speed dawg said:
You should beg her not to go. Tell her you love her and go get her $100 worth of flowers.
Uh.....beg her not to go? Surely you jest. This is a joke,right speed dawg? I hope so.
Look,DO NOT "beg her" to do anything. And save the 100$ worth of flowers for Valentine's Day. This is kind of a tough situation because of the dynamics.
Even though you losing your job wasn't you're fault,the fact that you moved in to her house and in essence,she's supporting you
will cause a slight decrease in respect/attraction from your girl towards you. You begging her would only exagasterbate the problem. This isn't the time to be weak. You need to be as strong and as confident as possible.
What are you afraid will happen if she goes out? What,do you think she'll "hook" up with some other guy? If your relationship is
that fragile,to the point where she can't even go out fromt time to time with her friends because you think she'll cheat,then you two shouldn't be together.
Look,if she wants to cheat,then she'll cheat. And her staying at home this one night simply because you don't want her to go out isn't going to change that. It always astounds me when people try to keep their partners from being unfaithful. That's ridiculous. If it's in her heart to cheat,trust me,she'll find a way. If her heart's already left the relationship,it's just a matter of time before her body follows.
The best thing you can do is to simply generate chemistry in her yourself. You've
already done it before,I mean,she's with you. She
is your girlfriend,so your doing something right.
Whether you let her go or not is up to you,just be firm,strong,masculine,and confident in the decision you make.