response to the comments about my intentions of having a LTR with this HB8, yes, that was originally my intention. I now see know how wrong I was!! I think Thatfeel's comment about her potentially cheating on any guy she is with at any given time is a very valid one. If we do hook up, it will be drunkenly, for sex and nothing else.

Right, I've just texted my mate (who's a bit of a player) and we're off clubbing to game some women :) Any further thoughts, let me know, and I'll read them tomorrow morning.