A correct mindset:
What every different women find attractive depends a lot about the type of woman that is "analysing" you at the time.. Different strokes for different folks.
That being said, there are a few things in life that are attractive to everyone, and some of those things are:
1) Success - If there is something you want to do in life, and you do it with success, then that reflects well on others.
2) Happiness - every human strives to be happy.. so if you are happy you will attract happiness.
3) Determination / motivation - This characteristic shows what type of person you are, will you give up easily? Will you fight for what you want?
Overall, woman look for a guy that will make them feel good (not just sexually), a guy that will motivate them to be all they can be, that will lift them up when they are down (emotionally too), a guy they can be proud of and look up to in certain ways.
We often tend to forget that woman are humans, they have all the simple needs that we men have.. They want to find the perfect partner and "live happily ever after", its nature, its the way we were made.
Depending on what stage or phase of life a particular woman is going through, the things she looks for in a guy will vary.. For example.. when we are young things like looks may be up there with regards to priorities... But as we grow up, things like "will he be a good father to my children" and "when we are 60 years old, will he still be someone I love spending time with and sharing moments with" ... In other words, the more we grow, the more the all important things become more of a priority... much like the rest of our lives.
Don't get me wrong, physical attraction will always play a role with relationships, especially in those initial phases of the process, but the qualities that always shine and never go out are the qualities that each one of us possess, we all have our unique qualities that will attract different types of woman to us... Some of us are more laid back and chilled, yet successful to... others of us may be loud, energetic, and inspired, yet may not be as successful (I am just giving examples here) - At the end of the day we all possess key qualities that make us who we are, and it is up to every single one of us to recognise those qualities and enhance them, bring them to the surface and let them shine and reflect onto the world.
Woman want real men, men that believe in themselves and follow their hearts... in between your qualities and passions will be that factor of looks, which realistically is not the deciding factor. I used to think looks had a lot to do with my success with women, but as life goes by and I learned more about woman, I came to understand that personality is the quality that sticks with you forever, and looks are things that will only get u so far..
For those of us that just want to get laid as much as they can with as many women as possible, then looks may be an advantage.. But for those of us looking for something more meaningful and fulfilling then we will need to make sure our personality/the person we are is someone that a woman will WANT to spend time with emotionally too (not just physically), otherwise we might get to their beds, and once the infatuation fades away so will they.
For those that are at the stage where they aren't looking for something meaningful and just feel like having fun:
Okay, well if this is the case, then confidence will be your key to success. (Confidence applies in general with everyone) - Confidence is something that tells people "This is who I am, I am great, I believe in myself and I am going to live my life to the fullest, with or without you!"
message of confidence is attractive because it shows you don't need anyone's approval, you don't need anyone to think you are attractive, and you don't need anyone to give you the go ahead to feel good about who you are. It conveys the message that there must be something about you that gives you the right to be so confident.. and in reality, we all have a very good reason.. and that reason is that, we are who we are, unique, our own individual, on our own mission/purpose.
If you think that you may not be good enough then that simply means that you don't believe in yourself as much as you should. You can offer others what nobody else can, because nobody else is or will ever be you.
Realistically we will not be every woman's cup of tea, but that is not a bad thing at all, its just the way of life, the fact that every individual prefers different qualities, looks, an so on. Different people are also at different phases in life, some are looking for sex, others are looking to settle down, and other may be just looking to tease and get an ego boost... regardless of anything, we must never forget that as unique individuals we have the qualities within us to attract many women, its just a matter of meeting the one's with preferences that go hand in hand with ours.
This leads me to the question people often ask - "how did that ugly guy end up with that?" or visa versa... well when I was younger I used to think there was something wrong in that picture.. but experience has taught me that a less physically attractive woman can be way more attractive that a model type of woman.... maybe before you have a conversation with them or get to know them the choice would naturally lean towards the model... but after getting to know someone and the way you feel around that person things can change is ways that you never thought would be possible before hand.
And from a woman's perspective, its the same.. She may not think you are the hottest guy she has met in her life when she meets you, but if your personality shines and you earn her respect and make her feel good being around you, then the looks will just be a sider.
Alright, I think I am getting carried away here, so I will end this message saying that I only want what is best for you guys, and I hope that this has at least given some of you a different perspective to consider.
All the best.