Undateable Women


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2000
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United States
In D@ZE's topic today I noticed something.

10% of the time you will meet an undateable woman.

This doesn't happen that often. But you should watch out for this kind of woman.

This is a woman who shows all kinds of interest in you. Calls you, does alot of kino on you. Is very happy to see you, etc.

You know in your gut that she is not a friend and that you are definitely not in the friend zone. You just KNOW she thinks you are great and is highly interested.

But somehow she always has a VALID excuse for not giving you a date. A real live VALID reason.

She is genuinely busy. With her daughter and family. A flight to Florida for vacation. Or she is a doctor with an impossible schedule. Or she is involved in many social activities.

Or maybe she is like wicked shy. Or thinks you are just too good for her. But still she shows up and gives you a warm greeting.

But, like I said, you are not getting a date. Or the dating is irregular and random.

One more example. Her gym night is on saturday night your favorite night to go out. So she asks for another night to date you. Remember, she really likes you and she is a '10'. But you don't want to go out on another night. Saturday night is 'date night' for most people so you are not in the wrong.

These women, although they have high interest, ARE UNDATEABLE.

It kills to drop them but you must. We men have never had it our way and it certainly is difficult to dump these kind of interested women.

But you have to have it YOUR WAY. Like Burger King. Hold the pickles and lettuce Lady!

If you want to be happy you have to dump them early on.
I mean like FAST.

If you like a crazy dating pattern more power to you.
But don't hesitate to get rid of a woman like the above.

You are NOT being selfish.
It's your damn life and you will live it the way you, as a man, see fit. Right or wrong it's GOT to be YOUR WAY! Because you will never be happy any way else.


Keymaster of Goza

Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2001
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Time to resurrect some advice from the master for all the newbies.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
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Originally posted by Keymaster of Goza
Time to resurrect some advice from the master for all the newbies.
You mean the masturbater...


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by Vassago
You mean the masturbater...

U got issues.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
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I've been going through a lot of old Anti-Dump posts. His advice is more toward older people. It is not aimed at creating 'freinds with benifets' or other messing around.

Most advice here is aimed at getting a sex toy. Anti-Dump's is aimed at getting a companion.

Some people try to turn their sex toys into companions and that is when problems begin.

Guys, still locked in 'sex toy' mode, can't even understand Anti-Dump and conclude he 'doesn't get it'.

It was Anti-Dump who showed me where one should place the focus.

Fools think they are 'the man' when...

"He gets sex..."
"He gets calls from girls..."
"Girls give him their phone number..."

And so on.

But I remember Anti-Dump running rings around these guys back in the day.

For example, the guy gets sex but she won't kiss him. Anti-Dump: "This is LOW INTEREST. She is just USING YOU." Hence, you are nothing but a boy toy to her.

His favorite one to mock was guys thinking they are 'studs' because the woman GAVE them their phone number (without him even asking!). "Interested women are a bit SCARED around guys they like," he would say. "You cannot see the low interest because your vanity is getting in the way. Women who just give out numbers have other plans than romantic ones."

On any other forum, if a guy was getting sexed (though she wouldn't kiss him), everyone would cheer, "What a man! He is sexing the chick! Hooyah!" It is only HERE that we see the truth, we see how she really has low interest. Guys just can't turn off their vanity long enough to see it.

We need to make a new term for these guys. We have the AFC, DJ, etc. But there needs to be one for the Vanity Guys, guys who think they are on top of the world because they are getting women.

Mr. Fingers

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2003
Reaction score

I have already said this before but I think it deserves reiteration.

Real confidence/manhood is not found in the number or quality of chicks that you are banging. I know plenty of guys who get laid left and right and even more dudes who are jealous of them! However, after getting to know these so-called mack daddies, I began to see a disturbing pattern. At the core they were not happy! In fact, take away the hordes of easy women and what are you left with?

A bunch of insecure chumps with no real passion or direction in their lives, for all the while their universe revolved around the nookie! I think we should call a spade a spade here. I mean we have Average Frustrated Chumps, then there are Recovering AFCs.

I am officially dubbing these fools UAFCs! (UndercoverAFCS) For on the surface they appear to be DJs but closer inspection reveals an emptiness inside, a quiet desperation masked by promiscuity. I feel sorry for these guys because like drug addicts, they don't even realize they have a problem, especially with all their friends high-fiving them and whatnot.

I guess this is something you learn with experience. There was a time that I would have been envious myself, but in the end time has taught me that everything is fleeting. Long after our bones turn to dust, no one will give a rat's ass how many girls we boned. As you get a little older you can't help but wonder what real impact you will make on this world. What legacy will you leave behind aside from a few notches on belts long faded and buried...A little morbid? Maybe. But I think there is more to life than getting your rocks off... and the world would be a better place if more people would realize this simple truth.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
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Pook wrote:
We need to make a new term for these guys. We have the AFC, DJ, etc. But there needs to be one for the Vanity Guys, guys who think they are on top of the world because they are getting women.
Hey Pook, how about AWD. Another woman's dildo! LOL!

I think you have a point Mr. Fingers. The man-*****s usually do have some underlying issues. I wonder why NOT look for that one great girl (if only for a year or so LTR)? Sex with a condom sucks, and there are so many chances of getting a woman pregnant (even with most of them on birth control nowadays) or std's it would be better to just find a "clean" one and stick with her.

Clint Eastwood

Don Juan
Jul 4, 2002
Reaction score
This is a cool post that brings a lot to mind. I'm 30 now, so I guess I'm one of the older guys. My focus seems to be shifing more toward finding girls who are really terrific, and who really think that I am, too.

Anti-Dump, Doc Love, and many on this site, have given some great advice about weeding out women with problems that you don't want in a relationship. They have also given great advice about knowing whether she's truly interested in you or not. It's so pathetic when you realize the number of girls who would leave their man in a heartbeat, if they could have someone they really care about. I'm not just talking about girlfriends either, but even wives.

So many people just settle for someone for whatever reason. A lot of guys in these relationships are so clueless. They really think that the woman they are with, loves them. Sorry state of affairs. Like Pook said, it's often their vanity that clouds their vision.

I told a friend recently how my ex, whom I dated for 8 months was not as good a girlfriend as an ex whom I only dated for 2 months.

The one of 2 months said she never had any strong romantic feelings for me. However, she treated me really great. She spent a lot of money on me. Cooked for me, even though she said she couldn't cook. Gave me a BJ, till her mouth hurt because I was drunk on wine and couldn't c*m. But, it was still pretty damn good. Gave me massages all the time till her hands hurt. She treated me pretty damn great for a girl with no feelings. I was pretty confused when she dumped me.

Contrast that to the ex of 8 months. She said she loved me several times. She talked about us getting married. But her actions spoke differently. She bragged about what a good cook she was, but only cooked for me a few times in 8 months. Never gave me a BJ that lasted more than 30 seconds, and they weren't much good. Rarely ever gave me a massage or back rub, even when I really needed one. And when she did, it didn't last long. But she always expected great massages from me. I could go on and on, but I'm boring you guys enough.

The point is. When you get older, you look for more than just sex or a girlfriend. You want someone who really wants you, treats you great, and has a great attitude. You simply cannot settle for anything less. You'll have a whole lifetime of misery if you do.

It's good to start learning about this philosophy early, so you don't end up hating your marriage, or relationships later in life. Don't be a chump who settles for a b*tch who doesn't love him. Be a Don Juan who has women (or a woman) who treats him like a king and can't get enough of him.

There are happily married couples who still have a lot of great sex, passionate kissing, and great times together after 10 years or more. ( I know of one such couple)
And there are unhappy couples who fight, argue, hate each other, cheat on each other, and hardly ever have sex with each other. Their kisses and touches are cold and unfeeling. They insult each other, and would gladly leave if they knew they could get someone better. They would be much better off if one of them had the guts or the brains to end their miserable relationship. I know of a lot of couples who fit this description.

So, if you're serious about having more than just a string of one night stands for the rest of your life, you'd better pay attention to some of the advice that guides you toward finding women who are worthy of your heart and your time. (Not to mention your hard earned pay)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
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What a joke dude. Nice reframe attempt!


Leave it to Pook to justify the dry c0cks of so many men here...


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
Anti-Dump, thankyou.

I was dating a guy that was just like this. He was a sweet guy,but a self indulgent child at the same time and I was too ignorant to know any better. I honestly thought that I had done something terrible to him when things went awry, and my ego took quite the battering when he 'dumped' me but he did me a favour.

The one of 2 months said she never had any strong romantic feelings for me. However, she treated me really great. She spent a lot of money on me. Cooked for me, even though she said she couldn't cook. Gave me a BJ, till her mouth hurt because I was drunk on wine and couldn't c*m. But, it was still pretty damn good. Gave me massages all the time till her hands hurt. She treated me pretty damn great for a girl with no feelings. I was pretty confused when she dumped me.
Clint this same guy(who I was only in a casual relationship with but getting dumped still sucks) went AWOL from his job after I made him late to take me to McDonalds, let me shower at his house when my hot water went bung and I had to go out in a hurry and generally treated me like a princess. I was pretty well treated from a guy who was not interested in a commitment.
When he dumped me, he reasoning was that I deserved more than what he could offer me at this point in his life. Him being the only person in his life worth a damn, that was defintely true. Live and learn. :D


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2000
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AD had always been about finding the right 'one' wife.

He said it himself.

I remember when I first came on this board he suggested me to just go out in the park with a girl and smell her hair. There were two purpose to it that I did not realise on the spot.

1) The date'N scene is not really for High School kids

His information is too mature for many of the guys. It IS possible to use his ways to

1) Get that significant other
2) Sleep around.

For the simple matter that, his way to finding that 'one' is to eliminate (as in dump) the 'unworthy'. So tell me, what's wrong - u wanna sleep with girls that will just play with you or hurt you? Then fine, his advice is not for you. It is possible to date a bunch of women AND sleep with a bunch of women (as in GET'N ALOT of women at the SAME time) without compromising developing the perfect relationship with that perfect one.

His rule was simple - protect that heart, how can that NOT apply to anybody? There's no point on front'N - I don't care how much of a DJ you are, YOU CAN N WILL get hurt by women. Here's the key to minimize that.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
How can you get hurt emotionally by a girl you are having a one night stand with?

Come on man! Grow some balls!

You've got everything backwards my friend. You are talking about girls that try to play with me or hurt me? Please. The more games they play the easier they are to wrap around my finger.

You've been a member of this board for a LONG time. Almost as long as I have. That means you've been follwing Anti-Dump's advice for 3 years. That is plenty of time to test out a method. So, the question is...

Where has it gotten you?

Have you had a loving relationship within that time? If so, good for you! If not, I suggest you open your mind to a new way of thinking.

Be a MAN, and the women will follow!


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2000
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I remember he warned the mods about letting some type of offence or comment slip again N he is out. I think I left the board before he did so I never knew for sure.

AD's advice help'd me greatly - I have never loved life as much.

Never have attracted as many girls.

The only problem I currently have are my high tastes in girls which narrows down the selection too much. Plus I'm in a small region where the type of girls I like are rare. My last problem was a girl with a boyfriend.

That's all.

One night stands are completely different. I am talk'N about date'N. Where u develop a certain 'type' of relationship (not one necessarilly).

To become a DJ is more then just having one night stands and this is where AD's advices comes in.

I have used a blend of AD, Adonis and Cecil's advices. Plus some others, but those were the 3 great influences.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2000
Reaction score
Surf City
whatever happened to AD?
Not all people were part of the Anti-Dump fan club. One guy named JASON started giving him shyt, I mean he really starting giving him shyt. Some other board members then jumped on the bandwagon and the fall of AD was in the works.

One thing about Anti-Dump was that he thought his way was the only way. Unfortunately, he was wrong. AD made his own enemies by trying to tell other members that their ways were wrong. These debates were actually very good learning experiences. It's always good to see both sides of the coin.

Anyway, Anti-Dump then said he was going to take a vacation from the site and never returned. I remember him saying once how this site couldn't survive without him. What a joke!!!! ;)


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by Surfboard
Not all people were part of the Anti-Dump fan club. One guy named JASON started giving him shyt, I mean he really starting giving him shyt. Some other board members then jumped on the bandwagon and the fall of AD was in the works.

One thing about Anti-Dump was that he thought his way was the only way. Unfortunately, he was wrong. AD made his own enemies by trying to tell other members that their ways were wrong. These debates were actually very good learning experiences. It's always good to see both sides of the coin.

Anyway, Anti-Dump then said he was going to take a vacation from the site and never returned. I remember him saying once how this site couldn't survive without him. What a joke!!!! ;)

I remember the infamous Devlar vs AD battles.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score

AD comes off as a smart guy, but it depends on what kind of person you are..if u are a teen who wants to get laid u dont care about his posts, if u look for LTR his stuff is Gold.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2003
Reaction score
I am letting the cat out of the bag

Anti-Dump = Doc Love

I was wondering if any of you here do realize that both of their advice are the same.

The way they write their posts and explained their strategies, interest level and etc, it is 99.9% identical.

If any of you find that their advice has helped you a lot, then I suggest you buy Doc Love's System.

Best of luck


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
lol you are pretty confident in your statement, but i had a moderator tell me they arent the same person. ;)