my name is Robert and i have a foot/shoe fetish. its only about certain women, i HAVE to be attracted to them and it's not one of those crazy i want to steal her shoes or do weird sh!t to her feet type of fetishes. it's more of a dang, her feet are hot! or man, she looks hot in those shoes! that sort of thing. what i want to know is why do women find this weird? they spend countless $$$ on pedicures, nail polish, shoes they think will make them look/feel sexy but if a guy notices or likes that, then he's considered "creepy", or a freak, or a perv, or weird? that's like me working out and a woman going "hey youre pretty buff" and me be like "oh you weird b!tch get away! thats soo creepy! you should be bound and gagged for even noticing such a thing! you monster!" see my point? hope so. another thing that baffles my mind is this. you ever looked at a girls profile on face book or myspace and notice that every 3 out of 5 profiles contain at LEAST one shot of her feet, her and her friends feet, a pic of just her feet in her new shoes, or a pic of her and her friends feet with a comment such as "our hot shoes!" or something to that effect? well then i now ask you what makes it so bad if i ask those same girls to take a pic for me? all of a sudden its weird or creepy, or something like that. i just want someone to explain this to me and make me see what it is with women not liking guys with shoe/foot fetishes.