The Club Scene


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
So most of my grad class is going on a spring break trip in give or take 5-6 weeks.

Everythings set up for us, food, drinks, etc etc

But my main point is : There's gonna be a LOT of girls here and parties every night, so how do I go about acting in places where there's so much potential?

As the title says, it's pretty much the club scene; I just don't know how to present myself or how to act yet, of course I've had my fair share of contact with women, but how do i avoid looking like that creepy guy who just walks all around the dancefloor looking for some chick to grind with?

I know I've posted this on other forums... sorry if its a disturbance


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Don't worry much, you're 17. Girls in your age group don't really care how you dance on the dance floor. Just act like you alway do at the school.. heck, act like that would be the last time you'd see them.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
well its not necessarily dancing I'm worried about, it's how I present myself, right like I said before, I don't wanna look like that desperado pacing back and forth. Should I just stick with a small group of friends and see where we go from there?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Talk to as many as you can. Let them remember you by your charm nature. Make "new" friends while you are at it. If someone have a problem with you having fun, let it be their problem. Not yours.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
Go in for the ones that give u eye contact, or any sign of interest.

When you get your cue, go in hard and strong.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2007
Reaction score
I think you are overanalizing every thing, this is a social enviroment so............go socialice
go have fun, and forget of every thing else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
It's all in the state baby... yeaaah! :up: If you feel good, you'll look good. If you overanalyze you'll look scary and desperate. If possible go work out or something before heading out. The released endorphines will kick in and you'll be relaxed and in the zone.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
go out there it fkin spring break son


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Are you actually going to clubs then? Always go with friends to clubs, although you only need 1 wingman to pull. The lone guy does look creepy, so always make sure you are socialising. Just randomly shaking people's hands and high fiving them is enough to build social proof.

Don Wha

Don Juan
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
San Diego
new (to me) club tip

My first post ever so bare with me:

I just went out last weekend and came up with a new line to hit on groups of ladies. This might not be as relevant to the OP, more for the 21+ clubs. Some of you may know this already, but for those of you who dont, read on.

Background information:
Dress NICE. As if you worked at the club. I had on a nice black dress shirt with a blazer and dark jeans. You KINDA wanna seem like you work at the club, but not too much. Works great if you have no wingman.

Background info on myself:
Fresh out of a LTR (5 years). haven't been in the field/club scene in AGES. not the smoothest talker or the greatest conversationalist. Only been on this site for 2 weeks but have learned a TON. Noob to the forum, about a 5 on the Don Juan meter, with 1 being too afraid to talk to girls, and 10 being George Clooney. about a 6-7 in the looks category. Goal for the night was to just meet to groups of girls. Being in a LTR of 5 years, i lost contact with a lot of girl friends, so it was rebuilding time.

So here it is.
I get into the club pretty early and it starts to fill up. I Look for any groups of girls and just walk up to them. Use the 3 second rule so that you dont have time to think. Just 1.2.3. go. I say " hello ladies, my name is Wha, I'm going to be your host tonight. I'm just here to make sure you girls have a good time." From here, you can throw in some small talk if you want. Ask em how they're doing, what the occasion is for tonight, etc. After I say, "ok, are you guys ready to have fun?" then I tell them to follow me as if I'm going to be walking them over to the VIP section, but instead, I walk them over to the dance floor. Wave them all over and start dancing with all of them. You'll get confused looks from some girls and they'll be thinking "wtf, does this guy work here or are we being played for fools?" When they ask you, just give em a wink or just smile and shrug. After a little dancing, I leave them, telling them I'll be back later.

Then just leave and work on the next group of girls. Sat night, I did this to three groups of girls, it would have been more but I had to leave to meet up some other friends at a bar.

Anyways, this was great and worked like a charm. By the time i had to go, I worked girls from almost every corner of the club. When they see me walking past, they give me a shout out. I got a couple of "Where have you been!", "I'm ready to have fun", "your a bad host"(in a fun flirting tone from the first group that I wasnt back to in a while). Like I said, this worked like a charm. I only tried to number close 2 girls, but only got one. But it wasnt bad for 2 hours of clubbin. Some of you might think,"2 hours and only 1 number?!?!", but I'm a little picky on the girls i try to close on and needless to say, I had a blast all night. Just go out and have fun with it. it's always fun when girls you dont even know are tapping you in the back, making comments and trying to get your attention.

Just keep in mind the 4 C's i made up. always stay calm, cool, collective and most importantly of all CONFIDENT.

I'm not sure if others know this trick, but it was new to me. A light bulb just went off and boy did i have fun with it. It worked great and definitely broke the ice instantly. I felt like a genius. Like I mentioned earlier, I was out of the scene/game for a long time. This was a great way to jump right back into it and use it as a confidence booster. I think if I ended up with Zero numbers I woulda been happy because I had such a blast all night. But that isnt the Don Juan train of mind. Always at least TRY to close. I never made a rejection anymore fun. Feel free to use this, add your twist to it, take it word for word or whatever floats your boat. Just go out and have fun.

p.s. dont burn it out. I'm work the asians in the San Diego area. haha jk, but not really:D

To the OP. I would just work the eye contact. If you catch a girl's eye, just hold it and smile at her until she looks away. That's when I would approach and just say hi. If your bold, say "Hi, how are you,....lets dance". I've stopped asking for dances, I tell them to dance, in a fun inviting tone of course, not a mean, demanding tone. Just last weekend, I went out and was holding eye contact with a girl that would NOT look away. It was pretty weird, but intense. Her friend noticed us and actually grabed her and threw her over towards me. And we started talking and dancing. it was kinda weird but kinda funny. Most importantly for you and your age, just go out and have fun. Stay confident and know that you are the man. If you arent good at dancing, you need to start practicing now. Know the beat and know how to bounce with it by the time you go on your spring break, and just experiment with girls you dance with. Hope this helps.

-Don Wha
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New Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Cen Cal
Last time I went to a club, I didn't even dance. I had just as much fun going up to group of 4+ groups as any guy would dancing. I can't dance anyways. Remember to be louder then the music. And put some cologne behind your ears so when the gals talk to your ear coz of the loud music they will smell your cologne! Have a good time. You will prob be nervous the first 2-3 sets but after that you will be an approach machine! The most important thing is to have fun and relax.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
Damn, behind my ear eh? That's a new one, smart too

And thanks Wha, for a first post thats pretty f****n elaborate, i appreciate it man!


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
A few things and honestly you're set:

1. Dress and groom to impress. Girls make snap judgments, and you want yours to be "This guy is well dressed, attractive, and confident. Therefore, I will dance with him."

2. Confidence. If you assume they will dance with you when you "ask", chances are they will. If for whatever reason they turn you down, ask someone else; there are so many girls there it's ridiculous. Learn the Gunslinger Walk: Absolutely invaluable.

3. Look for girls who are dancing crazily with their female friends. They're doing a mating dance for you. I have never been turned down by one of these. Even better is if their friend is already dancing with a guy because then there's a whole "a guy wants to dance with you, but not me" thing going on between them and she will literally work her ass off to prove herself. Just tap her on the shoulder, gesture to the dance floor, and wait for her to nod her head yes.

4. Your hands are not meant to stay on her hips, and put a little thrust into each "rotation" so you're going in more of a tight oval instead of back and forth. Don't grope her breasts (creeper) but keep your hands busy running up and down her legs and sides. The combination of these two will turn her on.

5. Try leaving a girl at the end of a song when she's definitely into it and you could stay with her, and then going and finding her again later. She will remember being turned on by you and will really work it during round 2.

6. If you think she's turned on enough that she'll make out with you, take her hand in your, raise it all the way up, and spin her around so you're frontally grinding. Look into her eyes, communicate desire, and you're golden.

7. Have fun. Go to have fun. Be selective. Dance with who you want. After a while and you're warmed up, go dance with the hottest few girls in the club, because your confidence is rock solid and you know they're lucky you're interested. Walk around like you own the damn place.

Also, #15, 17, 18, & 21 here


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
The only girl you're going to meet in a club are the type that won't be worth keeping around. Don't sweat it, just have fun with it. If you mess up with one, big deal. The types of girls that go to clubs are a dime a dozen. Anyone who's mature understands this. That said, clubs are a good way to get your feet wet.