sometimes you just have to put things in perspective..........


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
Guys on this site like Warrior74, Igetit!,Bible belt,dbot, e.t.c are quite impressive in terms of the material they post and you can just tell that they have a handle on their lives.

But............... even though I don't help Igetit! lift up his nutsack to scrub hard to reach areas when he takes a shower, or am not there when Warrior74 is pressing a titty or Dbot is charming the pants off some female with a caveman approach, I do know one thing ................everyone of these guys, every single one of these guys has or has had times in their lives when they have wanted to tear out their hair (just an analogy) due to things just not being cool at that present moment. Why do I know this? They are human

The difference in them and the average person is that they know on a deep instinctual level that sh1t will pass and that there are always highs and dips in life and you just have to roll with the punches.

It may take months, weeks or even *gasp* years but you need to realise as a human being that things always get better. When you choose to sulk when things aren't going your way, you slow down the process of healing very rapidly and dig a hole for yourself & deeper and deeper into it you go.

So if you are feeling crappy, acknowledge the feeling, but don't dwell on it and you will eventually have your bubbly self back.

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Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
On a totally unrelated note, I got to bounce in a proper club/bar venue for the first time yesterday, yay! win for me. Lemme tell you the job's got its perks (perky tits that is......).

Girls using the excuse of talking to you about trivial stuff to rub their double D's on your elbow and sh1t. I have a mini field report with the nights events and some advice too in this Thread because I think its appropriate for further explaining the topic in question.

ALL NEWBIES on this site would benefit from reading this old thread link as well as this link thats a 30 pg slide presentation on innergame


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
In terms of the innergame (authentic man program) link I posted , something is mentioned about being present and in order for you to understand it, what it means is you need to stop always drifting through life by remaining in your head overthinking when in social events and you need to behave alert like you are present in the moment , if not girls will not respect you.

Case in point last night at the bar I noticed some of the more disrespectful girls would come near you and start waving their fingers near your face when talking to someone near you. In this case you need to look at them or be assertive by saying something so that they know that you are not just a reactive person who waits for things to happen to them in life but that you are an active one who will not tolerate being stepped on.

In my case I looked the girl in the face when she was waving her hand trying to indirectly take my eye out and then she got uncomfortable and then started diverting my attention from the fact she was being stupid and rude by saying how her friend was annoying her. Bang ! just like that the girl knows you are no sissy and treats you like you matter and are in the room. Cos as we all know girls have a tendency to ignore guys they deem unworthy.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
HeyPachuco! said:
This post made me laugh ..

uplifting win.
glad you liked the Original Post, its just me stating the facts that the best way to feel better about a crappy situation quicker is by choosing to have a free flowing mentality where you see life as having continuous ups and downs which could happen one after another at a very sccessive rate.

e.g some days ago I was feeling crap but now I feel great. This has been happening over and over again for the past 3 months since I got my innergame handled but now i have learnt to control it by realising that it won't stop and that when i feel bad i will feel good soon after so i just need to accept and welcome this fact.

As in bring on the bad times, I know im gonna feel good very soon anyway so whatever mr bad time bringer. Or in the famous words of joker in Batman the dark knight ''HIT ME !''
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