What is your opinion on my NC?


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2009
Reaction score
Hello forum. I just wanted to know your opinion on my NC. I have currently gone 5+ months of NC. 6 months of the break, just a 5 texts and 1 phone call right after the break. The phone call was just to call her play on someone I found out about, and her reasons for the break ended up being false and just being scapegoats. Yes, she ended up being a branch swinger.

The NC was from a 5+yr LTR. I just wanted to know in your opinion, how have I done thus far. I have been out with other women and have kept myself busy, busy, busy, busy. I don't have that sinking feeling in my stomach anymore.

I never been involved in an LTR for that long of a time period. I got a few restricted calls for a couple of months where someone just listened, but that was all. I stopped answering after awhile. I didn't call her and I banned myself from checking any of her profiles online. How do you think I've done?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
I'm thinking that YOUR opinion of yourself and how you've handled your NC is what's REALLY important here. I'll bet you've grown from the experience and increased your confidence. If so, that's way more important than opinions from internet posts. Keep pushing yourself! Over and out!


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
V2Logger said:
Hello forum. I just wanted to know your opinion on my NC. I have currently gone 5+ months of NC.

The NC was from a 5+yr LTR. I just wanted to know in your opinion, how have I done thus far. I have been out with other women and have kept myself busy, busy, busy, busy. I don't have that sinking feeling in my stomach anymore.

I got a few restricted calls for a couple of months where someone just listened, but that was all. I stopped answering after awhile. I didn't call her and I banned myself from checking any of her profiles online. How do you think I've done?
From everything you've said here,you seemed to have done pretty good in my opinion,however,there does seem to be sort of a misunderstanding here.

You say that you've gone 5+ months of no contact,which is 5+ months of you not contacting her,and I assume 5+ months of her not contacting you.

So you haven't spoken to her in almost half a year,right?

Well if you haven't tried to contact her,and she hasn't tried to contact you in all that time,then this isn't "no contact".

This is called "moving on".

There's a difference between "No Contact" and "moving on".

"No contact" is suppose to be temporary. It's to either make a girl miss you,starve her of attention if she's being an AW,and/or to give yourself time to better and improve yourself,but eventually it's supposed to end.

You're supposed to re-establish contact with the girl once the no contact has served it's intended purpose.

"Moving on" is just that...moving on. It's permanent. The purpose of moving on is to REMOVE someone from your life for whatever reasons.

Maybe you no longer like them,they cheated on you,disrespect you,you've met someone you think you like better,whatever the deal is,you want the person gone.

If you're dating other people,and she's doing the same,and you two haven't spoken to each other in over 5 months,to me,that's moving on.


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2009
Reaction score
Got it. There is a difference, I see it now. So it looks like I have moved on in the sense of not contacting. Had to realize I made it this far. Guess it could have been worse like making all those phone calls and pleading. I am glad it wasn't like that, it would have been messy. But thanks for the responses fellas. Take care.