The value of having girl friends


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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And by girlfriend, I don't mean the girl you've been dating for 6 months. I'm talking about relationships with girls that aren't based so much on being physical (although they can be) but rather real, honest friendships. Friendships where you are so relaxed and comfortable with each other that you can tell each other everything, perhaps they may find out that you study seduction. Who cares, a lot of times they want to help you. They may also see the softer side of you, the non alpha-male side, who cares, deep down we are all human. They're so perfect to learn from and study. You can see how feelings over-rule logic first hand. You can see what pushes her buttons, what she fancies, what annoys her etc.. I say every man should have at least one very good looking female friend. It may suck and hurt at first to not sack her or date her, but eventually you will get over the temptation of her cute little butt running around and learn some self control as well as some very deep insight into the mind of a woman. Next time a girl LJBFD's you don't take it so hard, they could have the potential to be a great wing woman in the future, whether they realize it or not. All my girl friends say really great things about me. A lot of them know I study seduction, and have done nothing but HELPED me. Not to mention the social proof is phenomenal. They have helped me improve my fashion, and style and just game over-all. I think it's important to have a girl you can simply just turn to, and not have to worry about keeping their IL up or running routines on them. Someone real, someone who cares, someone who can help. Don't underestimate the power of non-sexual female relationships.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2009
Reaction score
It's been my experience that a woman that LJBFs you is probably the worst female to actually have a friendship with.

I do have some female friends, some of them are even quite hot, but there has never been that chemistry between us that set us off. It usually happens when you meet a girl in a setting (work especially) in which you are consciously trying not to game the women there because it will be more trouble than it's worth.


New Member
Mar 24, 2009
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Female friends have no value. Have awesome male friends instead. Not gay-assed "wingmen", but friends who are real men. Hanging out with them will put you in the testosterone and power mode, and that will make your energy exciting and attractive to women.

The last thing you need is to hang out with a reminder of your failure...Let's be honest wanted her pu$$y, but you effed it up along the way. Why would you want to hang out around someone who emasculates you?