A cool dudes journey through life.This is my field report.....

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Hey whats goin on everyone.I Just joined this site not to long ago and well one post I set up someone mentioned starting a field report. I started thinkin about that and I think it might be a good idea.I use to write in a journal but I started to feel like it made me worse so I stopped, but with this; people are goin to be reading it,maybe that will make a difference.

Anyways let me give y'all a lil background info bout me. I just moved to fla ,well I moved here in september so its been a lil while but anyways up until about a month ago I have not really gone out to be social. I came from livin in a **** whole and goin through hell for about 3 years so it kinda focked up my head. I became to stuck inside myself because the kids I knew back in my old hood were sort of like that too,it was a bad neighborhood so everyone was all wierd and I guess it rubed off on me.
I thought that when I got out of there I would be fine but I was wrong. I came to realize just how my old hood really damaged my life. I was so confused about myself and I didnt know what to do. I found this site called shroomery and I posted alot of stuff there just to get these things off my chest. I read them back recently and I was really surprised how sad and depressed I was.I just thought I would be back to normal when I came down here,it was a real shock.

So yea, I think that most def effected my social life. I would go to the beach about 2 times a day to meditate and workout and I would walk around but I just never made any friends. I did meet some people from time to time and I would get there #s but for some reason I only meet up once and that was it.
I think they thought I was weird,like they sense my damaged energy.
I had really bad anxiety when I moved here,and when I went to college I was freakin out so bad,but I think I am good at hiding it.My hands would get so damn sweaty though it was crazy.

In college I didnt meet any one but now I am goin up to people more and I am goin to start stayin after school to hit on these beautiful women.
It took me so long to take action, and that pisses me off.These 7 months feel like 3,it scares me a lil to tell you the truth.7 whole months of my life have gone by with me not knowin anyone and not bein happy and fighting one of the hardest battles I ever had to face,and damn what a battle.
I walked the streets alot now just goin up to people and whenever I get in my head I force my self to go up to poeple but it never goes well.I dont care though as long as I keep fighting that feeling.

I got a job at a restaurant and that really helps me I feel so good when I get off work,and meeting people is so much easier cause I am just so happy and confident.Its like I finally realize that stressin about people is a waist of time and that I became chained to fitting in with society instead of just being me and I guess you can say be a foreigner to society.It is so easy to be grabbed by our culture and fitting in and having a social network. When I was a kid I felt free,happier than I ever been grown up and people would come to me it seemed like.I had no judgments, no assumptions,I was open to the world and its experiences. Then I moved to that hell of a neighborhood. I tell you what though I am alot tougher now because of it.Yet I have the sensitivity of a flower swaying in a gentle breeze,haha.

I am rambling but anyways I cant promise that it will be a great report of my travels.It will only be what I can put into it if that makes any sense.It will also help with my story telling ability.So yea I want to write more but I think this is enough for now.I am just thinkin what this will be like when I read it my journey back to myself some time from now.


Don Juan
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
Good luck dude :)

I'll be reading this.

I suffer from anxiety too. I'm slowly learning to control it though, spent the last year working in myself, I can feel I'm getting a bit better.

I'm stuck at the same point you are now, trying to re-build a social network!

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Yea dude I never thought I would be the type of person to have anxiety.I use to be such an outgoing kid.The hood I use to live at really ****ed up my head and my home life didnt help either,those 3 years were a lose lose situation you know.well dude good luck with your progress I wish the best.I really feel for people that are not the so called norm of society,it really sucks how society can really put so much stress on someone.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
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hey wats up cool dude. <--- that was a nickname some dude gave me once, haha. Anyways, I also work at a restaurant. Sometimes I bus tables, sometimes I help serve and sometimes I bar port. I agree 100% with it helping your confidence. Initially I would just put my head down and do my job but now I strike up conversations and just have fun at my job.

I'm interested to see how your beach social life goes especially coz I hit the beach up but don't have any success to report on as of yet. Good Luck and update frequently

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Hey whats goin on,sadly I have not made any real progress.I have been stayin after school but I just do my work and when I am done noone is really there.I go to a community college so people kinda tend not to stick around.Anyways my job has cut me off from hours majorly.I have only worked once in the past 2 weeks.I am on a job search now.I went to one place and the girl there was kinda shy,she didn't really look me in the eyes to much.when I left I reaized that I could have pursued her so I went back and hse was gone.I waited there for a few minutes but she never showed up.

All these places I went to I found some pretty girls but I was hesitant to flirt because I thought it would look bad,I asked my sis and she said no why would it.Thats when it hit me,yea why would it.
I have been noticing in me that since I havent been working my anxiety thoughts are starting to come back.They are not that bad but enough to hinder my progress.
I feel like I am not putting enough commitment in myself to meet girls and people overall, just to build a social network.I also find myself really picky for some reason.
I def have to change fast before I reverse my progress.So tomorrow I am staying out all day and socializing.I am going to experiment with a few dialogs and with the way I act.That will def help me out is if I experiment more often....Till next time.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
So I went out yesterday and everything seemed to be goin right in my head.I walked around looking for people to talk to, but I could'nt find anyone but older people. So I hit the beach and the waves were very good.I figured I will go home get my skimboard and have some fun since my foot seems to be doin fine(I hurt it real bad 3 weeks before) ...wrong idea!
So I am at the beach waiting there for a few minutes for a nice wave to pop up..then I see one so I go for it.I start running,throw my board down and jump on it; I come up to the wave cruisin at full speed and then I hit it, and I get shot up into the air.Coming back down I put my foot that I hurt out in front of me, and as soon as I land I felt this pop.A shooting pain shot through my foot,I was flippin out,thinkin I can't believe I done this to myself! While I am layin down on the shore screamin in pain I see people just walking by not even thinkin about helping me.There was even a woman standing there a few feet away just staring at me...what a bich!Also there was a life guard sitting at his tower just staring at me also!I could not believe it!!!I really thought I broke my toe it hurt so bad and these people just act like I nothing is goin on...crazy man I swear!

I then started to think I am glad no hot girls are here to see me biching,but then 2 sexy girls walk by me and all I can do is just stare at them with what I am sure is a really pist off face. The hotter of the 2 looks at me then like 1second later looks at the ground.Then a group of more hot girls walk by me but this time I say something...what's goin on ladies.haha smooth huh!

Well it really killed my day!So I jut stayed home and put my energy into my wittle toe. I didn't realize how just one toe can ruin my whole move

I am starting to notice a few problems with me socializing. First of all I am too picky when it comes to woman. I only talk to the really good looking woman and they have to be in my direction.I don't go out of my way to talk to them. I also feel I forgot how to flirt. When I talk to girls I just try to keep the conversation going, like I am just there to talk and that's all. I show no signs of interest. I also notice it is really hard to change my way of thinking and making more of a commitment to talk to people,like not being so picky and maybe go across the street when I see a pretty girl.

Everything is kinda of just not goin for me recently.I have not worked in 2 weeks I have no money,no car,and also no friends,which means no social life.
I saw a picture of myself when I was way younger and it made me think of how happy I was. I always use to live in the moment,not worry about people and jut live my life.Maybe that's why it was so easy to meet people! Is this really what happens when to a person when they reach the age of 18!? I am 20 now and I never could have imagined myself growin into this kind of person. Damn.. just thinking how much the mind has control over my body,I have to change that. It's like a force pulling me away from the things that I want to do.
Let me end this on a positive note...hmm I walked up to some girls today at the beach and had a pointless convo about their family reunion.WhenI first went up to them I asked what this party is all about.They just stared at me for a few seconds,I guess thinking why is this sexy hunk of a man talking to us. Also ha,I talked to these group of guys and one of them was staring at my crotch..I was thinking maybe my zipper is down.I don't know the guy must have thought I was sexy!!

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
girls girls girls girls, girls I do adore! There are a flood of woman in daytona walking the streets! So last night I decide to go out and get some clams....if you know what I mean.
I am looking all types of sexy and feeling a lil nervous but I just tried to remember there is nothing to be nervous about and I am never gonna see any of these poeple again.
Well I am walking along and I see this girl outside of a store smoking a cig,I would say she is a 5.8.Dialoge:
Me.Hey do you live here?
Her.Yea why?
Me.Do yo know why there are so many people around?
Her.No I don't.
know what fuk it the dialogue wasn't that great to remember it. I did have a good flowin convo with some gaps in between but it felt nice.The problem is that I have a problem # closin.We were talking and she had to go back to work and when she was leaving she looked at me like she was gonna give me her #,but I never asked.

Any ways, I call my buddy up to see what he is doing.And he says he is bout to get out of work and chill with some girls.I am thinking alright I am most def gettin laid tonight...WRONG!! I pick him up and we go to his house so he can get changed. He comes back looking good near my level. We then go to 7/11 to pick up some beer and meet the girls.Now when I see these girls I knowing I am not getting laid.Because these girls are so ugly and later found out ghetto white trash.

We sneak into this bar on the beach and things are kinda awkward. Me and one of the girls are just standing there just looking around,I'm sure you guys know what I am talking. I say lil small talk that lasts only a few seconds then picks up again like a min. later. I feel stupid and I tell her this is lame I am not having fun. Later on in the night they start playin some music I can dance to so I say what the hell and start dancing with the girls. My buddy on one end and myself at the other sandwiching the girls. It was alright but these girls could not dance. The uglier of the 2 I danced with kept falling and could not moe her ass well. So I looked around looking for other woman and I see two girls dancing with each other,so I just roll up on that and we all start grinding. I would go up on them then pull away then go back again tryin to leave them wanting more.Well one of the girls goes away and it's just me and this sexy ass chick,she is so drunk and is lovin me so I am like giggity giggity giggity.Dialoge:
Me:where are you from
Me:Your a good dancer
Her:thanks you are too
Her:I am so drunk right now
Me:how old are you:
Me:no your not
Her:haha yea I am only 20
Me:cool me too
Then we go back to dancing for a lil and split up.
I go back to the ugly girls and talk to them for a lil.Then the drunk one comes back an tells me she lost her she.Now at this moment I felt like I did not know what to do.Like I had a feeling this is where it goes bad for me. We look for her shoe and can't find it.I try to dance with her again but she pushes me away tryin to tease me.I was pulling off manly kino so I grabbed her towards me and we dance again for only like a few minutes then she says she has to find her shoe.Well I tell her I cannot find it and she says your missing out because I am a really fun girl,and she leaves.I think whatever I will see her again,but I never do.and later that night I found her shoe,thinking yea I am gonna fuk this girl now once she sees I have her shoe.I go all over the place but could never find her, so I just throw down the she and go to meet some knew people.

I also met a girl that produces music she managed the band that was there that night.She takes my number and we talk for a lil then I leave and get a lil drunk and drive home.
I would go into more detail but I am tired of typing.


cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Well I have finally got back to work and my first day back I started flirting with one of the girls working with me and I think I did really good.I am pretty sure she is feelin me.I hope so because no lie she is a perfect ten with a tongue ring! At the end of my shift I was going to ask her for a # and a date but I missed her,so that sucked. I went out a few nights ago by myself to hit on all these college girls but I had no luck. Most of them have men by their side. When I got to this packed ass bar I was feeling a lil awckward but not too bad, I was walking around looking for lonely girls.I did not find any so I just talk to some dudes.while talking a beautiful girl comes up and they intro me and her(forgot her name) and we make very very small talk. While I was talking to her I could tell that the convo was boring her and She felt like I was just another average dude. So I ask her to dance and she says she is very bad at dancing.No worries I am not that great either,I say. Well we ended up not dancing and we just turned away from each other with me feeling lil annoyed that I am blowing it. So I go back to walking around and meet some other dudes and they give me a brew and we just chill and scope the bar for a lil then they leave to go to a club. I then run into that one girl again and she was dancing by herself,she was right she could not dance. I say to her that we should dance and she again turns me down,so then I tell her she should be nice and get me a beer(of course she does not).
So really the rest of the night was kinda lame but I felt good that I went and socialized anyways by myself, because going out by ones self is alot harder then going with a friend.I think everyone she learn how to meet people by them selves.So driving home I felt very satisfied and could not help but drive home with a smile on my face.

Skipping to today I got another job at dunken donuts working at 4 am.it sucks and I have to do it again tonight or this morning,whatever.Anyways I come home dead take off my clothes ad don't even bother putting on any I just passed out naked(giggity).I wake up like an hour later and force myself to work out.I do my routine then I find out that I owe my school like 2Gs.
I also owe the gov. like 6Gs from ssi!! Anyways I go to my school to figure this **** out and I enter the financial aid office and end up sitting next to this very sexy girl but she had a boyfriend. Well her boyfriend gets called and we start talking right away. While talking I don't really look at her at first to make it seem like she is just whatever to me.Then a like a min. later I stare at her eyes.I am all chilled out cause I am still tired,and well I think my attitude went over to hers cause I can see that she was replicating my chillnesss I guess you could say,so I was doin something right. I didn't really feel confident I just didn't feel nervous and I was not worried bout the outcome.I was just feeling good and enjoying this beautiful girl. We talk about financial aid and my job and hers,nothing really important. The convo was going really well and while talking to her I invaded her space a lil to just to see what would happen.I think it helped make the convo flow better.
Well her boyfriend comes back and she says good luck with everything and not even looking at her I say thanks.I wanted to make her think that she was still whatever to me.I wanted to ask for her # but I was not to sure about it since she had a boyfriend.Oh and when I told her my age I think that might have hurt me a lil.because she said she started going to school in 99.I was like damn this girl looks blazin I never would have known.

I am going to end this now.but sorry about the ****ty recollection of what I am doing.I read others reports and they are really good.I guess I am just being lazy.Next time I will go into more depth. And what do y'all think about this? Should I be doing something different with my game and how I convo with women?

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Ok,well it has been a crazy weekend that took me a while to recover, but I am back and ready to attack!! I know everyone is dyin to hear the story of what happened to me this last weekend so well here it is.

Saturday evening it was a beautiful and hot day,so I head out to the beach with my skimboard ignoring the possibilty of hurting my foot again. While doin my thing I meet some kids trying to do flips into the water.I watch them for a lil and then decide to go over there and show them how it's done. I tell them that they are doing it wrong that they should do it this way instead of that,well there mom then said why don't you do a flip.Not wanting to seem like I can't do it I say ok, and while I get in my stance to do it I was thinking sht I am going to fuk up my foot doing this.I then bust out a backflip and I didn't hurt myself.

I looked at her and she just had a smirk on her face because I showed her up.I then did a running summersault backflip. I go back to the kids and let them use my skimboard for a lil and I talk to one of them and we somehow get into the discussion of getting girls and he kept saying that he is really good at it.How he always gets girls and he told me a few stories of him getting laid. I listened for a bit then told him I am going down to the other side of the beach to meet girls,so I tell him I'll talk to him later.

I'd say 30 mins. later I am walking on the shore with skimboard in hand and I see this sexy ass girl walking towards me.She is getting closer and closer so I just stare at her to see if she gives any feedback...well she does.She smiles to me and I say whats up and she stops and we get into convo right away about where she is from and whats she is doing here.Dialogue:
Me: Are you from dayton?(college that was in daytona partying)
Me:Oh ok I thought you were of these kids from college .do you live here?
Her:No I am from goergia, just here to party
Me:Thats cool how long you here for
Her:just till tomorrow then I am going back
(4second silence with me looking around)
Her:so where are you from
Me:I am from here just moved from ct
Her: ok my moms from ct
Me:thats cool
(few convo mins later)
Her:So yea I am here to party and just have fun because I am going to be busy again when I get back home
Her:So you wanna go up to my place
Me:Yea sure
Well We start to walk and I fukin get a hard on walking with her because I she was so damn hot and I knew I was gonna bang this girl.
So I put my skimboard between her and me so she wouldnt know but I think the people on my side saw my d*** leaning out.haha
On the way to her place she ask me how old I am I say I am 20 ,thats when she said oh my god your a kid.I asked how old she was and she said she is 30.I said damn you dont look 30 I thought you were at least 24.
She had a hard time finding her place but we finally got there and she intros her mother and I say hi and all that jazz.

Later on we talk and she says that I am a baby, and I said well I am a good looking baby and she says that I am conceded,I say no I am just confident,I have people tell me all the time I look good.
I then thought that she is tryna act all grown up and sht,well I am gonna have to put her in her place.
Well damn I try to remember the rest of the convo but can't.I did put her in her place though and I felt like such a man doing it too.her mom started even laughing!

Well we decide to meet again at 9 to go to a club and we then split a apart I don't even get up to give her a hug.I said Ima chill and get a tan.
I get all sexied up and meet her at her place. We go to the club and it is empty, I get her to pay for me to get in the club and she pays for my drinks.It was awsome even though I did spend like 16 bucks that night anyway.
Well we sit down and the convo is going nowhere,so I ask if she wants to play pool she says yes and we head to the pool table,she also pays for that.

Later on still playing she meets these 2 girls and one dude. She talks to them while I am hitting pool and I tell its her shot,she leans against the pool table with her lil skirt and pushes her ass out and starts to giggle. She takes her shot and then its my turn I take mine and head back to her she then grabs my chin and brings me closer to her face, I then lean back thinking there is something on my ear she is gonna grab,it wasnt so I go back and make out with her.She is the type of kisser that likes to lock lips then use tongue.I didn't like it that much. Well later on people finally show up and I am feeling a buzz so we head to the dance floor.She was a stripper so I lean against the railing with my beer in hand and let her use my as a pole.It was nice!!

One of the girls we met playing pool I get her to dance and well ima just tell yall instead of going thru the crap.The stripper girl and her just start making out in fornt of me while we are all dancing,so hug them both get in the middle and make out with both of them.I figure if the other girl doesnt want me to kiss her she will pull away and thats that no harm done but she didnt so it was also nice.

Later dancing I tell the striper that I am horny and she grabs dik and gets me a hard on and she says yea you are,She said Im tryin to get another girl for tonight so we can have a 3some. I make out with her some more and I tell her straight up that I dont like the way she kisses and I want more tongue.We kiss again and I get what I want.

Now with her I figure she would think I am going to worship her and give her what she wants all the time.Well I did not,I acted like she was no big deal and I can get any other girl I want..in fact I could,I mean I can.
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cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
All these dudes were talking to her and tryna et with her,and everytime she would come back to me and once she grabed me while one dude tried makcin it with her and she just made out with me in front of him..then he left,haha.
I saw some beautiful girls that work at the club giving out shots so I go up to one of them and ask her to give me a shot and then I asl her if I can get a boob shot.She says yes but says she wants a good tip,I give her 4$ for a 2 shots for 5.

Later on I meet another girl and she gives me 2 free breast shots and we talk for a lil and I practice my flirting well then a guy she knew interupted that so I just bounced looking for some other girls.
I do not know where the stripper is but I did not care cause I knew I had her,so I wasn't worried.
I meet a group of black girls not to pretty kinda of chunky a few of them nut its whatever,I open up all excited and act like they were already my friends,while we are talking another girls joins us and they tell me they graduated from college today and I yell everyone these are my friends and they just graduated!! They all gave me hugs and I get them all to go dance with me.Oh before that when I was trying to meet knew girls at the club I got rejected like 5 times but after that I was good every time I opened with a new girl.

So I get done dancing with them then I go look for other girls.I cant really remember who I met next cause there were a few,but Ima tell you the last set I met,Oh yea I met wit the girl that I made out with,not the stripper but the other one and for some reason she was acting like a b**** and she started hitting on some dude right in front of me.She was acting like I was bothering her and she paid really no attention to me.SO I was like f*** that b**** whatever.

Ok, So I meet these other group of girls and 3 of them are pretty sexy but the 4th is not at all. It wasnt going well at first because they acted like I was annoying them.So I just stood around dancing by myself just having fun.Then they opened up and I ended up just grabbing one girl an dancing with her and thats when I dance with the rest.I was being all sexual with the hottest one.I would caress her softly and put my head on her shoulder and hug her,it was mad smooth.

Then some dude kept pushing me and I got tired of it so I sadi whats up then few secinds later his big friends yell at me so I yell back.He puts down his glass an throws a fist and I dogde that and punch back then we just start brawlin out in the middle of the dance floor.
I get him to stagger,and another gt I just met earlier breaks it up at that poinet soI step back and the dude that kept pushing me haymakers me from behind.I hear the whole club go oooooo!
I ate his punch still standing and I yell at everyone who else wants some!!

Well one more guy did so he comes up yelling and sht in my face and someone grabed my arm at that same time and so I tried to grab the guys throat with one hand,then I got bent over so I laid down some kidney shots.
My other arm got pulled behind me and then the guy tried to knee me in the face while I am tryna kick him in the nuts.
I scream to who ever is behind me(thinking its security but who knows) get this guy off me.

I get picked up and thrown outside and I see the guy who pushed me and he was *****in about his hand,haha loser!

My face did not really get bruised that bad or swell up.I just have a lil bruise and some scratches on my face.

A few days later I go to a party that my sister knows.Well the gay guys there all thought I was so hot,I heard them say that,and they were tryin to get me drunk.I got drunk and they kept hitting on me and I was like I am not gay guys,but they were just playin.

I come home and find out I got robbed,someone broke the window and stole some jewlery from my sis.My pets were there som I am gratefull tehy are not hurt.
So yea that is it,I cant believe I typed this whole thing but that just shows myself how commited I am to me getting better.

So yea guys comment on what you think so far..I would love to read it!!

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
oldschooler said:
Yeah, I turned alpha in two weeks.
It sounds stupid but I can't really release how, my competition would be 1000 fold ;).

It basically involves a lot of crazy, crazy fearless stuff which changes you.
What do you mean turned alpha.

Anyways I just got fired today from my work and I sense myself getting wosre mentally.
I think people at my restaurant job do not like me that much,I just get a feeling when I am there.It seems to me that they are acting different towards me,maybe because I missed a few days and they think I am slacking.

Life is getting really hard and it is taking its toll on me-I do not want to go back to the way I was.
I am fighting it but the only way I realize is if I go out and confront people again.
It's just this whole learning how to plan is just a pain in my ass and I do not yet know how to do it.
I wait until the last minute to do things and I am paying for it.I also am disorganized and do not yet know how to plan for things-thats why I got fired.

It was for a d&d job not for the restaurant job so I am grateful a lil.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
So I joined the bootcamp for the summer and I hope the dude reads this.I am at school walking towards my class.I look at everyone that I walk by and some just stare at me and some guys nod their head and some girls smile back.
I get into my class a little late and just get right to work.I look behind me cause I hear this girl talking and I see that she is kinda cute so I stare at her a lil till she looks at me then I smile(she was a few seats away from me).I end up turning around first not out of discomfort but just because I felt like it.

Later on at the end of class I end up talking to her.I am in highschool and doing college too,she says.oh I did not know you could do that.Yeah you can I am a senior.
At that moment she looked uncomfortable talking to me,so I get my things and head out of class.

My teacher wanted me to take some notes in one of her other classes so I went there.As soon as I enter I see this beautiful girl sitting a few seats away from me.Thats when I got nervous,I stated to fiddle around with my book trying to think of an opener. So I look at her again and I see a tattoo of a dream catcher.I like your tattoo what is it? oh it is a dream catcher she says. Are you indian? yea I am charakee,Thats when I thought of course they all are. I wanted to comment on that but I decided not to.My mother was really into that stuff.She was irish though.She laughs and says yea I am also italian and my family has alot of wierd things in our house.haha wow what a combo.haha yea I know she says.no but I like that its pretty cool.It was really hard talking but I managed for a litle till I got nervous and just looked away and thats was it. Tomorrow I will talk to her again fo sho. I also talked with another girl but I only asked for the time.
oh yea I think I might get fired from my restaurant job tomorrow.I missed and important meeting and my manager wants to talk to me.this is going to be 2 jobs in 3 days...damn I feel like such a loser.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
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Well I did not get fried so that is good.He is gonna give me another chance.
At school I walk in my class and like only 8 people are there,Maybe because of the heavy rain we have been having for the past week. I am sitting in my class and about 10 minutes later 2 girls walk in that I talked to yesterday,one of them is pretty cute.She is pale but her face is good looking.So at the end of class I forced my self to start a convo with her even though I was nervous.I am glad I can now force myself to talking to poeple and not letting my mind take full control.Well we talk about them being in high school and they go to college also. One of the girls said she is 18 and she almost has her AA degree.I said OHH you go girl and they both laughed,I was thinking is I should say it or not and I was like fuk I'll just go for it. Then later on I am walking and I see some freinds outside so I talk to them and we had a discussion about girls.One of them said it is good to compliment on a girls looks,I said that is not really true because I girl hears that all the time.It is better to compliment on a girls hairstyle or her fashion.He didn't believe me. Well while we were talking the Cherokee girl I talk to 2 days ago walks by and all I could say was hey whats up I remember you.It was so stupid but its whatever Ima get her tomorrow. Then I saw another girl sit right next to me in lab but I was so tired I didn't feel like conversing but I wanted to anyways so I had like a 2 minute talk about some teacher or something I don't even remember.
Then again while I was walking home I saw this sexy ass chick walk right next to me but a lil ahead she had nice perky tits and a blazin body.I got real nervous so I didnt talk to her.Maybe tomorrow. So fellas now I am going to pass out because I am so damn tired....zZzZzZzZzzZzZzZ


Senior Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
Not bad at all.. Keep at it. U obviously elevated from da time u made dis thread till now. Even if it was a lil bit... u did more den a lot of ppl would do on here so keep at it. Jus number close more n try to get into more dates iight. 1

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
yea werd I need to # close more,It's a pain because it is so hard.
I got drunk a few yesterday around people that were allot older than me.I kinda felt like they thought I was just some young dumb kid,but I didnt let it get to me.I was still socializing with everyone.There was another kid my age and he didn't really talk to anyone.I understand though because they were all older.

I didn't make any real progress this weekend at all.I just stayed home relaxing and making beats.Today I did talk to a girl sitting next to me at the bus.When I would talk to her she wouldn't loo me in the eyes that much so I felt like she did not want to talk.I would say we talked for like 2 minutes in total. It was more of an on and off convo about the bus being late.I tried to get to know her but thats when she seemed to feel awkward. I need to get more convos in so bad. I feel nervous but I want to talk to people. In college today I didn't really talk to anyone because I had the lat night farts,haha.I just tried to get out of there.I actually got to drop some pounds right now so this is where I depart.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Well done cool dude, glad that u came in the bootcamp when u did. U seem pretty serious about this and ur field reports are coming nicely, maybe bit to much information on those late night...things u had lol. But yeh tell me when u get all the conversations and i will advance u to week 3.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Lastnight I went to a bar to chill with some friends.While driving there I was feeling my anxiety and I felt chill and not really in that hang out mood.I get there and I walk up to the table say whats up and one of my friends introduces me to a girl he met lastnight, I forgot her name but that's not important.My anxiety ends up going away and I start laughing and being the life of the table.Me and his girl were talking alot in front of him and I felt like he was getting jealous but I think that was just me thinking that.

Later on we leave his girl behind and go to another table to chill.I start dancing by myself just goofing off then a girl comes up and starts dancing with me.I have this new tactic to act like the girl and grind my ass against hers,and every girl loves it.I get the in everytime I do that.We switch places and I start grinding her.After a lil bit I back off to do thepush and pull thing but she thought I was done dancing.I fuked that up.We talk a lil bout where she is from and just really uninteresting talk;She ends up going somewhere else.

We head back to the place his girl was at.I chill for lil feeling a little alone, so I go up to some dudes and introduce myself.This guy was from spain and he jut moved here.While we are talking I see a 3set right behind him.I was thinking I should go over there but I was nervous.I did not let that get a hold of me and I told the guy I just met,hey man Im gonna do something ok I want you to just follow my lead and agree with what I say.He says ok, and we go over to the girls.I told them this is my friend he is from spain and he wanted to meet you girls.We get there names and talk about where they are from.It was really dull convo that lasted about 2minutes.I leave telling them I am gonna be back.I was nervous so I had to get out of there and regain myself.I then see a guy go over there talking to them,I figured the was one of there boyfriends.

I go back but just to talk with my new friend for a lil,I keep a lookout for the girls and right when I was about to go back over to them they leave.While leaving one of them waves to me and says bye.I straight up ignored her for some reason.Then I told him damn we didn't do that good with those girls. That's when some guy who was friends with the spain dude said no you guys did good.It was that one dude that fuked it up.I thought he was their boyfriend,I said.No he was some dude trying to get with them,I heard the girls say they all had to go to the bathroom,and that's why they left.He was annoying them.
So that made me feel better that it was not me.Then I left went shroom hunting in a field filled with mosquitoes,and cme out with only 2 that are probably crap.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
While at my schools library looking for some good books on communication and psychology,I sall a girl across the aisle on her computer, at that moment I did not think anything of it besides a lil thought that I should go up to her but she did not look good at the time.I proceeded t look at the books.I swear I must have spent like 2 hours just searching for books and that's it!I finally find a book that I like called human zoo.I walk back to the aisle where the communication books are.That is the aisle that girl so happened to be at the end of. While walking back I think she must be gone since I been here for so long, but when I get there she was still there.
Looking for another book I did not think to go up to her.then after like 45 minutes looking for a piece of literature I figured I would go up too her.Since she was on the computer I thought I would go up to her and ask if I can go on facebook just as a joke.Well I find my book then I walk towards her but my body just turned the corner and went to where my stuff was.I could not believe it.I sat down and thought to myself I am going to do this I am going to do this.Then the 3 second rule popped in my head,As soon as that happened I got up and went to walk over to her.As I walk up to her I suddenly turn the corner again, and I am back at the same aisle!
I look for another book trying to think of what to say to her.I find another book and just decided to go for it.I walk to her and ask if I am allowed to rent books for free,and that leaded to a convo lasting for I would say like 10 minutes.We talked about where she was from what class she was taking and what I want to major in,just small talk pretty much,oh yea did I mention she was a black girl! I could not believe the convo went so well with a black chick.While talking to her I made sure to open up my body and take a step closer to her.I tried not to stare at her eyes to much,and when she would talk I would sometimes look at my book or look somewhere else.She would sometimes talk and not look at me so I thought she felt uncomfortable. The convo got slow a lil but I did not lose my cool,I went with the silence and she asked a question and kept it going.After a while I completely lost her though because she did not eve try to keep up the convo and she just did her thing on the computer with me just standing there trying to think of what to say.So I said I got to go I did not expect to talk with you that long I got her name which is star and I said later.I wanted to # close but I was so nervous.I should have made the convo end when it was still good and get her # then peace.I could have but whatever.I made some mistakes though.This is what I learned.

Do not give your age unless she asks.
Do not give alot of info about yourself unless you know you still have a chance.Still be careful,if she knows alot about you even a lil then she might think she knows enough about you to make a judgment,stay a mystery!!

Try to open up your body and invade her space,not to much though where you are all up in her face.

Try to stay cool and go with the flow,do not worry about the silence in between convo just go with it.If she does not say anything after a few seconds ask her a question or make a statement about something you are sure will get the convo back.

Do not just ask her alot of questions,give your point of view also.What helped me was I thought of her as a freind and not someone I would get with,even thought this girl was sexy.

I am not sure about asking how old she is.Try to feel that one out fro yourself to see if she will get offended.

Just try to act alpha and play it cool.I was nervous that whole time but I think I did well.

For gods sake FLIRT a little.A little is better than none at all, so just take baby steps.Try just making one flirty move or comment while in conversation.

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Guys I got a really bad rejection,I didn't even get a chance to ask for there #!I was at this hotel chillen lookin at all the girls and I see some sitting at a bar.I walk up to them and say hey whats up,at that moment all there faces are just like this guy is a loser.They had there ***** shields up.Well they did not answer me,so I think of something else to say.I ask how long they are here for.They still did not answer me.One of them just kept laughing,I was like wow these girls are *****es!I ask them why they arent talking and they say because we do not want to talk to you thats why.So I sit there for a moment and tryna think of what to say.I just give up and say something to them and I peace out.Then later they tried to get me kicked out of the hotel!The guard there didn't kick me out she just said not to go to them anymore. I met some other girls though that are really pretty and we hit it off really well.I am worried because this guy I know is really good at getting girls and I do not want him to get them.I mean this guy is a real dj,he is mad good.I do not really like the guy though but he is always with his freind that I like.I do not know what to do.I got in a argument with him because he owes me money.I know this guy doesn't like me,he just never says it,but I can read it in his face.Do you guys have any tips on flirting at all.I would like to get those girls tonight but I do not know how to flirt.I am thinking I should try to get one of them alone somehow and then just talk to her and tell her she is cute and use alot of kino.
I just do not know what to do!!

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
Well at school a few days ago I talked to this girl I met in calss a while back.A few days before I went to talk to her I saw her checking me out!Well on that day I went up to her and acted surprised that it is her because she got a hair cut.We talk and I am just so damn nervous but somehow I pull threw,I could feel my hand shaking it sucked.I even started twirling my pen around my fingers then I realized that it is a sign of nervousness so I quite. After talking I find out that she was married and that this is her first time in college because her husband would not let her go!He would not even let her get a job because he thought she might meet another man!HAHa I could not believe it! I was making corney jokes and she was laughing at them so I knew that she was interested in me. She sai she had to go ans then she started writing in m book,,I started thinking to myself she is so writing her #,and she did!She said you should call me sometime,I then said you should right down your name.So she leaves to go to class and I leave a few minutes later and talk to one of my friends outside.I told him I got her number and I told him about her husband he then says that she has 2 kids.
Now I do not know what to do.I can call this chick and try to **** her and leave it at that or I can jsut forget about her.There are alot of red flags with her ecspecially the kids thang.

Today I got alot of feedback with woman when I am wearing this certain hat.It is like a frank sinatra hat. After class ended I saw this girl that looked pretty smoking a cig at a bench so I go up sit down and think of what to say.I say you know contrary to popular belief smoking is actually good for you.Someone sitting next to me laughed and the woman smoking just smiled,but it got the convo going.I found out that she is married and she is in the air force.she left and I was just sitting there still without a number close.

A few hours later I saw this girl sitting down sort of next to me,I looked at her but she did not look back.I think she was a lil nervous at me because I could tell she was using her side sight,haha. I wanted to go up to her and just say, hey whats up,hey listen I have to go but you should give me your # and we'll chill some time.I got nervous because this guy was sitting near us and I did not want to get laughed at.So I just walked by her.
I was reading a thread about rejections and this guy was taking it as a science and he was just performing experiments.Maybe if I set up that way of thinking I will be able to get over my fear of approaching.