Issues I'm steal dealing with even after my improvement!


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2010
Reaction score
First, my mentality is that I can get any girl I want if I play my cards right, and if she doesn't want to get with me, then something is wrong with her. This helps me from getting depressed when I'm rejected.

I'm sure there's nothing new under the sun when it comes to the game...

How can I maintain my confident/sexual frame ALL THE TIME? Currently, I have to tell myself that I will be alpha, funny, sexual, etc. If I know that I'm going to a party, I psyche myself up. However, in my day to day activities...I'm a complete AFC in random interactions with women. For example, if a hot chick asks for the time, I would give her the time and that's it. I'm very witty and it annoys the **** out of me that I totally lose it in random situations.

How do the real players treat girls on the first "date"? How can I make a cheap date sound interesting? I'm kinda seeing a girl now (who's beginning to think I'm her boyfriend) but I'm still dating. I'm tired of spending $30+ on a date. That adds up when I have multiple dates in a month. Basically, when I'm meeting up with a girl for the first time, I want to know more about her (basically where she's at in life, and how she views sex) and see how quickly I can escalate to sex.

And lastly, would you say for the average guy (not a 6'2'' muscular dude, or Brad Pitt) must engage a girl in conversation to gauge her interest level and not read a girl from afar? I'm about a 7. I ****ed chicks on the first date (one chicked ****ed me at a nightclub without me even hinting at sex). I know that I'm not ugly, but no chick would call me hot or break their necks when I walk past. But more often than not, chicks generally seem cold to me. Should that bother me?


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
just treat everyday as if its your last that will keep you from holding back with women regreting not speaking to a hot female after giving her the time is an example of holding back that was your opening she felt comfortable enough to ask you for the time feel comfortable enough to ask for her number


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Did you perhaps do like what Mystery tells people to do and create an avatar? Because that's the stupidest thing a person can do. Because by creating an avatar you create an alternate you and put it on like a piece of clothing when you go out gaming.

Instead, you should focus on changing your personality. This process requires a lot more effort and time than just creating an avatar, but it's something that is way more permanent. Sort of getting into a flirty mode all the time. However, don't think that giving the cute girl just the time instead of hitting on her is AFCish, because even a DJ sometimes isn't in the mood to run his game. Maybe he just wants to chill and enjoy some time with his friends.