Pimpology 101: The Conversation - Part V


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2001
Reaction score
The Conversation – Part V: The Pre-Calling Procedure

Before making the call, you must follow what is known as a “pre-calling procedure”. It not only will guide you through the timing of each call but will also point out ways to manage and prevent common problems encountered during the first call. Preparing the first call is as important as making the first call.


1) The first calls should always be made between Sunday and Wednesday.
  • There is a very high probability she’ll be home Sunday thru Wednesday and a low probability she’s already made plans.
Day you get #: Day you make call
  • Fri: Mon (or next Sunday)
  • Sat: Tues (or next Sunday)
  • Sun: Wed (or next Sunday)
  • Mon: Sun
  • Tues: Sun
  • Wed: Sun
  • Thur: Sun
  • Sunday is the best day to make your first calls because she will almost always be home. Many girls don’t go out Sunday nights because they need to rest and get ready for the week ahead.

2) The first calls should always be made at night between 9:45pm and 10:30pm.

Calling at night accomplishes 4 things:

i) She’s more likely to be home
ii) She’s less likely to be busy
iii) She’ll be in a more receptive state
iv) You’ll be in her mind before she goes to bed

3) Never call the very next day after getting a number no matter how good looking they are or how well the approach/conversation went.
  • When you call the very next day, she’ll think you’re desperate and have nothing going on in your life. When you refrain from calling the next day you’re telling her you have a life, your busy, and your time is important.

Key Points:
  • When you get a number on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, you can call 2 days later on the specified days above if you haven’t established a string of dates yet. If you already have girls lined up, don’t call until the week you want to get with them.
  • I recommend not waiting more than 3 weeks before calling. Sometimes it can be difficult to fit them all into your schedule but make sure to call within 3 weeks of getting the number. Occasionally you can call the third week and say you’ll call the following week (this should only be used when you’ve been booked for the last four weeks because it goes against additional playa tip #2).

  • Never go more than 2 weeks without getting new numbers. Keep fresh numbers coming in so the supply never goes dry and the process continues smoothly.

Additional Playa Tips:

1) If she told you to call on a specific day, make sure you don’t call on that day.
  • Her: “Call me (tomorrow/day of week) ok?”
  • You: “Ok…I’ll try to”.
  • Don’t just say: “Ok”…because if you don’t call that day she’ll get the impression that you are deceitful and it will be harder to build trust.
  • Saying you’ll “try to call” will put you in control of the situation and there won’t be any hard feelings when you don’t call her on that day. Call her the day after she told you to, only if it lands on one of your calling days.
2) After getting a number, never say… “I’ll give you a call”
  • They have to wonder if you will call them or not. If you told her you were going to call her, it takes the challenge and mystery right out of you. You have to keep them guessing and thinking about your first call.
3) Block your number from appearing on outgoing calls.
  • All you have to do is call your phone company and tell them to block your number from appearing on outgoing calls. Most girls have caller ID so they know who calls, when they call, and how many times they call. When you get your number blocked, she won’t be able to figure out who’s calling.
  • Note: This doesn’t mean you can call more than once a day or call her everyday until you reach her, blocking your number will just add an element of mystery to the call.


1) The answer machine picks up:
  • Don’t leave a message. The first time on the phone must be live.
  • Never call back on the same night or the next night; always assume all girls have caller ID.
  • Call back on one of the calling nights.
  • Follow this procedure until you reach her.

2) A roommate picks up and says she’s not home:
  • Roommate: “Hello”.
  • You: “Hi, I’m calling for <her name>?”
At this point she might ask who you are…just answer with 3 words, “This is <your name>”.
  • Roommate: “She’s not here right now” …. (at this point she might ask who you are if she hasn’t yet and/or she might say)… “Can I take a message?”
  • You: “Well who’s this?”
She will either tell you her name and/or tell you she’s her roommate.
  • If she didn’t mention her name say: “What’s your name?”
  • If she didn’t mention she was her roommate say: “Are you her roommate?”
If she hasn’t asked who you are yet then say: “This is <your name>…<name of girl you called for> (didn’t mention/mentioned) she had a roommate…how long have you been living together?”
  • Roommate: <she answers>
  • You: “Oh yeah?…ok well let me leave my number with you.”
  • Roommate: “Ok”.
  • After your done giving her your number say: “It was nice talking to you <roommate’s name>…(pause to give her a chance to reciprocate the statement)…bye”.
Creating a little rapport with the roommate will get you “panty points” with both the roommate and the girl you tried calling. There’s a good chance her roommate will put in some good words for you like… “He seems like a really nice guy” or “You should give this guy a call, he seems really cool”…etc.

Note: Don’t talk to the roommate too long; just enough to give her a good impression of you. Going through the above dialogue is enough.

[This message has been edited by Pimpologist (edited 08-22-2001).]


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2001
Reaction score
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
I like your tip. However, I do have one question/issue. I am not trying to be pedantic, I do think it is important.

Do you really think that you should wait until 9:45pm to 10:30pm to call?

A couple of examples:
During the week, I don't go to bed until 11:30pm or so, I don't mind if people call up to (and even after) then, but I would expect it good manners to not call after 10:00 (one of my roomates is in bed by 9:00!).
A couple of weeks ago, I tried to call a girl at about 9:30pm, she was already in bed and I don't think she had to get up at the crack of dawn or anything.
Other people I have spoken to often say that they think 10:00pm is about as late as they go, unless it is a good friend that they are calling.

Personally, I would be more inclined to call between 8:00 to 9:00pm.

What has your experience generally been?


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2001
Reaction score
ADJ… sites back up, time to get back to business. Here are the answers:

During the week, I don't go to bed until 11:30pm or so
All people go to sleep at different times. The social norm is between 10p and 12a. Most people need 7-9 hours of sleep per night and start work in the morning from 8a to 10a.

I would expect it good manners to not call after 10:00…Other people I have spoken to often say that they think 10:00pm is about as late as they go
Most of the time, your calls won’t go past 10p anyway. The first calls should be under a few minutes, if that. You can fit 2-3 calls within the 15-minute time frame of 9:45p to 10p. I rarely go past 10:15p, 10:30p is just the cut-off point; that’s when the last call should end, not begin.

(one of my roomates is in bed by 9:00!).
I assume it’s a guy that doesn’t enjoy the nightlife. If she’s a girl, looks good, and got approached by me…you can bet she’ll be awakened by a call between 9:45p and 10:30p. If you happen to wake her up around this time, it’s not bad at all; she’ll have a higher tendency to go to sleep with only you on her mind.

A couple of weeks ago, I tried to call a girl at about 9:30pm, she was already in bed
As I said in the above, don’t worry about waking the girl up. If she said she was sleeping or her voice sounds a little groggy, don’t hang up or say, “did I wake you up?” Continue with what you called to speak about, a few minutes won’t hurt her.

If you’ve followed the “pre-calling procedure correctly”, they usually won’t tell you to call back tomorrow b/c they’ve been waiting in agonizing anticipation for you to even give them a call. If she does ask you to call her tomorrow, you know what to do…follow additional playa tip #1. “Ok...I’ll try to”. The next time you call, make sure it’s 30-60 minutes earlier.

What has your experience generally been?

“The initial call is like the initial approach, you must create a good impression”
-Masta Pimp

“Occasionally you can call the third week and say you’ll call the following week”
Here’s something else you can do. Call her even if your calendar’s full and set up a date anyway. Say you call on Sunday and set up a date for Wednesday with one girl. Then you call another girl and set up a date with her on Wednesday too. Why should you do this, so you can cancel one of the dates. It also serves as a back up plan if one of the girls decides to call and cancel.

Wait until the night before the date to call and cancel. In my example, I would call Tuesday night to say something like, “Something important just came up and I can’t make it tomorrow…but I should be available next week, lets get together then ok?”

If she asks what came up just say, “It’s something personal…next week would be a lot better for me ok?”

If you get her answer machine just say, “Hey <her name>, this is <your name>…something important just came up and I can’t make it tomorrow. But I should be available next week, let’s get together then ok…bye”.

Setting up multiple dates at the same time just so you can cancel some is a very good way to build her interest for you. They had their minds set on going out with you and she might have even cancelled other plans she had just for you. Use this tactic to keep them interested and stay in touch with them without having to wait 3 or 4 weeks before calling.

One more thing I forgot to add was that you shouldn’t cancel two dates in a row with the same girl, it has a tendency to back fire and she won’t accept your date the third time around.

“The game won’t adapt to you, you must adapt to the game”
-Masta Pimp

[This message has been edited by Pimpologist (edited 08-24-2001).]

Fats Caesar

Don Juan
Jul 14, 2001
Reaction score
You say to block your number, so they don't see it's you; and also assume they all have caller ID... But if this chick is anything like me, when the display reads 'unavailable' or 'private', I don't even bother and just say f*uck it.

Once again I place the blame on Don Lucchesi.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2001
Reaction score
I hope you all saved those tactics. There are some things that girls who read my posts shouldn’t know. I leave pieces of the puzzle out on purpose; I can’t reveal all my gaming tactics…they would catch on and adapt. I just give a rough outline that you all must fill in yourself after you’ve understood my playa concepts.

The girls that take the time to read this site are probably unattractive anyway so I’m not too worried about running into them. But just to be on the safe side, I can’t keep some of the things I say up too long…you never know who might be reading.

“Always keep the game on lock”
-Rollin Pimp

[This message has been edited by Pimpologist (edited 08-26-2001).]


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2000
Reaction score
D*mn nice tips Pimp...added much more to my knowledge of pimping. I'ma save all these Pimpology posts into a file.


Senior Don Juan
May 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA, USA
your phone tips are solid. something ive been lacking. im good at approaching, and closing with a number, but my phone play has been off recently. so this is great info for me.

one love,

[This message has been edited by david_med@hotmail.com (edited 08-21-2002).]


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2002
Reaction score
I got a number last thurs but didn't call on sunday - seemed too soon. I'm now thinking of calling this thurs and setting a date for sun/mon. What do you guys think?

Damn Thursdays!
Oct 6, 2002
Reaction score
this is actually a decent post.

however, i am against the blocking out going number trick. It's true, many people dont answer the phone when it says "unknown name, unknown number"

this includes women. this trick does more harm than good. dont bother(this is advice, heed it)

and instead of saying "il try to call you then" say "ill see what i can do" you want to be as challenging as you can be. When you say "ill TRY to" you imply that your going to put effort into it. You want to suggest youll put no effort into it, becuase your not gonna be her doormat.

say "ill see what i can do" this gives you the carefree attitude, as if you dont even care to put effort into it. exactly the message you want to send.

there are many things i could say to make this even better, but ill get into that later. This strategy still has some risks in it that need to be eliminated.

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK
boot camp bump


May 6, 2003
Reaction score
I decided to re-read some of the threads on the bible tonight before heading back to the campus tomorrow. I really thought Pimpologist's threads were awesome and it's really a damn shame he hasn't been around here in months.

The Pimpology series of threads was definitely one of my favorite ones on the bible. It's not because he gave the impression that there was a full proof way of dealing with every encounter, but because he visually illustrated/mapped out the ease of communication for those of us needed detailed assistance in that area.

But enough babble from my ass. I'm not sure why I didn't notice this the first time I went through the bible, but there's no link on the bible to Part IV of this Conversation portion of his threads, and it doesn't come up in search results either.

Parts I, II, and III seemed to be basic ice breaking material (fluff) that only the socially inept would need to study, as they offered nothing on directly showing an HB that you're interested....and then this thread, Part V, abruptly jumps to pre-phone conversation instructions. I'm assuming that Part IV would have been the most interesting thread of the 5 (and I'm assuming it dealt with increasing her IL), but it's obviously not here. Maybe this thread of his entitled "How to get the # and split," is a variation of what was discussed at the very end of Part IV for a #close. I know there are tons of threads on here dealing with developing IL from the get-go, but I really was curious to see what kind of a "map" he had came up with. LOL :D

I was wondering if anyone knows what ever happened to the Part IV thread? Deleted by a mod accidently? Or did Pimpologist just skip over it?


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2001
Reaction score
I’m still around. I don’t post as much but I check in every so often. I’ll try to free up more time in the near future and get back into the swing of things by typing up additional helpful tips.



Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
Originally posted by Pimpologist
I’m still around. I don’t post as much but I check in every so often. I’ll try to free up more time in the near future and get back into the swing of things by typing up additional helpful tips.

glad to see that your back

your posts helped me a lot back in my early day


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
Is there a Pimpology 101: The Conversation - Part IV?


Peace and Quiet

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